
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Who's for it, who's against it

Everything did not exceed Zhang Yi's expectations.

After all, he had passed the gas with hundred Li Changqing before, and he also knew the considerations of the Jiangnan region.

To be fair, he thinks this is a reasonable move.

If Zhang Yi were in Zhu Zheng's position, he would adopt the same strategy.

Otherwise, let the chaos in various places go on, fight on, sooner or later the whole Jiangnan region will be beaten in pieces.

When the time comes, if there is an invasion of external forces, what will be left to resist?

As for Zhang Yi himself has no opinion on this?

Yes, but not much.

Although it can be uncomfortable to be controlled by others, what makes Gangnam great?

Others are more powerful than him, and he does not give the Jiangnan region a face.

Of course, if the other party is asking him to die, then Zhang Yi can not agree.

And less than that step before Zhang Yi does not want to completely turn against Jiangnan.

After Zhu Zheng finished speaking, he looked at the crowd again.

After the shock of that hand, no one dared to be a bird.

"Who agrees and who disagrees with what I just said?"

Zhu Zheng continued to ask.

We looked at each other, tacit choice no longer speak.

Zhu Zheng said coldly, "If you don't speak, I will acquiesce that you all agree." Then sign your name in person on this application for membership."

After Zhu Zheng said that, his secretary LAN Xincheng pushed his glasses and motioned toward the Yanyunwei gate outside.

Immediately two groups of men came down the two aisles with prepared application forms in their hands and handed them out to the leaders of each faction.

As long as this application form is signed, it marks that they have officially become a power organization under the jurisdiction of the Jiangnan region from now on.

Will be transferred to the Gangnam area.

Zhang Yi also received a piece, he quickly read it again, and Zhu Zheng told the general no two, no other additional conditions.

Zhang Yi signed his name on the surface naturally.

Zhu Zheng is very concerned about this procedure, but in fact Zhang Yi does not care so much.

If one day, Zhu Zheng should send him to die, this paper will not bind him in any way.

As a person, you have to be flexible, there is no need to be a bird.

Others were unperturbed and unwilling, but still because of their fear of the Jiangnan area, they signed the application form.

Zhu Zheng saw a thick stack of forms in the hands of LAN Xin City, and nodded with satisfaction.

With a smile on his face, he said to the crowd: "Don't worry, I will not let you work for nothing!"

"From now on, you will receive a supply every month. This includes specially made weapons and equipment for the region."

"Also, if you complete the tasks assigned by the region, there are special rewards for you."

With that, Zhu reached out from his coat pocket and took out a small glass bottle, pinching it between his fingers.

Everyone's eyes fell on the little glass bottle, wondering what it was.

Zhu Zheng said in a deep voice, "This thing is called Compound 2! It's supposed to help people unlock their powers, unlock their potential. Simply put, using it will make your powers even stronger!"

"This is also on the list of mission rewards!"

Hearing the effect of Compound 2, everyone's eyes became hot!

So far, the only way they've found to enhance their powers is to devour!

But there are major difficulties with this approach.

First, they need to kill one person in order to take the other person's origin, which is a difficult thing, inhumans are still too few in number.

Second, as the level of power increases, the effect of co-eating is also reduced, and it is necessary to continue to devour the origin of higher-order inhumans.

But how can a high-level inhuman be that easy to kill?

Now, Zhu Zheng tells them that there are drugs that can help them increase their strength, and of course they crave it!

In the last days, strength is everything!

But Zhang Yi saw that thing, but slightly frown.

He also knew something about compounds, which he had learned from a few words of Changqing.

The reason why the Jiangnan headquarters is so powerful and has so many high-level inhumans is related to the compounds they have developed.

The border forces appear to be the users of the compound.

Even the abnormal side effects around him were caused by the compound.

Although they can gain great power in a short time, they need to take huge risks, and Zhang Yi is not willing to make this exchange.

But apparently, everyone else is fascinated by this thing.

"No wonder there are such strong inhumans in the Jiangnan region, it turns out that there is the aid of medicine!" Omega omega w.. net

"Don't you... Can we get it, too?"

"As long as you complete the assignment sent by Gangnam District... That seems good too."

Zhu Zheng hand stick hand jujube, let people in the heart of the discontent dissipated a lot.

At least for now, it seems that it is still profitable to follow the Gangnam area.

Just as they were thinking about the benefits, Zhu Zheng spoke again.

"You have come at a good time, and here is an opportunity for you!"

"Not long ago, a group of neon country Ronin organizations appeared in Linhai City."

"The number of the group is thirteen! Linhai City is now occupied by them."

"If anyone can destroy these Ronins, then he will get 10 doses of Compound 2 and control of the whole city of Linhai!"

There was an immediate uproar below.

Because the four words "neon ronin" are really too powerful.

No matter how they fought in the past, even if it was a matter of life and death, it was a family matter.

But when the enemy invaded, their hatred immediately shifted.

"Hateful neon Ronin, dare to set foot on the land of my country of China, really seek death!"

"Do they think that because the last days are coming, they are entitled to arrogance?"

"Kill! Kill all these damned ronins, not one of them can stay!"

Zhang Yi also slightly narrowed eyes.

Neon ronin, they really dare!

They ran into China's territory and took over a city.

Then there is no doubt that the local forces have been wiped out by them.

No one can bear it.

Uncle You gritted his teeth and cursed his mother: "MD, these dogs, kill them all!"

All the faces were angry.

There are also some people who hear the conditions Zhu Zheng gives, with a heartbeat.

10 doses of Compound 2, which can greatly improve the strength of 10 inhumans, will certainly make an organization much stronger!

But the most enticing is the control of Linhai City.

The local forces of Linhai City have been eliminated by Ronin, that is to say, who completes this task, can become the absolute king of Linhai City!

Moreover, its identity and power were also recognized and protected by the Jiangnan region.

A lot of people are interested in this idea.

But others are wondering just how risky the mission is.

After all, that Ronin organization can wipe out the entire Inhumans in Linhai City!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MrQianniancreators' thoughts