

 i started walking towards the exit i realised something...

I am lost.

I opened the map but it was futile as i didn't knew where i am standing right now, in search of the goblin camp i went too deep and got lost.

"Fuck where is the way out of this damn forest...i should've bought a compass with me."

After walking for 3 hours without any clue i decided to stop and camp.

'i am so relieved that i bought this back up food and water but it's less and i don't know how much time will it take me to get out.'

After climbing a tree i made used this hammock i made back in the house before leaving after setting it up i ate some of the dry meat i brought with me and drank some water.

It tastes awful but good enough as a food.

After the sun fully disappeared the moon shined all over the forest and created a scenery that can only be seen in fairy tales.

The white flowers around the trees glowed blue as soon as the moon light touched them.

"Wow... it's beautiful."

Small red sparkling butterflies started flying everywhere and a sweet scent covered the whole forest.

[Skill [Alluring Pore] starts to take over your mind. ]

[Due to Class [Mind Flayer] The Mind controlling effects have been nullified]



What...? This sweet scent is Alluring pore.

As i was thinking that i noticed something strange.

"Wait this....where are all these rats and rabbits going."

All of the small animals like squirrels and rabbits suddenly started moving north.

Hmm... let's see what surprise awaits me.

I got up from the hammock and started following those animals from tree to tree.

After following them for about ten seconds i noticed a big ass white snake sitting in a spacious place and the snake is swinging his tale constantly that's causing some sparkling particals to be released into the nearby environment.

From a single glance i can tell he is a very strong predator who hunts his prey in the silence of night with his mind Eroding skill (Alluring Pore).

As i was watching him eating small rats and rabbits only one thought came to my mind.

I want that skill. I want that damn skill right now.

I wanted that skill i don't know why even though i had so many skills i just wanted it, as if it was a default setting in mind to obtain every mind control skill.

Well well let's see...i need a plane and a back up plan and a back up's back up plan to get that skill.

Eh...just kidding i only need 1 full-proof plan that will have a 99.99% chance of success.



As i was thinking an idea popped up in my mind.

"Heheheh...i don't know how am I so smart."

Cutting one of my fingers i dropped two drops of my blood on a rabbit like monster that was walking towards the snake monster mindlessly.

After that we just wait.

After eating all of the animals finally the rabbit's turn came.

Yes...eat that bitch.

"Hisssssssss....." The snake hissed at the rabbit as soon as he noticed the foreign smell from his fur.



Suddenly the snake assumed a very defensive stance and used a skill.

[You have been hit by skill [Detect] your current location has been revealed to the opponent]

As soon as this notification popped up the snake looked at me and started climbing the tree swiftly that i was sitting on.




Plan A failed

Time for Back-up plan B.

I predicted this result beforehand as my blood stench is different from a monster's smell, he immediately caught me what sharp senses does he have.

Since this was a given failed experiment i prepared plan B to get him under control.

I watched the snake whirling around the tree and reaching towards me with his full speed and to be true his speed was too good he reached me in 3 seconds.

3 fucking seconds...this time is enough for me to die more than 5 time If it's against him.

As soon as he came in a 5m of my radius i used a skill...

'Sensory Destroyer.'

The snake suddenly stopped as his eyes went blank and he fall off the tree like a dead body but before he fell down i dropped some of my blood drops into his mouth.

[New target Detected]

[Lv.11 Deathsleep Snake]

'Memory Eater.'

[3 Skills have been extracted]



[Skill [Detect] Learned successfully]

[Skill [Alluring Pore] Learned successfully]

[Skill [Poison Blood] Learned successfully]


'Memory Alter'.

[You can't use memory alter on an enemy 4 level above you]

Fuck i forgot about this.

Well sorry mate but you have to become my experience points.

I took out dad's old sword from my inventory and beheaded the snake in around 6 to 7 strikes...his skin is just too tough.

I was thinking of making him my bishop but he just served as exp at last.

[Level up]

I only leveled up once i can't understand the more i level up the more it becomes difficult to level up. I mean it's getting really hard to level up, for a snake this big you should at least give me three levels.

As i was busy complaining about this shit, suddenly a very eye pleasuring notification popped up in front of me.

[Numerous Targets have been affect by skill [Mind control] ]

Nice my pawn goblins are doing some good work i should use memory Eater on new targets when i recover all of my mana back.

It's been 3 days and i didn't find out anyway to get out of this damn forest now i am heading back towards the Goblin Camp.

This time to not get lost i made some signs on trees to show the way.

Well i wonder what my bitches must be doing...ohhh now that i think about it i wonder what happened to gia.

I don't know why but for some reason i can't even use my psychic Connection with Freya.

Now that a skill is mentioned i should look at my status.


[Name: Anon Agreil]

[Level: 9]

[Exp: 4900/5000]

[SP: 16]

[Age: 16]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Mind Flayer]



[Mana: 400/400]

[HP: 800/800]

[Skills: [Mind Control (Lv.15)] [Memory Eater (Lv.12)] [Memory Altering (Lv.6)] [Psychic Connection (Lv.10)] [Alluring Pore (Lv.3)] ]

[SBP: 30]


Hmm...they look good. Mind control and memory Eater went so high due to all those goblins coming under me. Now i own every single Goblin in this forest i will now just have to manipulate their memories to make them my pawns.

