
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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57 Chs

Chapter 33 Happy Gathering

 Maureen's eyes became a little blurry, she pursed her red lips and gave her a wet kiss: "No wonder Zoe is so crazy about you that she almost breaks the promise she made to her family. You are simply the Helen of Troy back then."

  Jack couldn't laugh or cry, wondering what all this was, but he had a doubt in his mind. Was Zoe's accidental death in the original plot really just an accident that was written randomly by the screenwriter because of the actor's withdrawal? Or it may be reinterpreted by this world, and there are other reasons.

  I secretly reminded myself that I should pay more attention to the situation in the police station during this period. In addition to preventing Zoe's accident, I also wanted to prevent extraneous problems.

  The next day, Jack and Hannah made an appointment for everyone to have dinner together. They had agreed to treat John and Lucy, who were still rookies, to a big meal. By the way, they also called Tim and Angela.

  The case of serial murderer Angus Lucius was handled in a low-key manner, and a hush order was issued within the police department. At the same time, the Los Angeles City Hall was worried about causing public panic and reached a deal with several mainstream media, and all relevant reports were suppressed. Down.

  Because the case was solved too quickly and there were not many people with knowledge of it, even if it was posted online, just a few words would not make any waves.

  The only regret is that this time the District Attorney's Office was under scrutiny from above and worked too quickly. The shooters, Tim and Jack, were only given three days of administrative leave.

  Jack spent a lot of money this time. He didn't let Hannah spend money. The ingredients alone cost him nearly 400 dollars. He went to Huashang Supermarket to purchase some good-quality ingredients. In addition to the rock sugar elbows that everyone strongly requested, he also made squirrel fish. , salt-baked chicken and a bunch of hard dishes.

  At 7 o'clock in the evening, everyone arrived, and Jack finally finished working in the kitchen. He turned on the system with satisfaction, and a notification appeared on it: Congratulations to the host for improving his cooking skills (skilled) to cooking skills (proficient) through his own learning.

  Now he finally has a second master-level skill besides pistol shooting. Although cooking is not directly helpful to his police career, after finishing a case, he can sit down and enjoy delicious food with his friends. It is the best way to relieve your mood and get rid of negative emotions.

  Today, Tim brought a bottle of his favorite Gordon's gin for everyone to taste. Gin, also known as gin, is one of the favorite hard liquors in the United States.

  Everyone chatted while eating, and the topic turned around several times, and finally returned to the serial murder case.

  Hannah curled her lips: "Do you know what happened last night after you guys left?"

  "The two detectives from the major crime team actually found Zoe and complained to us, saying that we should have informed them before entering the suspect's house to search. Angela

  looked sarcastic: "Superintendent Anderson doesn't know how to coax a baby. This case has not been officially transferred to the Major Crime Squad. They have no reason to complain to us. Only losers will complain when they don't get the credit."

  Hannah Nodding: "Zoe directly invited them out of the office, and said that if they had treated the report of Carla's family carefully, the two girls would not have suffered so much torture." "

  The bald detective named Mota has a face ." I'm so angry that I'm deformed."

  "So, is this the end of the matter?" Jack's words meant something, and he was talking to Tim. During the pursuit yesterday, both of their law enforcement recorders fell off for some reason, and what happened in the end What it was, only the two of them knew.

  "Since the higher-ups have spoken, of course it's over like this. The murderer is dead anyway, so no one will care about the details, right?"

  Tim said with a calm expression.

  "Doctor Jialisi said that the girl named Emma will need at least 3 months to fully recover. It would be too easy for him to let the beast die like this."

  Hannah still looked a little angry, and this case touched her A dull ache in my heart.

  Jack smiled, clinked glasses with Tim, and drank the rest of the wine: "Okay Hannah, we are just police, not God, we did what we could, let's talk about something happy, next It's gossip time."

  John smiled mysteriously and began to reveal: "When I was in Superintendent Gray's office, someone happened to come in and said that he was considering applying for the position of superintendent."    

  Angela, who was eating happily at the side, froze when she heard this. It took a long time to swallow the food in her mouth with difficulty, and she looked at Tim in disbelief. He was the only one who met the qualifications among the people present.

  "No way, bastard Tim, you were still laughing at us when Bishop and I were competing for the position of police detective."

  She imitated Tim's usual frowning manner: "I don't understand why you two are like this, Be cruel and leave the patrol team. Being a patrolman is the fun."

  After saying that, he slapped Tim on the shoulder, "Huh? Are you going to give up your fun now?"

  Tim said without blushing: "I I just don't want to wait for you to officially become a police detective and be ordered around by you every day. I entered the police station two years earlier than you."

  Angela still pointed her finger at him angrily and said in a fierce tone: "You'd better pray. You can successfully pass the police supervisor exam in one go, otherwise I will become a police detective first and arrest you as soon as there is a case."

  Tim launched a counterattack: "Angela, why don't you talk about you and that rich young man first? What's going on, lawyer?"

  Everyone looked at this carefree girl, including Lucy, who was addicted to food because she tasted Jack's craftsmanship for the first time. They all looked up and cast bright eyes.

  Jack found that Angela turned red in a rare way and stuttered when speaking.

  "We only dated a few times, can't I have a private life?"

  Lucy's eyes widened, looking in disbelief: "You helped him get his suitcase back from the thief, and you wanted to complain in return. Your lawyer who violently enforces the law?"

  Jack raised his hand to prove: "I was at the scene that time, and the two of them had a heated argument. Angela even threatened to slap the guy in the face."

  "Wow!" Eat. The crowd showed expressions of watching a good show.

  "Wesley later apologized to me because one of my four brothers was getting married, and if I couldn't find a best man to accompany me to the wedding right away, my mother would spend the entire night trying to get me and the best man together." "

  So? "Everyone said in unison.

  "The best man smells like cat litter, and I don't think he keeps cats at all."

  Angela said with a sweet smile: "Besides, Wesley is indeed handsome, and he was very gentlemanly when he apologized. "

  Hannah suddenly showed a belated look, slapped her forehead, and her voice was so excited that her voice rose 8 degrees.

  "So today you suddenly asked me what Jack and I should pay attention to when we are in the same house."

  "Oh my god, you have already started to plan to live together, and you actually plan to hide it from me. Aren't we already best friends?"

  (End of chapter)