

"Now, pet, take a deep breath, and then exhale it slowly…"

My unsuspecting pet takes a deep breath, and as instructed starts slowly exhaling, not realizing that as she does so her control over her body diminishes, causing her muscles to relax. Just as she has expelled almost all of her breath, I push the plug forward hard, causing it to completely invade her ass and the flange on the back to slam against the contour of her asshole.


Tears stream on her cheeks as she looks at me with a betrayed expression. I lightly squeeze her asscheeks as I pacify her.

"Sorry, pet, but if I wen slowly it would have hurt more. Now, while your ass is being stretched, let me prepare myself…"

I stand up from the bed and motion to Hope to stand next to me, which she does immediately, her juices gushing from her cunt and dripping on the floor.

"You are making a mess, honey, we better plug that! turn toward the bed and bend over Hester's body, dear. I want your titties to slap her face every time I push my cock in!"

"Yes, daddy!"

Hope happily complies as she has received no dicking since yesterday and is incredibly horny after my pet's cunnilingus. She rushes in front of the bed and bends over Hester, her arms passing over her body and her hands against the mattress.

I divest myself of clothes slowly while watching at Hope's ass dancing left and right in invitation. Chuckling, I fire a slap on her buttcheeks causing her to yelp.

"As you can see, pet, my little daughter is horny again. Now, while we wait for your asshole to relax, watch closely…"

"Y-yes, sir…"

Naked, I push a finger inside the little minx's cunt and twirl it around causing her to moan, before retrieving it completely soaked. I then casually extend said finger in front of Hester's mouth, who immediately opens her mouth and sucks it clean.

"It seems you acquired a taste for pussy juice, pet…"

Hester blushes, and when I take back my finger replies.

"Yes, sir. It tasted weird at first, but now I kinda like it…"

"That's good, pet, as it will be a steady item in your diet from now on. Now, however, I have a little pussy to fuck…"

I spread Hope's pussy with my hand and push my cockhead against her labia lips, then abruptly slam my cock all the way in, causing the little minx to howl as my testicles slap against her cunt. I remain still, balls deep in her twat, until she recovers, then I start thrusting in and out hard, making sure that each time I pull out almost my entire length, then slamming it again deep inside her.

"OOOH! Daddy! Yes!"

I keep fucking her hard interspersing my thrusts with hard slaps on her ass much to her enjoyment, then, without stopping, I push my thumb inside her asshole. The stimulation proves too much and Hope yowls in orgasm.


Spent, she drops on her knees over Hester's body, her tits smothering her soon-to-be sister-pet, but I ignore it and keep going.

"Suck those puppies, pet. Hope loves when you nibble her nipples!"

A muffled response is all that my pet can manage as Hope's fan bags are in the way, but judging from my horny little princess yelp, I gather that she managed to find a nipple. I keep pistoning her cunt happily, and Hope comes a second time. Me, on the other hand, I am still a long way from ejaculation, but that is all right, as I never intended to finish inside Hope in the first place. I stop thrusting and take my cock out of her flooded vagina, causing a flood of cunt-juice to create a puddle on the floor. Slapping her ass, I instruct my baby girl to sit on the bed again and I take once more position behind Hester's ass. I tug at the plug gently, and while there is still resistance, it comes out somewhat easily with a schlurping sound. I gaze at my pet's dilated asshole. It is still too small compared to my cock's girth, but it is gaping enough that I can stick it in. it will hurt like hell, but I did promise Hope that I would punish the little bitch, so I don't see an issue with it. Just in case, I squeeze a bit more lube on my fingers and slather her asshole's walls in and out, then I throw the tube of lubricant to the side and position my cock to lightly touch her backdoor.

"And here we are, pet! My cock is primed and ready to invade your virgin ass. Since it is a punishment, it will hurt. A lot. Anything you wish to say before we start?"

"N-no, sir. Go ahead and p-punish me."

I turn my head to look at Hope, whose gaze is fixated on the cock lined up to spear her bully's asshole.

"See, honey? This is how you accept a punishment. I expect you to remember it next time that you mess up…"

"Yes, daddy! I will!"

"Ok, here we go!"

