


Olga is now continuously squatting over Anon's dick like a cheap whore and everytime her huge ass hits Anon thighs, it makes a loud slapping sound.

Suddenly, Anon grabbed her ass and stopped her from squatting.

'What ? Did I do something wrong ?' Olga wondered as she immediately looked at Anon with a confusing expression.

"Call the next case... I want to pass out some judgement today." Anon spoke with a smile.


"Do you want them dead ?" Anon asked with a serious expression.

"N-No.... I am calling. Announcer, Announce the next case." Olga ordered.

But, The announcer couldn't even stand up due to Anon's previous command.

"You can move..." Anon spoke as he looked at the Announcer with a serious expression.

"Y-Yes... T-The next case is 30880. The Father who raped her own daughter." Announcer announced.

"Start squatting now..." Anon ordered as he released Olga's ass once again.

"Y-Yes...❤" Olga replied with a shameful expression, as she started squatting over Anon's dick once again.

Her pussy gobbled up Anon's dick and it tightened up, whenever Anon's dick was going out.

"Step forward, whoever this guy calls up and if you tried to run away... Then you are dead. Simple as that." Anon spoke as took off his skill from everyone and everyone sitting inside the Royal Court, got their free will to move again.

Suddenly, An Old looking Sonarshaper stepped forward and with him a mature woman with a very sexy body.

She had huge boobs and sexy ass, just like Jui but she was still inferior to Olga.

"Do you accept your mista-" Before Olga could've completed her sentence, Anon slapped both of her boobs and squeezed them tightly.


"Anhhh~❤" Olga moaned as she felt Anon's tight grip over her boobs.

"What are you doing, Luv ? I am here trying to pass the judgement and you dared to interrupt me ? Do it again and I will throw you in front of all these people and order them to fuck you till death. Do you understand ?" Anon asked with a serious expression as he continued to twist her nipples left and right with full force.

"Annhhh~❤ Yes❤Yes...❤ I-I understand." Olga spoke as she immediately understood that Anon didn't liked to be disturbed.

"So, You old man... Do you accept your mistake ?" Anon asked.

"Y-Yes, Sir.... But, My lord... I couldn't control myself after watching her naked in her bedroom and Raped her but, my lord I promise to become a very good person after this.

Please Sir, Forgive me for my mistake." The d man immediately went down on his knees and started begging for his life.


"Hmm... I am still not clear on this case. Can you show me, What happened again ? So, that I can make a proper and rightful decision ?" Anon asked the old man with a smile.

"M-My lord ? What do you want me to show you ?" The old man asked as he looked at Anon with a confusing expression.

"Whatever happened inside her room... I want you to recreate that scene. You girl, Remove all of your clothe ..." Anon ordered.

"N-No... I-I don't want to." The girl replied with a scared expression.

"Hmm...? Are you stupid ? I can literally kill you with one slap and you are denying my command ?" Anon asked with a smile.

"P-Please kill me if you want to... But, I won't be able to repeat that same thing again." The girl replied with a scared expression.

"What are you doing ? Your daughter is misbehaving and not following my command, Why aren't you disciplining her ?" Anon asked as he looked at the old man.

"I-I understand, My lord." The old man spoke with a smile, as he immediately started walking towards his daughter.

"D-Dad... Please, Don't do this. I-I am your daughter. You were even apologizing to me for what you've done to-" Before the girl could've completed her sentence, the old man slapped her.

"Owww..." She shouted as she she fall down to the floor.

"You fucking imbecile, How dare you disobey lord's command ? I have to teach you, how to behave yourself." The old man Shouted as he grabbed his own daughter's ass and raised it high up into the air.

"No, Dad... Please leave me. I beg of you... My Queen, Please save me. My Queen..."

"Human, Don't do this... This is not-" Before Olga could've completed her sentence, Anon slapped her boobs once again.


"Shut the fuck up... Can't you see, I am busy in listening to a case right now ?" Anon asked with a serious expression.

"But this is not-"

"You fucking bitch, You dared to speak again ?" Anon asked with an angry expression.

"I-I just meant that-" Before Olga could've completed her sentence, Anon increased the size of his dick by one inch and bent her bown.

"I will teach you, What can happen if you try to go against my command." Anon spoke as he immediately started to fuck her like a rabbit.


"ANHHHHHH~❤ ANHHHHHH~ ❤ANHHHHHHH~ ❤ No, You are going to tear my pussy apart... Slow down... Please slow down." Olga shouted in a very loud voice.

"You fucking cheap bitch... You dared to interrupt me ?" Anon asked as he slapped her ass and squeezed her boob tightly.


"Anhhh~❤ Anhhhh~❤ Anhhh~❤ N-No, I am sorry... Please don't do it... I am very sorry. I will never interrupt you." Olga shouted as she apologized for her mistake loud and clear in front of her people.

'No, No, No... My pussy walls are expanding and his dick is hitting the backwall of my womb with too much force, If he continued to fuck me like that, my womb will come out and hang out of my pussy.

I have to stop him... But this rough speed of fucking is too pleasuring. It's like I am enjoying it, while he is deforming my pussy.' Olga thought as she grabbed the floor and continued to take Anon's full force dick hitting on her womb.


"Don't you dare speak to me like that ever again, You fucking degenerated whore..." Anon spoke as he continued to pound her pussy with with full speed.


*Anhh~❤ Anhhh~❤ Anhhh~❤ Please❤Please.... Slow down." Olga shouted loudly.

Anon is continuously pounding Olga's pussy in front of her own Royal Court and everyone is looking at them with aroused expressions.

"I am cumming.... Take it all in, Bitch." Anon spoke as he increased the speed of pounding.


"Annnh~❤ Anghh~❤ Anghhhh~❤ N-No, Do it outside... What if I got pregnant ? Anhhghh~❤ Anhgghhg~❤ Sonarshapers can get pregnant from a human's baby seed." Olga replied.

"Oh, really ? Then get pregnant you fucking bitch..." Anon spoke as he immediately pulled Olga's ass back with full force and clapped it, while he emptied his balls into her womb.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH~❤" Olga shouted loudly as she let out an arousing sonar sound from her mouth.

'His semen is filling my pussy, This feeling is different... The water inside my womb is getting replaced with this humans semen.

Oh my god, He is releasing so much semen into my pussy... I might really end up getting pregnant after this. Please God... Save me from this monster and his monstrous dick...' Olga thought as her eyes rolled over to the back of her head and she went unconscious.

"Feww~ That was refreshing..." Anon spoke as he let go of Olga's body and she fell down to the floor just like a dead corpse.

Her butt was still high up and Anon's semen was flowing out of her pussy.

"Okay... I guess it's time for me to leave. You... Guys are now the slaves of the Mystifin kingdom, You can leave now and you old man... Go and fuck your daughter somewhere else." Anon spoke as he opened the doors of the Royal Court.

"T-The doors are open..."



"Kids, Run..."

Everyone started running towards the exit door like mad men and in just 5 minutes, The whole Court was emptied.

"What a bunch of fucking idiots ?" Anon spoke with a smile as he looked at the people who ran away.

"Well, My lord... What do you want to do with her ?" Preci asked as she walked upto Anon and pointed towards Jui, who was standing silently in one corner of the court.

