
The world of American TV series: Starting with the L.A. Patrol

The stitched world of united American dramas allows us to step into the protagonist's perspective and save those characters who are randomly handed lunch boxes, which reasonably makes up for the nonsense plot created by the screenwriter's blind imagination. Including but not limited to "Rookie", "Jack Reacher", "Hunter", "Person of Interest", "Knight Rider", "Bones", etc. may be added in the future, and there may even be some police games. Gangster movies. Except for the protagonist Goldfinger, there are no extraordinary elements. All cases and plots serve the plot of the novel. There will be some magical changes, so readers are not allowed to take it seriously. [Chapter Schedule: 1or2/Day] This is a translation of the fanfic

azzari · TV
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57 Chs

Chapter 10 An Unpleasant Arrest

 There was no pain, no enlightenment, the whole world in front of him was like a piece of frosted glass being taken away, and it became clear instantly. This was the most appropriate metaphor that Jack could think of.

  The smell in the air, the sounds coming from the street outside, every corner in the room, as long as you concentrate, you can distinguish, hear and observe them carefully.

  Jack took a sip of the cold water on the table and frowned slightly. Hannah's water pipe was equipped with a very high-end water purifier, and the water was boiled, but his sense of taste told him that the water filter was The filter element should be replaced.

  This reminded Jack of a movie he had seen in his previous life. In it, the male protagonist swallowed a small pill called NZT48. His five senses and IQ were greatly developed, and he seemed to be omnipotent, which was very similar to his current state. similar.

  Excitedly, he ran up to the attic and dug out a calculus problem that had troubled him for a long time from his previous college textbook. He started writing about it. After 10 minutes, Jack threw away the pen and gave up.

  Well, no, it's still no. The improvement of mental strength does not mean the improvement of IQ. It seems that the mountain of mathematics cannot be climbed in this life.



  The three-day administrative leave was over, and Jack returned to the police station. He continued to clock in at work every day and practice shooting after work. He also watched the gossip between John and Lucy with a cold eye. Obviously, their underground romance could no longer be maintained. .

  Finally one night a month later, Jack, who was forcibly dragged out to drink, witnessed the official breakup of the two of them in a state of laughter.

  "If that doesn't work, we can separate temporarily. When the rookie period is over, wouldn't it be nice if one of you applies to be transferred to another police station?" Jack suggested as he couldn't stand the pretentiousness between the two of them.

  Then, with the two people looking at them like they were fools, he spread his hands and said, "Just pretend I didn't say, drink and drink." After

  finishing a bottle of Budweiser, Jack was about to get up and find the waiter to get a few more bottles when he suddenly heard someone from across the street. A rapid alarm bell sounded from the American Herbal Medicine Shop, and then three guys with zombie faces rushed out.

  "Fuck, LAPD, stop, don't move." Jack immediately took the lead and rushed out of the bar, followed by John and Lucy.

  The three robbers did not expect to encounter the police as soon as they went out. They were so frightened that they ran away. Before they ran 200 meters, two of them were pushed down by John and Lucy respectively. They saw the leader holding the cash box and fled in. At the subway entrance, Jack turned back to say hello and followed him. He couldn't let go of the experience points delivered to his door.

  A subway train happened to pull into the station, and the robbers got in in a panic. Jack also squeezed into the car the moment the door closed, shouting "LAPD" to identify himself, and continued the pursuit.

  Although there were not many people in the carriage, the space was small and he was afraid of hurting innocent people. The robbers did not carry weapons. Jack put away the Glock and prepared to subdue them with his bare hands.

  After chasing a few more carriages, the opponent finally lost strength and fell out. The money bag he was holding flew far away and landed at the feet of a thin white man at the door of the carriage.

  Jack stepped forward and stepped on the robber's tailbone. He took out the handcuffs and cuffed her with his backhand. Just as he pulled the kid up from the ground, there was a ding-dong sound, and the train arrived at the station.

  Looking up again, the money bag and the white man on the ground were gone.

  "I can't think of anyone who would be stupid enough to steal stolen goods in front of a police officer, for fear that he would not go to jail?" When

  Jack and Angela talked about this at work the next day, they were puzzled, and Angela was confused. He looked like he was not surprised.

  "A person who is stupid or on the verge of despair, right? The economy has been in recession in the past few years, and I heard that Manhattan Beach is about to be taken over by homeless people."

