
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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Blizzard City trip, let Chen Jing watch clear their own strength level, is not enough to support a strong base force.

After pondering for a long time, he finally made a decision.

That day, he came to Zhang Yi's door and rang the doorbell.

Zhang Yi saw Chen Jingguan came, after thinking in the heart, but also thought he was to ask himself to help him revenge.

So Zhang Yi opened the door, intending to say a few words to dismiss him.

But unexpectedly after Chen Jingguan entered the door, directly kneeling on his knees in front of Zhang Yi!

Chen Jingguan's head was close to the ground, and he said sincerely, "Mr. Zhang Yi, please accept the rain base!"

Zhang Yi was a little surprised, after listening to Chen Jingguan's words, this only knew the reason why he did so.

Zhang Yi looked down at Chen Jingguan, eyes light clear, heart way: he is to understand, toward the rain base in his hands sooner or later have to perish. For the Rain Base to survive, he must rely on my strength.

Zhang Yi quietly, secretly planning to take over the gains and losses of the rain base.

In terms of damage, not much.

Nothing more than the people at the Rain base, and he cares about their lives.

Although there is some trouble, the Soyu base can be self-sufficient, and there is not much problem.

Just make sure they don't get attacked by other forces.

As for the benefits, Zhang Yi can fully control the Chaoyu base.

There are still more than a thousand people, although there are fewer fighters, but the rest are proficient in navigation, fishing professionals.

If he ever needs to go to sea, these guys are useful.

After thinking about it, Zhang Yi felt that the deal was a good deal.

Only, he could not agree so readily.

Zhang Yi for a long time in silence, this let kneeling on the ground Chen Jingguan heart uneasy.

"Zhang Yi will not look down on the rain base? Speaking of, their team is elite, and there is no shortage of supplies. I wouldn't be surprised if we didn't."

"But right now, he's the only person I can rely on."

At this moment, Zhang Yi's voice sounded from his head.

"Get up first! You tell me what you think about it."

Zhang Yi went to the living room and sat down on the sofa.

Chen Jingguan smell speech raised his head, see Zhang Yi expression indifferent, can not see his ideas clearly, Chen Jingguan some worry got up and walked past.

Then Chen Jingguan sat opposite Zhang Yi.

His heart had long thought about the words, so he opened his mouth to Zhang Yi about his plans:

"I spent seven years on the fleet of the Chaoyu Base and have a deep attachment to this fleet."

"Now that Boss Wei is dead in battle, I have to carry the burden of the leader of the base. But my strength is not good, and now it is because of my own mistakes that people look down on Choyu Base."

"In today's troubled times, someone must be eyeing the fatty meat of the Chaoyu base." It will not be long before they come."

Chen Jingguan clenched his hand on his knee.

"We don't have the ability to protect ourselves right now. If the Rain Base is destroyed, the old brothers of the fleet do not know what fate will meet them."

"So I hope Zhang Yi you can replace me as the leader of the rain base, protect the brothers of the base!"

Zhang Yi nodded.

"There seems to be some truth in what you say. In the event of an invasion, it is not clear what they will do when they take the Choyu base."

If they encounter a vicious one, they may even commit mass murder.

Chaoyu base has not only soldiers and skilled workers, but also their families, the elderly and the weak.

Once captured, will other forces feed these people?

Don't bet on humanity. Betting on dogs never ends well. Omega omega w.. net

And Chen Jingguan also knows Zhang Yi well.

Although Zhang Yi is very ferocious, in the battlefield to fight merciless and ruthless, scheming.

But he will not kill innocent people, if let him become the master of the rain base, the rain base of those who have security.

Zhang Yi suddenly laughed.

"You are clever. I know that I am a lazy person, do not like to manage so many people. Even if the rain base admits that I am the master, does it not have to be left to you to take care of?"

Chen Jingguan quickly said, "But if you have orders, don't dare not obey them!"

"As long as you can protect the safety of the Chaoyu Base, we will meet all your requirements!" Whether it is food, weapons, ammunition, even women, we will give it!"

Chen Jingguan clenched his teeth, "There are many beautiful women in our base, if you don't mind abandoning people's wives, you can also..."

"No, no, no!

Zhang Yi hurriedly interrupted the words of Chen Jingguan.

He's got plenty to keep him busy at home, and he's not interested in breaking up families like this.

According to your Chen Jingguan, what kind of person am I?

Chen Jingguan looked at Zhang Yi with eager eyes, and his eyes were full of entreaties.

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "Now you understand how much trouble you have made?"

Chen Jingguan face bleak, "I know, I was too impulsive."

Zhang Yi leaned on the sofa, faintly said: "Want me to become the owner of the rain base is not a problem." Give me the key to the shelter from the rain!"

The core of the North Rain base has two, one is the fleet, and the other is the underground shelter.

The shelter has a special key, and you can only open the door if you have the key.

In other words, whoever holds the key to the refuge is the real owner of the refuge.

This thing, Zhang Yi or learned from the day of punishment there.

Without hesitation, Chen Jingguan reached out from the sandwich pocket of his jacket and took out a black metal box and handed it to Zhang Yi.

Shelter key Zhang Yi have seen, Chen Jingguan can not deceive him.

It was a black box with three keys in it.

Typically, three keys are kept by three people, and only by placing them in the key card slot in the box can you gain control of the shelter gate.

But for now, Mr. Chen holds all the keys.

He holds one set in his own hands, and the other is given to Zhang Yi.

That is to say, from now on, the Chaoyu base has completely opened its doors to Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi took the key and controller over, he took a deep look at Chen Jingguan, and then the controller disappeared in the palm of his hand, into the different space.

Chen Jingguan's face was relieved, and he buried his head deeply: "Thank you! The chief!"

Zhang Yi accept the key at that moment, on behalf of him officially took over the rain base.

Zhang Yi said faintly: "You are still responsible for the daily management of the rain base, and I will tell you to do anything."


Chen Jingguan's face breaks into a smile.

He feels like a second fiddle again.

Sure enough, he did not have the capacity to be a leader, or follow the boss mix is most suitable for him.

"Boss, what are we going to do? Should we go back to Tenhai City, or should we find a chance to give the people in Osawa City to..."

Chen Jingguan asked with some urgency.

Zhang Yi said faintly: "I will naturally deal with this matter." Wait for my orders, and when I return to Tianhai City, I will tell you what to do."

Chen Jingguan see Zhang Yi confident appearance, this just put down the heart.

Having dealt with Zhang Yi for so long, he understood Zhang Yi's style of doing things.

Therefore, he did not ask any more questions, bowed deeply to Zhang Yi, and then left Zhang Yi's room.

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