
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

The rage is boiling!

After placing the explosives, Zhang Yi immediately turned around and said, "Go, get out of here right now!"

As he walked, he took out many small explosives, and pasted one on the door of every room he passed.

Liang Yue followed the past, and she looked to the end of the second floor of the life warehouse, which was where Chen Xinian lived.

"Why not kill Chen Xinian? Capture the leader and capture the king, Chen Xinian is dead, and the Xishan Base will cease to operate!"

The thought of the west mountain base into today's ghost look, are Chen Xinian's command caused, Liang Yue to his hatred.

Especially Chen Xinian also played with her students, which makes her as a woman disgusting.

Zhang Yi said without turning back: "Kill a Chen Xinian, there will be more Chen Xinian to fill his position."

"Have you ever thought that it is not the person who is at fault, but the system at the West Mountain Base?"

Liang Yue opened her mouth, but after all did not say any words to contradict.

Because she also think Zhang Yi said is right.

Zhang Yi said coldly: "This kind of dirty place, only to destroy is the best!" Otherwise, it will always produce evil."

Zhang Yi went back, Uncle You and Fatty Xu followed.

Four people hurried to the third life warehouse, this strange behavior, finally attracted the attention of some special fighters.

"Stop! Where are you going?"

A fighter pointed his gun at several people.

As a special forces soldier, his keen insight allowed him to find out what was wrong with these people.

Especially a man with a cat at his feet.

West Mountain base has never heard of anyone who has a cat, in the past, but later became protein.

To be honest, if it wasn't for the power outage, which led to the lack of lighting, they would have noticed something unusual about these people.

However, Zhang Yi himself did not intend to hide his whereabouts.

"Quadruple speed!

He took his speed to the extreme, firing a backhand at extreme speed.


The commando had his helmet pierced, and he died right here.

It doesn't matter. Zhang Yi's arrangement is over anyway.

Even if they had a good bomb disposal team, they couldn't defuse all the bombs in such a short time.

Yeah, the other bombs were smokescreen, laid out in the open to attract attention.

"They're not from the base!"

The fallen soldier aroused the alarm of others.

All of a sudden, these well-trained soldiers raised their guns in their hands and aimed them at Zhang Yiji.

"The Dimensional Gate!"

Zhang Yi extended her right hand to the front and opened the dimensional door directly.

In the not wide passage, all angles are blocked directly.

Shots rang out, and bullets rained down.

But none of the bullets made it past the dimensional door, and all of them disappeared into different dimensions.

Liang Yue can not help but deeply look at Zhang Yi at a glance.

At the beginning, she observed Zhang Yi's powers from the perspective of the special team, only to feel particularly difficult.

But now as a teammate, this strong to pervert defense, but gave her a complete sense of security.

Finally, someone in the crowd recognized Zhang Yi's ability.

"Space power, he is Zhang Yi!"

The person who shouted is Shen Hong, he had followed Ling Feng attack Zhang Yi shelter.

Thinking of the nature of this ability, he shouted in horror, "Don't shoot! Spread out!"

But it was too late.

Zhang Yi smiled, "Full counterattack!"

Those bullets that were absorbed by the different space, all of a sudden shot back!

"Po-po-po-po-po --"

That's the sound of bullets through armor and flesh.

The seven or eight soldiers in front were cut through a sieve in an instant.

The soldiers in the back had no room to hide, after all, the passage was only so wide.

They can only stop bullets with the bodies of their comrades.

After the stormy barrage time, Zhang Yi quickly retreated in a backward position.

However, at the moment of withdrawal, he waved his right hand and flew out dozens of grenades from different Spaces, all of which were in the state of the firing pin being removed.

The soldiers' faces changed when they saw the grenades.

"Get out of the way!!

The grenades "clattered" down the narrow passageway, hitting the ground and walls before producing a series of rapid explosions.

Screams and roars joined one another, I do not know how many soldiers were blown up limbs flying, the wall was red with large pieces of blood!

Zhang Yi shouted: "Withdraw!"

This place should not stay long, if people are caught in the back and forth, his dimensional door ability will be greatly reduced.

After all, this capability is one-party and cannot fully defend against multiple angles.

At that moment, the overhead light suddenly flashed.

"The power system is coming back on."

Zhang Yi frowned.

If all systems at Westmount are up and running, they won't be able to take advantage of the chaos.

"Quick, quick, get out of here!"

The party quickly backpedaled.

However, the special forces are closing in.

Zhang Yi came to the news of the Xishan base, into the ears of Ling Feng and Chen Xinian.

Immediately Chen Xinian issued a death order, must give Zhang Yi to stay, live to see people, dead to see the body!

"Damn Zhang Yi, this time you sent yourself to the door!" I would like to see, without the protection of that layer of turtle shell, what are you going to fight with me!"

In Chen Xinian's room, the backup power supply has started.

He quickly dressed in protective clothing, and several guards held weapons next to him, carefully protecting his safety.

Second life warehouse here, Ling Feng led the team, angry to find Zhang Yi revenge.

"I'll see how you can escape this time!"

Ling Feng's eyes are full of murder!

New hatred and old hatred, this time he wants to clear and Zhang Yi.

But at this time, the second life warehouse again appeared a huge chaos.

Because people here have found yellow bombs plastered everywhere.

This kind of bomb does not destroy the wall, but can kill people, and consume the oxygen inside, so that people suffocate to death.

"Immediately arrange for EOD experts to clear it!"

Ling Feng just left such a word, on the big steps toward the outside chase past.

At present, nothing is more important to him than to kill Zhang Yi!

Zhang Yi a line of people and fight and retreat.

After getting Ling Feng's orders, those special teams and ordinary soldiers are focused on dealing with them first.

No matter which direction a few people left, a large number of soldiers could be seen.

Zhang Yi opened the dimensional gate, absorbed their gun fire, and then fought back, killing many soldiers.

But those people have been reminded, no longer blindly shooting, but to find a way to delay Zhang Yi and others.

Buy time for Ling Feng and the rest of the team leaders to arrive.

"Leave them alone and go through! Don't stick around here!"

Zhang Yi also doesn't want to meet those tricky inhumans.

Uncle You said, "Let me do it!"

He unleashed his powers, and his body grew so fast that he burst through his tough protective suit and became a muscular giant more than two meters tall.

This size is almost blocking out the passageway.

He took the lead and rushed towards the soldiers who stood in the way.

Let the bullets in their hands hit the body, issuing a "bang bang" sound, but it is difficult to cause substantial damage.


Uncle You is like a humanoid tank, a collision, which knocked out a dozen soldiers harassing them in front.

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