She was ashamed and sad after losing in Anon's game.

"Oi, come here..." Anon shouted as he looked at Jui.

Jui immediately turned around and looked back, to see if Anon is calling someone else.

"I am calling you Idiot. There is no one behind you, everyone just ran away." Anon spoke.

Jui slowly walked towards Anon with a ashamed expression and she started crying as soon as she looked at her mother's unconscious body and the semen flowing out of her pussy.

"What are you crying for ? I don't think this suits the new Queen of the Sonarshaper's kingdom." Anon spoke with a smile.

Jui immediately stopped crying and looked at Anon with a surprised expression.

"See... That's greed in her eyes... Look it's very clear." Anon spoke as he placed his hand around Preci's shoulder and pointed towards Jui's face.

"Yes, My lord... I can see it. As soon as she heard that she is going to become the New Queen of this kingdom, She stopped crying." Preci replied with a smile.

"W-What ? I am going to become the Queen of this kingdom ?" Jui asked with a surprised expression.

"Hmm... Well, I can make you the Queen, If I want to but... I am looking for a very obedient and greedy person to rule this kingdom." Anon spoke as he pretended to think of something.

"I-I can be a very obedient person and I am greedy as well. Please, make me the Queen of this kingdom." Jui spoke without wasting a single second.

"Hmm... How can I believe that ? You tried to stab me with a dagger and talked to me like a very disobedient person.

I guess, I will just make some random girl the Queen of this kingdom and-" Before Anon could've completed his sentence, Jui immediately went down on both of her knees and directly touched Anon's feet with her head.

"Sir, I am very sorry for hurting you with my words or my filthy actions. I will make sure that, I won't repeat the same mistake in the future, if you make me the Queen of this kingdom. Please sir, I beg of you..." Jui begged.

'What a high level of greed, this girl possesses... I wonder, to what level I can stretch it to.' Anon thought as an evil idea popped inside his head.

"Okay, I will make you the Queen on one condition..." Anon spoke with a smile.

"Anything, Sir. You just have to say it..." Jui replied with a confident expression.

"Okay, I will take your mother back with me and make her my whore bed..." Anon spoke as he expected a surprised expression on Jui's face but unlike his expectations, something else happened.

"You can do whatever you want with her, Sir. She is all yours..." Jui replied immediately.

'Hahaha... Fuck man, She really sold out her own mother as a whore bed to me in return for the Queen's throne.' Anon laughed inside his mind as he looked at Jui with a smile.

"That's not all... I want you to supply 2 new girls every month to my house." Anon spoke.

"I will supply 10 girls, every week..." Jui replied faster than the speed of light.

'Shit Man, she really wants to become the Queen of this kingdom.' Anon thought.

"Okay, then you are the new Queen of this kingdom, but remember one thing... You will have to follow all of my orders-" Before Anon could've completed his sentence, Jui Interrupted him.

"Sir, I will never even dare to disobey your orders. Just give me one chance... I will serve under the Mystifin kingdom with everything I have." Jui spoke with a very serious and passionate expression.

"Hmm.... Since, you are this Obedient. I am not going to make you work under the Mystifin Kingdom... You are going to work under me directly, just like the Mystifin kingdom." Anon replied with a smile.

"I-I understand, Sir." She replied.

"Okay, I will be leaving now. Pack your mother and send her to the surface, My slaves will pick her up from there." Anon ordered.

"Yes, Sir. Should I prepare an army to help you conquer the other kingdoms as well, Sir ?" Jui asked.

"Do you really think, I needed an army to take over your kingdom, Luv ?" Anon asked with an evil and scary smile.

"N-No Sir... absolutely not. I-I am really sorry, if offended you in any way and-" Before Jui could've completed her sentence, Anon placed his finger over her lips and stopped her from speaking anything else.

"Shhhh... Your voice is irritating. Go and do your work.... Preci let's go." Anon spoke as he started leaving the Royal Court.

"Yes, My Lord..." Preci spoke as she immediately followed him from behind.

"So, What's the next location we are going to ?" Anon asked.

"My lord, The last kingdom that's left to take over is the 'Aquahearts.' We will reach them in about 2 days, since we are really deep in the sea right now and they live in the middle of the sea.

After taking over this kingdom, You will become the master of all the seven seas, Since the deep sea is not ruled by anyone... You can just take over it and declare it as your empire." Preci explained.

"It's not last Luv. I have one more kingdom to conquer..." Anon spoke with a smile as he exited the Royal court.

"Mermaids, Sirens, Mystifins, Sonarshapers, Aquahearts and the Venomspires... These are the only kingdoms in the all 7 seas master." Preci spoke.

"What about the 'Eclipsewhisperers'? " Anon asked with a smile.

"But my lord, They are just some mythical creatures that old people used to tell us about as a bed time stories." Preci spoke.

"Well, looks like your bedtime stories aren't just bedtime stories..." Anon replied with a smile.

Suddenly, Anon's psychic connection skill activated...

'Master, Can you hear me ? It's me, Sephie.' Sephie spoke.

'I know, Luv. I can recognise your voice... What happened ?' Anon asked.

'Master, That crystal just broke...' Sephie spoke.

"Fuck... Is she dead ?" Anon asked in a loud voice.

"What ? My lord, Is everything alright ?" Preci couldn't understand, why Anon would flip out like that.

"Sephie... Is that girl dead ?" Anon asked again.

'N-No, master... She is alive.' Sephie replied in a stammering voice.

"Fuu~ So, Why are you telling me this with such a sad voice ?" Anon asked.

'Master, it's just that... This girl is not normal.' Sephie reported.

'What do you mean ?' Anon asked.



Anon's House...

Inside Sephie's lab.

Sephie is writting something down on her notepad, meanwhile over 300 ogre girls are doing different tasks and experiments inside her lab.

"Fuu~ The work is finally completed." Sephie spoke as he placed her pen down and turned around with a big smile on her face.

As soon as she turned around, she noticed that all the Ogre assistant girls are still here working.

"You guys can leave now... It's noon already, you should get some sleep. If I am busy in work and the sun comes out, then that means you can go home." Sephie spoke.

"Ma'am, We are just about to complete this project. Can we stay a bit longer ?" One of the Ogre girl asked with a smile.

"Project ? What are you making ?" Sephie spoke as she walk upto the Ogre girl and started looking at their table.

"Here Ma'am, This is still a prototype but... All of us made this." The Ogre girl spoke as she handed out a small metallic square to sephie.

"Hmm...? What is this ?" Sephie asked with a confused expression.

"Ma'am, This is a folding house." The Ogre girl replied.

"A folding what ?" Sephie asked with a confused and surprised experience.

"Yes, Ma'am... This square shaped thing can Turn into a house, all you have to do is just insert some of your mana into this cube and you will see..." The Ogre girl spoke.

"Okay... Let's see." Sephie spoke as she immediately supplied mana to the cube.


As soon as she supplied mana into the cube, it started expanding at an incredible rate.

"Oh my...."

"Ma'am, Please put it down. Or it can easily crush your hand." The Ogre girl spoke.

"Oh, okay..." Sephie spoke as she immediately placed the cube on the floor and in under a minute the small metallic cube turned into a big10x10x10 room.

