
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Sniper rifle

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, the neighbors all lowered their heads and pondered the pros and cons.

Someone asked: "Zhang Yi, it's understandable that you and Zhou Ke'er don't have to be on duty. But why doesn't Uncle You have to be on duty? He's obviously the best at fighting!"

Zhang Yi stared at him and said word by word: "Because Uncle You is an important combat force, he must recharge his batteries and wait for the key battle before taking action. Do you understand?"

This statement is far-fetched, but no one dares to refute Zhang Yi's words.

In fact, Zhang Yi's real purpose is to ensure Uncle You's safety.

The rest of the people are on the front line, responsible for resisting the enemy attack from other buildings.

It's like cannon fodder, or to put it nicely, a consumable.

Uncle You has good skills, is kind and upright, and is the best subordinate in Zhang Yi's heart. Of course, he must be kept alive so that he can serve Zhang Yi in the future.

After the arrangements were made, Zhang Yi asked the neighbors to go back to their homes, leaving only the people on duty to stay near the fourth floor.

If you want to attack their unit building, the fourth floor is the place you must pass.

Whether it's digging a tunnel below or climbing in from the fourth floor window.

So if you stay here, you can detect any invading enemies in time.

After everyone else went upstairs, Zhang Yicai took Zhou Keer back.

He won't leave his back to those he doesn't trust.

At this time, there was no one else around.

Xie Limei saw that Zhang Yi had not talked about the food for their family, so she couldn't help but ask: "Zhang Yi, have you forgotten the food for our family?"

Zhang Yi raised his head and glanced at Xie Limei in front of him, with a cold smile in his eyes.

Uncle You quickly pulled her arm, "What did you say?"

Xie Limei said: "Brother You obviously contributes the most, but he doesn't give anything. This is too..."

Zhang Yi said: "The supplies I brought back are more than these. The ones given to others are poor, but the good ones are kept!"

"Uncle You, you can pick it up at my house later."

When Xie Limei heard this, she immediately put on a smile.

"I knew you wouldn't let his work go to waste!"

Uncle You rolled his eyes at her, "I told you a long time ago that Brother Zhang Yi is a trustworthy person!"

Zhang Yi smiled and said nothing.

After returning home, Zhang Yi took out a box of instant noodles from another space, placed it at the door, and then notified Uncle You to come and get it in ten minutes.

After entering the room, Zhang Yi quickly took off his cold-proof clothes.


The pan inside the leather jacket fell to the ground.

Zhou Keer picked up the pan with a smile, "I'm afraid there isn't even a ghost outside. You must be too careful!"

Zhang Yi smiled slightly, "I won't need this thing in the future."

He found something better.

Police body armor is both snug and safe.

After returning to his warm house, the feeling of happiness in Zhang Yi's heart became even deeper.

When you go out, you will feel cold even if you are wearing cold-proof clothes when facing a low temperature of more than 70 degrees below zero.

Especially when driving a motorcycle, the feeling is even more obvious.

Zhang Yi took out some food from the different space and put it on the table.

Zhou Keer was also hungry all day.

Zhang Yi took away all the food before leaving. He didn't get to eat, and neither did Zhou Keer.

The two of them sat at the dinner table and ate happily.

Zhou Keer asked curiously: "How is it outside now?"

Zhang Yi said: "What else can we do? Heavy snow has sealed the city, and the low-rise buildings are completely covered."

"If this situation continues, even if the heavy snow stops and the temperature returns to normal, it will take more than half a month for the snow to melt."

Zhou Keer nodded: "But it's going to be winter soon, and the temperature will only get lower."

"That's not a problem for us."

Zhang Yi said: "What we need to deal with now are people."

"People in the last days are more terrifying existences than devils."

After the two of them finished eating, Zhou Keer snuggled next to Zhang Yi and hugged his shoulders.

Zhang Yi glanced at her, "What are you doing?"

Zhou Keer's face turned slightly red, "Stay warm!"

As he spoke, he used his own fat layer to squeeze Zhang Yi's body.

Ever since she was enlightened by Zhang Yi, she seemed to have awakened and pestered Zhang Yi every day.

Fortunately, Zhang Yi is young, strong and energetic, so any ordinary person might not be able to withstand it.

Zhang Yi smiled and slapped her plump buttocks.

"I don't have time to talk to you now. You go take a shower first and then go back to your room and lie down!"

Zhou Keer gave Zhang Yi a wink, and then obediently went to take a bath.

What makes Zhang Yi let go of beauty?

Of course it's a common hobby for men!

Zhang Yi took out all the firearms collected today from the different space.

He still has some knowledge about firearms. After all, he had joined the shooting association in Tianhai City before and often went to the shooting range.

Police firearms are naturally much more powerful than the ones he bought on the black market.

So Zhang Yi eliminated the gun he used before and replaced it with two police pistols, loaded with bullets.

The holster and armed belt are also ready-made and can be hung directly on the waist.

Then, Zhang Yi began to study those rifles and the big sniper he got.

The shooting range in Tianhai City also has rifles for target shooting, but there are no sniper rifles.

However, the modern Internet is developed, and there are complete introductions to various firearms on the Internet.

Zhang Yi took out his mobile phone to search online and quickly found an introduction to them.

"I didn't expect those network servers are still running. Sure enough, big companies still have tricks!"

Zhang Yi said with emotion.

Although in the apocalypse, many Internet companies have gone bankrupt, and a large number of software have stopped operating.

However, the servers of a small number of large enterprises are still operating.

Of course, this is also in cooperation with the official operation.

At least so far, mankind has not given up on reconstruction after the end of the world, and still retains part of the fire of civilization.

Zhang Yi ignored his sighs and learned the instructions for using these firearms online.

Since Zhang Yi has experience in using firearms, he learned quickly.

It doesn't matter whether he can shoot accurately or not, but at least he knows how to shoot and reload.

"At worst it can be used to bluff people, that's enough."

The mere presence of firearms is the greatest deterrent.

Zhang Yi thought for a while, filled the magazines of these firearms, opened the safety, and placed them in a different space.

In this way, when encountering an emergency, he can take out his gun and shoot at any time.

But for that big sniper, he couldn't put it down.

Guns are a man's romance, and it can be said that it is natural for men to love guns.

Zhang Yi raised his gun and used the scope to look at the building opposite.

In the unit building about fifty meters away from here, the window of the opposite house is clearly visible at this time, and the lock on the window can even be seen clearly.

"Find a chance to try this gun. This is Yin Ren's magical weapon!"

A smile appeared on Zhang Yi's lips.

Head-on collisions were not something he enjoyed doing.

Hiding in a corner, being a sinister person, and being shot without anyone knowing where he is, is the best part!

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