
The World Legacy: Sekai No Isan

The World Legacy embarks on a captivating journey where the boundaries of reality and memory intertwine. Enter a world shrouded in mystery, where the protagonist awakens to a world that you have never seen before, haunted by the echoes of a forgotten past. As the story unfolds, you as a protagonist, plagued by amnesia, are driven by an insatiable curiosity to unravel the enigmatic truth that lies beneath the surface of this unfamiliar world. What secrets lie hidden in the depths of your lost memories? What secrets does this world hold? You as a protagonist traverse the depths of this mysterious world, where forgotten memories hold the key to unlocking the ultimate truth, and embark on this captivating odyssey and uncover "The World Legacy". Another Website to Read: (Wattpad): https://www.wattpad.com/story/364983288-the-world-legacy (Neobook): https://neobook.org/book/SMFbAU6J/

Div1nator · Fantasy
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7 Chs

The Chaos of Disappearance

Fire, flames, disaster, chaos — the town is engulfed in a torrent of mayhem. Citizens desperately fled for their lives as buildings crumbled, the tragic toll of the explosion evident in the lives lost.

Fear etched across Leroy's face as he witnessed the entire building ablaze. The haunting specter of history repeating itself gripped him. 

Urgently, Leroy turned to me, issuing a swift command to join him in rescuing those trapped in the inferno.

As agreed, we swiftly offered aid to the distressed citizens, using our combined strength. 

Regrettably, even with our best efforts, some remained beyond our reach.

In an instant, I spotted two elderly couples trapped in the crumbling, fiery structure. 

Hastening towards them for rescue, a massive burning log above, threatening to crash down upon us. 

Just as I was preparing to quickly move with the two elderly couples to safety, my leg became unexpectedly ensnared by a jagged piece of wood on the ground.

In that critical moment, realizing it was too late to escape from it, Desperately attempted to unleash the power of my armored arm, but it remained unresponsive. 

Panic surged as I attempted to control it, yet still not a single effect.

As the wood was falling right in front of our eyes. 

At the unexpected moment, a huge figure comes in a flash, blocks the burning log with his single macular right arm, and easily puts away the massive burning log onto the side.

Without warning, the building began to crumble, threatening to crash upon us. 

Swiftly, he seized us, rushed toward the nearest wall, and shielded us with his body unharmed.

As we reached safety, we watched the building crumble before our eyes. Looking up, I saw our savior—a strong man with a white beard and slicked-back hair, adorned with glasses. He looked every bit the seasoned warrior.

His deep and gravelly voice broke the tension as he turned around, and said.

"Are you guys alright?" 

"Y-yeah, we are… Thank you." I replied.

"Sigh… didn't expect to see this happening while I was gone." 

The strong man let out a heavy sigh as he surveyed the chaos around us, said.

As I guided the old couple to safety, I glimpsed a figure emerging from the flames alongside other victims. It was Leroy.

Observing Leroy escorting the victims to safety, his gaze settled on the strong man, and he spoke calmly.

"Didn't expect to see you here, The Warrior of the Lightwoods, Warson." 

"Looks like you needed a hand, Young King,"

Warson, the sturdy man, poised for action with a group of soldiers behind him.

"Heh, yes... like I need one right now," 

Leroy responded with a worried expression.

I glanced behind Leroy and saw a crowd of people he had just rescued moments ago, yet there were still more who needed help in the town.

Without wasting any second to rescue the civilians, Warson and his Lightwoods soldiers, along with medics, joined us for the rescue.

After successfully rescuing the civilians and bringing them to the makeshift camp set up by the medics, we did our best to maintain order amidst the chaos, although the fires continued to rage on in the surrounding buildings.

"Looks like we've helped everyone in town," Warson said. 

"Not everyone…" Leroy reply.

Leroy expressed his frustration as he couldn't save everyone and that it was already too late for some.

Suddenly, I felt a huge pressure as if something dangerous was approaching us.

"Did you feel it, Young Master…" 

Warson with a worried expression facing in front of us said.

"Yeah, there's a lot of them. Soldier! Defend the camp!" 

Leroy replied with worry on his face.

As Leroy's warning echoed through the camp, panic swept over the injured and citizens huddled within. Soldiers quickly assumed defensive positions, weapons at the ready, hands gripped tight.

Following Warson's lead, I readied myself to fight alongside him, feeling a mixture of nervousness and determination. Suddenly, he asked with his voice gruff yet somehow warm.

"Hey kid, you know how to handle yourself in a fight?"

"Y-yeah, I think so..."

"Haha, I can see the aura in you. You've got some strong power, kid," 

Warson remarked, a smile playing on his lips, which helped to ease my nerves slightly.

Suddenly, a soldier approached Warson, holding out a spear. Warson's hearty laughter filled the air, confusing to ripple through the ranks. 

