
The World Is Mine For The Taking

Leon was your typical guy, perceived as weak in his school because his skills hadn't awakened, even though they usually did at the coming of age. He attended the prestigious Milham's Magic Knight Academy, where snagging the top spot meant automatic entry into the esteemed position of a Magic Knight in the country. Unfortunately, Leon found himself in the lower caste, labeled the most useless student. To top it off, he was tossed into a class that served as a sanctuary for oddballs and delinquents. Yet, he couldn't care less, as becoming a Magic Knight wasn't his goal. Everything shifted when he crossed paths with Shredica, a woman hell-bent on becoming a Magic Knight at any cost. Observing Leon's lack of ambition and his apparent detachment from the academy's pursuits, Shredica saw an opportunity. She decided to exploit him as a pawn in her ascent through the academy's hierarchy. Yet, unbeknownst to Shredica, Leon was not the complacent, unremarkable figure she presumed him to be.

Boredsushi · Fantasy
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235 Chs

Chapter 19 - Preparation For The King's Game, Part 2 (3)

"In recognition of the bravery displayed by these three students, who saved numerous lives during the arson incident, they will be rewarded with a fitting commendation," declared Gaspard Cordelius Argus, a golden-haired and bespectacled elder, one of the administrators. It was evident that he harbored some internal conflict regarding the reward, especially considering that Shredica, Isiliraiellyn, and I hailed from the bronze class. Moreover, both Shredica and I were regarded as skillless—a fact that didn't sit well with the old man, who harbored disdain for those lacking in prowess. However, he had little choice in the matter. Our heroic actions demanded recognition, lest the academy face scrutiny.

Today marked the day of the rewarding ceremony. The three of us stood on the stage, facing the entirety of the academy's student body. Their scrutinizing gazes made me feel somewhat uneasy.