"Wow... This is amazing. How did you make this ?" Sephie asked with a smile as she looked at the room with a smile.

"Ma'am, we have used space magic that high level mages use in making storage rings. We tried to fold everything inside a small cube but... We could only get it to a room at best for now, but we are working on it day and night.

I haven't been to my home for the last 5 days, neither did my team." The Ogre goel replied.

"You are working in a team ?" Sephie asked.

"Yes, Ma'am. We are a team of 15 members... These girls are the members of my team, the ones sleeping over there are also the part of this project." The Ogre girl spoke as she pointed towards more ogre girls who were sleeping near the resting area.

"W-Wow... You are really taking this seriously huh ? When did you start this project ?" Sephie asked.

"Ma'am, we started it about 6 hours ago and this is all we have achieved, I know it's very slow but we are trying our best and that's why I would like to request of you.

Please can you give us a testing room for our project ?" The Ogre girl asked.

"S-Six hours !? You achieved this much in six hours ? What's your name girl ?" Sephie asked with a surprised expression.

"I am No.098, Ma'am..." The Ogre girl replied.

"You can definitely get a room for your experiment. I will immediately contact No.300 and tell her to give you guys a big room for your project." Sephie replied with a smile.

"Ma'am, Can we get a room as well ? We are working on a project as well..." Another male ogre spoke.

"What ? You are also working on a project ? What kind of product are you working on ?" Sephie asked.

"Ma'am, We are working on a fertility drug that can increase the numbers of off-springs a female can produce after Mating once..." The male ogre spoke.

"That's not a project, that's just a perverts way of saying that he wants more children out of her wife... Haha." The Ogre girls started laughing.

"At least I am making something useful and I have almost completed my project, you are not even half-way there, idiot." The male ogre replied.

"You-" Before the female Ogre could've said something, A loud bang was heard from the sealed room.


"Oh shit..." Sephie spoke as she immediately started running towards the room.



Suddenly, Another explosion was heard inside the room and it was even louder.

Sephie and all the ogres reached in front of the room immediately.

"What the hell happened here ?" Sephie asked with a Confused expression.

"Ma'am, Look..." One of the Ogre girl spoke as she pointed towards the door's bottom.

Sephie immediately looked down and noticed that pitch black smoke is coming out of the room.

"This room is where that-" Before sephie could've completed her sentence, another loud explosion happened and the gate was blown off with pressure towards sephie.

"Ma'am... Step back." The male ogre shouted as he immediately blocked the incoming metallic gate with his hand.


The speed of the gate was too much, and it instantly broke his hand.

"Fuck... Protect Madam sephie with your life." The injured ogre shouted as he immediately backed off and another ogre took his place.

"Ma'am, Please stay behind us." All the Ogres immediately stood in front of sephie and covered her from all the directions.


Suddenly, A very horrifying sound started coming out of the room.

"Weapons..." The group leader shouted.

"Yes, Sir." All the Ogres immediately summoned their weapons and assumed their defensive stances.

"The main motive is to save madam sephie, no matter if you die or become half-dead." The Ogre leader shouted.

"Yes, Sir."


Suddenly, A figure walked out of the pitch black smoke.

"Something is coming out... Prepare everything you have, we will attack as soon as the figure gets clear." The group leader shouted.

"Yes, Sir." All the Ogres shouted as they tightened their grip over the weapons and the mages started enchanting.


The figure came out of the smoke. A beastgirl, with long black hairs all over her body and green glowing eyes just like some monster.

Her fur was standing from all the dark energy that was coming out of her body, her fangs were big but her nails were even bigger.

It was Jena, but it looked like her body was in an overcharged mode and she was being controlled by someone else.

"CHARGE..." The group leader shouted.

"Yes..." All the Ogres immediately jumped towards Jena and tried to stop her right there, but before they could've even touched her body... All of them were chopped into small pieces in the middle of air.

'H-Her movement speed is too fast for a beastgirl... What exactly is happening with her body ?' Sephie spoke with a Confused expression as her curiosity started rising.

"PHASE 2, NOW SOLDIERS..." The group leader shouted.

"Phase 2."

All the Ogres immediately surrounded Jena from every direction and pointed their weapons towards her.


"Take Madam sephie out of here... NOW." The team leader ordered.

"N-No... I can't go out. I have to see it..." Sephie spoke.

"Ma'am, Don't be stupid. We aren't going to compromise your life here. Please come with me." The leader shouted.

"O-Okay..." Sephie replied as she immediately started walking with the injured male ogre.

Suddenly, Jena disappeared from her position and re-appeared in front of Sephie and to do this... She only took 0.3 seconds.

"Grawwwwwwwwwwww..." Jena shouted loudly as she immediately attacked sephie.

"Step aside ma'am..." The Ogre leader spoke as he pushed sephie towards the other side and took Jena's attack on his own body.


"FUCK..." The Ogre leader shouted as he felt immense pain on his chest.

Jena stabbed her nails directly inside his chest and ripped it apart just like a piece of paper.


She then threw him away and started walking towards Sephie.

"N-No..." Sephie spoke with a scared expression.

'M-Mas-' Before sephie could've used the skill 'Psychic connection' to contact Anon one last time, a loud bang was heard on the door.


The main entrance gate of the room came flying at Jena's back and hitted her hard.

*GRAAAWWWWWHHHHHHH* Jena shouted as soon as she felt the pain.

"Hello, Fucker... Why don't you fight with someone your size ?" No.300 spoke with a smile as she walked into the room with her battleaxes.


"N-No.300..." sephie spoke with a smile.

"Oh, Hello madam sephie... Did she killed all these guys ?" No.300 asked with an angry expression.

"Y-Yes... But, I want her alive No.300. She is a subject of Master Anon and he ordered me to keep her alive." Sephie replied.

"Don't worry, I will keep her alive but she will pay for killing my guys..." No.300 spoke as she immediately tightened the grip over her battleaxes and used a skill.

<Berserk >

Suddenly, a red light started emitting out of her body and No.300's physical powers as well as her defensive powers got buffed by 100%.

The more damage she takes, for the next 30 minutes. The more her power will increase. But, the more her power grows, the more her thinking capacity decreases.


Jena shouted loudly as she looked at No.300 with an angry expression.

"Come at me bitch..." No.300 shouted as she immediately started running towards Jena.

"Graaawwwww..." Jena shouted as she immediately disappeared from her place and re-appeared behind No.300.

"What ?" No.300 asked with a Confused expression but before she could've landed on the ground, Jena stabbed her nails into her back and tried rip it apart, but due to 100% defense increment, it didn't work on her body.


"You bitch..." No.300 landed on the ground and immediately swinged her battleaxes back at Jena with full speed.


Both of her battleaxes, hitted over Jena's left leg and made two small cuts over it.


Jena shouted as she landed on the ground and backed off from No.300.

Suddenly, No.300 noticed that Jena's wounds have already healed back.

"Looks like, I have to end it fast..." No.300 spoke as she activated another skill.

<Vinor's Strength>

No.300's offensive will get increased by 400% for the next one minute and every debuff over her body will be removed immediately.

But, her defensive will get reduced by 70%.

