
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

The years are quiet.

Fatty Xu walked back step by step along the ice of Lujiang.

Zhang Yi also drove back to the Yunque Manor.

The reason why he said that to Xu Fatty, naturally has his deep purpose.

Remind the people in Xujia town?

He's not that kind.

Those people attacked him twice, even if one day they called people to kill, Zhang Yi will not love dearly.

But Zhang Yi knew that there would likely be other organizations and groups coming to attack the Yunque Manor in the future.

And Xujia town and his neighbors, is his natural barrier.

After Zhang Yi instilled this idea in Xu Fatty, anyone who appeared around would be treated by him as a potential enemy.

In that case, Xujia town can help Zhang Yi share part of the hate value.

"It's nice to have such a tool man!"

Zhang Yi looked at the clumsy figure on the ice and said to himself.

But he also has to be wary.

The reason why Xu Fatty will come to take refuge in him and recognize him as a big brother is because he shows his strong strength.

If he had not been strong enough, he would have been killed by Xu Dongcun last night.

Therefore, in the future, Zhang Yi must not slack off to exercise their own strength, so that their strength more powerful can!

Zhang Yi turned and left, feeling that his rear was basically stable.

But there was one thing he hadn't thought of himself.

That is, Xu Chunlei, who represents the highest fighting force in Xudong village, or the entire Xujia town, is actually not the most powerful person in the village.

From Zhang Yi's point of view, this is strange, but it is true.

So, after Xu Fatty returned to the village, excitedly ran to find the current patriarch Xu Dongtang report good news.

He had thought that he and Zhang Yi reached a reconciliation, and from now on the village would be safe, without fear of facing Zhang Yi's retaliation.

But after listening to his report, Xu Dongtang's face has become uncertain.

After a moment's silence, he said coldly to Fat Xu, "Who let you make your own decision?"

Fat Xu expected to be praised, and Xu Dongtang's reaction clearly poured cold water on him.

He was puzzled, "Grandpa six, but... I saved our village from being attacked! As you can see, Zhang Yi's strength is not something we can compete with."

Xu Dongtang sneered: "You still have the nerve to say this thing?" If you didn't get cold feet and dare not come forward yesterday, would so many people in our Xu family have died?"

Fat Xu's face suddenly turned white and he mumbled and did not know how to refute it.

Xu Dongtang continued, "If it wasn't for you, would your third grandfather have died?"

"Now you go to talk to someone about reconciliation, and you still think you have a great credit!"

"Oh, you have a big face!"

Fat Xu felt his face burning pain, the heart is also very lost.

"But... I promised Grandpa three, to protect the village ah!"

"We can no longer have a conflict with Zhang Yi. Reconciliation is obviously the best..."

'Shut up!

Xu Dongtang suddenly scolded, interrupted Xu fatty words.

His majesty stared at Xu Fatty, for a long time the elder majesty let Xu fatty dare not look directly at him.

"That's smart-ass! Now I am the chief of the Xu family, and all your actions must first ask me! Don't take your own advice!"

Fat Xu bowed his head and said nothing. His heart was aggrieved.

He thinks he's the hero!

At this time, Xu Dongtang suddenly slowed down the tone, and came slowly patting Xu Fatty's shoulder.

"Spring thunder! Grandpa knows you have a good heart, but you are still young and do not have mature ideas about things."

"Because of you, the Xu family has suffered heavy losses." I defended you to my people, so they didn't expel you from the village."

Xu Dongtang sighed, "After you stay in the village, is to atone for." Don't do anything stupid again!"

"You just have to do what the village tells you. Do you understand?"

Fat Xu lowered his head and did not speak.

Xu Dongtang aggravated the tone: "Understand?"

Xu Fatty instinct leg some trembling, helpless nodded.

"Got it."

Xu Dongtang then showed a satisfied look, "Well, you go back first!" Remember, you're not allowed to do anything again!"

Xu Fatty "oh" after a sound, on a face lost left Xu Dongtang home.

Looking at Xu Fatty far away, Xu Dongtang helped his glasses and muttered: "Young people are arrogant and arrogant, don't think that you have some skills, you can not put the elders in the eyes!" Meh!"

