
The World is Overflowing with Monsters, Damn My E-rank Luck

Do I really have to describe how bad my luck is? I think I don't need to. Fate Stay Night x The World is Overflowing with Monsters, I'm Taking a Liking to this Life. (I'm just dumping all thing in google translate, so please forgive me)

greiand · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

'Sky sprinkled with starlight'

'The night where the moon shines beautifully'

'The night it all started'

'Let us throw all our worries away and move on '

'O lamb that has strayed'

'On this very night, your destiny will begin to move again'


Emiya Shirou(Argento Riverwood) Human

Level 5

HP: 145/145 MP: 945/945

Strength: 73 Endurance: 80 Agility: 76 Dexterity: 131 Magic: 70

Magic resistance: 90

SP: 10 JP: 5

Job. None


Beautiful night with the moon showing all its light without shame. It was under that light that the two silent individuals froze on the spot while looking at each other. One looked with astonished, disbelieving, and terrified eyes. The other one looks with worried eyes at the girl in front of him but he doesn't know what to do so that she won't be afraid of him (and I think I can deal with the kids because I'm used to Fuji-nee. I guess I should practice my communication skills. again).

"Hello, do you need help with that wound?" I tried to greet her as friendly as possible.

"HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII" and it didn't work at all.

The red-haired girl immediately tried to escape from me using all the strength she had. She even tried to crawl away from me (this made me feel really hurt).



"Wh… what do you want? I do not have anything. You can do whatever you want as long as you don't eat me. My flesh is not good. I am just a lowly demon. I pay with my body so don't eat me "she immediately begged me endlessly as if I was a monster that would eat children who disobey their parents.

"Hey, I really won't hurt you. I only meant to help you. I don't have any hidden intentions. "I tried to calm her down and persuade her to believe me.

"Sob ... Sob ... Are you serious?" Aren't you going to eat me to get my unique skill? " she finally calmed down even if only a little bit but it was still better than nothing.

"Yes, although I don't know how it has to do with eating you and stealing your abilities I didn't do anything that would hurt you. In fact, I'm here to help you "I tried to say as convincingly as possible to be able to make her believe in my good intentions.

"Th… then why are you here? Humans shouldn't be able to withstand the mana pressure that exists in this demon continent. "She was looking at me with suspicious eyes now.

"Unless you are a hero who is blessed by heaven. You definitely want to get rid of me right now, right? You want to eliminate me when I'm off guard or enslave me and force me to kill my brothers and sisters right ?! " she immediately accused me with an accusation who knows where it came from.

"No, I wouldn't do something that cruel. After all, I am not a hero. I can't be a hero at all. Indeed, I can't be an ideal hero.

I can't save everyone.

That fact pierced my heart deeply. No matter how much I tried I couldn't save everyone and there were always people who became victims because of my actions.

"I can't be a hero," I said once again, but I would never give up my dream of becoming a hero. As long as my memories as Emiya Shirou still exist even though I am turned into stone I would still pursue that dream.

"..." She looked at me intently as if she was trying to learn my movements.

"So I'm just a human being ... I guess I can't convince you of that after what I did huh?" I couldn't fool her at all after she saw what I could do.

"Hmm ... hmm" he nodded at my words.

"Well, anyway I'm just an ordinary Magus who has a few tricks in my pocket. So! Do you need help with your wound? "

"I think you can help me to give a little of your mana. I ran out of my mana to be able to activate healing magic. "The girl finally trusted me to help her.

I immediately projected two rings and it made this girl confused. I immediately explained the function of this ring to her. This ring serves to connect our two astral bodies and allow us to channel Od each other from my body to her body and vice versa. This way I can also stimulate the natural healing she has through this exchange of magical energy.

"OOOOH, so something like this can be made easily? You seem like a high-level magician. "she was afraid of me for a while and then suddenly admired me because of this thing that Rin made (Sasuga Rin-Sensei).