"Grawwwwwwwwwwww..." Jena shouted as she jumped towards No.300 to attack her.

"Let's end this..." No.300 spoke as she immediately disappeared from her position and re-appeared behind Jena's back.


300 hit Jena from behind, but Jena was fast enough to dodge it.

"You fucking bitch..." No.300 shouted as she jumped towards Jena once again with full strength and succeeded in landing a blow over her.

But, to No.300's surprise... Jena blocked both of her battleaxes with just her right hand.

The battleaxes were able to stab into Jena's hand, but they couldn't cut through them completely.

"How did you-" Before No.300 could've asked her question, Jena punched No.300 in the core directly and threw her towards the wall with full force.

"Ack... Shit..." No.300 spoke as she stood up, and her anger grew even more. As her anger grew, the aura around her body started to get even more dense and glowing.

Her body started turning red, and her eyes were turning green.


Jena removed both of her battleaxes from her hand and threw them towards No.300, as if inviting her to a fight.

"Fuck you... Bitch." No.300 shouted as she picked up her battleaxes and started running towards Jena with full speed.

"YAAAHHHHHHHHHH..." No.300 shouted as she threw one of her axes towards Jena with full strength.

Jena dodged the axe without any problems, and as soon as she turned to look towards No.300 again, she noticed that an axe is coming right at her face.

Jena immediately backed off from her position, but No.300's axe left a long cut over her nose and her forehead.

"Grawwww...?" Jena suddenly felt the blood flowing out of her nose.

"Oh, you didn't like it?" No.300 asked with an evil smile.

"GRAWWWWWWWWWWWWHHHHH..." Jena shouted loudly as her nails grew even more. Jena picked up a big chunk of metal from the ground and started running towards No.300 with it.

"What the hell...!?" No.300 couldn't understand what Jena was planning to do with the metal chunk, but she assumed her defensive stances anyway just for safety.


Suddenly, Jena threw the big metallic chunk towards No.300.

"Huh...?" No.300 was confused because the metallic chunk was really easy to dodge, and without wasting any time, No.300 turned towards her left and dodged the metal chunk.

But, as soon as she turned towards her left... No.300 immediately understood what Jena was doing.

'She is copying my strategy...' No.300 thought as she immediately turned back and noticed three sharp nails coming towards her face.

"Shit..." No.300 spoke as she tried to dodge Jena's attack, but it was too late.


"FUCCKKK..." No.300 shouted as she felt Jena's nails, tearing through her face. One of her eyes got injured in the process.


No.300 immediately jumped back and noticed that blood was coming out of her left eye.

"I can't see shit with this eye." No.300 spoke as she stood up and her anger grew even more. As her anger grew, the aura around her body started to get even more dense and glowing.

Meanwhile, Jena was standing perfectly fine in front of her.

"Her body is healing too much. No.300 won't be able to defeat her like this... Should I tell this to master? No, I can't disturb him for this... He is really deep into the sea. I don't think he can get here in time.

I have to do something else..." Sephie spoke as she immediately started walking into the same room where Jena came out from.

As soon as Sephie entered inside the room, she noticed that the room was pitch black and it was full of the same black smoke.

Sephie walked deeper into the room and suddenly, something sharp got stuck into her tail.

"Ouch... What the hell?" Sephie immediately grabbed her tail and looked at it carefully.

It was a small part of the same debris crystal that Jena was trapped in.

Sephie immediately took out the pin from her tail and started walking even deeper into the room, but the pain in her tail wasn't going away.

"Ouch..." Sephie grabbed her tail once again and looked at it carefully.

Suddenly, she noticed that the location where the Debris Stone's fragment stabbed her is rotting, and a black spot has formed there.

"How can this be possible...?" Sephie questioned as she immediately touched her chest and grabbed a red locket that was around her neck.

This locket was identical to Anon's Troll locket.

"Even with this... How is this thing giving me damage?" Sephie questioned as she immediately grabbed a small dagger from the shelf and cut off the back part of her tail.


"Ouch... I wonder how master does this... It hurts like hell." Sephie spoke as she felt immense pain in her tail.

But, before long... Her troll locket started shining and her tail grew back.

But the cut part of her tail rotted away so fast that she couldn't even imagine.

"This... Thing was stopping her." Sephie spoke as an idea struck inside her mind.

Sephie immediately grabbed a big and sharp fragment of the Debris carefully and walked out of the room.





As soon as she walked out of the room, she noticed that No.300 has turned crimson red, her eyes are shining brightly green, and her body is covered in blood.

Meanwhile, Jena was standing perfectly fine in front of her.



Both of them shouted very loudly before engaging in a very tense fight.




They were moving at such an incredible speed that no one standing inside the room was able to see their moves clearly.

"No.300... Here use this. This should stop her..." Sephie shouted as she immediately threw the large fragment of debris towards No.300.

Even though No.300's mental thinking level has gone negative, she immediately understood what Sephie was trying to say.

No.300 immediately disengaged from the battle and grabbed the fragment of the debris.

Jena saw this, and she immediately understood that she had to run now, and that's what she did.

She tried to run out of the room, but before she could've even reached the exit door... No.300 appeared in front of her and stabbed her chest with the debris fragment.



Inside Sephie's lab...

No.300 is lying unconscious on a table, and right beside her was lying Jena. She was also unconscious.

"Fu... How the hell am I going to explain this to Master?" Sephie spoke as she looked around and noticed that more than 70% of her lab has been destroyed completely.

"Ma'am... We can re-build it with zero problems," one of the Ogre girls spoke.

"Yes, Ma'am... You can stay in one of our houses until then. We will try to repair the lab in just 2 days, and if possible, we will only take one day at Max." The Ogre girl spoke with a smile.

"Okay... But, I have to report this to master. You guys take-" Before Sephie could've said anything else, she noticed that the Ogres standing in front of her are scared to death, and their bodies are vibrating at a very high speed.

"What happened?" Sephie asked with a confused expression.

"M-Ma'am... Look behind you." One of the Ogre girls spoke as she pointed towards Sephie's back.

"What is behind-" As soon as Sephie turned back, she saw something that made her completely silent.

It was Jena; she was sitting on her bed, and her eyes were looking around like a lost child.

Suddenly, both of their eyes met.

"Excuse me..." She said as she looked at Sephie with a smile.

"M-Me?" Sephie asked with a scared expression.

"Yes... Do I know you? Your Aura has a different quality..." Jena spoke.

"You must know my master... His name is Anon Agreil." Sephie spoke.

"Wait... Really? Anon is your master? What about all these Ogres...? Are they Anon's slave as well?" She asked with a smile.

"Y-Yes..." Sephie replied as she looked at two Ogres who were standing directly behind her.

Suddenly, Both of the Ogres closed their eyes and flinched.

"Why are they acting all scared in front of me? Have I been sleepwalking in my sleep?" Jena asked as she looked at the two Ogres.

"A-Aren't you feeling an urge to kill us or any anger towards us?" Sephie asked with a serious expression.

"What? Why would I do that? I am a perfectly fine beast girl, and-" Before Jena could've completed her sentence, she looked down and noticed the fragment of debris stabbed right through her chest.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!??? THERE IS A FUCKING BLACK THING IN ME." Jena shouted loudly as she immediately grabbed the Debris's fragment and started pulling it out.