I am just 100 exp away from being level 10 and get my first evolution but that's what the problem is i can't get exp from a monster that is below two levels from me.

Sigh...i should just focus on my main task for now.

Hmm...but first we go to skill store.

[Skill [Mind Eater] Learned successfully]

Heehe...i wanted that skill but now i am only left with 25 SBP.

Oh...This section is new.



[Rank- E]

[3 Skills Found For correspondence class]

Body Modification](10SBP)

[When an individual life takes it's form it's brain's responsibility how his body will be made. From it's head to toe brain plays a very essential part in giving an individual life it's physical form. This skill uses brain to interfere with target's DNA to turn or change something in it's body. Perfect skill for a Mind Flayer to conduct his experiments.]

[Mana: 100/use]

[Warning: Too much interference with Target's DNA may result in death]

This skill....when i saw this skill it was love at first sight.

Buy this....nowwwww.

[Skill [Body Modification] Learned successfully]


Anon Laughed a very evil laugh as he readed the description of this skill over and over.

I don't why i just can't stop thinking what i will do with this skill.



Wait...i felt like an evil manga villain again...eh who cares ?

"I will make cow girlsss....hahahhahhahhahahah."

"Let's see some more."

I should get some skills that can do some damage i need them since i don't have any offensive or defensive spell.

Yeah i forgot that thought as soon as I looked at the next skill.

[Chimera Maker](30SBP)

[Can mix two or more living or dead beings to make a new one that will have both of their skills and physical abilities. One of them has to be alive for the experiment to be successful.]

[Mana: Will Depend on Subject]

Yes...i want this one as well. Fuckkkkkkkkkkk no get a offensive skill anon don't take stupid skills.

I don't why but i find this skill more attractive then any other skill on this store at the moment.

And last skill is...

[Lab Creator](10SBP)



[With this skill a mind Flayer can create his own lab anywhere he wants just like a dungeon it will need a magic stone to make it. Labs can only be made underground. Size and shape can be manipulated anytime.]


Woah... that's one huge amount of mana it consumes but i need it.

Buy this.

[Skill [Lab Creator] Learned successfully]

As i closed the menu i noticed that i already reached the goblin camp and a very-very large amount of goblins are standing in the camp now.

Did you count them no.300 ?"

"Yes master there are 13578 goblins total."

Most of them are looking like lifeless dolls cause of memory loss and they are tied with a robe.

"Unleash them one by one and bring to me."

"As you wish master."

2 more days later.



"13574....13575...13576...13577...13578. yes finished. My food ration is also depleted."

"Goblins...you are my slaves my pawns you will now do as i say do you understand?"

"Yessss master." All of them bent down on their knees and prostated themselves.

"Good. Now accept the party invite i will be sending now."

A monster and human can only sign pacts and can't form parties for exp transfer but...as a monster class i can party up with monsters too and as human species i can party up with humans too.

[13000+ members have been added to the party]


"Now go and start taking over this forest and if something comes in your way just kill it you have numbers that overwhelms any enemy now."

"Yes master."

[Party leader Anon Agreil Changed EXP settings to 50:50 between party leader and party members]

I gave them all 50% because they also need to level up.

"Now comes the real question who knows the way out of this damn forest."



Every single Goblin raised it's hand.

"The fuck ? Am i the only stupid one."

"You.... what's your name ?"

"I am no.688 sir."

"Good, guide me out of here, 688."

"Yes my lord."

688 guided me outside of the forest.

I returned home and something was not right. When i returned i asked Freya what happened with gia and she said.

"What do you mean master ? She has not returned yet ?"

"Wait it's been five days how have you been doing ?"

"Master are you sick or something what are you saying it's only been 5 hours."

That's when i understand one thing.

As i spent 5 days in the death forest but outside it's only been 5 hours.

[Book of wisdom is opened]

[Topic: Time Control]

[Experiment Performaned: 0]

[Results Found: 0]

[Spells Created: 0]


Hmm...so it's kind of an experiment log. Whatever experiment i do it will automatically register it into this log and calculate results on it's own and also makes out a spell out of it.

I have to go back into the forest of nightmares and find out what is it that manipulates time there and bring it into my experiment lab that i am going to create.

But before that... I've got many-ohhhhh

"I am cumming bitch take it all in your mouth pussy."

"Yaw mawspher(yes master)." Freya said as she started sucking faster.

I grabbed my cum-dump freya's head and just rammed my dick deep inside her throat so hard that my cum started coming out of her nose.


"Get naked."

"But...master it's a dangerous day for me." She said with a shy expression.

"I said get naked bitch, a cum-dump toilet never speaks back when it's master wants to use it."

"Y-Yes..." Freya started undressing as soon as I said that and pre-cum started dropping from her panty.

