
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Uncle You wants to help

Zhang Yi comforted them and said, "Don't worry, the underground defense force is stronger than the two floors above ground." They won't be able to threaten this place any time soon."

"I guess they don't have much explosives left, and the attacks on us are about to stop."

"As for the next round when they attack again, I already know how to deal with them."

Zhang Yi's smile made them feel at ease.

However, Zhang Yi did not explain the problem of different Spaces.

His ability was a secret, and he wouldn't tell anyone unless it was absolutely necessary.

Zhang Yi waited for a long time in the basement, but did not feel the other party's attack.

Not to mention the explosives, even the regular guns are gone.

Zhang Yi can finally be sure that the explosives in the other hand have been consumed.

And from here to the west Mountain refuge all more than 50 kilometers of distance, even if they go back now, if the load of thousands of kilograms of mass, it will take more than half a day.

Zhang Yi sitting on the sofa in the living room, while observing the outside world through monitoring, while Yang Mi to prepare food, to supplement his physical fitness.

The power's energy source is mainly food, and now Zhang Yi's dimensional gate is destroyed, and the power must be consumed to restore it, so Zhang Yi has to eat a lot of food.

The other point is about outside surveillance.

After the huge explosion, the surrounding dozen villas were blown into ruins by the shock wave, and the surveillance was destroyed.

Only most of the surveillance built into the shelter's walls is still functioning.

Fortunately, the area of the wall damaged by blasting is not too large and will not interfere with Zhang Yi's vision.

In this way, the other side has no way to completely turn Zhang Yi blind.

Zhang Yi looked at the hundreds of monitoring pictures on the screen, and looked at the direction of the short mountain with cold eyes.

"Next time you come, I won't be so easy with you!"

After finding out the details of the other side, Zhang Yi can attack!

Yang Mi brought a lot of food, and Zhou Ke Er came behind him, rubbing his shoulders for him to relieve the pressure.

The safety of the entire base rests on this man.

Women are increasingly courting him.

Zhang Yi took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Xu Fatty, asking him how the movement of the troops in Xujia town was.

Before long, the news of Fat Xu came back.

"Boss, what you did there just scared a man to death! The sound of the explosion made me suspect that Yunque Manor had been flattened!"

"Whew, I'm glad you're okay, lucky!"

"The soldiers are coming back quite a bit. I see some of them leaving the village and heading west."

After Zhang Yi saw the news of Xu Fatty, the heart immediately understood that the situation was the same as what they thought.

They went back to get the explosives.

"What are the others doing?"

"What else can you do? Come back and rest! It looks like they're going to stay in this state for a long time, and they'll want something to eat and drink as soon as they get back."

Xu fatty ridicule let Zhang Yi mouth reveal a deep smile.

If this shelter can not be attacked for a long time, then the most unlucky must be the whole Xujia town.

Because the West Hill Base already considers it their base.

And they will ask all the people in Xujia town to sacrifice the food and drink of more than 60 people.

Zhang Yi does not sympathize with them, but some expect that they will not break up, and then make trouble.

"Very well, you continue to find out for me."

Zhang Yi said to Xu Fatty.

Fat Xu was a little worried and said, "Boss, their troops are quite elite, and there are several inhumans inside." Can you handle it?"

"Of course."

Zhang Yi said faintly, the tone is full of confidence.

"I've got their offense all figured out."

At this time Zhang Yi most fortunate, is their own that night, killed the female inhuman that can go through the wall.

Otherwise, the impenetrable shelter on which he depends most becomes a complete joke.

As for the other inhumans, what does it matter how powerful their powers are?

Can you beat 500 kilos of tnt?

He is strong and let him be strong, the breeze blows the hills; He passed by him and the moon shone on the river.

I'm not going out there to fight you. Who cares how good you are?

Come in if you can!

Zhang Yigu is at peace with himself.

He reminded Xu once again: "Fat man, Xujia town is not safe, you must remember to always beware of those people."

"If one day you perceive danger, you can always come to me." Brother will protect you!"

Xu fat man so good and obedient tools, Zhang Yi can not give him something.

And with one more inhuman by his side, he gets a little more power.

If one day there is a need for direct conflict, the ability of fat Xu to stir the shit stick can definitely make the other side embarrassed.

Fat Xu was moved to nod: "Thank you, boss! If the day comes, I will come to you."

The implication is, not yet.

After all, Xu Fatty still has an attachment in his heart - Xu Lili, the girl whom he has only seen a few times and who is referred to as White Moonlight.

"That's up to you!"

Zhang Yi is not reluctant, this kind of thing by his own decision is good.

The two ended the call.

Zhang Yi while eating, while enjoying the service of two beautiful women beside.

After a while, he received another call from Uncle You.

The original uncle you across the distance, all heard the sound of the explosion here, so call to ask Zhang Yi situation.

Zhang Yi light smile, Uncle you is one of his most trusted people, two people are really a life of friendship!

He also did not hide, he told Uncle You that the West Mountain base was attacking his shelter.

"What? Who are they to attack you?"

Uncle You was indignant after hearing this, "Isn't their duty to protect us?"

As a veteran, Uncle You could not restrain his anger when he heard that there were troops attacking Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi smiled faintly and said disapprovingly: "Uncle you, they are not the same now as you were then."

"The last days can change many things. The ones who survived were armed groups, loyal only to their own group. Do you understand?"

"Apart from being more disciplined and coming from a pre-apocalyptic state organization, they are no different from the SkyTeam and the Wild Wolves that we destroyed."

"In order to live better, everyone will compete for materials and even kill each other." I'm used to it."

Zhang Yi said that the clouds are light and the wind is light.

But Uncle You listened and fell silent.

It was quite a shock to him.

After a while, he said firmly: "Zhang Yi, you wait for me to pass!" It's such a big thing, I have to help you!"

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