"W-Wait, No-" Before Sephie could've stopped her, Jena pulled it out successfully.


"F-Fuck..." Sephie cursed as she looked at Jena with a serious expression.

"Ma'am... We have to protect you." The Ogres were scared of Jena, but they had to protect Sephie at any cost.

"No, Stay back... I want to see this." Sephie spoke as she immediately rejected the help.

10 seconds passed, But nothing happened with Jena.

"What? Is something wrong with me?" She asked with a Confused expression.

"Fascinating... Bring me my pen and notepad." Sephie ordered.

"Here Ma'am... Take mine." An Ogre girl spoke as she gave her pen and notepad to Sephie.

Sephie immediately took the notepad and started writing something over it.

"Ma'am... Please tell me your name." Sephie asked with a curious expression.

"My name? It's Jena, and I am a member of Royalty. Your master works as my sister's butler." Jena spoke with a smile.

'Memory is working fine but it's not updated yet...' Sephie thought as she immediately wrote it down.

"Okay, what do you think is the date today, ma'am?" Sephie asked.

"Today? It's 27th Of the 12th month." Jena replied.

"Okay... 4 months on the back." Sephie spoke as she wrote it down as well.

"What 4 months?" Jena asked with a Confused expression.

"Nothing, Nothing... Do you remember, How you got here?" Sephie asked.

"How I got here...? Umm... The last thing I remember is, I was taking a walk near the sea with my friends and after that... I don't remember anything.

It's still very foggy in my memories... Why can't I remember anything after that? What is happening with me?" Jena thought as she grabbed her head immediately and her body started to produce the same black aura.

"Shit, take this... Madam Jena, I can explain to you this..." Sephie spoke as she immediately gave the notepad and pen to the Ogre girl and ran towards Jena with a serious expression.

"What? You can explain this?" Jena asked with a confused expression as she looked at Sephie.

"Yes, It's a condition called 'Hurious'. In this your condition, your memories can become a little Foggy and the blackouts are normal too.

Why don't you take some rest for now. Because the best way to treat this condition is to take as much sleep as possible." Sephie explained.

"Really? Will I be cured?" Jena asked.

"Absolutely and then, you can go back to your house." Sephie spoke.

"O-Okay..." Jena spoke as she went to sleep after this.

"Good... Take a good sleep." Sephie spoke as she slowly walked away from her and signaled the other Ogres to get out of the room as well.

All the Ogres standing inside the room, left the room at once with zero delays.

After quietly exiting the room, all the Ogres looked at Sephie with a tensed expression.

"I am going to report this to master... All of you should go home for now. If you tried to repair the lab now and she woke up from the noise, then I don't think it will be good for you guys.

So, let's just leave this place." Sephie ordered.

"Ma'am... What about you? Are you going to come with us too?" An ogre girl asked.

"No, I am going to stay and if something happens... I will call out for help immediately." Sephie replied.

"Y-Yes... Ma'am." The Ogres spoke as they immediately started going back to their houses.

'How am I going to explain this to master...?' Sephie thought as she gathered the courage inside her heart and used the skill 'Psychic connection'.

'Master... Can you hear me? It's me Sephie...'


"So, you are saying that Jena is an abnormal girl now, and whenever she tries to think about her past, she turns into a freak and kills everyone, right?" Anon asked.

'That part is not confirmed yet, master,' Sephie replied from another side.

"You said that she emitted a dark aura when she was stressed, right?" Anon asked.

'Yes, master.... But I stopped her right before she could've turned into something dangerous. I can't understand what to do now, master.

No.300 is too injured to fight now, and her wounds are getting worse with time; she isn't even healing from any healing potions or my troll locket.

Please master help me...' Sephie spoke with a very sad tone.

"I will be there in 30 minutes, Luv..." Anon replied with a serious expression as he cut the connection.

"My lord, where are you going in 30 minutes?" Preci asked with a confused expression.

"I am going to go home for a bit after taking over the Aquaheart kingdom." Anon replied.

"My lord... We are really deep in the sea, and Aquaheart kingdom is really high from here. Even if you travel on the fastest seahorse, you will reach there in 1 day minimum.

There is no-" Before Preci could've completed her sentence, Anon grabbed both of her lips with his fingers and shut them tightly.

"Luv, what is the fastest route to the Aquaheart kingdom? No matter if it's dangerous or not. Just give me the route." Anon asked with a serious expression as he let go of her lips.

"M-My lord... There is indeed a route to go up faster, but that route is very deadly. It is said that the souls of the dead await you on that route..." Preci spoke.

"Wow... Seems like my kind of route. Now, tell me... Where is it?" Anon asked with a very serious expression.

"My lord, if you go to the middle of the 7 oceans, there is a place known as the osmosis... It is said that it's a place of chaos, and underwater storms are always forming there.

The storms flow at a very high speed at that place, and if we can get inside the storm, we can travel to the middle of the sea without any problems, but it's really, really dangerous, my lord. We shouldn't attempt this.

We can lose our lives in this and-" Before she could've completed her sentence, Anon grabbed Preci from the waist and placed her over the seahorse's back.

"Let's go, boy... Take me to the center of that osmosis. I want to take a stormlift up to that Aquaheart kingdom." Anon ordered as he grabbed the seahorse's leash.


The seahorse immediately started swimming at an incredible speed, that in just 7 minutes and 34 seconds... Anon reached near the osmosis.

The osmosis was a deep trench that seemed to have no end, and there were big and giant storms coming out of it every 2 to 3 seconds. Ñøv€lRapture marked the initial hosting of this chapter on Ñôv€lß¡n.

"My lord, please think it over again... I am not suspecting your strength, but my fragile body won't be able to take that pressure and speed with my small-"

"Shut up, Preci... Let's go." Anon spoke as he grabbed her hand, and both of them started swimming towards the middle of the osmosis, where a giant storm was waiting for them.

"My lord... That storm is really dangerous, and I don't think you should go into something like that." Preci spoke, as she tried to change Anon's mindset.

"I thought you weren't afraid of death?" Anon asked with a smile.

"My lord, I am not afraid of death, but what if you died as well?" She asked with a confused expression.

"Hmmm... Don't worry. Just come." Anon spoke as he grabbed her hand, and both of them started getting closer and closer to the tornado.

"M-My lord... I don't know if I will survive after this, so here." Preci spoke as she immediately kissed Anon on the lips.


"Delicious... What was that for?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"My lord, I was just a normal stupid girl before meeting you. I was about to commit suicide that day because I was too alone in this world.

But, then I was hired as an entertainment and disposable toy for you. I was told that you will kill me after using me.

I don't know why, but I took this job. Even though, I didn't want to. But... In the process of this kingdom capturing, you have captured my heart, and now I want to live. I want to live for you, my lord.

Please, my Lord.... Give me the honor of becoming your concubine before I die. Please, my lord, I beg you." Preci spoke as she immediately grabbed Anon's legs.

"What an overacting Queen are you?" Anon asked with a smile as he grabbed Preci's neck from behind and immediately jumped into the Huge Tornado.


