
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs


[ A few days ago ]

The former site of Azure College.

White snow has covered the entire campus, in addition to a few bell towers and high-rise spires emerge from the snow surface, this covers an area of 2000 acres of top aristocratic school completely disappeared on the ground.

It's hard to believe that anyone is still alive in this snow-covered bustling campus.

This depends on the strength of the Azure school buildings and the huge amount of money invested in their construction.

After all, the children who go to school in this place are the children of officials and magnates.

The schools they build for their children are a hundred times better than public schools.

At the same time, a group of students took refuge in a gymnasium on campus.

Under the snow, the thin air, coupled with the horrors of the past few days, made everyone exhausted.

Everyone was gathered in small groups, their faces gaunt and frightened.

The teacher who just took care of them went to the warehouse to look for food, leaving them here to rest.

In one corner of the gym, a girl with long hair is sitting in a wheelchair, looking at the floor of the basketball court with her head down.

Her skin was a sickly white, paler even than the snow outside.

The slender body seemed to be blown down by a gust of wind, delicate and fragile.

But underneath that long black hair, there was a beautiful face.

Delicate and small, less than the size of the palm, the appearance and Yangmi have six points similar, but with Yangmi completely two styles.

Yangmi's face is always with a stubborn and self-strengthening.

And the kind of weak and delicate on her face can definitely make every man's heart of protection burst!

In a word, it is - absolutely poor girl, beautiful like a flower that will wither at any time.

She is Yang Xinxin, Yang Mi's cousin.

But at this point, the talented hacker girl seems a little lonely.

She had only a longtime friend by her side.

And other students are far away from them, do not want to touch a little relationship.

Even look at Yang Xinxin's eyes with a look of disgust.

It's not that Yang Xinxin did anything wrong.

Just because her legs are broken and she's still alive.

Nowadays, everyone is in danger, and no one knows when the horrible creatures in the dark will appear.

To have a cripple around is to be a burden.

But their teacher is also a person who attaches great importance to teachers' ethics, and every time they encounter danger, they must take her with them.

At the beginning, everyone has no complaints about Yang Xinxin, but will care for her and take care of her.

However, as more and more people died, they changed from more than 100 people at the beginning to more than 40 people today, and there was a distorted change in the mentality of everyone.

Yang Xinxin, who can only sit in a wheelchair, is regarded as a burden even if she has done nothing.

Some even blamed Yang Xinxin for her friend's death.

"Everyone else is dead, why should you live as a cripple?"

"Could it be because of your existence that everyone died?"

In the desperate situation of death, human beings either burst out a very rare kindness, or burst out the evil hidden in the depths of their hearts.

The latter is easier, because disgust is easier to learn than forgiveness.

And this evil, it makes them very twisted inside.

In the depression of death, people always need to find some way to release their negative emotions.

If they can get pleasure from bullying the weak, they are happy to squander this evil at a time when life and death are uncertain.

The strong are angry and draw the knife to the stronger, and the weak are angry and draw the knife to the weaker.

Breathing thin oxygen, the students in the gym have no extra strength to move.

Everyone leaned against the wall, or sat on gym MATS, and began to talk.

A young girl began slowly, "You say... Can we survive?"

Around a few girls smell words, tired face showing fear and helplessness.

The other girl clasped her knees and said with a shudder, "We must live! Surely."

'But too many people have died!

"Li Huimin, Yuan Sisi, Zhao Huan, Tong Siya..."

One name read out, everyone's heart felt very cold.

Those are the people they used to go to school with, the people they watched die in front of them.

Just then, a girl with a wavy roll caught a glimpse of Yang Xinxin in a wheelchair.

For no reason, a deep feeling of disgust rose from her heart.

"So many people died, why is this disabled person still alive?"

Once this conversation starts, it's hard to end.

They seem to find an outlet, Qi Qi with angry eyes to Yang Xinxin.

"What a hassle to have to take her with you every time you run away! Teacher Liang is really, just let her feed the monster!"

"Yeah, what's the point of her? She may die of illness one day in this state."

"I think she is a jinxing star, not dead themselves, but has been dragging us down!"

The girls' expressions gradually became distorted, with twisted pleasure.

The criticism of Yang Xinxin, let them get pleasure in this despair.

Just throw all the responsibility to Yang Xinxin's body!

As if Yang Xinxin died, they can live the same.

Or perhaps they are simply releasing their malice and fear.

Once someone opens up the topic, the people around you are affected by it.

"I think she's a liability too! If she died, wouldn't everyone have to work so hard?"

"If she dies, the monsters will not leave us alone! But... If there is a next time, shall we throw her down and lure the monster?"

"Then at least her sacrifice would have been meaningful!"

"Anyway, what is she still struggling with? Even if you live, you will be a wreck!"


The girls are talking more and more.

Their voices grew louder until their faces became distorted and manic.

Boys side, there are also people talking about the need to protect Yang Xinxin.

"We've protected her long enough, haven't we?"

A boy with a crew head frowned, "Or don't bring her next time!"

At this time, a boy with his back against the wall and a delicate hairstyle said helplessly: "What's the use of us saying?" Miss Liang couldn't bear to leave anyone behind. And the result? Oh, aren't people dying more and more?"

He is the monitor of this class named Wu Chengyu.

At this time, the people who began to talk about Yang Xinxin, suddenly a girl with a ponytail stood up.

With a strange smile on her face, she carried her hands behind her back and walked step by step in front of Yang Xinxin.

Yang Xinxin looked up, some afraid not to look at her.

"Zhang... Zhang Mengning..."

Zhang Mengning walked to Yang Xinxin, looking down at her from a commanding position.

Her eyes slowly turned vicious, then she bowed down and said to Yang Xinxin, "Yang Xinxin, please go to die, okay?"

"You're a total liability the way you are, so disgusting!"

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MrQianniancreators' thoughts