"Haha, who invited the rookie here?" 

Warson teased, his jovial demeanor contagious.

Perplexed, the soldier glanced at his comrade for clarification, unsure of what had caused Warson's amusement. 

The other soldier exclaimed, equally bewildered by the situation

"Dude, what are you doing!?" 

"Huh? I thought the Captain needed a weapon…" 

The first soldier stammered, his face flushing with embarrassment at the misunderstanding.

"Haha! Which rumor you heard that I need a weapon? What I need is this." 

Warson declared, flexing his right arm to reveal bulging veins brimming with raw power, emphasizing his formidable strength.

As tension mounted, we braced ourselves for the imminent threat. Sweat beaded on the soldiers' brows as they awaited the impending onslaught, their nerves tingling with anticipation.

Suddenly, the ground began to tremble.


Leroy's voice rang out, cutting through the tense atmosphere.

A horde of red-eyed creatures emerged from the darkness, their sinister presence sending shivers down our spines as they advanced toward us with malicious intent.


Warson's voice boomed, commanding our attention and rallying us for battle.

A horde of wolf-sized ant-like creatures charged forward with predatory speed. With their sharp beaks, antennae, and four powerful limbs, they posed a formidable threat to our camp, eliciting a sense of urgency among us.

With citizens screaming in fear, I braced myself for combat, ready to defend our makeshift camp. However, before I could act, Warson intervened, halting my advance.

"Hold up kid, let me show this rookie how the Captain fights," 

Warson said confidently, his tone reassuring despite the chaos unfolding around us.

As Warson tightened his grip on his arm, veins pulsating with power, a surge of adrenaline coursed through me, fueling my resolve to stand firm in the face of danger.

Suddenly, a Cribreo charged at him with startling speed, intent on causing havoc.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Warson delivered a powerful blow to the creature's head, rendering it unconscious with a single strike.

The soldiers and citizens watched in awe as Warson effortlessly dispatched the monster, his strength and skill earning him their admiration and respect.

"Just by using his single hand!?" 

Exclaimed the rookie, his eyes wide with amazement.

"Captain's power is Physical. His strength is far more powerful than other ordinary humans, even without using the power of Aura. He earned the title of the Warrior of Lightwoods for a reason…" 

The senior soldier explained, his words ringing with reverence for Warson's prowess.

Warson's eyes flickered with determination as he targeted each of the approaching Cribreos, his fists moving like lightning as he struck them down one by one. 

With each blow, his eyes seemed to glow with an intense energy, showcasing his remarkable prowess in battle.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the battlefield, three Cribreos charged toward Leroy with deadly intent. 

In response, Leroy's hand gripped his sword, and a radiant blue aura enveloped the blade as he prepared to strike. 

With a swift and fluid motion, he dashed forward, slicing through the creatures with effortless precision. 

The blue aura left a trail of shimmering flame on their fallen bodies, a testament to Leroy's formidable skill.

As the battle raged on, defenders held their ground with vigilance outside the camp, while soldiers engaged the Cribreos in fierce combat. 

However, amidst the chaos, some soldiers sustained injuries, adding to the urgency of the situation.

Just as I moved to aid one of the injured soldiers, a larger and more formidable Cribreo suddenly charged toward me with surprising speed. 

Despite my attempts to dodge, the Cribreo relentless assault proved too fast to evade entirely, and I found myself grievously wounded.

The pain was excruciating as its sharp claws cut deep into my flesh, leaving me reeling and struggling to defend myself. 

As the monstrous Cribreo lunged for another strike, I instinctively reached for my dagger, hoping to fend off the impending attack. 

But to my dismay, the creature's strength overwhelmed me, sending me crashing into a nearby building wall with a forceful impact that left me dazed and disoriented.

From afar, Leroy's panicked voice pierced through the chaos, calling out my name in a desperate plea. His worry echoed in the air, a testament to the bond we shared and the concern he held for my safety.

"Damn it! That's one of their leaders! I need to help that kid before it gets much more serious, but there are too many of these bastards!" 

Warson muttered anxiously, his path blocked by a swarm of Cribreos as he tried to reach me.

Meanwhile, I lay unconscious against the wall, blood trickling down my face from the wound on my head.

"Why am I so weak... Why was I able to move quickly to save Siana…How?" 

I berated myself inwardly, frustration and annoyance bubbling up as memories of my past failures resurfaced.

"If I can't even hold my own in battle, how can I keep my promise to Leroy and protect Siana?" 

I questioned, my mind consumed by doubts and self-recrimination. 

With each passing moment, my anger intensified, fueling a determination to rise above my perceived weaknesses and prove myself worthy of their trust.

Suddenly, I felt a surge of power welling up within my heart, fueled by my emotions.

As the Cribreo charged at me with blinding speed for another strike, the force of the impact shrouded the scene in smoke. 

