
Dr. Veritas

Back in Arias' office, Dr. Veritas stood confidently in front of his desk as the many alerts of nations announcing their intention of surrendering to Arias.

"Seems quite a few nations are either that fearful of you or no longer have any power to even try and resist," she explained as she saw some statistics appear on her tablet. Arias, however, seemed indifferent to the matter and rotated his chair instead to observe the ever-decreasing countdown.

"The result will be the same whether nations resist or not. Something else you need to tell me?" Aron casually set aside the matter of nations surrendering and asked Dr. Veritas this. "... No, that's it. I'll be taking my leave now."

As Dr. Veritas turned to leave, Arias appeared in front of her and held her by the chin while wearing the same indifferent expression. "You seem disappointed," he stated casually while Dr. Veritas tried her best to avoid his gaze. "That's not the case, I'm simply in a hurry to attend to other pressing matters."

"Such as what?" Her excuse didn't pass, and Arias immediately brought a hand to her waist and began to caress it slowly before sliding it down to her ass cheek and gripped it firmly.

Dr. Veritas immediately grew stiffer after this action, but she didn't resist in the slightest. "Coordinating the others..." she said meekly as Arias continued to grope her ass cheek more and more.

"Is that so..." he said as if pondering the matter before letting go of her ass. However, in the next moment, he turned her around and suddenly made her bend over against the desk. "Um, Ari...~❤" Before she could even ask what he was doing, she felt her behind being borne in an instant.

Her tanned ass was on full display for Arias, and it made her bite her lip ever so slightly. In the next moment, she could feel his hot cock rubbing against her ass cheeks and bare cunt. She could even feel it getting wetter as her juices dripped on it.

"You missed this, didn't you?" Arias asked her bluntly while spreading her ass cheek and teasing the rim of her asshole with his finger. "What do you mean...?❤" Shay did her best to hide her arousal at all this, but her body's reactions betrayed what she wanted to portray.

"If that's the case..." Arias said while trailing off-in the next moment, Dr. Veritas's body jerked, and she showed a lustful expression while panting heavily.

Her toes curled up and her hands gripped the desk with as much strength she could muster because Arias' cock was slowly penetrating her, stretching her pussy walls, and going deeper and deeper.

"Nghh!~❤" She grit her teeth hard as more of Arias' cock went inside her. When he finally stopped, her legs were quivering and her breathing was heavy, his next words even sent shivers down her spine. "Shall I make it go even deeper?"

"W-wait, deeper?" Dr. Veritas stuttered out. Arias' cock was already deep inside her cunt and gave her a feeling of being stuffed. "Yes, deeper," he replied and tightened his grip on her right ass cheek and thrust his cock forward.

"Ngah!~❤" The sudden thrust made her yelp and brought her hand back to try and stop him from being too rough, but he simply held her firmly behind her back before continuing to thrust.

"Mmpf!~❤" The sound of her ass cheeks clapping against Arias resounded in the room as she was fucked so helplessly. Her face remained on the table, and she grit her teeth to try and mask her moans.

The more Arias thrusted; the more juices ran down his cock. "You want it deeper and rougher... don't you?" Arias' voice was slow and seemed indifferent to the situation, but it was also very hypnotic and enticing.

"Nghh!~❤" Dr. Veritas gave no verbal answer but instead raised her legs high as she stood on her tip toes and allowed her movements to be controlled completely by Arias who held a firm grip on her plump ass cheek.

Soon, he brought his other hand forward and gripped her other ass cheek just as firmly before increasing the force with which he thrust into her..

The wet sloppy noises of Dr. Veritas's cunt being fucked filled his office and soon subtle moans began to escape her mouth as well. Just as she thought she was adjusting; she felt his cock bulge inside her as it got slightly thicker and longer.

"Oh my-!" Not giving her the chance to fully understand it, Arias held her upper body down even more, causing are ample tits to be pressed firmly against his desk as he fucked her even deeper and harder than before.

"Better?" he asked as if mocking her without stopping his thrusts. Dr. Veritas gave no reply to this as she bit her lip and rolled her eyes back in pleasure from the large member that invaded her insides.

Her moans finally began to grow louder, and she even shook her behind for Arias when he slowed down his thrusts as if asking him to fuck her harder. "There's no one here, tell me how you really want it?" he asked as he took his cock out of her cunt and slapped it against her ass cheeks.

"I want you to pound me roughly~❤... and fill me up~❤" she answered a bit hesitantly, but she even arched her back more for him, showing off her dripping wet cunt which seemed to be welcoming him.

Without wasting time, he responded to her plea and thrust his cock back into her cunt. The feeling of being stuffed surged through her body and a little trickle of drool could be seen running down the side of her mouth.

"Mmh!~❤" This time, she freely moaned as Arias' cock ravaged her cunt roughly, her mind slowly went more and more blank as the feeling of pleasure completely overwhelmed her.

Without warning, she felt Arias' cock bulge within her once again before it started pumping his thick cum into her. Her legs trembled violently, and she squirted all over his cock as he continued to fill her up.

"So... full...~❤" she said in a low tone as her voice trailed off.