
The World is Overflowing with Monsters, Damn My E-rank Luck

Do I really have to describe how bad my luck is? I think I don't need to. Fate Stay Night x The World is Overflowing with Monsters, I'm Taking a Liking to this Life. (I'm just dumping all thing in google translate, so please forgive me)

greiand · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 4

(Flashback/Issei POV)

"SO Late !"

"Calm down Issei! You will disturb the neighbors. "Kishinami snapped at Juumonji with an annoyed face.

"I know it's Kishinami! But that Shi ... I mean that damn Argento hasn't come back after taking his change of clothes. That damn Argento should have accepted the offer to wear the clothes you so painstakingly sewed! "

After Issei said that, Hakuno's face turned red as a tomato.

"H ... h ... how do you know that?"

"HAAH? How could I not know that! You have taken the trouble to learn from my mother how to sew clothes "

"That's right, your mother works here. Surely you will know sooner or later "

After hearing Issei's explanation, Hakuno returned to putting on her flat face. However, the expression on her face suddenly changed like a predator finding its prey. The expression on her face suddenly turned like that made Issei and the others a little scared and fell silent. Hakuno is a friendly and cheerful girl, she rarely looks angry even when she is insulted by other people. She is always patient even though she is always faced with problems.

BUT ...

Even with all her patience, there was something that no one should do in her presence. The things that make her angry are not many, but if she gets angry once, the person who makes her angry will be so traumatized that they must be rushed to a hospital or asylum. Because that was what made everyone in the room nervous. From the silence that froze the room, Issei tried to brave himself and tried to break the silence.

"What's the problem, Kishinami? Are you not feeling well? "

He didn't know if it would work or not but he hoped that he would stop putting on that angry face ….


And his little brother suddenly reacted to something, he looked as if he saw something terrible. He was glaring at the area around this room with a panicked expression on his face. Feeling annoyed he took off the glasses that were used to seal his mystical eyes and returned to putting on a frightened face after he looked back at the entire area of this room.

"Hmmm?" "Oh!"

Mayu and Miyu also reacted to something ...

Then at that moment, I felt it too ... I felt a shaking around us. I felt it when it was too late so ...

"Uwaaaaaaaaaa !"

A tree suddenly appeared and grew from below and knocked me down. Not finished with that, my foot caught on one of the branches of the tree and made me pulled up along with this new tree.


I can only be silent while hanging from this tree. My brother and everyone just looked at me with a flat gaze.

"Don't look at me with such an eye! I know that I am the most insensitive to magical energy! "


Urgh, their gazes that pitied me were much more painful than the wounds from the tree branches stabbing my feet. I'm not that good at magic, I only have five magic circuits. I am the least talented in magic in our group. Everyone besides me has been doing experiments using Magecraft elements (even without Argento's permission). Even using Magecraft elements should be impossible without a tutor or that's what Argento said … That's what should have happened right? They shouldn't be able to use elemental spells right?

But why?

Why are they already able to do it!

* Sigh *

Am I the only one who keeps getting stuck with just mastering the spell of structural analysis and reinforcement?

Will I still be like this? Even though I have strong physical strength but I won't be able to do anything against Reikan, he can beat me easily using his magic spells.

'Huh? You want to ask who is the strongest among our group? Do you intend to make fun of me if you know our group's strength ranking? '

* Sigh * (I'm complaining too much, maybe I'll get old fast if I keep complaining)

Alright, even if I was asked that ... I would be confused about what to say. I'm confused about what is meant by strongest, what is the definition of strength in the question. If it's just who is the most proficient in Magic then the answer would be my little brother Reikan. I don't really understand the details but he has mystical eyes that can help him master magic. He even can skillfully use a lot of magic spells (or even my brother is the one who masters Magecraft the most among us all). Well, in essence, he is a genius when it comes to magic.

Well! If you ask in terms of physical strength then I am the strongest. I don't have any special abilities like Argento does, but I have a much stronger physique than him … But that doesn't mean I can beat him in a one-on-one fight. He has a lot more fighting experience, even though I try to suppress him with my great physical strength but he has a superior technique. That reason also brings to the topic if you are asking the one who can combine magic techniques and combat techniques then the strongest is Argento Riverwood.

I can understand that he can be that strong, even though the reason is very unbelievable but his actions can prove the reason why he is stronger than us. How could ordinary people believe in Argento as a reincarnated person? Are you going to believe that he still has memories from his previous life? If we hadn't seen him use magic then we would have doubted a little if she had memories from his previous life.