The tornado was spinning at such an incredible rate that, in just 30 seconds... Anon had taken more than 150 rounds inside that tornado.

"TELL ME WHEN TO GET OUT...." Anon shouted really loud.

"YES, MY LORRDD..." Preci replied from below.

Anon tightened his grip over Preci's body and tried to keep her with himself at any cost.

"OUCH... MASTER, MY NAPE IS HURTING..." Preci shouted as she felt Anon's grip getting tighter and tighter.

"WHAT? SHOULD WE GET OUT?" Anon asked with a confused expression, as he didn't hear a word Preci was saying.

"NOOOOOOO... DON'T GET OUT. I SAID YOUR GRIP IS TOO TIGHT." Preci shouted once again.

'Yep, I can hear her clearly fine. But, It's fun to make her feel like an idiot... Haha.' Anon thought as a smile appeared over his face.

After traveling inside the tornado for 10 minutes, Anon and Preci finally reached in front of the Aquaheart's kingdom.

"MASTER WE HAVE TO GET OUT..." Preci shouted.

"WHAT SHOULD WE SHOUT?" Anon asked with a smile, even though he heard her clearly.

Suddenly, Preci looked at Anon and told him to get out of the tornado with hand signs.

"OH, OKAY..." Anon spoke as he immediately jumped out of the tornado.


"Well, Well... It's really big." Anon spoke as he released Preci's neck and looked at the Aquaheart kingdom.

"Ouch Ouch... I think my brain moved from it's regular place and Buwaaahhh-" Preci spoke as she vomitted.

"Woah..." Anon gasped as he immediately moved away from her.

"I-I am alright- Buwaaahhh..." Preci spoke as she continued to vomit.

"You don't look alright. You can stay here, I will go to this one myself..." Anon spoke with a neutral expression.

"No, my lord I can let you go- *Buwaaahhh.*..."

"Yep, I am going on my own. Give me that royla seal thing." Anon spoke.

"Here... My lord. If you want, I can come with you. I am feeling fine n- *Buwaaahhh*"

"No, I am fine on my own." Anon spoke with a serious expression as he immediately started swimming towards the Aquaheart kingdom.

As he swimmed towards the main gate, Two male guards noticed him coming.

The Aquahearts have blue eyes with a dark purple Pupil, 2 hands, 2 legs and 8 tentacles full of suckers that are attached to their head directly.

The longer a Aquaheart's tentacles, the older he or she is. They have a tendency to get attracted to shiny things.

"Is that the human ?" One guard asked.

"Yep, he is the one that General told us about." Another one spoke.

"What now ? Should I greet him ?"

"I-I don't know... You are my senior. You talk to him."

"What ? How can I do this without you ?"

"He is coming."

"Hello, Guys... I am here to deliver a message from the Mystifin kingdom-" Before Anon could've completed his sentence, One of the guards interrupted him.

"W-We know..." He spoke with a stammering and scared voice.

"You do ?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"Yes... Our general has already told us about you. Please head inside, Sir." The guard spoke.

"Okay..." Anon spoke as he slowly walked inside the kingdom and noticed that there was a large amount of Aquaheart soldiers, Standing in front of him.

But, they were standing horizontally on both sides of the street, there was no one in that part of the kingdom, not even a kid.

The guards were lined up to the Royal Castle as if welcoming Anon with Royal procedure.

"Oh... Looks like you guys received the news early huh...?" Anon asked with a smile as he looked at a male guard who was standing at the starting of the line.

Suddenly, Anon noticed that the guard's body was vibrating and shaking in fear. He was trying to keep his calm but he was also failing at it.

"Looks like you are afraid of me huh...?" Anon asked as he touched the guard's shoulder slightly.

"S-S-Sir, Please head inside. T-T-The king is waiting for you." The soldier spoke with a very scared voice.

"Why not ?" Anon spoke as he immediately started walking towards the Royal castle.

As he looked around, Anon noticed that some people were looking at him through their half-opened windows and some were looking at him secretly from the alleys.

'Hmm...? What is happening here ?' Anon thought as he suddenly noticed that three Aquahearts are standing in front of the Royal Castle, who were looking at Anon with a serious expression.

They were afraid as well, but they weren't showing it out like that soldier.

'Well, Well... Let's see what are you guys upto.' Anon thought as he immediately walked upto the three Aquahearts.

Out of three, One was female in the golden armour and the other two were male in silver armours.

"Hello, Sir. I am the Royal General and Official Defence minister of the Aquaheart kingdom. My name is Feline." The female Aquaheart spoke with a smile.

"Hello, Luv. I noticed that you have arranged a very warm welcome for me. May I ask, what this is for, I mean, I am not even that famous ?" Anon asked with a confused expression.

"Sir, You are the most famous person now in all the seven seas. The man who conquered all five kingdoms within a few days and without even moving a finger that is.

The human, who travelled from the land and turned around the tides of all 7 seas.

I mean, with just your words you made 5 kingdoms kneel before you. That was impressive and I guess you are here for the same purpose, right ?" Feline asked.

"You are very intelligent... Luv. What was your name again ?" Anon spoke with a smile.

"Sir, it's Feline and our king would like to meet you. Please come with me." Feline spoke as she turned around and Anon noticed what a fast ass she had.

"Well, Feline... Are you single or married ?" Anon asked with a smile.

"I am-" before Feline could've completed her sentence l, Anon interrupted her.

"You know what ? Don't worry... I don't care anyway." Anon replied with a smile.

All four of them walked inside the Royal Castle.

After walking for about 2 minutes, all of them reached in front of a big room that had giant gates.

"Sir, We are here our king is waiting inside this Royal Room." Feline informed.

"Oh, is he locked inside ? Do I have to break the gates ?" Anon asked.

"N-No, Sir. I was just informing you about our king's presence, I will open the door for you." Feline spoke as she immediately opened the doors and both the guards walking with them turned around and acted as the protectors of the Royal Room.

Feline and Anon walked inside the Royal Room.

As soon as they entered inside the room, Anon noticed that an old man around 70 years is sitting on the last chair of the big dinning table.

His tentacles were very long and he was keeping them together with the help of kelp ropes.

"Hello, Sir Human. Why don't you take a seat ?" The king spoke as he looked at Anon with a big smile.

"Hello..." Anon spoke as he slowly walked upto the opposite side of the dinning table and sat down.


"Hehehe... Your character, Your body is really similar to what I heard." The king spoke with a weird smile.

"Hmm...? What did you hear about me ?" Anon asked.

"A Human, with the evilest Aura around his body and A body that looks normal, but a monster's strength inside it.

A man, who can get any woman he wants and a man who can bend down the wills of every king. The Human who took over all the 5 Kingdoms of the sea and now sitting here to conquer the last one.

The one, who didn't fought any wars to do so and You are the Human, who created such disturbing tides in the Stormborn sea. May I know the name of This Gentleman ?" The king asked.

"Shouldn't you tell your name first before asking mine ?" Anon asked with a smile.

"Oh my, Please forgive this old man... My memories are getting foggy with every passing day, My name is Jadrin, I am the King of this Small kingdom." Jadrin spoke.

"Hello, Jadrin. I am Anon and you are right, I am here to take over your kingdom." Anon replied with a calm expression.

