
The World of Island, Start with Ninja

The world is full of islands, and so many people who have different power in it that wait for you to conquer. This is the fourth fanfic novel I hope you enjoy it. By the way, my English sucks so please bear with it.

Terraian · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 21: Treasure

Jovan looks at Shirya's back in front of him, 'Looks like my words worked. Even makes she give me the treasure that she collected all these years.'

That's right, All Jovan said and does just now is acting. What's family, what is a partner, he doesn't care at all about it. Maybe only the words weapon and property are true for him. This also applies to the other troops.

He only regards his troops as useful weapons and precious property that is all he needs in this world. Even though they are only property for him but it doesn't mean other people can touch them.

Especially the betrayal, that the thing he hates the most. This is also a reason why he just choose a female troop.

Because the female is an emotional creature, once you make her think that you are the most important person to her. She will be always loyal and give everything to you.

Different from a male creature that inclination to his rationality and ambition. That's most likely to betray if they have power except for certain stupid male creatures.

This is happening in most cases where lords got betrayed by their male troops more than female troops. Even female troops betray, it is because they didn't get enough care or mistreated by their lord.

Of course, there is also a personal reason. That a female is more pleasing to the eyes than a male for him. This is also the nature of man.

In the case of Shirya who was lonely on this island for 5 years and as a survivor of great tragedy her heart must be very tired and needs a sense of security from the others. So Jovan uses this weakness to easily increase her intimacy points.


Jovan follows Shirya until reached a dead end of the cave. Then she pushes away a big boulder on the left side of her that shows them a big hole that leads to somewhere.

"Lord, please follow Shirya.", said Shirya and got into the big hole. Jovan also following Shirya got into the big hole.

After walking for a while on that path in the big hole. He and Shirya arrive in the open that doesn't big but enough to live in it.

On that, there is a bed, table, chair, treasure chest and wardrobe made of soil. And also a torch in the middle of space.

"So this is a place where you live.", Jovan said.

"Yes, Lord. Shirya makes this space to be a place to live.", said Shirya then she come to the treasure chest.

"Here Lord. Shirya is treasure please take it.", said Shirya open the treasure chest and gave the contents to Jovan.

Jovan looked at her treasure. There is a sword, medical herbs, treasure plants, blueprints, Ninjutsu scroll, token, and even devil fruit.

"Surprisingly, your luck is quite good, Shirya. For you to collect all of these treasures.", said Jovan.

"Yes, thank you for your praise, Lord.", said Shirya.

"No, I am the one who should say a thank you. Thank you, Shirya.", said Jovan while patting her head.

"Y-yes, Lord. N-no problem.", said Shirya while blushing on her face.

Then, Jovan makes a clone to bring treasures to the territory. While Jovan and Shirya also go back to the territory.


On the territory, Jovan greeted the other women and introduced Shirya to them. After that, Jovan leaves some space for them while he is counting a harvest that he got from Shirya.

Starting from the sword is just a Grade sword which is a lot worse than a sword used by Shirya and Miwa. But it is okay to sell it later or store it for future troops.

There are also medical herbs and treasure plants to make a variation potion. This is very useful to increase the effect of the potion that Jovan made.

There is also a residence treasure blueprint. This resident is quite special because you build the underground. I am already planning to build this residence under the castle.

Some Ninjutsu scrolls that I will use and distribute to other troops. There is also an unexpected bronze token. This token is usually known as the Recruitment token.

These Recruitment tokens are divided into three grades. Start from Bronze, Silver, and Gold. The bronze token can recruit C - B Rank troops, The silver token can recruit B - A Rank troops, and The gold token can recruit A - S Rank troops. Even though you can only get one randomly but it's sought by so many people.

Then finally, there is two Devil fruit. Shirya must get three Devil Fruit which is one she already eat it. Talking about Shirya, she is already telling her story to Jovan on the way here. Jovan also promised to get her revenge and make her stronger. This act increased her intimacy points toward him.

From her information, Jovan knows that the so-called Tea Island are not far from the current Island. This is about 3 islands away from the current island. Besides that, she told me that tea island was a paradise for a sword lover as this place can produce a great-grade blade.

This is also a reason why this Island got attacked by a neighbour Island. She said there are two great forces island combinations that attack tea island. Of course, they are purpose not only to rob but also to kidnap all descendants of the blacksmith on that island.

Shirya herself is not a blacksmith descendant but she is more like a soldier descendant in that country. After all, tea island is also a known island if they are weak they will easily get bullied and exploited. There is no need for a two great force island combination to attack it.

Shirya also promised Jovan. If he can save tea island then she will lead tea island to surrender to Jovan. Honestly, Jovan didn't care about surrendering Tea Island. After all, no matter what that island already become weak and must depend on him as a stronger one to survive.

Then Jovan looked at the two devil fruit in his hand. Honestly, he doesn't know what kind of devil fruit is in his hand so he just keeps it.