What a masochist bitch she likes to be treated like a lowly bitch in heat.

As soon as she revealed her body fully covered with suckers and a dildoctopus in her pussy that was continuously vibrating i lost control over me and threw her on the bed.

"Ahhh~ master..."

"Shh...." Before she could've spoken any another word i grabbed her neck and slammed my dick straight into her womb's back wall.

"So Deeep~"

"Anh...ummm...annnhhhhh yes...yes yes...fuck me fuck me master...use me like your plaything."

"You are...my plaything bitch."

We fucked for one hour like rabbits and then girls came back from the academy.

Freya went to the door to greet the girls.

"We are home."

"Hi mom." Cherry said as she hugged Freya.

"Hello cherry dear."

"Hello mom." Kia hugged as she said.

"Welcome back dear."

Both kia and cherry went to their room to change.

"H-Hi m-mom." Gia on the other side looked feverish and hot. She also hugged Freya but as she did Freya felt vibration coming from her body.

Freya's switch suddenly flipped and she suddenly slapped gia's butt and grabbed one her boob.

"Anhhh...mom... it's coming i am... cumming."

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Gia went down on her knees but wasn't able to cum.

"Noooooooo....i want to cummm."

"Gia darling are you alright ?" Freya said with an innocent face but suddenly she closed her distance and wispered in her ear.

"Enjoy it...this is the fun part, think about what you will experience when master will insert his divine cock into your pussy and make you cum over and over. He will mercilessly make a mess of your body you won't even be able to stand up resistance will become futile and you will only want one thing, c-o-c-k."

"Y-You are my mother." Gia said as she looked at freya with a disgusting expression.

We had dinner after and went to our beds.

Now that I've some time before everyone fells asleep i should do something...

As i was thinking that suddenly a blue window popped up in front of me.

[Level up]

[Level 10 Reached Evolution will take place in 10 seconds]


What hey give me some time...


Doesn't this thing need my permission or something.


[You will faint during the evolution]

1/2 hour later...

[Congratulations on your first Evolution]

[Successfully evolved into Mind Master]

What the hell ? I don't feel any different.



[Name: Anon Agreil]

[Level: 18]

[Exp: 567/20000]

[SP: 16]

[Age: 16]

[Race: Human]

[Class: Mind Master]

[Mana: 900/900]

[HP: 1,600/1,600]

[Skills: [Mind Control (Lv.15)] [Memory Eater (Lv.12)] [Memory Altering (Lv.6)] [Psychic Connection (Lv.10)] [Alluring Pore (Lv.3)] [Mind Eater(Lv.1) ][Body Modification (lv.1)][Lab Creator (Lv.1)] ]

[SBP: 60]

[Book of wisdom]

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Hmm...so the goblins are doing a good job. Maybe they've taken out an powerful opponent.

As i was thinking that suddenly a window popped up in front of me.

[756 party members died, 400 party members evolved into Hobgoblins and Hobgoblinas.]

What ? How the fuck did they loose so many guys. Did they fight against some dragon or something.

'Psychic Connection.'

'No.300 do you listen.'

'yes master.'

'How did so many of you died.'

'Master we encountered 3 trolls and we tried to kil-'

'what ? How did you encountered trolls they live in exact opposite of the forest.'

'yes master i think they were lost from the group. They are not very intelligent to begin with. As we tried to kill them most of us died, we killed one of them that seemed mortally injured and captured one.'

'Wait trolls are known for their ultimate regeneration how did you kill one and captured one.'

'As i said master the troll we killed was not able to regenerate his body no matter how much we damaged his body.'

'How are holding the other one ?'

'We are constantly cutting his hands and legs before they can re-grow.'

'smart you will be rewarded for your efforts. Are you one of those who evolved ?'

'Yes master i evolved into a Hobgoblina.'

Ah... that's why her intelligence got improved i can see that in her way of talking. I choose the best monster as my pawns if i can get them all to evolve into orges then i will take over that jungle easily.

'wait a Hobgoblina...you were a female ?'

'Y-Yes is there a problem...? If you want a male to lead the group-'

'No you are smart you will continue to be the leader.'

'Yes master i feel honoured.'

'Oh and send that captured troll to my house.'

'As you command but master there is one slight problem.'

'Huh ? Okay tell me.'

'One of the reasons why we lost so many of our guys is because we don't have any good weapon the best weapon in our party is a rusted sword that i own.'

They managed to deal with two trolls with no weapon, i can't wait to hand them proper weapons but...

'i will do something about it as soon as possible tell me the core weapons you need i will give it to the party who will bring the troll over.'

'Yes and thank you master for your grace.'

'No worries.'

Hmm... it's time i start thinking about my economics.

I thought as i looked towards the wooden floor in my room.

Without any delay i punched the floor and my hand touched the soil underneath the house.

"As expected it doesn't have any foundation."

'Lab Creator.'

[Level 1 Lab has been Created]

It's good that i made this Magic Stone during my sweet tour in the nightmare forests.