Hmm? Do you think we believe Argento's reincarnation statement too easily?

Well, things like that do not need to think too long. As long as he is my friend no matter if he is a monster or anything as long as he remains my friend I will definitely try to understand what he went through ...

So, that's the state of our group … Even though I say that I still have some doubts because we still haven't tested our strength in a real battle.

'But Argento doesn't want us to go into battle ...'

Well, speaking of Argento … where is he?

Wait a minute! I better try to check the situation ...



Our attention was immediately caught when we heard the scream. The screams that sounded like someone was on a rampage were mixed with groans of pain. I immediately cast a reinforcement spell and ...


I fell from the tree that suddenly grew after kicking the branch which caused me to get stuck. I was lucky to be able to rotate my body while still in the air and use a rotating motion during landing so as not to land with my head first.

"Let's see the situation outside!"

After successfully landing safely I immediately rushed out of the room. Hakuno and Reikan checked the west side of the house while I, Mayu, and Miyu checked the east side of the house... and I saw that there were many strange creatures in Hakuno's yard. From their appearance, they look like corpses that have begun to rot with a stench around them. Seen from afar I could see many rotting wounds all over their bodies and there were even some that have incomplete limbs. Hakuno and Reikan checked the west side of the house while I, Mayu, and Miyu checked the east side of the house.



When I saw two beings from the horde running towards me and trying to attack me ….

"Wind Cutter"

"Aerial Blade"

From behind me Mayu and Miyu chanted their incantations, they used a mixture of their reinforcement and alteration incantations to control the winds around them. I don't know if it's a normal thing for mages to do but we can only do guesswork. We couldn't have Argento as our guide, he simply couldn't cast elemental incantations (unless you included his Gradation Air as an elemental spell). Because of our limitation in terms of Magecraft techniques, it is what makes us have to do whatever Argento teaches plus what is in our imagination.


I was released from my amazement and realized that the rest of the creatures had noticed our presence and immediately jumped to attack me and the twins who were behind me.

"Wind Cutter"

"Aerial Blade"

And once again they used their incantations and managed to kill the undead.

But That's Not Enough!

There was still one being who was still unharmed by them. Mayu and Miyu still haven't finished chanting the next incantation and the creature is getting closer to us. I who was in front of them tried to be brave and face this creature. Finishing my reinforcement spell I raised my hand in front of me and tried to block the attack.


While enduring the pain from his attack I held back and locked the left hand that the creature used to scratch me. After successfully locking onto its movement temporarily I immediately maximized my Strengthening effect and hit this creature.


The sound of bones being crushed resounded loudly plus the amount of blood that rained down on my entire body. If the blood that rained down on my body made me uncomfortable then ...

[The monster had been subjugated, gaining experience point]

[The experience has reached a sufficient level]

[Issei Juumonji rose from level 0 to level 1]

So this made me very confused.

In front of my eyes is a transparent box that displays a message that you often encounter in RPG games. I feel like I've seen a situation like this … That's right, I saw it in the isekai comic that the Tou Sisters bought. I felt a little excited but immediately threw the thought away. This might just be an illusion created by that creature to deceive me ….

"Ne, Issei! Did you also see that message? "

From behind me, The twin sister asked me something I wanted to know too.

"You can see it too?"

From my question, they just looked at each other and suddenly they said something that might make ordinary people feel Cringe.

"Status" "Status"

They looked a little shocked and they started to tapping something in the air. If I don't go through the same thing with them then I will feel like they are starting to lose their sanity.


Because I felt like I didn't want to be left behind by them I did the same.

Issei Juumonji


Level 1

HP: 96/96 - 108/108 MP: 100/100 - 125/125

Strength: 24 - 36 Endurance: 30 - 42 Agility: 16 - 28 Dexterity: 54 - 66

Magic: 10 - 22 Magic resistance: 5 - 17

SP: 2 JP: 1

Job. None

Unique skill:


Archery lv 4, Club Mastery Lv 2, Breath and Walking Lv 1, Martial Art Lv 1, Magical-damage Resistance Lv 1, Structural analysis Magecraft Lv 3, Reinforcement Magecraft Lv 6.

"This ... is really interesting".

"Issei, try pressing the Job or Skill Section! There's something even more interesting there! The job section is in the JP section and the Skill section is in the SP section "

I didn't answer them because I was too busy doing what the twins said.

