
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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Chapter 26: Finally no longer a rookie

 the detective couple warmly received the two of them. Since the first visit, Jack and Hannah have been visiting every other week or so. Jack wants to use healing skills on Hunter. Lovely Hannah became the happy fruit of the two old people, especially Didi, who almost regarded her as his own daughter.

  This time, Jack was treated simply on the pretext of Hunter's remarkable rehabilitation results, and directly and completely cured his brain hemorrhage area. He also took advantage of Didi's grateful opportunity to hold him in his arms, and also repaired Didi's body that was a little bit sick from overwork. Unexpectedly, there is no problem for the two old people to live to be a hundred years old smoothly.

  After all, firstly, these two are his childhood idols, and secondly, an old couple who is so loving that they can stay together for life, can be regarded as a fat-like existence in the United States. Yes, worthy of protection.

  In the evening, she said goodbye to the Hunters and left. In the car, she stared blankly at the small villa in the distance outside the window. Hannah, who looked thoughtful, suddenly asked: "Do you know Didi was violated by someone back then, and later Hunter I avenged her."

  "Huh?" Jack was startled by her words and almost stopped holding the steering wheel. Of course he knew the plot. After watching the revenge episode, he just wanted to chop off the screenwriter and director's heads. The question is how did Hannah know?

  "I have never heard of it. What did you two talk about when we were alone?" Jack looked at Hannah suspiciously. How could Didi take the initiative to talk about such a topic? Suddenly, he thought of Hannah. Psychological problems, there is an ominous guess in my heart.

  Didi would definitely not take the initiative to talk to Hannah about such sad past events for no reason. There was only one possibility. This silly girl confided her feelings to Didi, and Didi was using his own personal experience to enlighten her.

  Jack subconsciously tightened his grip on the steering wheel and said nothing. Thinking that this usually cheerful and lively girl had experienced such an experience, Jack couldn't help but breathe a little heavier. Forcibly suppressing the anger in his heart, he reached out and touched Hannah's head, trying to speak in a calm tone: "Hannah, you know I'm not a fool who is obsessed with the law or procedural justice. If the people I care about are harmed, I don't mind blood for blood, tooth for tooth, do you understand me?"

  The laws of the United States only protect the powerful. Jack did not become a law enforcer to work for these upper class people. As a man who has already established his three views in his previous life XXXX successor.

  Regardless of the system or the profession of LAPD patrol officer, he performs police duties according to the rules every day, just to improve his skills and improve the quality of life. In the final analysis, he just regards the above as tools for a better life in this world.

  Jack is not a holy mother like John. Even John has his own justice in his heart that he wants to uphold. Besides, when his skills improve, he can change the map. He has already checked it through the LAPD's internal system. The Chicago Police Department There really is an intelligence team leader named Hank Boyt. The world of American TV series is not black and white. At worst, if he is a "black" police officer, can the system not recognize him?

  Hannah remained silent, just took Jack's right hand, put her cheek against his palm and rubbed it. Feeling the moisture in his palms, Jack slowly parked the car to the side of the road, turned his head and looked into her eyes seriously, and said softly: "Hey, Hannah, you are the smartest and strongest girl I have ever seen. Maybe The time has not come yet, but I believe that when you open your heart to me, I will not let you down."

  Hannah still did not speak, but slowly closed her eyes, with her long eyelashes still stained with A few crystal tears added to the atmosphere. Jack could only bite the bullet and put his mouth to hers. As soon as he touched her soft lips, the girl suddenly burst into laughter.

  "So Zoe has opened up to you, right?"

  "Hey! Are you kidding me? This joke is not funny at all." Jack was a little angry, or trying to use anger to cover up his guilt.

  He is still not used to the casualness of the old Americans in the relationship between men and women. How to deal with the complex relationship between men and women among the four people is always a question that lingers in his mind. It has been bothering him these days.

  "You know, you look very cute when you're angry." Hannah grabbed Jack's palm and put it against her cheek.    

  "Things are not what you imagine. Give me some time and I will tell you my past exactly as it is. But before that, you have to agree to a condition." "

  What condition?" Jack raised his eyebrows. As long as it doesn't Despite the shortcomings, we are still good friends.

  "You are not allowed to fight back when you practice Krav Maga with me during this period. You have threatened to spank me many times!"

  Someone felt relieved, started the car again, and replied feebly: "Yes, my landlord Madam."

  When everyone returned to the police station after returning from administrative leave, they received cheers from everyone. Of course, Jack felt that more of them were thankful that they no longer had to work overtime every day. There were suddenly fewer day shift patrol officers, even if there were other police stations in other districts. support, the police force of the Wilshire Police Department is still stretched thin.

  The report submitted by the District Attorney's Office confirmed the legality of the shooting in the Bronson Tower case. Lucy was given the right to choose short-sleeved uniforms because of her outstanding performance in successfully delivering a pregnant woman at a critical moment. Bishop was confirmed to be recovering from his injuries. Later, she will be hired by the ATF. Correspondingly, Angela, who competed with her for the police detective qualification, got the police detective qualification as she wished and will be officially transferred to the Police Detective Bureau after half a year of training.

  Hannah and Tim were each promoted to the rank of police officer one.

  The biggest gainer was Jack. His heroic performance was reported to the headquarters and he received a special commendation. The internship period was shortened to 3 months. In other words, in two weeks, Jack will be an official LAPD patrol officer. .

  "You deserve this. If it weren't for the fact that you are still a rookie, the higher-ups might even award you a life-saving medal." Black-faced Superintendent Gray rarely praised Jack at the briefing.

  Life was extremely peaceful for the next two weeks. Jack successfully completed the rookie test and became an official LAPD police officer as he wished. The system rewarded him with a large amount of experience, which directly gave him 5 gold coins, enough to upgrade any skill to Mastery, he hadn't decided which skill to upgrade yet, so he decided to keep it as a backup for now.

  John, who had returned from injury, and Lucy, who also had an internship for more than half a year, couldn't help but feel a little jealous while congratulating each other. Jack, who had learned to adopt the views of old Americans, naturally no longer pretended to be modest like a Serisian. He was very embarrassed in front of them.

  As a result, the performance was overdone, and in order to appease the wounded hearts of the two rookies, I had to promise to cook another feast for them.

  (End of chapter)