I push gently my hips forward and my glans slowly and inexorably press against my pet's sphincter, causing it to dilate even more and take the shape of my cock.

"Owww! It hurts!"

I ignore Hester's cries and keep pushing slowly and steadily until my cockhead is past her shit-cutter, then I stop and look at her crying face.

"This is only the start, pet. The punishment starts from now on. Are you sure that you wouldn't prefer to go back to your daddy?"

"N-no, sir! Sob… please p-punish me, sir!"

I gesture to Hope to move to my side and when she does, I give her a long, loving kiss. In truth, I am kind of buying time for Hester to get used to my size, but I don't say aloud so to avoid my little minx getting jealous.

After a minute of kissing, I can't delay anymore. I gather force in my hips and thrust forward steadily, causing my cock to penetrate Hester's ass halfway albeit with much difficulty. So tight!

"Aaah!! Sir!!! It huurts!! Nooo!"

I ignore her sobbing cries and move my hips backward so that my cock slides almost completely out of her asshole, then I push forward again, once more impaling her on my throbbing rod. I rinse and repeat my actions at a slow speed, savoring the feeling of her smooth colon walls against my girth, and admittedly enjoying the look of pain and despair on my pet's face. At my side, Hope has her eyes glued on my ravaging cock and is fingering herself crazily.

"That's it, pet, my cock is halfway in. the other half, however, will hurt a lot more! Are you ready?"

Crying, Hester opens her eyes and looks at me.

"S-sir… if this is what I need to do to become yours… then go ahead… it hurts… but I want to be yours!"

Her firm words, uttered while in the throes of pain, bring a smile to my lips.

"Good pet!"

…And I slam my cock all the way in!n(/O𝑣𝞮𝓁𝑩1n

Her cries rise an octave, reaching a shrilling level, as the unbearable pain of her ass split apart by my cock almost causes her to faint.


Having finally managed to bottom-up inside her bowels, I start ass fucking her hard, each thrust causing her to shriek. I look down at our connecting point and I see traces of red on my cock's shaft. She is bleeding somewhere inside, so I decide to make it quick. I speed up my fuck-o-meter, causing her to bounce on the mattress from the force of my thrusts, then finally I push as deep as I can inside her and unload a truckload of spunk right inside her ass! Hester has moved beyond shrieking and is now in a half-fainted state as I remove slowly my cock from her poor, freshly raped asshole. Gradually, my sperm, mixed with thin lines of blood, starts leaking out of her gaping backdoor and gathering on the sheets. Panting, I turn to look at Hope, who has created a puddle of her own between her legs from an excessive number of orgasms.

"Well, honey? Are you happy now?"

"Yes, daddy! That was so hot!"

I slap her ass, hard, causing her to yelp and for tears to gather in her eyes.


"You have no damn idea the amount of pain Hester suffered to gain your forgiveness, and your comment is, 'that was so hot'? Have you no shame?"

Hope lowers her head, tears slowly dropping on her thighs.

"I went along with your request to punish her because I wanted you to have some closure and I wanted to make sure that there would be no bad blood between you from now on. Hell, I even admit that I enjoyed hurting her, a lot. But I would never degrade the force of will she showed, going forward with it despite the pain! You think that I am exaggerating, but after I fuck your ass tomorrow, I want you to think hard; would you be able to do the same as her?"

Sobbing, Hope replies in a murmur.

"I am sorry, daddy…"

I take a deep breath to calm myself, then pat her head.

"Let it be. The matter is closed. From today, Hester is my pet and your sister. I expect you to get along with each other…"

"Yes, daddy! I promise!"

"Good, now, go to the bathroom and fill the bathtub while I remove your sister's restraints."

"Yes, daddy!"

With her eyes still wet from the tears, Hope scampers to the bathroom to obey my instruction. Meanwhile, I release Hester from her leather restraints, then, sitting down on the bed, gather her head on my lap. My abused pet is still in a daze, but slowly she starts recovering her wits.

"Wha? Sir? Is it done?"

I gently caress her face and smile at her.

