
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Three mutants

The phone stopped abruptly, leaving only a beep that echoed through the control room.

Zhang Yi sat in a chair, eyes slightly drooping, thinking.

I thought it was just a matter of going somewhere to get someone.

But now it seems that there is more trouble.

He is a man who does not like trouble!

At this time, Yang Mi suddenly nervous arms Zhang Yi's arm.

"Zhang Yi"

Her eyes are full of prayer, even tears, the danger of her sister makes her especially anxious, can only beg Zhang Yi to save people.

Zhang Yi looked at Yang Mi and Zhou Ke, smiled slightly and said: "Rest assured, I said I would save her, I will go."

Although things may be a little troublesome, but for Zhang Yi today, it is not a difficult thing.

After all -- he had two inhuman helpers now!

Uncle you called over, when the tank top in front of the open road, Xu Fatty is the master of the control field, Zhang Yi in the back to find the right time Yin people.

If something goes wrong, he can run away as soon as possible.

This formation is perfect!

At the beginning of the end times, the combination of three inhumans can sweep most territories!

And now he really needs a top computer whiz.

Hear the promise of Zhang Yi, Yang Mi and Zhou Ke are put down.

After Zhang Yi comforted them, he went back to contact Uncle you and Xu Fatty, let them accompany themselves to the past.

Uncle You naturally agreed.

Xu fatty dare not go against Zhang Yi's meaning, only as a simple search and rescue operation, also agreed.

Because Yang Xinxin is found to be in a dangerous environment, Zhang Yi did not delay, let them get ready, tomorrow will set out for Azure College.

As for the time of the phone call, I heard the sad cry of the infiltration of people like a ghost, Zhang Yi can probably guess what it is.

It's either a mutated inhuman, or something else.

Although it sounds terrible, but Yang Xinxin a girl with paralyzed legs can survive for a month, that the thing is not so that Zhang Yi three inhumans can not cope.

On the eve of departure, Zhang Yi counted some weapons and equipment in his room.

Because of the possibility of facing mutants, you have to be more cautious than before when dealing with ordinary people.

Even the handguns, he replaced with two more powerful models that used armor-piercing bullets.

This pistol has more recoil, but you can count on its power.

Other equipment, as usual by Zhang Yi ready.

Easy to carry on the body, large weapons are placed in the different space, all are loaded, ready to take out the state of fire.

The next morning, Yang Mi and Zhou Ke got up early and prepared a hearty breakfast for Zhang Yi.

Of course Zhang Yi won't take them out.

Although the two women have experienced some cruel pictures, but once they encounter life and death, they will be scared of the legs.

They don't have a fighting force. They're just a drag.

Zhang Yi looked at a lot of food on the table, and did not eat more, but tasted a little of each dish.

Eating too much food is easy to affect the action, porridge and soup can not drink more, in case of urgent urination, in this day to pee may even freeze.

Zhang Yi had eaten before, so on weekdays, she would not eat too much in advance, and she would not drink more water.

Of course, if his physical exertion is too great, there is more than enough food and water in the other space to replenish it.

After breakfast, Zhang Yi's mobile phone rang up, is Xu fatty to call.

He picked up his phone and answered. "Hello."

"Brother Zhang, I have already passed the river! Waiting for you by the side of the road!"

Xu fat man know Zhang Yi home is near the trap, never dare to come.

Until now, that snow is still buried under his second brother, four brothers, six uncles!

"Just give me a minute, I'll be right with you."

Zhang Yi hung up the phone and said to Yang Mi and Zhou Ke who were looking at him, "I'm going to start!" I want you to stay in the basement for your own safety while I'm gone."

Yang Mi foolishly asked, "Why go to the basement?" Isn't this house very safe?"

Zhou Ke pulled her clothes, "Let you go you go!"

Zhou Ke 'er knew Zhang Yi too well and knew what his purpose was to do so.

The information is provided by Yang Mi and Zhou Ke Er, and the person saved is their sister.

So it is possible that this is a bureau that they work together to do, and deliberately deceive Zhang Yi.

Although from all angles, this possibility is very small, but Zhang Yi never believed in probability, he only believed in himself.

Yangmi feel inexplicable, can still follow Zhang Yi and Zhou Ke came to the underground layer.

Zhang Yi put the two of them respectively into the alloy room, with their highest authority to close the door key.

No one could open the door and let them out until he came back.

"In this way, even if someone breaks in, it will not threaten your safety!"

Zhang Yi said with a smile.

He left them with enough food and water, a separate bathroom, and no need to worry about cleanliness.

Zhou Ke 'er smiled gently and said, "Well, thank you, Zhang Yi! We're waiting for you!"

Yangmi at this time in the heart probably also know what is going on, although suspected to make her heart some uncomfortable, but after all, Zhang Yi is to save her sister, she is not angry.

"Zhang Yi, you must bring Xin Xin back safely!"

Yang Mi put her hands together and prayed nervously.

Zhang Yi touched her nose and smiled: "As long as she was safe when I passed, then I will definitely bring her back to you intact!"

After the promise of Zhang Yi, Yang Mi patted his chest, rest assured of a long sigh of relief.

She blew a kiss to Zhang Yi, "When you come back, I will serve you well!"

Zhang Yi bit his teeth, "You will wash your ass and wait for me!"

"What? Butt!"

Yang Mi was shocked, subconsciously covering her hips with her hands and stepping back step by step.

Zhang Yi laughed and left.

Yang Mi bit her lip shyly, mumbling: "It was the first time there, I heard it hurt."

But Zhang Yi really helped her save her sister, she... She can not not reward Zhang Yi once.

After all, there must be a first time for everything, and the flowers are always more and more vigorous.


Zhang Yi shut the two women in the alloy room, out of the house for a long breath.

If he can help it, he doesn't want to have to protect everyone around him.

But The Times are such that if you want to live safely, you must be careful in everything, without a trace of carelessness.

Besides, the underground house was very comfortable and warm, and he left plenty of food, they were more comfortable than Zhang Yi who ventured outside.

Zhang Yi thought so, and did not think there was any problem with doing so.

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