Then he took his mobile phone out of his pocket and sent messages to the messengers in various branches of the village.

"You don't have to worry about Zhang Yi's things! I have contacted him and Zhang Yi has agreed to settle with us. It won't threaten our safety anymore!"

The branches of things people were still worried about Zhang Yi attack over.

At this time to listen to Xu Dongtang words, suddenly relieved, Qi Qi praised Xu Dongtang has the ability.

"It must be you, the sixth master! Put that bastard to bed as soon as he got out!"

"Ah, we should have made you chief. He is old and foolish to commit such a mistake."

"The dead are big, so don't say such things again."

"From now on, there will be six masters in charge of our village, which is a good thing."


After Zhang Yi returned home, Xu Fatty and Xu Dongcun basically talked with Zhou Ke, Yang Mi.

It's also to stop them worrying.

Yang Mi patted her bulging chest, "This is really good!"

Zhou Ke 'er looked at her with teasing eyes, "No? That's how scared you are?"

Yang Mi said angrily: "I did not! I just... I don't want to see such bloody scenes again."

If you continue to fight, the entire Xudongcun thousands of people will be wiped clean Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi is definitely capable of this kind of thing.

Zhou Keer sneered with a bad smile: "It is true that someone vomited bile almost out yesterday."

Yang Mi was said to his embarrassing things, suddenly urgent face are red.

"Zhou Ke 'er!"


Zhou Ke 'er triumphantly hugged Zhang Yi's arm, "Dear, you can be great!"

Zhang Yi disapprovingly said: "Those villagers are just cats and dogs, no threat to me."

"But in the future, if some underground forces emerge, that would be the worst."

Yang Mi smiled and comforted her, "You always like to think of things in a bad way." It is rare that we have solved the immediate problem now, so let's celebrate!"

Zhang Yi heart way: people without foresight, there must be near worries. I don't want to be long term, it could be a big problem later.

However, it was rare for everyone to feel happy now, and he did not say it.

Zhou Ke 'er walked to the bar, picked out two bottles of Burgundy wine, and smiled: "Since we want to celebrate, let's have two glasses of wine tonight!"

Yang Mi's eyes flashed a sly, "Well, I'll fry two master dishes!"

As a famous social butterfly in the entertainment industry, she can hold a bottle very well.

Today she plans to teach Zhang Yi and Zhou Ke a lesson.

Zhang Yi smiled and said: "Drink a little meaning on the line! I can't hold my liquor very well."

Zhou Ke and Yangmi a listen to this, laugh more happy.

"It's rare to be happy today! We'll stop when we get there."

So, the three people together, drink a dark.

The night is deep, Zhou Keer first fell down, Yang Mi more than her half a bottle of red wine can not drink.

Only known not to drink Zhang Yi still sitting at the table, eyes sparkle, where have drunk appearance?

Looking at the two drunk cats who wanted to get drunk, Zhang Yi smiled.

"I forgot to tell you, I used to sell alcohol."

But at this sight, his larynx twitched twice.

The two women, both wearing light pajamas, were lying on the sofa after drinking, unconsciously hugging each other.

At this time, the two people were in disheveled clothes, Yang Mi's halter pajamas showed more than half of the smooth round shoulders, the chest was half exposed, and the eyes were as silk.

With one pink leg on the back of the sofa and one leg tucked between Yang Mi's legs, Zhou Ke's posture is not elegant, but it has a kind of arrogant allure.

Zhang Yi picked his eyebrows, thought of Yangmi before his prayer in his mind, couldn't help smiling.

He walked over, and with a flick of a switch, he smoothed the sand.

This leather sofa comes down to a large bed, and it is a very large double bed.

Looking at the two beautiful objects in front of her, Zhang Yi stretched out her hand and lifted up Yangmi's skirt.

Not long after, the shallow drunk Yang Mi woke up from her lethargy.

In the dream she felt that she was bearing the brunt of a force.

When I woke up, I found that the feeling was even stronger.

When she opened her eyes, she saw Zhou Ke lying in front of her, and she was lying on her side facing Zhou Ke.