"I guess, I will be a stupid to say 'No' huh...?" Jadrin asked with a smile.

"If you have heard so much about me, then you are right. You will be a stupid to say no." Anon replied.

"Well, I surrender." Jadrin spoke with a smile.

"Wha-!?" Feline was left shocked when she heard this.

"What are you getting surprised for ? Do you want me to fight a monster, Defence minister ? I am sorry sir, I am using the term 'Monster' to define your strength. Don't take it personally." The king spoke.

"No offence taken." Anon replied with a smile.

"B-But, Sir... Aren't we even trying to fight ?" Feline asked with shocked expression.

"I don't have the strength to fight this man, Defense minister. Why don't you show her an example of your power, Sir ?" The king asked as he looked at Anon with a smile.

"Hehehehe..." Suddenly Anon started laughing loudly.

"Is something wrong, Sir ?" Jadrin asked with a smile.

"You are one of the most intelligent beings inside this sea, you know that ?" Anon asked.

"Thank you sir, for the compliment." The king spoke with a smile.

'What a funny guy, Creating this scene to test out my powers. Hahaha... He already surrendered in front of me to keep his reputation and telling me to fight her, so that he can clear his doubts.' Anon thought as a smile appeared over his face.

"Sir, Please grant me the Honour to fight you." Feline asked as she immediately bowed down to Anon.

"Very well... Honour granted, Luv." Anon spoke as he picked up a small silver knife from the table and pointed it towards Feline.

"S-Sir !?" She asked in confusion.

"I am going to fight with this and you can us pretty much anything you want. How about that ? I mean, I only have to show you an example of my strength right ?" Anon asked with a smile.

Feline immediately looked at the King with a Confused expression.


The king immediately nodded in a very calm way and gave her the signal to fight Anon.

"As you wish sir. But, I am not going to hold back..." Feline spoke as she is immediately took out her sword and covered it with a sacred Aura.

Anon also covered the knife with his Auric Energy and stood up from his seat.

"Sir, Would you like to start first or should I ?" She asked.

"Luv, I will just defend myself. If you landed even a single blow on my body in the next 12 minutes, then I will serve your kingdom as a soldier." Anon spoke with a smile.

"But, Sir... If you didn't go on offensive... Then it won't be a fair fight." Feline asked with a confused expression.

"Don't worry, Luv. If I tried to go on offensive, then I might destroy half of your kingdom in my warm up." Anon spoke with a smile.

Feline immediately understood that Anon wasn't lying.

"A-As you wish sir." Feline spoke as she immediately assumed her offensive pose.


"I hope both of you win." The king said as he clapped with a big smile on his face.

"3...2...1... Attack." Feline said as she immediately jumped towards Anon, her sword directly pointing at Anon's chest.


But as soon as she got close to Anon, he easily evaded her sword by placing the Auric Energy covered knife in front of him.

"What the- How did it took the force of my blow ?" Feline asked with a confused expression as she immediately backed off.

But, without thinking much... Feline immediately took out another sword from her inventory and now she holded swords in both of her hands.

"Third form... Tornado's eye." Feline spoke as she immediately started spinning like a Tornado and both of her swords were now two strong blades rotating at a very high speed.

She then started coming towards Anon.

"Nice skill..." Anon spoke as he immediately holded his knife vertically in front of him.


Feline's skill failed immediately as she failed to penetrate through Anon's knife.

"*Huff-Huff*.... How is that knife so strong ?" Feline asked with a serious and very tired expression.

"Don't worry, Defence minister. You can try again... You have about 9 minutes left." The king spoke as he looked at feline with a smile.

"Y-Yes, Sir." Feline spoke with an encouraged expression.

She immediately summoned three more swords and the tentacles attached to her head immediately grabbed the three swords.

"Fifth form... Thunder Slash." Feline spoke as she immediately disappeared from her position and re-appeared behind Anon's back.

She then attacked Anon from all seven sides with an incredible speed.

But, Before her blades could've touched Anon's body, he turned around and stopped all the blades at once with the help of his knife.


"My... My... That some incredible speed." The king spoke with a Surprised expression.



'How is he doing that ? How can he stop all of my blades together with just a small knife ? He is not even using his other hand to fight.

The skills and speed of this human is just too much. I have to do something about that.' Feline thought as she looked at Anon with a serious expression.

"You have five minutes left, Luv." Anon spoke with a smile.

"That's it... I am using it." Feline spoke as she immediately summoned 5 more swords and all of her empty tentacles grabbed the swords.

Now, Feline holded 10 swords with her body... 8 with her tentacles and 2 with her hands.

"Sword Sunder Charge... Final Form, Death's Array." Feline spoke as her eyes shined brightly blue and a mystical Aura surrounded her body.

"Oh my... That's her ultimate attack." The king spoke with a surprised expression.

"Well, I am a little scared..." Anon replied with a smile.

"Charge unleash..." Feline murmured in a low voice as she immediately disappeared from her place and re-appeared behind Anon.

Feline attached Anon with her blades from all ten direction and left him no way to escape.

"Heh..." Anon smirked and immediately moved his hand with a very fast speed.

In just 1 second... Anon tackled all ten blades and disarmed Feline.






All ten blades fall down to the ground and Feline was left shocked at this.

"H-How can you do this ? How can you match the speed of my blades and not only match it but disarmed me as well ? These blades are the fastest moving blades in the whole seven seas. How did you stop them with a knife ?" She asked Anon with Confused expression.

"Luv, it's not about the blades or the Knife... It's about, who is holding them." Anon spoke as he looked at his knife and then looked at Feline.

"Why don't you show me some of your moves, Sir ? Or Do you only know how to dodge attacks ?" She asked with a smile.

"Defense Minister... Please don't cross your line." The king spoke with a serious expression.

"I-I am sorry, Sir." Feline spoke as she immediately bowed down to him.

"I am not the one you should be saying that , am I ?" The king asked with a serious expression.

"I understand... I am sorry, Sir." Feline spoke as she immediately turned towards Anon and bowed down.

"No, No... Don't worry. I will show you, what I can do." Anon spoke with a smile as he immediately placed the knife aside.

"S-Sir, you don't have to do anything... I am very sorry for my immoral behaviour just now." Feline Apologized as she bowed down to Anon.

"Here..." Anon spoke as he throwed the knife directly into Feline's legs.


"Huh...?" Feline and the king was left confused when both of them saw this.

"D-Do I have to pick it up, Sir ?" Feline asked with a serious expression.

"Yes, If you picked it up... I will give you one of my strongest weapons. You have... Three minutes... Go." Anon spoke.

"That's ea-" Feline started speaking as she bent down but before she could've completed her sentence, She felt immense amount of bloodlust coming out of Anon's body.


As soon as Anon let out his bloodlust, Feline and the King, froze at their Positions and couldn't even move a finger.

'What terrifying Aura ? It's like i am standing face to face with death itself. I can't even breath properly, it's like the whole sea is weighing me down and the pressure around my body is increasing....' The king thought as he looked at Anon with a scared expression.

'I-I-I can't move... Even though I know he is standing in front of me. My eyes are looking at him, but I can't move my body in order to pick up the knife... What the hell is this monster's strength limit ?' Feline thought as she immediately looked at the king and noticed that he was afraid as well.