"It is, pet. You are mine now, now and forever, and Hope is your sister. You can call me master, or if you prefer, you can call me daddy as Hope does…"

Tears of relief stream freely from her eyes as she looks at me.

"I… I don't think I can call you daddy… it reminds me of… him… can I… can I call you father, instead?"

I raise her head gently and lower my own to kiss her gently on the lips.

"Of course, you can, love…"

Hester smiles at me and then she shyly replies.

"Thank you, father…"

By now, the bath is ready, so I gather my little pet in my arms and walk to the bathroom. Hope is there, and when she sees me carrying Hester she asks worriedly.

"Daddy, is she ok?"

"She will be, honey. but today took a lot out of her and she is in pain."

Holding her in my arms, I manage to enter the large bathtub and sit down, placing Hester in front of me with her back pressing on my chest.

"Hope, honey, get in here and help me clean your sister!"

"Yes, daddy!"

Without any hesitation, Hope shucks out of her stockings and heels and enters the bathtub as well, sitting across us and facing her sister. Then, seeing that my hands are full holding Hester above the water, she grabs sponge and soap and starts gently lathering her newfound sister's body.

Feeling an extra hand on her, Hester opens her eyes, only to see a worried Hope slowly soaping her body, afraid to cause her pain.


My little girl freezes and looks at Hester with tears in her eyes.

"I am sorry, Hester! I went too far! Please forgive me!"

Hester slowly raises her head and looks at me. Upon seeing me nod, she returns her gaze to Hope and smiles softly.

"It's ok, sis…"

After finishing washing Hester we exit the bathtub and towel ourselves, with Hope helping me dry her sister, then I once more pick up my pet in my arms and carry her to my own bedroom, where I gently deposit her on my bed face down. While Hope remains with her sister, I move to my own bathroom and retrieve from the pharmacy box a tube of analgesic cream, then I return to the bedroom.

"Hope, honey, you have homework to do for tomorrow. Go back home, you can come later to check on your sister."

My little minx pouts lightly, I can see that she wants to stay, but decides against arguing with me.

"Yes, daddy."

After saying goodbye to a still dazed Hester, she goes to the den to pick up her clothes, then leaves the apartment. Meanwhile, I open the tube of analgesic cream and start gently applying it to Hester's tortured cheeks, causing her to wince slightly.

"The cream will help, pet. I will also give you a pain reliever to help you sleep."

"Thank you, father."

I lower myself over her head and kiss her cheek.

"You were very brave today, pet. Now, try to rest."

As I try to stand up, Hester grabs my hand.

"Father… can you stay with me? Please…"

I chuckle and muss her hair.

"Of course, honey. I will go pick up my clothes and check some things. I will be back in a little bit…"

Content, Hester closes her eyes and relaxes while I head to the den to check on my slave, curious about her opinion of today's matters. As soon as I open the door, I am greeted by a pervasive musky odor. Katie is sprawled on the chair, her legs spread open on the armrests with a big wet pool of juices gathered on the floor beneath her. Her head is tilted back and she has half-fainted, while her pink dildo lies forgotten still inside her pussy. I can't help but chuckle at the view, as it is obvious that my horny slave found today's events VERY entertaining. Talk about quality television, uh?

I walk out of the den and go to my playroom to retrieve my clothes, then I go back to the den and snap a picture of my still dazed slave with my phone, making sure to get a good shot of her dildo-abused pussy. Oh, I am going to tease her a lot with this… I have to call her half a dozen times before she comes to her senses and even when she does, she remains dazed.

"Come on, Katie, snap out of it!"

"Urgh… Ben?"

"Welcome back to the world of the living, love. It seems to me that you fucked yourself to oblivion…"

Katie's eyes start to focus, then she realizes in what position she is and with difficulty lowers her leg from the armrests before yelping, having forgotten her pink friend still deep inside her. Embarrassed, she removes her silicone lover from her cunt with a wet, vulgar sound, then turns to look at me with fiery red cheeks.

"Well, somebody enjoyed herself!"

Katie lowers her head and answers meekly.

"Yes, master, I am sorry…"

I twist her nose with my fingers and reply with a smile.

"Don't be, I hoped as much when I told you to bring your dildo with you. Was today all you hoped for?"

