
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs


For people like Chen Jingguan who are numb off stage and have soft feet on stage, you have to hit him in the face.

Play wake up still good, play not wake up Zhang Yi will be too lazy to care about him.

Compared with the wily Wei Dinghai, Chen Jing's poor view is not a tiny bit.

Go on like this, do not have to ask Zhang Yi, the rain base will soon collapse, or be seized by his men.

Chen Jingguan was really afraid, and he buried his head very low.

"Zhang Yi, I was wrong, I did wrong. Please, for the sake of everyone being the force of Tianhai City, save me!"

Zhang Yi disdained a sneer.

When, for the same Tianhai city forces this point can be taken out of the matter?

Have you forgotten how they lived and died before?


Zhang Yi put a finger to his lips and motioned him to stop talking.

"You go and rest!"

Zhang Yi this time is really Chen Jingguan stupid to.

At best, however, this incident accelerated the conflict between Tianhai City and other cities.

Since the battle of Tianhai City, the population has withered, and it is inevitable that there will be conflicts with the surrounding cities.

Sooner or later, Zhang Yi will have to deal with this matter.

But Chen Jingguan must pay the price for his foolish behavior this time.

Without enough sincerity, Zhang Yi could not shelter him.

At this time, Zhang Yi is already considering whether to accept his several large sailing ships.

Chen Jingguan was very afraid and hesitated, not knowing how to say it.

Zhou Ke 'er is still smart.

She saw that Zhang Yi did not put the words, is not going to give up the rain base completely.

So she walked over and said to Chen Jingguan with a smile, "Let me take a look at your injury first!"

With the harmony of Zhou Ke, Chen Jingguan heart slightly more comfortable.

Zhou Ke 'er examined Chen Jingguan's body and found that his internal organs had indeed suffered serious injuries.

On the surface, although there is no major harm, it will not take long to become serious injuries, and even endanger life.

She used the power of the doctor to help Chen Jingguan do some treatment, and then took out the drug from the medicine bag she carried to him.

Chen Jingguan grateful, repeated thanks, and begged Zhou Ke to help him to Zhang Yi interdiction.

Zhou Ke Er just smiled, let him pay attention to recuperation, absolutely do not start with others.

She returned to Zhang Yi's side and whispered to Zhang Yi about Chen Jingguan's hidden injury in the body.

Zhang Yi eyes a flash, looking at the distance from them not far from the power of Daze city.

Sun Jianming's big bald head turned his back on him, seemed to feel Zhang Yi's eyes, also turned his head, and smiled at Zhang Yi with a cold smile, and also made an action of wiping his neck.

Zhang Yi withdrew his eyes, did not continue to discuss this matter, but said faintly: "Wait for the meeting!"

At about 2:30 in the afternoon, Zhu Zheng finally appeared at the venue.

Along with him came Tu Yunlie, the head of the war Department, and Deng Shentong, the leader of the God squad.

As soon as these people appeared on the scene, the strong sense of oppression suddenly made the venue become quiet.

Zhu Zheng's expression is very serious today, which has something to do with the big thing that happened this morning.

But now that he is here, it means that the matter has been dealt with.

Zhu Zheng stood on the stage, his eyes scanned the scene of more than a thousand people.

He could feel the strength and rebelliousness of many inhumans in these twelve cities.

If this force can be gathered together, it is no less than the Yanyun troops in his hands!

"Welcome to Blizzard City!"

Zhu Zheng began to say, the steady and strong voice along the microphone spread to everyone's ears.

"I am Zhu Zheng, commander of the Jiangnan Region! I was just delayed by something special. I want to apologize to all of you."

"Now, I won't waste your time. Let's make a long story short and talk about the purpose of bringing you here."

"Since the Ice Age began in December last year, the world has been in chaos and society has lost its proper order."

"Now that half a year has passed, most of those who survived have banded together to form large and small forces." Among them, many lucky ones have awakened their powers and have powers beyond ordinary people!"

"And all of you here are representatives of the most powerful forces in every region!"

"I want us to be able to focus on the big things and not be so fragmented and prone to conflict with each other."

"So, from today on, I decided to establish the Jiangnan Super Federation!" Everyone in the Gangnam area must participate!"

"In particular, the great powers of your twelve cities are to become important members of the Federation."

Zhu Zheng's voice echoed through the hall.

Many people frown and think when they hear this.

Zhang Yi hugged his arms and secretly said in his heart: It is true, but I do not know what they want us to do and how much benefit they will give us. Otherwise, no good thing, surely these people here will not do.

If it becomes too big, even if the strength of the Jiangnan region is strong, I am afraid it will need to pay a huge price to suppress.

The others were whispering too, and the hall was buzzing.

Tu Yunlie and Deng Shentong and Zhu Zheng next to the guard Sun Luxuan eyes scanned the venue, strong breath, let the people have shut their mouths, waiting for Zhu Zheng below.

Zhu Zheng continued: "The Jiangnan Super Federation is affiliated to the headquarters of the Jiangnan region, and I will personally serve as the president!"

"Members of the Federation may act within their respective regions. However, in the event of special events, the region will assign tasks to be carried out by the members of the Federation, which shall not be violated!"

Hearing this request, the discussion of the scene began again.

Some people could not help but snort cold: "This is not to let us be the running dogs of the Jiangnan region?" And they bring their own dog food."

"Yeah, if we join the region, we can live in Blizzard City." But on the one hand, we have to stay where we are, on the other hand, we have to work for them unconditionally. Isn't that putting a leash around our necks?"

Zhu Zheng raised his voice a bit: "Of course, I won't let you do anything for nothing!" As long as you complete the tasks assigned by the region, you will be rewarded accordingly."

"Medicines, weapons and other supplies in the region can be redeemed with points earned from the mission!"

Zhang Yi frown a pick, this point is still relatively seductive.

As far as he knows, the level of weapons in the region is much higher than that of Tianhai City!

Like origin bullets, like those unique training suits, and weapons made of Edelman metal.

I am afraid it is only the tip of the iceberg of the Arsenal in Gangnam.

Moreover, according to the information once revealed by Baili Changqing, the Jiangnan Region has been able to synthesize compounds specifically for inhumans to enhance their strength.

These are good things!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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