'N-Now, I understand why the king tried to form a truce with him. This monster really holds the power to destroy the entire Kingdom with just his bloodlust.

This guy is evil in flesh... I should apologise to him as soon as he let me go... I-I C-Can't breath. T-The bloodlust is increasing...' Feline thought.


Anon only released 15% of his total bloodlust.

"Your time is over... Now." Anon spoke as he immediately withdrew his Bloodlust and looked at Feline with a smile.



Both of them immediately fell down to their knees and started taking long breaths.

"I-I am really sorry, Sir. I tried to cross my limits, Please forgive my stupidness. Please Sir." Feline begged for mercy as she immediately grabbed Anon's legs.

"I already warned you, Luv. Since you have already surrendered your kingdom to me... I will be taking my leave now." Anon spoke as he looked at the King with a smile.

"W-Wait... Sir. I-I have something that I would like to give you as a present from my side." Jadrin spoke as he immediately stood up from the ground and walked upto Anon.

"Hmm...? What is it ?" Anon asked with a Confused expression.

"Here, Sir Anon. I know it's not the best type of gift... But, I will be honoured if you took it." Jadrin spoke as he gave Anon a small box.

Anon took the box and immediately opened it.

As soon as he opened the box, Anon noticed a pair of gloves inside the box.

"Hmm...? Gloves ?" Anon asked with a Confused expression.

<Demonic Eyes>

[Name: Octa Gloves]

[Rank: Special Grade]

[Tier: SSS+]

[Description: Made inside the ocean's guarding kingdom... The Aquahearts. These Octa Gloves are the carriers of the 8 different Legendary skills and they can be used in different types of situations in order to protect yourself or attack your opponents.]

[Mana: Depends on the technique used.]

"These gloves are magical, Sir. They will help you in your journey ahead. I ordered my personal royal crafters to make them, just for you." Jadrin spoke.


"Okay... It's time for me to leave. By the way... Thanks for the gift. You are a good and smart man." Anon spoke as he slowly placed his hand over Jadrin's shoulder.

"Really ? That's an honour sir." Jadrin spoke as he immediately bowed down to Anon.

"No, Worries... I am going." Anon spoke as he immediately started walking towards the exit of the room.

"Sir, Did you forgive me ?" Feline asked with a worried expression.

"You are cute Luv and I always forgive the cute chicks." Anon spoke as he exited the room with a smile on his face.

"W-What ? Chicks ? What does that mean ? And did he forgive me ?" Feline asked with a confused expression.

"H-He holds the power..." The king spoke with a serious expression, as he continued to stare at the exit gate.

"My king ?" Feline asked with a Confused expression.

"That guy, he holds the power to rule over the world... H-He is the only one who can do it. The one who can rule this world. The one who can bend anyone to his will.

The One who will... Become a GOD." The king spoke.

Feline didn't said anything and continued to stare at Jadrin's face as if she understood what he was trying to say.


...Outside the kingdom...

"Hello, Luv. Are you alright now ?" Anon asked as he swam upto Preci.

Preci immediately bowed down to Anon and spoke, "I greet the lord of the Six Oceans." She then looked above and gave him a wide smile.

"Hahaha... I like that. So, I have to go for now." Anon spoke as he slowly placed his hand over Preci's cheek.

"My lord... Are you going to leave me here ? In this alone sea ?" She asked with an emotional and sad expression.

"Don't worry, I will return and take you back with some other girls... That I want to pick up from here. Until then, How about you stay in Nerzis's Royal Castle and have some fun." Anon spoke with a smile.

"My lord... You didn't replied to my request. Will you make me your concubine ?" Preci asked with a smile.

"Oh, Yeah... You can become that. I don't have a problem with that but just for your information... I have another girl who calls me her husband." Anon spoke.

"Oh, I would love to meet my fellow Sisters, My lord. I will cherish them with love and show them the insides of this ocean." Preci spoke.

"Okay, I have to go now." Anon spoke as he turned around and started swimming away from her.


Suddenly, Percy grabbed Anon's hands.


"You will be back right ?" Preci asked with a smile.

"Yeah..." Anon replied with a smile.

"Okay, I believe you." Preci spoke as she let go of Anon's hand.

'What a stupid girl ? She thinks, that I will fell in love with her ? What a joke, If I told her that the girls of her level aren't even good enough to become my Cum-Dump, She will definitely kill herself... Hehehe.

But, because I am a very good guy. I won't do that and continue to fuck her without taking her with me out to the land ever... Because if I did then she will only become a headache for me.

I want girls who can fight or at least good in bed... as my Cum-Dumps, she is none of them. So, I will just make her a whore toy and play with her, whenever I come underwater.

I know, I know... I am really a kind hearted person. Hehehe' Anon thought as a smile appeared over his face.

Suddenly, Anon stopped and started looking towards the north side of the ocean.

"Hmm.... I came from there. That's where the Mystifins were and if that's where the Mystifins are then... That direction should be for the mermaid and the sirens.

So, If I am right then... This side should lead upto land." Anon spoke as he immediately calculated everything and used his skill.

<Space Chaser>

Suddenly, A massive hole opened up and sucked him in.

Anon travelled through the quantum realm at a very high speed and he was keeping count of the seconds, so that he doesn't get lost in the Quantum realm.

"1...2....3...4...5... Out." Anon shouted and as soon as he did, a hole opened in front of him and threw him outside.


"Oh fuck..." Anon shouted as he landed inside a dark space.

"Huh...? Who is it ?"

"Who dares to invade my house...?" An ogre's sound came as he immediately turned on the lights and noticed a human lying over his partner's breasts and his face was buried in-between her pussy.

"H-How dare you touch my partner's body ? You fuck-" Before the Ogre could've completed his sentence, his partner woke up and interrupted him.Ñøv€l-B1n was the first platform to present this chapter.

"Hmm...? What happened ? Why are you shouting so loudly ? I was having a good dream and- Huh..? Is that a human over my pussy ?" The Ogre girl asked with a Confused expression.

"Yes and he is going to die now... But, I would love to see his face before I kill him." The male ogre spoke as he touched Anon's body and turned him around.

"Kill me ? Are you serious ?" Anon asked with a neutral expression as he looked at the Ogre.

"Y-Y-Y-Your M-M-Majesty !!???" The male ogre shouted as he immediately bowed down to Anon.

"Y-Your M-M-Majesty !?" Hearing her partner, the ogre girl looked at Anon and noticed that it was really Anon.

"W-We Greet, The King." Both of them immediately bowed down in front of Anon.

"S-S-Sir... Please F-F-Forgive me.... I-I-I didn't knew that you were the Human and I said some really bitter things, Please punish me sir." The male ogre spoke.

"M-Me too, Sir. I am really sorry for Trapping your face into my pussy, I thought you were a big stone, I was trying to crush in my dream and-"

"Shut up, both of you. Keep sleeping... I am going." Anon spoke as he immediately exited the house.

'Fuck man... I really have to figure out the place I land in. Today I landed in a pussy, What if next time... It opened the portal in front of someone's ass ?' Anon thought as he started walking towards sephie's lab.
