
The world of magic and mystery

James White, a former game developer, passed away after undergoing significant hardship. Following his demise, he discovered himself transmigrated as a privileged teen of 14 in a wholly dissimilar universe. In this new environment, he perceives resemblances to the 1700s, yet the world teems with enchantment and fresh prospects. Nevertheless, during his tenure in this new realm, he notes that while the world radiates beauty during the daytime, nocturnal hours usher in mystery and peril. When the grand clock tower rings at midnight, echoing throughout the city, hear the prayers of its inhabitants, yet it is unclear to whom these prayers are directed. James White undertakes a journey under the cover of darkness, maintaining his true identity. However, he leads a double life, for at the break of dawn, he adopts the persona of Zakiel Lunite, a student of magical arts. Discord:https://discord.gg/jvufW2Rh

Kingjr10 · Fantasy
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57 Chs


Upon consuming the potion, Vellis managed to maintain a poker face as she waited anxiously to experience its effects. Suddenly, she felt an abrupt jolt in her chest which made her clutch it in reaction. She grunted slightly, an act that instantly drew alertness from Zak and Oscar who were observing cautiously, eager to see how the potion would affect her.

"Are you alright?" they both blurted out, agitated by her reaction.

In an attempt to pacify their worry, Vellis slowly moved her hand away from her chest.

"Absolutely, I am perfectly fine," she assured them though she looked rather pale, causing even further concern.

Zak again queried, "Are you certain you're fine?" Simultaneously, Oscar looked on with a angst filled expression.

"Yes, I am fine," Vellis reiterated while she started to pace about the living room, attempting diverse movements with the hope of instigating the potion's effect.

Unfortunately, nothing out of the ordinary occurred.

"Something must have gone wrong. Did we make a mistake?" A puzzled Vellis turned to face equally bewildered Zak, questioning their attempt.

While anticipating something to transpire, Vellis began to experience a warmth enveloping her entire being. "Wait, something is happening," uttered Vellis, as Zak and Oscar stepped in closer proximity.

Raising her hand, Vellis inspected her palm just in time to witness her hand burst into flames. Confusion and shock apparent in her voice, she exclaimed, "What's happening?" Her hand was completely engulfed in fire, prompting Zak to quickly look towards Oscar.

In response, Oscar immediately said water, summoning it above Vellis. The summoned water cascaded down on her, extinguishing the fire. "That was peculiar," commented Vellis, only for her other hand and the previously aflame hand to spontaneously ignite once more.

Oscar was on the verge of again summoning water, but Vellis interjected, "Wait, I'm not being harmed by it." Oscar and Zak steadily retreated as both of her legs also ignited in flame.

"This is strange ," Vellis said , raising her hand to inspect as it was engulfed by crimson flames. The realization of the possible danger struck her.

"We're at risk of burning the house down!" Vellis exclaimed, promptly throwing the door open with her blazing hands and bolting outside. Oscars and Zak's attention was drawn to the spreading flames licking the wooden door as they trailed behind her.

Oscar, registering the situation, called out, "Water!" This conjured a surge of water dousing the door, extinguishing the impending blaze before it could wreak any further havoc. Stepping back inside the living room, he functioned as the perfect troubleshooter. The now sodden floor needed attending to next. His declaration of, "Water extermination!" enabled the quick dispersion of all the water within the room.

Next, he addressed the slightly charred door, professing, "Door Restoration!" which restored the wooden door to its original form. Now, turning his attention back outside, he hurriedly moved to support Vellis, who was alarmingly enwrapped in fire.

As she found herself engulfed in flames while standing before the house, she felt her clothes starting to burn away. She quickly knelt, using her arm to shield her chest. Zak and Oscar exchanged worried glances, quickly turning their attention back to her. As she remained knelt on the ground, the menacing flames grew around her, cloaking her body more and more, nearly replicating the appearance of a candle. However, in this instance, she was at the center of the candle blaze, entirely encased in fire.

"I believe this situation is escalating into something problematic," Oscar murmured, his gaze shifted towards Zak who concurred with a nod. Vellis, on the other hand, remained unresponsive. She maintained her one-kneed position with her arms over her chest while the flames around her turned perilously hot.

"This potion is extremely hazardous, presenting dangers I've never seen before," Vellis contemplated as the sun's heat grew ominously strong against the house.

"Is it heating up?" wondered Zak, noticing the sizeable fire enveloping Vellis. He turned to survey the expansive front yard graced by flowers on both sides, only to see that the flowers were experiencing the brunt of the intense flames.

"We must stop this," Zak declared, prompting Vellis to acknowledge that their location was inappropriate for testing such a potent potion. Vellis slowly closed her eyes, nullifying the harmful effects of the fire potion and gradually dissipating the surrounding flames.

Once the flames had vanished, Zak breathed a sigh of relief. He was acutely aware that if Alice had returned to find her front yard, especially her flowers, scorched, he would have faced extreme consequences. However despite their efforts, some flowers near Vellis were already singed by the fire.

"Vellis requested, "Could you please repair the flowers and conjure some clothes for me?" Oscar, shaking his head, replied, "It is indeed fortunate that I chose to remain. Otherwise, you might have inadvertently set the house on fire."

"Thank you," Vellis expressed her gratitude. Oscar then slowly approached her. He pronounced, "A long, red hood and a black dress." Intriguingly, the said clothes materialized out of nowhere.

"Such a handy skill," Zak remarked, as Oscar handed the magically-summoned clothes to Vellis. Without a moment's pause, she donned the red hood and retreating inside the house to change into the black dress, leaving Oscar and Zak outside.

"That was alarming," Oscar voiced out, moving towards the scorched flowers. He then spoke the magic words "Flowers restoration." As if by a miracle, the charred flowers reverted to their original state.

"My thoughts exactly," Zak replied, seeing this. "I recognize the utility of this ability, but it does take quite a toll on me," Oscar confessed, smiling at Zak.