"Uhm… yes, master. Is Hester okay?"

"She is fine. Tired and in pain, but she will be okay. Do you think I overdid it?"

"Well, I don't know… on the one hand, you went very hard on her, on the other hand, though, she had it coming… Master, are you going to do the same to Hope tomorrow?"

I can see the worry in her eyes, so I reassure her.

"No, Katie. Oh, sure, I will fuck her hard, but not THAT hard. She has earned her punishment, no doubt, and it will be painful, but no more than it usually is for you…"

"Thank you, master!"

Visibly relieved, Katie stands up from the chair on wobbly legs and wraps her arms around my neck before giving me a loving kiss.

I reciprocate the kiss, my hands automatically traveling to her butt, then I give her a good squeeze.

"I am glad that you had your fun this afternoon, as I will stay here tonight. I don't want to leave Hester alone."

Katie nods in understanding.

"Yes, master, but I will be lonely tonight…"

I pinch her tits and bite her ear.

"Perhaps, but when Hester gets well, I will bring her down to meet you. how does a cunnilingus sound for an introduction?"

Katie chuckles and replies to me smilingly.

"Oh, master! You always know how to cheer me up!"

"Hey, it is not my fault that you are always horny! Though, I can't figure out how you didn't wear down your dildo all these years…"

I laugh at her embarrassed expression, then after another kiss and an ass squeeze, I leave her be and go back to my bedroom. Hester has fallen asleep, thanks to the pain relief meds and the analgesic cream, so I drop my clothes on the chair and join her in bed. As like a moth drawn to the flame, my tired little pet feels my presence and moves near me in her sleep until she is sticking to my side. I slowly pass my arm under her head, careful not to wake her, and I am rewarded by a smile in her sleep as she throws an arm across my chest. I close my eyes as well, deciding to take a nap…

I wake up to a warm wet feeling enveloping my cock. I slowly open my eyes, only to see Hester's head cutely bobbing up and down above my cock. It seems my little pet woke up in a good mood! I gently place my hand atop her hair and she stops moving and raises her head to look at me, my dick still entrenched between her lips. Without breaking eye contact, she slowly and sensually keeps sucking my dick, taking more of my meat in her mouth until she reaches her gag point, then raising her head again, over and over, while sucking and licking my member at the same time. Meanwhile, her hand plays gently with my testicles, caressing and fondling them.

I smile at her but otherwise make no comment, allowing her to do what she wants at her own pace. Emboldened by my silent acceptance, she tries to swallow more of my cock, gagging and choking. While she is still unable to accept my whole length, she manages to push it about an inch beyond her usual gag point, then she remains still and starts sucking me as strongly as she can. The stimulation is too much for me, so I warn her.

"Pet, I am almost there. You can do whatever you like, but I would really love to fill your tight little throat with my cum…"

Hester, her eyes still fixated on mine, does not reply, instead, she starts using her hand to jerk off the part of my shaft that remains outside her mouth, while at the same time making her tongue dance madly over the skin of my penis. Unable to resist, I ejaculate with a groan, flooding her throat and mouth with my creamy desire, until driblets of sperm start leaking from her lips. Spent, my cock starts losing rigidity, and at that point, my lovely little pet slowly removes it from her mouth and swallows her tasty treat. Afterward, she smiles at me.

"Hello, father! Thank you for cumming in my mouth!"

Unable to articulate my feelings at the moment, I grab her arm and drag her toward me until she is laying on my chest and her head is in line with mine. I cup her cheeks with my hands and smile at her.

"That was lovely, Hester. The best wake-up call ever!"

She smiles at me once more, then she places her head on my chest.

"I am glad you liked it, father…"

"How do you feel, pet?"

"I don't think I will be getting up today, father, but I do hurt less than before."

"I am sorry that you had to go through that, pet…"

She snorts and looks at me, an impish smile on her face.

"I believe you, father, but I also know that you enjoyed it a lot!"

I smile at her sheepishly.

"I did, pet. It might be wrong, but a part of me really likes punishing and hurting you, just as a part of me likes cuddling you and taking care of you…"

"Can I… tell you a secret, father?"