Without further ado, I immediately went through the procedure. First I want to make a Mystic Code that has healing properties but since almost all healing Mystic Code I have is Mystic Code which has Holy elements so I thought it would have the opposite effect if I used it on her. Especially I don't know what happens if I'm using Holy Armament for healing on demon race(this is the first time I'm meeting with one of them after all)

"Ooooh, it feels pretty good too I thought if we connected our astral bodies something negative would happen but it looks like this ring is preventing something like that from happening. What an amazing ring. How much do I have to pay to get this, huh? " she started muttering to herself and completely ignored me.

"Before I couldn't introduce myself. My name is Argento Riverwood and if you wish may I ask your name? " I tried to introduce myself before I forgot it.

"My name is Inggrit, Inggrit Anastashia Hoshin. You can call me Inggrit "her attitude of trying to be graceful didn't work at all but because she had worked so hard to make it so cute.

"Fufu, Inggrit yes. What a beautiful name. "I tried to be a real man and complimented her so she wouldn't accuse me of nonsense.

"Hey, what's laughing at?" oops looks like she's much more temperamental than I thought (better be careful or I'll get heavenly punishment from Tsundere girls other than Rin)

"Nothing, you just remind me of my old friend" I answered her while remembering my memories with Rin while in the clock tower.

'What a beautiful memory' I can't stop smiling every time I remember that memory.

"Oh, I see. You're a little gross, aren't you? " Her words irritated me a little but I won't jump at this little girl who still reeks of milk.

"You're thinking something insolent about me right?" it seemed she could read other people's minds.

"Not really. I don't think of anything rude about you at all. "I tried to trick her so as not to continue this pointless fight.

"Okay then" She already started to heal his wounds even though some of them started to heal when I channeled my magic energy to her.

She awoke from his position and looked like she was going to try another incantation.


Instantly all of her clothes became fine again from all the damage she had suffered. It was as if her clothes had become new again, they were gone from all the holes and torn. All of this made me realize that I had stared at her for too long so she started glaring at me.

"I just wonder how you can do it" I can only know it is the effect of the same skill as the announcement I heard after I defeated the vampire earlier but I can not explain further because there is no magic she used when using that technique.

'Hmm, or maybe she used too little magic that I couldn't detect' there are many things I want to find out ...

"Looks like whatever questions you have to endure, right, Argento?" as Inggrit said it looks like our communication should stop first because we have started to be surrounded by a pack of wolves or wolf zombies(?)

I want to know the details of Inggrit's technique but I have to confront them first before continuing my conversation with Inggrit.

I immediately picked up carrying Inggrit in my left hand as I summoned the Kanshou to be able to fight the swarms of monsters that surrounded us. I immediately rushed towards one of the lone monsters on one of the many routes I had mapped out for us to get out of this situation.


With a speed that exceeds my usual speed, I sped off and was able to slice through the monsters in front of me without the slightest hitch.

'Hmmm, looks like my body is getting stronger after I leveled up earlier.' I mused While Protecting Inggrit from Monster Attack.

[Experience Point Acquired]

I just ignored the announcement in my head and continued to run towards the place where we could hide from this herd of vicious predators. Even though I can level up and become strong doesn't mean I can't get tired and then harm Inggrit.

'I have to get to that cave'

Around this forest, there is (I just realized that I was in the middle of the forest at this time) a cave that I used to do rituals to make a lot of Mystic code because that place has many bounded fields that function to protect my workshops. If I can go there I can guarantee Inggrit's safety and I can calmly eradicate all these undead wolves without fear of Inggrit getting hurt.

[Experience Point Acquired]

[Experience Point Acquired]

[Experience Point Acquired]

[Experience Point Acquired]


[Experience Point Has Reached Sufficient Level]

[Argento Riverwood Rose From Level 5 to Level 6]

[Skill proficiency has reached a sufficient level]

[Skill Short-swords Mastery Had been Envolved]

[Skill Dagger Art Had Been Learned]

I continued to slash and eradicate all the monsters blocking my route of escape. I keep running between the trees of this forest. I ignored all the branches or the few attacks from the monsters that managed to injure me. Usually, I will still feel pain even if it's just a little. Even though I was used to pain and was able to endure it due to my careless training turning my nerves into magic circuits but after my leveling up it felt like all my efforts were in vain. All the attacks that hit my body didn't hurt at all as if they were just hallucinations.

