
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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57 Chs

Chapter 31: Old and cunning

Jack was a little dumbfounded by Hannah's actions. He reached out and pushed the hair that was stuck to her lips behind her ears, and nodded.

  "To be honest, I'm curious about how Tim plans to avoid this gadget." While speaking, he turned on the law enforcement recorder on his chest.

  Two police cars turned off their engines and parked at the corner more than 200 meters away from the cabin to prevent detection.

  The four people who got out of the car all held long guns and crouched in the woods more than 50 meters southeast of the cabin. This time the shotgun was in Hannah's hands, and she would be responsible for breaking the door later.

  Just when Tim was about to give the order to move forward, the door of the cabin suddenly opened. A sturdy white man was shirtless, holding an ax in his tattooed arm with his right hand, and adjusting the belt around his waist with his left hand. came out.

  As the door of the house opened, you could faintly hear the crying and pleading of a girl inside. Tim took out a small telescope.

  "It is confirmed that the suspect is Angus Lucius. He has a Remington shotgun with a sawn barrel inserted in his back and a pistol at his waist."

  The suspect Lucius walked to the back of the house with an ax in his hand. He disappeared from the sight of the four people, and soon the sound of wood splitting came from behind the house.

  Tim turned down the volume of the intercom and reported to the command center: "We found the suspect Angus Lucius in Kenneth Hahn State Park. The location has been marked. Please dispatch reinforcements immediately. The suspect has multiple weapons and is extremely dangerous. ! There are hostages in the house, we may need an ambulance."

  Then he turned back and whispered: "The suspect and the hostages are separated. Now is a good opportunity. Jack and I went around to the back of the house to deal with the suspect. John and Hannah entered the house to control the hostages. Keep it safe."

  The other three nodded and followed Tim towards the cabin.

  The four of them reached the door of the hut. Tim waved for John and Hannah to enter the house. Then he pressed the M16 against the wooden wall against his shoulders and prepared to turn to the back of the house.

  Jack, who was following behind, held his breath and concentrated. His mental strength had recently increased a bit after breaking through 20. His sharp five senses made him realize that something was wrong. The sound of wood splitting coming from behind the house suddenly disappeared.

  Jack was stunned, but before he could remind Tim, an ax struck the barrel of the M16 that Tim had just stretched out around the corner.

  Tim's reaction was not slow. Almost as soon as the rifle was released from his hand, he rushed forward and struggled with Lucius.

  Jack, who was standing at the corner, was about to step forward and raise his gun to threaten the opponent to surrender. Unexpectedly, after Lucius discovered that there was more than one person on the other side, he immediately released the ax that was firmly grasped by Tim, and kicked Tim with a flying kick. toward Jack, then turned and ran.

  While running, the guy pulled out the Remington from his waist and fired at the two of them randomly. After emptying the bullets, he threw away the gun and dived into the dense forest.

  Jack on the other side reacted very quickly. When Tim was kicked and blocked his gun line, he immediately raised the muzzle of his gun and grabbed his tactical vest with his left hand.

  At the same time, out of the corner of his eye, he saw the suspect Lucius pull out his Remington, twist his waist, turn 180 degrees backward, grab Tim's left hand and throw him behind the corner of the cabin.

  At the same time, he ducked around the corner and pressed Tim between his body and the outer wall of the wooden house in a very funny posture. Almost at the same time, the shotgun steel balls fired at the corner of the wooden house, sending wood chips flying in all directions.

  "You can let go of me." Tim was pressed against the wall of the wooden house with Jack's brute force and almost broke his ribs. He groaned in pain and turned around to meet his eyes.

  At the same time, they found that the posture that looked like Bi Dong was very unsightly. They were stunned for a moment and said in unison: "Don't tell anyone about this matter."

  From the window on the side of the wooden house, Hannah happened to poke her head out and saw this scene. He suppressed a fit of laughter.

  "Do you need help?"    

  "No, the two of us are tracking the suspect. You protect the hostages and wait for reinforcements."

  After Tim said angrily, he reached out and pulled out his pistol. He didn't know whether it was intentional or not, but his elbow grazed Jack's chest. The force was so strong that it actually hit him directly. Knocked off his body camera.

  Jack was stunned for a moment, but he didn't stupidly pick it up. He looked at Tim's chest and found that whether it was due to the previous scuffle or other reasons, his law enforcement recorder had also fallen off.

  He is really cunning, he has learned and learned.

  Following Tim into the dense forest, Jack regretted taking the M16 with him. Even with his current physical strength, it was estimated that even if he held Hannah, Tim would not be able to get rid of her within a kilometer or two.

  But carrying a rifle in the woods was too much of a hindrance. Jack simply turned off the safety, slung the M16 across his back, pulled out the Glock, and observed the trampled dead branches and leaves on the ground while paying attention to the surrounding wind and grass.

  The two chased for less than 10 minutes. Tim suddenly stopped, raised his pistol and shouted: "Hands up, Lucius, you have nowhere to escape."

  Jack stepped out from behind him and used the help of Under the cover of a big tree on the right, aim at a figure 10 meters away.

  Directly in front is a low cliff, with a small stream flowing over it and dripping down from the cliff, forming a confusing pool.

  The suspect Lucius turned his back to the two and stood in a daze for a while, then threw the M1911 in his hand at his feet, turned around, knelt on the ground with a weird smile on his face, and held his head in his hands.

  Tim stood still and used his eyes to signal Jack to pay attention to the person coming from behind. Jack understood this and took a few steps back and disappeared behind the bushes. In fact, he did not go far. He was firmly behind the bushes that Lucius could not see. Lock him with a gun and keep an eye on the surroundings.

  Seeing Tim pointing the gun at him with cold eyes and no intention of stepping forward, the smile on Lucius's face became a little stiff. When he saw Jack retreat and disappear, his expression became a little panicked.

  "I've put down my gun, what do you want to do?"

  Tim's tone was as cold as his eyes, and the corner of his mouth raised a cruel arc: "Pick up your gun, Private Angus Lucius."

  Lu Hughes became even more panicked and began to wave his hands frantically: "No, you can't do this. I have put down the gun. Arrest me. You are a policeman."

  Tim's roar interrupted him: "We were all once. An honorable Ma Run, your actions have tarnished our reputation. Now I order you, soldier, to pick up the weapon."

  Lucius looked at the pistol on the ground, and his body began to tremble involuntarily: "No , please, I have retired, I have PTSD, don't. You can't do this."

  Tim was unmoved. It seemed that Lucius's cowardly look aroused his anger even more: "You only have two people now. You have a choice, either pick up the guy on the ground and shoot him in the head, or be shot to death by me."

  After that, he spat on the ground.

  Lucius was so frightened that he burst into tears and stretched out his hand tremblingly.

  (End of chapter)