During the chaos, the Cribreo suddenly felt an unyielding grip on its claw.

As the smoke dissipated, my hand clenched tightly around the creature's claw, my face contorted with anger

"If the answer cannot be found, then I'll find it myself!" 

I screamed, my voice echoing with determination as my grip tightened, causing the claw to crack slightly.

Sensing the damage, the Cribreo recoiled in fear, casting a wary glance in my direction. 

With a surge of determination, I struggled to rise to my feet, my eyes flashing red with rage as I leveled my dagger at the monster, a sinister black and red aura enveloping the blade.

With the Cribreo hesitating to move before me, I boldly taunted.

"Come at me again, you weak ant." 

My voice resonated with confidence and menace.

With lightning speed, the enraged creature charged at me, its claw poised to strike with deadly force. 

Yet, to its surprise, I moved with unparalleled agility, effortlessly evading its attack. 

Seizing the opportunity presented, I acted swiftly, countering the monster's attack by delivering a powerful slash to its side with my dagger. 

The blade sank deep into its flesh, eliciting agonizing screams from the Cribreo as it writhed in pain. A dark red flame emerged from the wound, flickering ominously outside of its skin. 

The Cribreo, overcome with fear and frustration, glared at me with eyes filled with animosity as if I were some kind of monstrous threat to its existence. 

Undeterred, I continued to approach it, each step deliberate and slow. 

Suddenly, it lifted its head and emitted a piercing shout that reverberated throughout the area, sending chills down our spines and causing the other Cribreos to act erratically.

In an unexpected turn of events, the Cribreos seemed to gain newfound strength, their aggression intensifying as they relentlessly attacked the soldiers and breached the defenses closer to the camp.

Amidst the chaos and panic that ensued, Warson and Leroy quickly assessed the situation and sprinted towards the camp, ready to confront the Cribreos head-on in a desperate bid to defend it.

"These bastards!" 

Warson is frustrated holding them off with struggle deal with 3 Cribreo that is stronger than before.

As Leroy dealt with the same situation, the Cribreo I was facing suddenly bolted toward the camp at a breakneck speed.

"Damn it! It's moving too fast!" 

Leroy exclaimed, his eyes widening as he watched the Cribreo head towards the camp, adding to the difficulty of fighting off the other Cribreos.

The citizens in the camp began screaming in panic at the sight of the formidable Cribreo charging towards them. 

Suddenly, a weighty presence seemed to press down upon its head, yet it continued its relentless advance.

Amidst the chaos, a voice rang out, cutting through the clamor with chilling authority. 

"Do you think you can escape from me?"

"Focus on me, not them..." 

My words echoed ominously.

With determination burning in my eyes, I met the gaze of the Cribreo, locking onto its eyes perched atop its head. 

Letting out a determined scream, I tightened my grip on my dagger and drove it forcefully into the skull of the creature, determined to halt its destructive rampage once and for all.

The Cribreo let out a scream of agony, its cry echoing through the area before it collapsed to the ground, defeated and lifeless.

Unexpectedly, a wave of silence swept through the battlefield as each Cribreo fell lifeless, one by one, upon the demise of their leader. 

The once formidable force now lay defeated, their threat extinguished in an instant.

Realizing the victory, soldiers and citizens alike erupted into cheers, celebrating their triumph over the menacing creatures.

As my emotions returned to normal, my body began to tremble slightly, almost causing me to lose consciousness, as if I had expended too much energy from the newfound power.

"Haha! You sure know how to handle it yourself! Good job, kid. You saved everyone." 

With a cheerful laugh, Warson exclaimed, wrapping his arm around my shoulders.

I felt grateful for his praise.

Leroy watched me with suspicion, his gaze intense.

"Does he possess Aura like me? No, it feels different... Wait, could it be..." 

Leroy's words were abruptly cut off, his expression turning serious.

Suddenly, a soldier rushed up to Leroy, his expression filled with urgency.

"Your Majesty! There's terrible news!" 

The soldier exclaimed, his voice trembling with fear.

However, I couldn't catch the soldier's words as they seemed to mumble about something ominous they had discovered.


Leroy exclaimed in shock as he heard the alarming news.

Anxious about the unfolding situation, Leroy urgently instructed Warson to stay behind and safeguard the camp, ensuring the protection of the medics and citizens.

Suddenly, Leroy asked me with concern.

"Aki, are you still be able to move?"

"Y- yes, what happens?"

"My sister… has been kidnapped." Leroy reply.

The shock has caused me to worry and wonder why and how this has happened.

Without any hesitation, I follow Leroy towards the scene.

As we walked down the hallway, disbelief washed over us as we saw Miho surrounded by two medics, healing her as she lay there alive with her left arm missing.

Hello Everyone, I am still working on finishing Volume 1, so I hope you guys will stay tuned for some more. So that you know I'm still alive, don't worry :)

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