
The World of Island, Start with Ninja

The world is full of islands, and so many people who have different power in it that wait for you to conquer. This is the fourth fanfic novel I hope you enjoy it. By the way, my English sucks so please bear with it.

Terraian · Anime & Comics
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23 Chs

Chapter 19: Build

Jovan takes out several blueprints. This blueprint is a one-time-use item, so it will be gone after Jovan uses it.

This blueprint's content got blurred. It is all done so that the blueprint not getting easily copied by Lord.

When using a blueprint all you have to do is to collect a necessary material like wood, stone, or metal. Of course, some blueprints need some special item or material. Like a rainbow crystal, magic gold, or stone chakra.

Lord also build a building by themselves without using a blueprint but it will take a long time. Then it is effect not necessarily good.

At this time, in Jovan's hand, he has several a blueprint that can be classified as a treasure. The blueprint can be classified into two classes, the first one is normal, and another one is a treasure.

Naturally, each blueprint treasure has its quality and it can be seen in the effects this building can give. Like some treasure buildings can only give a 2% healing bonus, but another one can give a 5% healing bonus.

These buildings are also classified into several types. The first one is the residence which is the place to rest. The second one is a camp which is a place to train. The third one is a defence building like a tower and walls. The last one is a special building like a marketplace, forge, laboratory, and special statue that can give troops and the lord buff or special effects while in the territory.

Among that blueprints, the rarest one is a special building blueprint. The rare one is also the one hard to get.

In Jovan's hand, he has 8 residences, 2 camps, 1 wall, 4 towers and 2 special statue blueprints which he got from hunting a monster. There are more blueprints actually, but he didn't want them so he keeps and sells them later.

As for how Jovan got 2 special statue blueprints. This is all thanks to Scheherazade's luck. The first one he got from the treasure chest that refreshes from the island every week but he has to find it because this treasure chest is hidden on the island. The second one he got it from The blue lion before. Even though the drop rate is quite low but because of Scheherazade's luck, he marvellously got it.

"Okay, the preparation is complete. Let's start to build our place. All of you are ready?", Jovan said while looking at his troops behind him.

"Yes, Lord Jovan.", said all of them.

"Good then don't get surprised.", said Jovan. And quietly said in his heart, 'Build'. Then suddenly the white light appeared on the materials and blueprint in Jovan's hand. Then shoot out to the open area and cover it with white light.

The white light goes out, and then several whole new buildings appear in the open field. The big European model castle stood in the middle of the place.

Surrounding a castle are houses of different styles on them. Start from Chinese style house, Indian house style, Bali house style, Japanese house style, Java house style, etc.

Besides that, there is also a wall surrounding it to cover or protect this place. There are also 4 towers on each side of the walls. That makes this place looks like a small town or city.

"Okay, it's already ready. All of you can choose a place to live. There should be enough room for all of us.", Jovan said to all his women troops.

"Okay, thank you, Lord Jovan.",

Then all of the troops start to take a tour of their new environment. While Jovan looking at the status of the island that he just got.

[Rank-B Island (Medium)

Monster (0/200)

Treasure chest (0/1)

Troop (1/50)

Note: This is a lustful forest Island that is full of resources. This Island can be a good start for your first adventure if you have enough strength.


"Hmm, there is one troop living on this island. Why haven't I found it yet? After all, I am already exploring this island thoroughly.", said Jovan.

"Hmm, looks like this troop can hide or hide in a hidden place.", said Jovan then he make a seal.

"Multiple shadow clone Jutsu"

*puff puff

"All of you search all on this island. Even in the underground, you must search for it. And don't forget to always activate your Sharingan. If you found a target catch it.", Jovan said to his several clones.

"Yes." replied all of them.


They are gone.

After a while, Jovan also joins his troops to choose a house to live in. Seeing all of them enjoy their moment in choosing a house. Jovan just shakes his head.

Eventually, Jovan choose a European castle building. But just as he wants to say something suddenly his face got changed.

His troops noticed this and hurriedly asked, "Lord, what's wrong?"

"One of my clones got killed by a troop.", Jovan said in surprise. Even though my clone got hit in surprise but don't forget that I let them always activate a Sharingan.

My other troops were also got surprised. After all, they are know well how strong the Jovan clone.

"I will go first. All of you can stay here for a while. After this, we are gonna attack another Island and all of you must be prepared.", Jovan said and went to the forest.

The troops want to say something. But holding it, after all, they know how weak they are. So they just execute the order from Jovan.

At the same time, Jovan arrives in front of a dark cave. Where his clone got killed. Jovan quietly activate a Sharingan and got in.

After walking for a while, Jovan heard a footstep near him. But he is still walking like never heard a sound.

Honestly, Jovan at this time surprised because he can't see anyone even though he is using a Sharingan. Even though he already knows it from the memory of his clone who got killed before but still experience it directly is have a different taste.

Suddenly, the person behind him attacks him with a sword. Jovan who already knows about it just stands still and lets its attack hit him.


A log of wood appeared on the place where Jovan stand. The attacker who was happy earlier immediately got panic and was surprised.

But when she was just about to run, then suddenly a Kunai already place on her neck. "Looks like this is my win, woman."