And behind her is...

Yang Mi stunned to turn around, and then on Zhang Yi that handsome face.

Her blushing face turned red and she reached out and gently pushed him on the chest.

"You can't do this... Kerr is still here!"

"It doesn't matter, she's asleep. Don't make any noise! If she wakes up, see how you explain it to her."

Yangmi quickly covered his mouth, for fear that he made a sound, the cousin near at hand wake up.

But the kind of impact brought behind, as well as the stimulation of this stolen pleasure, and let her extricate herself.


Since then, Zhang Yi has become more bold and deliberately picked Yang Mi during the day to find her at work.

Sometimes in the bathroom, sometimes in the botanical garden, sometimes in the kitchen.

Yangmi heart to Zhou Ke always with a sense of shame.

I don't know why, but the more this happened, the more her body reacted.

Pain, and happy.

On the other hand, Zhang Yi's mobile phone will always come to the news of Xu Fatty.

"Brother Zhang, I am very bored at home recently, when will you take me out to do the task?"

"Brother Zhang, I think we can form a super power team. Preferably five people, each representing a color. For example, if you are the captain, you will be called Yan Long Man, and I will be called Snow Mastiff Man."

"Brother Zhang, why don't you say anything? If you don't like it, we can form a rainbow clan. I'm the Green King. You're the Colorless King. What do you think?"

Xu fat met Zhang Yi, feel that he found the same kind.

Having few friends in the village, he was ostracized by the villagers after the war.

Although they did not dare to say anything on the surface, the distance in their eyes was even more piercing than the cold north wind.

Xu Fatty had to put hope in Zhang Yi, eager to get some comfort from him here.

Zhang Yi in order to gather people's hearts, naturally also have to accompany little brother to chat.

And get some Intel out of him.

One by one, Xu fat man told Zhang Yi the information of his power.

But gradually, Zhang Yi was unable to cope with some.

The fat man has too much energy because he has no girlfriend.

A day he can send hundreds of messages to Zhang Yi, even if Zhang Yi ignore him, he can talk non-stop.

"Fat man, have you been doing nothing all day?"

Zhang Yi gritted his teeth and asked.

There was a pause for two seconds, and then came Fat Xu's shocked voice.

"Good heavens! Brother Chang, you know all this? Is this all in your calculations? Amazing, I'm impressed!"

Zhang Yi: "..."

Zhang Yi covered his face and was speechless to the fat man.

He understood that people like Xu Chunlei were disliked in society.

So when you meet someone who treats him a little better, you want to rip your heart out.

Even if Zhang Yi showed kindness to him with a purpose, he always went to a good place to think.

Zhang Yi also some dont have the heart to scold this fat house man.

He had to open chatgpt and let the smart software help him reply to Mr. Xu.

Anyway, as long as he sends a dozen messages, reply to a "oh", "um", "so", he will be satisfied.

Huh? Why do you feel like a cheating, philandering man?

Zhang Yi shook his head, shaking off the idea in his mind.

The days passed peacefully.

Yang Mi has cultivated the botanical garden in a decent manner, and many dead flowers and plants in it have been fed by her.

In the field, she planted some vegetables with the seeds Zhang Yi gave her.

Especially things like spring Onions and peppers.

These vegetables still need to be fresh from the ground to taste.

And Zhang Yi also checked the entire shelter inside and out, eliminating many security risks.

However, there is still a question on Zhang Yi's mind.

That's the security of the Internet.

He frowned slightly as he looked at the giant supercomputer in the control room.

This computer can control the entire shelter, which provides him with a lot of convenience.

It can be said that without it, the entire shelter would be paralyzed in an instant.

If one day the shelter network is hacked, the consequences will be very scary!

"How do you solve this problem?"

Zhang Yi was deep in thought.

Zhang Yi could not help but think of Lu Fengda, he easily found Zhang Yi's personal information through the network.

Even Fat Bastard Tsui could find his phone number.

Cybersecurity is a big problem, and he has to figure out how to plug that gap.

Otherwise, if one day the top computer experts encounter, there is a real risk that the shelter will be destroyed.

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