
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Take the blame for others

Yangsheng base here, the loss of contact caused Xiao Honglian and Zhuge Qingting alert.

They immediately sent people to contact the plateau, and sent manpower to Lujiang District Hongyuan materials factory near the search.

After their day of exploration, feedback to Xiao Honglian and Zhuge Qingting investigation results.

"We found extensive damage in the Hongyuan Materials factory, and almost all the materials inside were removed."

"In addition, no trace of Captain Plateau or the others has been found. They disappeared with their cars."

This information is somewhat scary for Xiao Honglian and Zhuge Qingting.

"Completely gone?"

Xiao Honglian eyes in the emergence of a sudden killing.

"No matter how wild the Highland character is, he would not dare disobey my orders and disconnect from the base and go elsewhere."

"So it is certain that something has happened to him!"

Xiao Honglian was very angry.

Plateau is her cousin, although she has a general relationship with this cousin, can plateau accident is equivalent to hitting her face!

In this age of the jungle, once you show patience or cowardice, it will be eaten up by other wolves!

So she had to solve the problem with thunder!

Xiao Honglian turned to look at Zhuge Qingting, "There is a way to find their position?" There should be GPS on their satellite phones in the car."

Zhuge Qingting said: "This is the most confusing place. We couldn't get a GPS signal. It was as if they had just disappeared."


Xiao Honglian's eyes appeared a hint of hesitation.

"So the other side came prepared. They must not have started it temporarily, but have long wanted to attack our Yangsheng base!"

"Is the disappearance of the plateau merely a signal of war?"

Xiao Honglian crazy imagination, all can be suspected to the opponent are suspected again.

Of course, now she does not know the existence of Zhang Yi, so she can not think of such a powerful force.

"Toward the rain base, the green Blossom base, or worship the snow religion? Who the hell did this?! All three have it."

"Or maybe the West Hill base was not completely eliminated, but shifted?"

Due to the lack of information, it is difficult for Xiao Honglian to make an accurate judgment.

But the more one imagines, the easier it is to think things in a complicated direction, because there are so many possibilities.

Zhuge Qingting said to her: "In the present situation, the plateau is missing, we have no good way to find out his movement, we can not judge who the enemy is!"

Xiao Honglian sat in a chair, bent up his long, straight legs, and fell into deep thought.

"Qinghu base in the northwest orientation, even if they want to go to occupy the west mountain base site, it is only possible to start from the northwest." It's impossible to trek to the plateau in the southeast corner."

"The rain base is closest to them on the plateau, will it be them?"

"Worship snow has been a submissive, dare not compete with our several bases." But the head of the cult is not a good thing at first sight, and must contain evil intentions. There's a good chance it's her!"

Next to Zhuge Qingting came over, bent down and said: "I think that the location of the incident is closest to the rain base." Why don't we reach out to them first and see what they say?"

The relationship between Chaoyu base and Yangsheng base has been relatively good.

After all, if the sea ships of the North Rain base want to go to sea, they must be provided with fuel by the Yangsheng base.

In turn, the Chaoyu base is to provide Yangsheng base with a variety of seafood as food.

However, mainly the Chaoyang rain base is more dependent on the Yangsheng base.

Xiao Honglian thought, light said: "Don't think that we have a very good relationship with the rain base, we are just using each other!"

"Those guys are eyeing our refineries, too."

Zhuge Qingting smiled: "But now, they still dare not conflict with us."

Xiao Honglian nodded: "Then contact them!"

Xiao Honglian took out his satellite phone, directly to the head of the rain base Wei Dinghai.

Wei Dinghai's phone is through.

Xiao Hong practice temperament is more forthright, simple greeting two sentences, then directly into the theme.

"Wei Dinghai, my cousin Highland in Lujiang district Hongyuan Group factory disappeared. Do you know anything about this?"

Opposite Wei Dinghai heard this sentence, immediately understand Xiao Honglian in doubt him.

His voice sank. "You got there quickly! But I can tell you that this incident has nothing to do with our rain base!"

"Besides, we have people missing too!"

He sent to the west mountain base to investigate his men Wang Ruixuan and others died in the hands of Zhang Yi.

Because of this thing, let Wei Dinghai is also uncertain in the heart, do not know who is the hand.

Xiao Honglian was surprised.

"Your people are missing, too? Where is it?"

"West Mountain Base, the man I sent to scout is gone! There's a decent inhuman among them."

Wei Dinghai said coldly: "Inhumans in Tianhai City are so scarce that even if there are inhumans in the diaspora, it is difficult to compete with my well-trained warriors!"

"So I also want to ask you, whether you did it!"

There are also differences between inhumans.

Inhumans from larger organizations have a wealth of resources and weapons.

After ordinary people mutate, it is more difficult to become strong, and even to live.

For example, Li Jian, his ability is limited by the living conditions, the space to play is very small.

Xiao Honglian understand the meaning of Wei Dinghai, he also suspected that there is a force in the dark, which naturally includes their Yangsheng base.

"So we all lose!"

Xiao Honglian's eyes became much clearer.

"The whole Tianhai City, there is not much strength for our two at the same time." The blacksmiths don't like fighting, and they have no reason to fight with us."

"So, it's only possible that people who worship snow did it!"

Wei Dinghai smiled, "Yes, you are right! It must have been the snow worshippers!"

Elimination is very easy to do.

Now snowworshippers are really the biggest suspect.

But why did Wei Dinghai laugh?

Because he and Xiao Honglian all want to go to a place.

For the worship of snow, they have long looked uncomfortable, this religious organization has been absorbing the survivors of the entire Tianhai City.

The number of survivors in Tianhai City is about 1 million, the specific number is unknown.

The more people worshiped by the snow sect, it would affect their ability to obtain labor, and even cause their slaves to flee.

Unhappy feelings have been building up for a long time, and now that they have a valid reason, they certainly won't miss it!

Anyway, the suspicion of worship of snow is the biggest, and they belong to the better.

Even if they didn't do it, they could take the opportunity to vent their anger, wouldn't they have the best of both worlds?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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