  Jack snorted. Since his mental strength exceeded 20, his observation ability has been greatly improved. Although it was just a glimpse, the white man who was suspected of taking the bag of money did not look like a poor homeless man. He sent the robber to the police station last night, and he submitted the relevant information to the police detective team, plus the subway Monitoring should be able to find out soon.

  Sure enough, after a few rounds of patrolling with Angela in the morning, as soon as a ticket was issued, the command center sent the address of the suspect who stole the stolen goods.

  That bag of money was a day's business of the American herbal medicine shop. The largest denomination in it was no more than 5 dollars, and the total amount of money in a large bag was less than 2,000 dollars. Naturally, the police detective team was too lazy to go on the mission in person, and Jack had said hello. This bit of face will still be given.

  It was an unexpected surprise that he was able to catch three thieves after drinking at night. It was an experience that fell from the sky. However, the key evidence was stolen under his nose, causing him to be in the briefing meeting early the next morning. Superintendent Gray laughed at him in front of everyone.

  Although this kind of ridicule is already directed at the three rookies every day, and most of the time it is just out of good intentions, but the one who was ridiculed the most before was the old rookie John. He, a dignified LAPD rookie, has no face.

  According to the address sent by the command center, Jack parked his car in front of a white two-story building and frowned as he looked at a children's bicycle placed against the wall on the porch.

  Angela motioned for Jack to follow her to cover, walked up the steps, put one hand on the gun holster, and knocked hard on the door

  with the other: "LAPD, open the door." The thin white man walked out of the back room, raised his hands, and looked at the door in horror. .

  Angela continued to shout loudly, "Sir, I saw you, don't force me to break in!"

  The thin man hurriedly stepped forward and opened the door: "Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I'm very sorry."    

  Angela entered the house first, took out a pistol and pointed it at him: "Please raise your hands."

  Jack, who followed closely, avoided Angela's gun line, walked around behind the thin man, and ordered at the same time: "Hold your head with both hands, Fingers crossed."

  The thin man was very cooperative, holding his head in his hands and letting him check his whole body.

  Jack, who found no weapon, shook his head at Angela, who put away the pistol.

  "Sir, where is the money you took?" It was rare to see such a cooperative suspect. Jack did not use force and stood beside him and asked.

  "I swear, I want to pay it back. The money, uh, I, uh..." The thin man was at a loss and led the two of them into the living room. There was a bag full of change on the table.

  "Did you use some of the cash?" Angela asked sternly. Jack took the bag and checked it. Yes, it was the scattered banknotes from the American Herbal Shop.

  "I bought some daily necessities and paid the water bill. We can't run out of water at home. I'm sorry, I will definitely pay it back." The thin man said incoherently, with tears glistening in his eyes.

  "Life has been really difficult during this period. My wife passed away last year. I recently lost my job."

  "I have always been a law-abiding citizen and I have never even parked illegally once."

  Jack looked helpless and took out the handcuffs, preparing to put them on him. The anger accumulated because of this man's behavior of taking advantage of others has disappeared without a trace. It can be seen that this is a man who has been driven to a dead end by life.

  At this moment, a clear child's voice suddenly came from the stairs: "Daddy?"

  Turning around, he saw a five or six-year-old boy standing timidly, looking at everyone in confusion.

  The thin man was stunned for a few seconds, and then he shouted in a panic: "Jacob, go back to your room."

  Jack quietly hung the handcuffs back on his waist, interrupted him, and signaled: "It doesn't matter, let him come over."

  Following the man's greeting, the little boy jumped into his arms.

  The man looked helplessly at Jack: "What will happen to my son?"

  Angela said from the side: "Children's rights organizations will come to take your son away. Do you have relatives in this city? You can notify your relatives later to pick him up. Him."

  "Uh, yes, my wife's sister." The man's eyes were panicked and helpless.

  "Then provide her contact information, and we will enter it into the system to ensure that children's rights organizations can contact her in time." "

  But please cooperate with the police now. Please follow me. The only thing I can do now is not Let your son see you in handcuffs."

  Jack motioned for the man to follow him.

  "Please don't do this, please." The man begged.

  "Sorry, you have to say goodbye to your son." Angela put her hands on her hips and sounded serious.

  Looking at the father and son hugging each other and crying, Jack felt very uncomfortable. However, he was just a rookie patrolman now. If he were a police detective, he might

  lead the man out of the house. Behind him, he heard the little boy's heartbreak. Angela hugged the little boy and comforted him softly. The man outside the house was already crying and filled with regret.

  "What did I do? Everything was ruined by me."

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  (End of chapter)