
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

The hostages are dead. What did you say to me

This side of the shelter.

After Yang Xinxin and Lu Combustible persuasion, Liang Yue excited mood slowly calmed down.

She did not because of the impulse, carrying Tang Dao to find the people of Yangsheng base desperately, but chose to discuss with Zhang Yi, see how to be able to change people back.

Zhang Yi immediately generous said that he is willing to use the resources in his hands, in exchange for her students.

"There's no use keeping your students at Yangsheng Base. I think they'll accept my terms."

Zhang Yi said to Liang Yue.

Liang Yue sat on the sofa, see Zhang Yi turned eyes, quickly moved his eyes, dare not look at him.

Since Yang Xinxin said that to Liang Yue, her heart has produced a strange mood.

Even Zhang Yi and her simple words, she will produce a lot of reverie.

"It would be best if that were the case! I was afraid they would torture my students like crazy."

Liang Yue sighed softly, her tone still full of worry.

Zhang Yi quietly left his mouth, he knew those students must have no life to see Liang Yue again.

However, after the students were confirmed dead, what would Liang Yue's reaction be?

Zhang Yi could not understand Liang Yue's heart, but he thought it was a great relief for Liang Yue.

At the very least, she can get rid of her baggage with peace of mind, and there is no moral burden.

After talking with Liang Yue, Zhang Yi began silently waiting for Yangsheng base to take the initiative to contact him.

Sure enough, not long after, he received a call request from the Yangsheng base.

This time it was a video call.

Yang Xinxin called Zhang Yi to the control room, Zhang Yi closed the door, only two of them to participate in the call.

After Zhang Yi connected, the first time to see each other's appearance.

Appeared in front of the Yangsheng base leader Xiao Honglian, but a tall thin, cold eyes long hair man.

"Zhang Yi, one day has passed, I don't know how you think?"

"I am contacting you today because I want to give you a gift to help you make a decision as soon as possible!"

Zhuge Qingting said with a sneer on his face, and then inserted a video into the call.

Apparently he was recorded when Wu Chengyu and others were tortured.

Zhang Yi sat on the sofa quietly watching, his face did not have any emotion.

After reading it, he calmly asked, "Are they all still alive?"

This indifferent attitude, let Zhuge Qingting are quite surprised.

After all, when the two sides talked yesterday, Zhang Yi showed a completely different attitude from today.

At that time, Zhang Yi was very concerned about the life and death of these students, but today his tone and expression reveal a straightforward disregard.

Zhuge Qingting said in a deep voice: "Now they are still alive, but how long can not say!"

"Zhang Yi, my leader has changed his mind. These useless people will only waste rice, so I'd better give it back to you!"

"But you need to exchange supplies. We need a ton of food per person!"

Facing each other's lion big opening, Zhang Yi's expression is still with a touch of playfulness.

"It's not impossible. It's just, I need to make sure those people are still alive! Otherwise, wouldn't it be a bad deal for me to give you my supplies, only to get back a bunch of bodies?"

The amount of medicine he added to the food, according to Zhou Ke Er, would have struck in a week.

But, just to be sure, he won't be reassured until he's personally sure those people are dead.

Zhuge Qingting's eyes darkened.

Many of those students are dead, and the rest of us are dead.

If Zhang Yi sees it, he won't accept the quid pro quo.

"You have seen the man, and he is still alive."

"This is just a video, I want to see the living! Now, take me to them at once."

Zhang Yi narrowed her eyes, and there was an unspeakable toughness in her voice.

"Just let me make sure they're all alive and I'll arrange food for you right away!"

Zhuge Qingting stared at Zhang Yi opposite the screen, and said quietly: "Yangsheng base will not play boring tricks." We have no use for these people's lives. How can we kill them?! Your worries are unwarranted."

Zhang Yi showed his hand: "In that case, how can I not have a look?" Just look, I'll just look."

But how could Zhuge Qingting let him see it?

Because just one look at it...

"Mr. Zhang, I don't feel the slightest sincerity from you..."

Zhuge Qingting also want to say something, Zhang Yi has reached out to press the end of the call button.

He leaned back in his chair and said to Yang Xinxin, who was next to him: "They are dead."

Zhuge Qingting's actions prove this.

Yang Xinxin was curious and asked, "Brother, how did you do it?"

Zhang Yi frankly said: "I added a little technology and hard work in their food."

Yang Xinxin breathed a sigh of relief, and she smiled like sunshine: "Great! Now no one will be dragged down."

Zhang Yi touched her head: "These two days to Liang Yue do psychological construction!" Don't let this silly woman get upset."

Well, women, a lot of coaxing would be nice.

Yang Xinxin head a tilt, playfully looked at Zhang Yi: "In fact, ah, brother you personally horse better than I effect."

Zhang Yi raised her eyebrows: "You mean let me open her mind?"

Yang Xinxin smiled and said: "This will be very useful!" Kill with an emotional knife."

"But I'm afraid the next generation will be stupid," Zhang replied in a humorous way.

"By the way, keep this call confidential. No one can tell you."

Yang Xinxin nodded: "Rest assured, I am very clear."

Over the next few days, the shelter was quiet and peaceful as usual.

Women play mahjong, chat idle day, but now they will deliberately pull Liang Yue, accompany her to talk, dispel her inner distress.

The men, on the other hand, waited for the coming of war in a way that seemed easy but did not slack off.

As a defensive side, they are already very well prepared, there is not much room for improvement.

If there is a real war, they will be able to see what they can do according to the way their opponents attack.

Until we get more Intel, it's best to play it safe.

This side of Yangsheng base.

The toxins in the students' bodies finally took hold, and one by one, they all ended their lives in a very painful way.

Zhuge Qingting helpless find Xiao Honglian, reported to her this thing.

"Now that people are dead, we have lost the leverage to blackmail Zhang Yi."

Xiao Honglian frowns, although guess to the probability is such an outcome, but still some depressed.

She slowly raised her head and stared at Zhuge Qingting with beautiful and intimidating eyes.

"Then there is no alternative but war!"