"Sure, pet."

"It hurt a lot, but I… kinda liked it too…"


Well, well, my pet sure managed to surprise me. I mean, I had already figured out that she loved being ordered and restrained, but… this opens up a whole new set of possibilities!

"Y-yes, father. I… liked the idea that I was completely at your mercy… I… loved it when you restrained me."

[Hester fear: 0]

[Hester trust: 99*]

[Hester affection: 99*]

[Hester love: 99*]

[Hester loyalty: 99*]

"What about the pain, pet?"

"That… that too…"

I kiss her forehead lightly.

"I am happy to hear it, pet! And I promise you, it will not be always painful. When you are recovered, I will take your virginity as well, and this time, I will make sure that you enjoy yourself thoroughly!"

She smiles at me and then lowers her head on my chest, closing her eyes, before saying softly,

"Thank you, father…"

We both drop again into dreamland, my pet with her head over my chest, and I enjoying her soft breathing as if it was a lullaby…

I wake up early in the morning refreshed. Hester has straddled me in her sleep and now lies completely on top of me with her thighs on my sides and my morning glory pressing between her buttcheeks. Given our position, there is no way that I can get up without waking her, so I might as well use the opportunity. I cup her ass with both hands and I start slowly thrusting with my hips causing my erect cock to slide along the valley of her asscheeks. My little pet feels it in her sleep and slowly opens her eyes and looks at me inquiringly, before realizing what is happening and turning her smile into an impish grin.

"Good morning, father! Somebody woke up in a good mood today…"

I smile at her and give her a peck on the lips.

"Good morning, pet. On the one hand, I didn't want to wake you up, on the other hand, however, there was no way that I could resist your lovely body atop mine!"

Hester chuckles happily.

"Oh, father! You can do whatever you want with my body, you don't have to explain to me. But I don't think my poor butt will be able to accommodate you today…"

I squeeze her ass gently as I smile at her.

"Don't worry, pet, I already figured that. I am sure that I will be able to find another way to entertain myself…"

Hester grins and suddenly closes her thighs, trapping my cock in between.

"Oh? Something like that, perhaps?"

I laugh and pinch her nose.

"Pets that think that they have the upper hand get punished by their master, love."

She grins and shows me her tongue.

"Well then, father, I guess you will have to punish me…"

System, deactivate Rough daddy, please.

[Rough daddy deactivated.]

I start thrusting my hips faster, the feeling of my cock enveloped by her warm silken thigh indescribable, while I grunt a reply.

"We will talk about your punishment later, pet. For now, hold tight, master wants to cum!"

"Yes, father!"

As I keep thrusting between her legs, my kinky little pet lowers her lips and starts sucking on my nipple, causing me to groan in ecstasy. Before long, my hands squeeze her ass hard and a fountain of cum emerges from between her legs in a parabolic arc before landing on her back.

"Huff, huff, that was very nice, pet."

"Thank you, father. I am glad that you enjoyed it."

I bring her face near for a long deep kiss, the first-ever we shared, then with a swift movement, I roll on my side bringing her with me until she rests on her back.

"Punishment notwithstanding, I believe my little pet has earned a small reward as well…"

"Really, father? Like what?"

Instead of replying, I lower my body until my head is between her legs and start gently attacking her tight little cunt with my tongue.

"Ohh! I like my reward, father!"

I kiss the inner side of her thighs softly, then move my lips to the edges of her already puffed-up labia. Hester's breathing has become rough as her hands move to my head and grab my hair. I extend my tongue to give her a slow, long vertical lick between her pussy lips, causing them to part and juice to start dripping slowly on the sheets, then I insert my tongue slowly inside her wet, hot, hole, while at the same time my free hand moves to her exposed clit and starts rubbing it gently.

"Uhmmm… father…. Yes…."

I push my tongue as deep as I can inside her cunt, then twirl it around to caress her inner walls, causing her to spasm as if electrocuted.

"Father! Ahhhn!"