[You can choose one of the following Jobs]

Magus, Monk, Student, Fighter, Archer, Guardian, Warrior.

So I can choose one of these options. I guess I'm a little worried about the options available. I mean if I pick something randomly then I'll be in trouble later. I have to choose wisely according to the current situation. I don't want to end up being a character who dies because of the wrong job and skill choices they use.

"What do I have to choose?"

"Just choose what you want" "It's up to you"

Mayu and Miyu immediately answered my question as fast as mothers who saw a big discount.

"Have you chosen?"

"" Yes ""

The two of them answered simultaneously without any pause.

"What do you choose?"



"Why did you choose that thing? Don't you guys want to become Mahou Shoujo? Isn't it because of that that you have been following Argento's scientific study? "


They were silent and that alone showed their reason. Nothing. I feel like there is no choice of Mahou Shoujo on their job list.

I guess I should stop teasing them and just use my chance.

'Even if I say that I don't know what to choose.

If you see I'm still level one and if I take the logic of the game then I will be able to raise my level easily to level 10 (If I'm not mistaken) then I will start having trouble raising my level. I guess I should start with ...

[Selecting Job (Fighter) for 1 JP]

[Are you sure?]

{Yes or No}

I guess I'll focus on raising my job level first. If I raise the level of my skill there is a possibility that I will run out of SP very quickly, I mean the number of my skill choices are many while the job choices are very few so I will focus on jobs so I can determine how to fight first maybe then after that I will trying to use my SP.

[Your jobs has become Fighter]

[Skill (Body strengthening) acquired]

[Skill (Martial Art) Acquired]

[Skill (Bleeding Strengthening) Acquired]

[Because Skill (Martial Art) is duplicated, it will be integrated with the existing skill]

[Skill Martial Art Lv 1 Merged and rose to Lv 2]

"Issei! Mayu! Miyu! Are you all right? "

From behind us, Hakuno has come after us and Reikan. Because I was too busy looking at my status panel I didn't pay attention to them.

"Did monsters come here too?"

"Yes!" "Yes!"

Mayu and Miyu answered in unison. They seem very excited even though they are in a dangerous situation. It's not like I want to blame them though … How come you don't feel excited? We are in a situation that only exists in manga and anime. We are dealing with wild monsters and we can use magic. This fantasy-like scene is sure to make people feel like the heroes of the movies.

"Did you also meet monsters on your way?"

"Yes, we encountered several monsters on our way, most of them consisting of skeletons or undead. We were able to eradicate them but we experienced something strange after we defeated them … "

"You and Reikan leveled up after defeating that monster right? We also experienced the same thing, me and the Tou sisters have used our job points to get jobs. I advise you to check your status panel, maybe that panel will help us respond to the situation we are in … "

While we were chatting casually we heard a lot of screaming from outside the Hakuno house. We immediately rushed out and tried to check the outside of this house.




Outside we could see a horde of monsters attacking the house but being handled by the guards. Even though the guards were able to annihilate the hordes of monsters that were coming that didn't mean they looked like they were in a safe position. Maybe because they didn't think that they would face a real monster horde, they didn't take the monsters coming so seriously that they might have been heavily impacted. The impact of the monster attacks can be seen with the presence of several of the guards who died at the hands of the monsters. Due to their perilous circumstances, they were forced to use the last resort. They use firearms.

Generally using firearms is something that is prohibited if you do not have permission from the police or the authorities. Even if you get the permission your movements will be monitored so you won't be able to use it for anything weird. So, it is absolutely impossible for you to get a firearm, especially a Pistol Type Gun in this country. Because Hakuno is a rich family whose lives are often sought after, they can employ people who can use firearms as house guards and also Hakuno guards.

'But all that firearm thing is not the issue right now! If they are not helped they will all die, and if they die, the safety of this house will be threatened. I have to be able to defend this house so I can use this place as a base '

In a situation like this, I could better make sure there was a place to rest and strategize safely.

"Reikan! Mayu! Miyu! Hakuno! Help me from behind I will help them from here! "

I quickly ran towards the guards of this house to help them ...

"Big bro! Use this! "

With all my strength my brother threw something at me … No, it was my weapon. He threw my favorite weapon at me and with pinpoint precision I caught the war hammer or Crowbeak. With this, I started our fight with the monsters.

"Argento, hang in there ... don't just you die yet".