
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

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Chapter 12 Goodbye Glasses Girl

After listening to him tell the story of the poor father and son, Zoe kissed him on the lips as a reward: "Little Jack, you are such a kind person,"

  Jack sighed. Although he had always been I am a single person, but I have also been down and out. If it weren't for the help of a friend, I might have been in trouble ever since. How could I still live so handsomely after the age of 40?

  The reason why I helped the father and son today was entirely for his own sake. If he was a police detective who could handle the case independently, he might just let them go. After all, he knew the virtues of the American child welfare agency, and it was very possible that he wanted to do something. The little boy was taken away from his father for inexplicable reasons.

  Of course, Jack has neither the desire nor the ability to change the reality of the beautiful country's economic recession and the decline of the middle class. He is not that great. He can rely on the system to improve his abilities and take care of the girls around him in this strange world. That is what he is currently doing. The greatest wish.

  As for the future, he should wait until he fully understands the upper limit of the system's capabilities before making a decision. Now there is a more serious and realistic problem before him.

  After a gun battle today, he fell into the same manic mood as before, and came over in the evening to give Zoe a good beating.

  Previously, Jack also found a friend who was a top student in high school and bought several books on psychology based on his suggestions. He even selected the skill - Psychology (Introduction), but he still couldn't find the answer.

  After Jack finished describing his problem, Zoe held his face and looked left and right, and gave him an answer that made him laugh: "I only heard about PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) when I was in the army. You I have never heard of this kind of situation. I think it may be that God thinks you are too perfect, so he gave you this little flaw."

  Then Meiyan Yujie said with a malicious smile: "Actually, you don't need to pay too much attention to this matter. I specifically allow you that if you encounter a similar situation when I'm not with you, you can find little Hannah to solve the problem."

  Jack suddenly felt his heart skip a beat and blurted out: " Are you sure?"

  Seeing that he answered so quickly, Zoe left a tooth mark on his shoulder angrily, and said through gritted teeth: "Yes, you can still find Maureen, I think she is very interested in you. She has been asking me about you since we had dinner last time. As a psychiatrist, if she can't solve your problem, let her help you solve it in another way."

  I love the world of American TV series, I love Sister Yu, and Jack's Suppression Center She was ecstatic, but pretended to be hurt on the surface: "Dear, are you doubting me when you say this? I think I need you to help me with further treatment." Zoe

  rolled her eyes angrily, and then said A cry of surprise, intoxicated by the surging waves.

  The next day, Jack went to Maureen's office in the EAP Counseling Center as usual, not because he believed Zoe's ridiculous suggestion, but because of the mandatory requirements of the police union.

  "That's basically it. The symptoms will continue after the incident until I... uh... vent it out." Jack's expression was slightly embarrassed.    

  "I hope this issue will not be recorded in my file. I know that if I submit my resume to the FBI or other departments, these files will be seen by them. I don't want to be regarded as an antisocial personality or a sentimental maniac."

  Today, Maureen wore a knee-length white dress. The style was simple but showed off her figure. The makeup on her face was obviously much lighter than last time. She was taking a ladylike route. Like last time, she did not sit behind the desk, but sat next to her. He sat on the coffee table opposite Jack's sofa.

  She was not wearing stockings, and her beautiful naked legs were slender and straight. When she raised her right foot, she could see the pink nail polish on her toes through the hollow high-heeled shoes. She listened to Jack talk about his problems and subconsciously bent her toes while thinking about it. , looks very cute.

  Well, Jack doesn't know why he would use the word "cute" on a lady in her 30s. He is not a disgusting foot control, but I have to say that Maureen, the bespectacled lady, is really dressed up today. Some people have the feeling that their eyes have nowhere to rest, and no matter where they look, it gives people the illusion of blasphemy.

  After listening to Jack's narration, Maureen elegantly picked up the tea cup and took a careful sip. She pushed up the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her nose and said, "Don't worry, Zoe is my best friend. You have me." Guarantee that there will be no paper records or audio recordings of any future chats between us on this issue."

  Seeing Jack nodding gratefully, she then asked: "Can you describe in detail, when you are facing a life or death crisis or... How did you react under extreme stress and what were your specific thoughts when the symptoms appeared afterwards?"

  Jack tried to think hard, but it was actually completely unnecessary, because the scene at that time was like a slow-motion movie, and as long as he recalled it a little, he could see it in the player Reproduce it frame by frame.

  "The first time was when a suspect fired at my police car with an automatic rifle on the roadside. I turned sideways and lowered my head to avoid it. At that time, a bullet grazed my ear and shot into the cushion. From that moment on, I could clearly feel the movement in my body. The secretion of adrenaline not only maintains a high degree of concentration, but also greatly improves observation ability, reaction ability, and even the confidence of the whole person." "

  Until the day I killed the suspect, I did not show the behavior of a normal person when facing tension. It was a normal reaction. I even forced myself to look at the suspect's body afterwards. Although I felt sick, I had no desire to vomit." "

  The second time was yesterday when I saw the suspect pointing a gun at Superintendent Gray. That feeling reappeared, and I knew it. I realized that it was too late to get the rifle on the back seat and that I could kill the opponent at this distance, so I immediately took out my pistol and emptied the magazine, even though I had been practicing at the shooting range for the previous month with a 10-meter pistol target."

  Listen . Here Maureen took a report, took a look at it, and asked with interest: "In fact, you did it, right? The report said that all 15 bullets you fired yesterday hit the suspect's torso, and you used Single-shot mode and completed in less than 5 seconds?"

  "Yes, this is a super level performance." Jack scratched his head and admitted, thinking that this was the effect of breaking through 20 mental powers, and the damn adrenaline. The sequelae don't matter.

  "So what's the problem with that? As a law enforcement officer, isn't it a gift to have this super cool combat mentality? Do you know how many police officers come to me every year for combat phobia? Most of them have to quit. Front-line position." Maureen's tone was a bit dumbfounding.

  (End of chapter)