As my horny pet has never experienced something like this, the stimuli are too strong for her to resist and she immediately reaches climax, her cunt-juices spraying on my face as if pressurized. The slightly tangy taste of her juice is almost irresistible and I lap it up as if it was ambrosia, cleaning her pussy inside out, and causing her a second minor orgasm along the way. I raise my head to check the results of my actions and smirk at the sight of my disheveled pet panting with her eyes close and the tip of her tongue protruding from her lips.

Oh dear, with Hester's addition, family nights just become even more fun…

We spend the rest of the day in bed, but comes the afternoon I decide to go downstairs to check on my other girls.

As I enter the door, I suddenly feel a weight on my back and a pair of long, slender legs wrap around my waist while a pair of arms hug my chest.

"Daddy! Carry me!"

I chuckle and place my hands under her ass for support, of course without neglecting to give it a good squeeze, then I walk to the dining room and turn around in front of the table, depositing her on the flat surface. After some cajoling, I manage to disentangle myself from Hope's limbs and turn around to embrace her and give her a hot, steamy kiss.

"Hello, little minx, did you miss daddy?"

Hope kisses my lips with an exaggerated sound before replying.

"Yes! I missed you a lot, daddy!"

I nuzzle her neck affectionately before murmuring in her ear.

"And did my little girl clean her asshole really well today?"

Hope freezes in my arms and starts to stutter.

"Wha… I…"

I chuckle at her expression, reminiscent of a rabbit under a car's headlights.

"What? Did you forget that today is the day that your daddy will put his big horny meat stick inside your tight little hole?"

"Daddy… Uhm…"

I slap her ass gently.

"No buts, little lady, only buts! don't worry, though, I will prepare your little hole thoroughly so that you will not feel much pain…"

Sighing, Hope lowers her head.

"Yes, daddy…"

I raise her chin with my finger.

"Hey, honey! don't be like that. I know that you are scared, but trust in your daddy. Yes, it will hurt, but you will learn to enjoy it. Besides, Hester is really looking forward to seeing you spitted on my stick!"

Hope can't help but giggle at my words.

"All right, daddy! I am still scared, mind you, but I trust you! Will we be doing it here?"

I kiss her once more to show her how happy her words made me before replying.

"I don't think so, honey. Hester is still in no condition to walk around much, so I was thinking of preparing you here and then moving downstairs for the main event. Oh! I will let your mom join us as well! I promised her that Hester will eat her up, and besides, you know that she will love to see your first anal…"

"Okay, daddy! I am a good girl, and good girls do as their daddy say!"

I chuckle and bite playfully her nose.

"That you are, honey. a cute, horny, good girl…"

While we share another passionate kiss Katie shows up and hugs me from behind.

"Is there space for me, master?"

"Always, my lovely little slave! In fact, the space under the table is empty, why don't you shuck your clothes and take your position? You too, Hope, lose your clothes but stay on the table…"

"Yes, master!"

"Yes, daddy!"

I quickly run upstairs and go to my playroom to grab a tube of lube and a butt plug, then I stop by my bedroom.

Hester is surprised to see me back so quickly, but she is very happy to receive an extra-long kiss.

"All right, kitten. I am going upstairs to prepare Hope's asshole and then we will come here together. I did promise you that you will get to see her getting butt-fucked for the first time, after all…"

My lovely pet smiles happily at me.

"Thank you, father! I look forward to it!"

"Also, Katie, Hope's mom, that is, will join us as well. She has seen your punishment and has mostly forgiven you, but I think she still needs a little push. Do you think you would be up to eat some more pussy, pet?"

"Father, stop asking me! I am your pet! I will do anything and everything that you order me to do! Still, thank you for taking my opinion in mind, and yes, I will be up to it."

My little horny pet lowers her head shily and fidgets while continuing.

"Truthfully, father, I enjoyed eating Hope's pussy. I am curious if her mom tastes any different…"

Hah! What a lovely slut! I grab her roughly and bring her in my arms, then give her a deep, longing kiss.

"You are the best pet a father can wish for, kitten! I think that today Hope will have to eat you as well while you take care of her mommy…"

Hester smiles brilliantly at my words.

"Thank you, father! I love how you appreciate me!"

After another couple of kisses, I reluctantly leave the room and go back downstairs.

