
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Where's my dynamite?

Ling Feng's team threw a large number of smoke bombs and incendiary bombs in the Yunque Manor to avoid Zhang Yi's sniper attack on the blasting group.

The second step is to arrange the EOD personnel to begin to defuse the bombs around the villa.

Their method is very simple and crude, not by manually dismantling, but using a detonating cord directly detonated.

This is a common detonation method in the army, which covers a large area with chain explosives and detonates the surrounding explosives by means of explosion.

Zhang Yi opened the maximum active noise reduction function, and the noise outside was immediately isolated.

In order to prevent the next blast from being too loud and damaging her eardrum, Zhang Yi also wore a professional-grade noise-cancelling headset.

Although he was almost deaf in this way, he thought that the other side might use 500 kilograms of tnt to blow up the shelter, he thought it was completely necessary.

The fire of the explosion outside one after another, Zhang Yi before the arrangement of a long bomb trap, was actually detonated by each other.

Zhang Yi sighed: "Professional soldiers are professional soldiers."

There are regrets, but not many.

After all, when you play against a player of this profession, you have to be prepared for this.

The reason why the last time was able to kill Shen Hong and others, there are also components of stealing chicken.

This time the other side is ready, naturally it is impossible to stupidly walk on the trap.

After the outer traps were eliminated, Ling Feng ordered: "On the blasting group!" Everyone else be ready to cover."

Behind him, the three captain level inhumans, including Liang Yue, are also ready.

As soon as they see any sign of Zhang Yi emerging, they will attack at the first time.

Only now, thanks to the sanctuary, none of their skills can be used.

As for Liang Yue, it is secretly looking forward to Zhang Yi in the heart to bring her a surprise.

At this time Zhang Yi heart is not impatient.

He can let them do whatever they do.

After all, the essence of shelter is defense, not offense.

But if the other party wants to attack his shelter, the only means is to blow it up.

He looked at the monitor in his hand.

Although the whole neighborhood was shrouded in thick white smoke, it was not enough to completely lose his sight.

Because if the fog is too heavy, the other side's demolitionists can't see the shelter clearly.

So this white smoke is just to keep him from sniping.

But through the long connected monitoring system of the entire community, Zhang Yi could see the shadowy figures approaching the shelter.

"It's coming!

Zhang Yi's eyes became calm and sharp.

Now comes the big part.

The key to securing this shelter is to stop the blast.

The shock wave produced by blasting is absorbed by using different dimensional space.

So Zhang Yi did not have any attack, but judged the other side's choice of bursting point, and then followed the past.

A few minutes later, he found the location of the blasters through the remaining surveillance cameras outside the wall.

The blasters each carried a heavy load of explosives on their bodies, which they placed under the wall as they reached it.

Then install the detonator for layout.

Zhang Yi's eyes were fixed on them.

In a few moments, the trained blasters planted 500 kilograms of explosives, and then -- they quickly moved out.

Zhang Yi's eyes stared at the big boss, staring at the pile of tnt outside the wall.

"Just gone?"

But also, if they don't go, they can't stay and be blown up alive!

You have to wait until you're at a safe distance, and then detonate it by remote control.

But for Zhang Yi, this can be a big speechless incident.

He stroked his chin and muttered, "Maybe I was thinking too complicated from the beginning."

On the other hand, after placing a large number of explosives, the demolition soldiers immediately left the Yunque Manor according to the original plan.

After all, it's 500 kilos of tnt!

It's powerful enough to destroy a building with dozens of stories!

They had to get to a safe distance before they could detonate.

At this time, Ling Feng and others also came to a small hill not far away, looking at the shelter under the smoke.

Over the intercom, blasters were heard.

"Captain, the explosives have been laid, and our retreat is complete. Ready to detonate!"

Ling Feng mouth showed a smile.

"Copy that."

He took out the detonator and said to several teammates next to him: "This mission is easier than we thought!" I thought this Zhang Yi could kill so many of our brothers, should have some ability!"

With that, he gently pressed the trigger switch with his right hand.

Everyone covered their ears and waited for the earth-shattering explosion.

But a few seconds go by and nothing happens?

"Huh? Why didn't it explode?"

Liang Yue frowned and said curiously.

Ling Feng also felt a little strange, and picked up the remote control, the direction of the shelter continuously pressed several times.

But where's the slightest reaction?

"What's going on here?

Ling Feng frowns, using a walkie-talkie to contact the explosives team.

"Why did the detonator switch not go off?"

The bomb team over there is wondering, too.

"It can't be! We checked it carefully and there was nothing wrong with the arrangement."

Ling Feng some angry, are their own elite, will make this kind of low-level mistakes, it is embarrassing home!

"But now it's like I push the switch and there's no reaction. You go over there immediately to check, if there is any problem, I will deal with it once and for all!"


There was no way, the bomb team wondered, that they could make a stupid mistake.

But the detonation failed. Something must have gone wrong.

So several team members ran back to the scene, intending to check if something was wrong.

But when I got to that place, several people were all dumbfounded!

Originally stacked in the corner of a pile of explosives, unexpectedly inexplicably disappeared!

"Huh? Where's my dynamite?"

The members of the bomb squad were so confused that they thought they were in the wrong place.

On the opposite side of the wall, Zhang Yi looked at the 500 kilograms of explosives in his different space and fell into deep thought.

"Isn't it... Too simple?"

He didn't want it to be easy!

It was a total giveaway.

Put a bunch of dynamite in his corner, and then he left.

Zhang Yi sighed: "Are good people ah!"

On the hill, Ling Feng listened to the news from the walkie-talkie, people were silly.

"What? The explosives are gone? How could the explosives be gone, if you hadn't planted them yourself?"

"Did you see a ghost, or did you eat the explosives?"

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