I would definitely believe that everything from the appearance of monsters and leveling up were just hallucinations but all the blood that had flowed from my wounds made me realize that this was all real.

[Experience Point Acquired]

[Experience Point Acquired]

[Experience Point Acquired]


I keep running and keep running. I ran through the trees of this forest. This forest is actually not dense because of the many developments that are happening around this city. The closer I got to my hiding place, I felt the more monsters blocking my path.

At first, there were only wolf-like monsters or wolf-zombies? I don't really know the details of this monster but I can see many fatal wounds on the wolves. If the fatal wound still couldn't convince anyone then the stench of rotting flesh would make everyone vomit. Even though they looked like they were badly injured, their speed in attack couldn't be underestimated. They are not only fast at running they are also very strong.



As I dodged the surprise attack from my right side I could see the wolf could destroy a tree just by biting the tree.

'This is really crazy!'

I didn't waste my time and immediately attacked the wolf. By creating several Black Key, I'm skewering this Monster and almost Shredding it.

[Experience Point Acquired]

I again continued my run while checking that Britain was still fine.

I kept running while eliminating the many monsters that came. The monsters other than the wolf zombies started appearing and immediately attacked me. Starting from the Goblin hordes to the Ghoul hordes coming and attacking me.

[Experience Point Acquired]

[Experience Point Acquired]

[Experience Point Acquired]

[Experience Point Acquired]


[Argento Riverwood Rose From Level 8 to Level 9]

I've been killing lots of monsters since I met Inggrit. There was something that was making me very nervous but I didn't focus on it because I had to quickly get Inggrit to a safe place first.

[Experience Point Acquired]

[Experience Point Acquired]

Sometimes I'm using my Kanshou to Split the enemy into half piece. Sometimes I'm launching several nameless swords at the enemies from a far distance.

[Experience Point Acquired]

[Experience Point Acquired]


[Argento Riverwood Rose From Level 9 to Level 11]

After running for a few minutes, Inggrit and I finally arrived at my hiding place. When viewed from the outside, ordinary people will only see walls without any cave holes to enter, but for me and some of the people, I have allowed entering there is a barrier so I can hide the entrance we can see the entrance. Not only did I put the barrier that served to hide the entrance that I put in this place, but I also put other barriers with various functions. I was able to create a barrier with a very complicated function thanks to the teachings of Rin-Sensei and Illya.

"ARU-KUN ..."

"!?" while I was entering my hiding place I suddenly heard a strange voice that was very similar to Haku-chan's. From her voice, she sounded like she was in trouble.

"ARU-KUN! HELP ME!" I firmly believed that it was Haku-chan's voice if only Inggrit didn't try to hold me towards the source of the sound.

"No, that sound is just a trap," Inggrit warned me and I would have just ignored it if only my mercenary instincts hadn't alerted me to the dangers that would come to me if I approached that voice.

I know the sound is just a trap, I know that very well but I'll still be there. If that voice really belongs to Hakuno then I will definitely save it. I promised him and I will make sure my promise is fulfilled.

"Inggrit, can you go inside for a moment?" I immediately opened the barrier on my hidden entrance and prepared to head for the source of the sound.

"Okay, but first take and drink this" Inggrit gave me a bottle filled with a blue liquid which I do not know what it does.

"What is this?" I asked Inggrit ...

"Just drink it!" and that's the answer I got.

Alright, I guess at least it isn't poisonous and from my analysis using Magecraft I can tell this liquid serves to heal wounds but I don't know the ingredients for making this. I could tell the general effect but for sure I never knew anything about the ingredients plus there were one or two ingredients that I couldn't identify at all.

Talking about the wound I just realized that I had received a lot of injuries but it wasn't too serious all over my body and I didn't realize it at all.

"Okay! Drinking this potion can't be as bad as eating the food that Uncle Kiritsugu made. "Without hesitation, I immediately drank this potion and went towards the source of the voice calling me.