My girls are waiting for me naked, Hope on the table with her legs spread and Katie on her knees under it. Both look horny as fuck; in fact, I can see Hope's pussy dripping already.

"Come on, girls! Is telling you to remove your clothes all it takes to make you horny?"

Katie is the one to answer my rhetorical question this time.

"Only when you are the one to tell us to, master…"

I smile at her words and remove my own clothes. my cock is already pointing at the sky as I walk forward and stop in front of the table.

"Now, my lovely slave, your master needs his energy for your daughter's asshole, so you can suck me, but you cannot make me cum! Just keep me going."

"Yes, master! Leave it to me! Ahm…"

In less than a second, my cock has been swallowed in a wet hole of pleasure. Fortunately, true to her words, Katie has not engaged her 'vacuum cleaning' powers, so my arousal remains at steady levels.

"Now, honey, let's prepare you…"

"Yes, daddy!", is my lovely daughter's scared yet excited reply.

Since my little minx has spread her legs already, I open the tube of lube and squirt a big dollop directly on her asshole.

"Ohh…. It's cold!"

"Ha! Don't worry, love, you will feel hot pretty soon!"

I place my middle finger against her hole facing upwards, then I slowly push it inside her up to the knuckle.

"hm… ouch! Ow… daddy…"

"Relax your asshole, honey, or it will hurt more!"

Hope tries to do as I instructed her and indeed, I can feel the pressure around my finger diminishing. When I feel that her butthole has relaxed as much as it can, I start sliding my finger in and out of her ass slowly.

"Ohh… daddy… hn… it stings a bit, but it feels good…"

I smile at her and bend forward to capture her lips in a quick kiss. My movement causes my cock to go balls deep inside Katie's throat and she gags a little at the unexpected intrusion.

"Oops! Sorry love, I kinda forgot that my cock was in your mouth! Feels good, though…"

Katie grumbles at my words, transmitting her vocal cord's vibrations to my cock.

"Ohh… Katie, dear, stop talking or you will get a surprise breakfast!"

Katie obeys my command and pulls her head a bit backward so that only my cockhead is inside her mouth, while I return my attention to my daughter's soon-to-be-fucked asshole. While I keep finger-fucking Hope, I squeeze some more lube on her hole and add my index finger to the party. As soon as both digits penetrate her, my little girl stiffens.

"Ow! Daddy!"

"C'mon, Hope, we already went through this! You saw how I prepared Hester yesterday!"

"Sniff… sorry daddy…"

I bring my free hand to her head and pat her hair gently.

"Daddy is not angry, honey. just be a good girl and endure for a bit, all right?"

Hope smiles at me.

"All right, daddy!"

"Good girl!"

I start finger fucking her slowly with two fingers and gradually I can feel the sphincter that acts as a gatekeeper of her anal cavity relaxing, allowing me to slide in and out more easily. After five minutes, and while Hope is starting to moan softly, I remove my digits and smile at her.

"Good girl! Now, it is time for the plug…"

Hope whimpers slightly at my words and looks at me with a worried expression.


"Relax, honey. daddy will be as gentle as he can. In fact, while I push the plug in, mommy will take your mind off of things…"

While she curiously watches, I squeeze a good amount of lube on the buttplug and use my fingers to slather the whole surface.

"Katie, as much as I love your cock-sucking skills, you better stop and come up here, otherwise I will not be able to contain myself."

"Slurp, yes master!"

My horny slave emerges naked from below the table, like a cock-sucking Venus in a horny revision of Botticelli's painting, and stands beside our daughter.

"How would you like me to help, master?"

"Hm… why don't you use your magic fingers on Hope's pussy? That should do the trick!"n-.O𝓥𝔢𝐥𝚋1n

"Of course, master! Honey, are you ready for mommy?"

Excited at the prospect of her mother fingering her, my horny little minx squeals in delight.

"Yes, mommy!"

Katie proceeds to bring her finger to her mouth and suck it, coating it thoroughly with her saliva, then slowly placing it against her horny daughter's vagina. The simple contact is enough for Hope to close her eyes and moan loudly.

"Damn, honey! You are really horny today! Let mommy take care of it…"