
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Someone from Ozawa City

Xiao Honglian and torture day have nodded, agreed to the requirements of Zhang Yi.

"We'll do whatever you want us to do! I only hope that you can protect the people of our base and let everyone survive well!"

Xiao Honglian said.

Punishment day looked at Zhang Yi, "Old Zhang, we used to have a very good relationship." You won't mistreat me, will you?"

Zhang Yi smiled.

He waved his hand and said, "Just go on as usual and wait for my orders."

He did not say much, after all, he did not ask much of the three forces.

Moreover, no matter how many demands are made, if there is a serious problem, these guys will act in their own interests.


That's funny. That kind of thing doesn't exist.

It will only build on Zhang Yi's strength.

Xiao Honglian and torture day nodded, and then left the small temple Hill subway station with his hands.

"Let's go back too!"

Zhang Yi took out the snowmobile, and then they took it back to the shelter.

The atmosphere along the way was slightly solemn.

After all, the leisurely days are gone.

If there are no surprises, there will soon be a clash with other cities.

"Why is there always a war? I'm so tired!"

Fat Xu sighed, a face bored.

"This is the general trend. There is no way around it."

"Said Uncle You.

"The law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle, the law of the jungle."

"I can only hope that the Jiangnan region can establish a more comprehensive law as soon as possible to restrain these forces!"

Zhang Yi sat on the co-pilot, holding his arms, listened to the dialogue between the two people, and said leisurely: "After this battle, we will be much more peaceful."

His eyes twinkle with quiet aeng, for Daze city those guys to their humiliation, Zhang Yi can not be as nothing happened.

"To scare the monkey, we need a chicken to set an example for others."

"This time, I'm going to bring down their chicken coop!"



When they returned to the shelter, several women from the family came out to meet them.

Zhang Yi and others left the time is not long, nothing happened at home, all calm as before.

But hear Zhang Yi they say the experience of blizzard city, Zhou Haimei and Yangmi face helpless expression.

"There's going to be another war!"

"Why can't you live a good life and fight to the death?" I don't understand what's going on in the minds of those people."

Zhou Haimei shook her head with regret on her face.

Seems to condemn those who do not cherish the good life, must take their lives to fight.

Uncle You put his arm around her shoulder, smiled and comforted her, "Don't worry, no matter how big the problem is, we will carry it!" Just do your job at home and don't worry about anything else."

Zhang Yi sat on the sofa, all in the living room in a circle.

Zhang Yi began to arrange tasks directly.

"Xin Xin, Tianhai City three forces have been accepted by me. You take over their network systems immediately."

"Through this, we can keep track of the movements in various areas of Tianhai City."

Yang Xinxin nodded, "OK, brother Zhang Yi." In addition to these, I can also try to hack into other cities' network systems."

Zhang Yi froze for a moment, some accidental look at her.

"Can you do that too?"

Yang Xinxin smiled and nodded.

"In the past, because there was no need, our main rival was in Tianhai City."

"But now that the forces threatening our security have become forces in other cities, it is necessary."

"In addition to the Blizzard City network I dare not touch at will, the network of other cities unless it is an internal network system, otherwise it will not be difficult for me to crack."

Although we are in the last days, the Internet system has not completely collapsed.

After all, there are six regions, a national-level transcendent force, maintaining the infrastructure of the national economy and people's livelihood.

And most of that power depends on communications equipment and a central control system.

Then they have to rely on the network, there will be a flaw by Yang Xinxin found.

Zhang Yi's eyes twinkled with light, "Then you try to invade the network system of Daozawa City!" I want their power data, preferably inhuman power information!"

Yang Xinxin smiled: "This matter to me."

Later, Zhang Yi looked at Lu Combustible again.

"Combustible, you've been exposed to a lot of things in Blizzard City lately. Like the black suit and the building materials."

"You soak it up, and then the first thing is to recreate that suit."

Zhang Yi is very greedy for the training clothes of the martial arts field.

For the first time, he saw clothing that could enhance the basic physical qualities of the individual through clothing.

It is probably similar to a human exoskeleton, something Zhang Yi has also seen on the Internet.

It's just that it's the first time he's seen human exoskeleton technology developed to a clothing level.

With this device, the overall strength of their team will be greatly improved.

Even a few girls who are not good at fighting have more life assurance with it.

'Copy that!

Lu Combustible playful respect a military salute.

Zhang Yi looked at Yang Mi again: "Your work must continue, the more power food reserves the better."

Yang Mi Qiao Sheng nodded: "People know. I haven't been slacking off these days."

Zhang Yi nodded approvingly: "That's right."

Then there is the preparation of other people, nothing special, just to keep them ready for battle.

The next day, Zhang Yi and they received a letter from the city of Osawa.

The messenger came in a snowmobile, two cars, ten men, all of them impressive inhumans.

Before the rally, they have seen the major forces of Tianhai City led by Zhang Yi.

So the car drove directly to the shelter.

For the first time, the shelter's artificial intelligence system alerted Zhang Yi.

Through the surveillance, Zhang Yi saw the two black armored snowmobiles.

He guessed at once that these people were from other cities, for the sign on the car was something he had never seen before.

Zhang Yi quickly changed his combat uniform and walked out of the room.

Liang Yue and Uncle you also dressed neatly, came to Zhang Yi's door.

"Come on, let's go and see what's going on."

"They were cautious and stopped 200 meters from the shelter," Liang said. I don't think they're from around here by the way they're dressed."

Zhang Yi hurried down the stairs and said: "I know, it should be people from Daze City coming!"

Uncle You frowned. "Did they come to declare war?"

"A declaration of war?

Zhang Yi looked back at Uncle you with a laugh, "Have you ever seen anyone talk about martial virtues so much that they really want to fight and tell you in advance?"

Uncle You: "Then they are?"

Zhang Yi playfully smiled: "Should be to intimidate us, let us surrender without a fight."

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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