
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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Chapter 4 Gun Training

 afternoon patrol was replaced by Angela Lopez's driving. After Jack offered to use her daily lunch in exchange for helping him practice marksmanship for an hour after work, she readily agreed to the deal and asked Jack to directly Call her Angela instead of Officer Lopez.

  Jack, who was sitting in the passenger seat, turned on the system and checked the new notification. The successful arrest in the morning was rewarded with 5 experience points.

  The two comprehensive ability medals obtained from the graduation ceremony and the reward for officially becoming a police officer provided a total of 4 system gold coins. I saved 2 coins in the police academy for half a year, making a total of 6 coins. Previously, I spent 5 coins on the impulse to upgrade the treatment point to mastery. , the current experience value is 45, and there is only 1 system gold coin left.

  Thinking that even after leaving the rookie stage, an ordinary patrol police officer would only deal with trivial matters every day, which made him want to actively intervene in some key plots.

  The experience of arresting or killing vicious criminals must be much higher than catching a pair of lesbians, right?

  Regarding the use of system gold coins, Jack also had some plans in mind. After graduating from the police academy, both mental and physical attributes were improved to 19 points.

  As these two attributes improved, his feelings became more and more obvious.

  When you focus on studying or training, the higher the level of concentration and the longer the duration, the faster your mental power will grow. In turn, the improvement of mental power can greatly improve the efficiency of his learning and training.

  Physical fitness is easier to understand. At first, Jack's physical fitness was only 8 points. As he took the initiative to exercise and adjust his diet, when 9 points exceeded 10 points, the original mild myopia disappeared, some of which were caused by his bad habits. All my minor ailments have completely disappeared.

  After joining the police academy, I learned new fighting routines. While secretly using treatment to eliminate muscle strain, I practiced hard. My physical fitness increased rapidly, and eventually it was equal to my mental strength.

  The two attributes have been stuck at 19 for some time now. Jack estimates that if he breaks through to 20, there should be some surprises. However, adding points to these two attributes is also very cheating. The system prompts that each point below 20 consumes 2 system gold coins.

  So this is the reason why Jack proposed to exchange lunch for Angela to help with shooting training. Before he saves 4 system gold coins to break through the mental strength of 20 and the physical strength of 20 respectively, the skill level can only be improved completely through his own hard work.

  To be a police officer in Los Santos, being proficient in pistol shooting and rifle shooting is definitely not enough.

  "Let me see your shooting level first."

  After work, Angela took Jack to the underground shooting range of the police station.

  Jack took out the Glock 22 issued by the police station from the holster, put on goggles and earmuffs, took a posture and held his breath, and emptied the magazine at the fixed target 10 meters away.

  "So what do you want me to teach you?" Angela took off the target paper from the automatically zoomed-in target and asked in confusion as she looked at the densely packed bullet holes around the center of the circle.

  "At least half of the people in this police station are not as good at marksmanship as you."

  Afraid of her misunderstanding, Jack quickly explained: "Hannah said that my marksmanship can only be played at the shooting range and is not enough to cope with real big scenes. I hope I can perform better when facing armed criminals."

  Angela nodded: "I know what you need, and I can train you in this aspect, but you have to understand one thing , you can never imagine what you are going to face until you actually fire the first shot." "

  Now, forget everything the instructors taught you in the police academy, throw away the soundproof earmuffs and goggles, and let's start practicing. "

  At 6:30 in the evening, when Jack drove the newly purchased second-hand Chevrolet back to Hannah's house, his hearing had still not fully recovered. Although the Glock gunfire was not loud, shots were fired one after another in the echoing underground shooting range. Five magazines still made him dizzy. You must know that Glock's standard magazine contains 15 bullets.    

  However, he has gained a lot today. It is basically certain that when he basically masters the secrets of American Iai, his pistol shooting skills should be able to advance to a proficient level.

  Opening the door and walking through the hallway into the living room, Hannah was sitting on the sofa watching TV and chewing potato chips with her long legs bare and only a knee-length T-shirt on her upper body.

  Seeing Jack enter the house, Hannah threw away the potato chips, screamed, jumped off the sofa, and jumped on his back.

  "I'm starving to death. You hurry up and cook. I want to eat sweet and sour short ribs and mapo tofu."

  It has to be said that Jack's physical attributes have increased so fast, and the human weight-bearing device Hannah hangs on him at every turn can be described as It is a great contribution.

  Ever since she met Jack with Zoe, this farm girl from the Texas countryside seemed to have discovered some rare treasure. Whenever she had time, she would wander around him, like a lioness who discovered the King of Lions.

  With more and more contact, she felt less and less distanced from Jack. Ever since she had some physical contact while helping Jack do sit-ups, she gradually became unscrupulous and would stick to him at every turn.

  Originally, Jack thought she was a relatively open-minded girl and planned to stay away from her. Unexpectedly, one day Zoe asked curiously how he managed to get Hanna to get close to her. She had known for a long time that Hanna had a slight misogyny. After coming into contact with male suspects or male colleagues, they would secretly wash their hands in the bathroom.

  Jack was very surprised by this. He once carefully tested Hannah, but Hannah just said lightly that it was related to previous experiences. In view of the fact that the old American was unusually sensitive to personal privacy, he did not dare to ask any more questions.

  As a result, the strange relationship between the three people was maintained like this. Hannah turned a blind eye to the affection shown by Jack and Zoe inadvertently, and gave Jack benefits at every opportunity. Before Zoe confessed her thoughts, she also treated Hannah for harassing Jack. The behavior turns a blind eye, and someone caught in the middle can be said to be in pain and happiness.

  It took 40 minutes to prepare dinner, and Hannah laughed like a fox who stole the chicken while eating. In order to get the three meals a day that Jack promised, the little rich woman not only spent money to change the original open kitchen into a closed one, but also installed I bought a new stove and range hood, and a luxurious large refrigerator made by Siris.

  "Would you like to go to the bar with me tonight? Let's meet up with John and Lucy." Jack put the dishes in the dishwasher and asked over his shoulder.

  "Okay, then I'll drive." Hannah looked very happy, picked up the car keys and dragged Jack out of the door.

  Hannah's car is very unique. It is a yellow and white striped Mustang, a typical old American muscle car.

  The two came to the small bar and found that John and Lucy had arrived.

  "John, you don't look good."

  Jack took four bottles of Budweiser from the bar and showed concern to John.

   Updates increased to 4K per day and divided into two chapters.

  (End of chapter)