
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Sleep tight

This night is destined to be extremely long.

After it was over, it was already early the next morning.

Zhou Keer collapsed on the bed, unable to move at all. Zhang Yi covered her with a quilt and she fell asleep.

Zhang Yi locked the door from the outside and kept the only key.

Business is business, and the basic principles must still be in place.

Even if Zhang Yi knew that Zhou Ke'er was a kind person, letting her in and live would be the ultimate act of kindness.

It was impossible for him to let down his guard against her in a short period of time.

He took a shower himself and then returned to the bedroom to rest.

After sleeping for half a day, Zhang Yi felt refreshed and his eyes were brighter than usual.

Sure enough, Taoism is true. The harmony of yin and yang is very helpful to physical health.

This kind of useful exercise should be done frequently in the future.

Zhang Yi turned on the surveillance camera and saw that Zhou Keer was still sleeping deeply on the bed.

Zhang Yi demanded too much yesterday, and she couldn't help but whip him.

Zhang Yi got dressed and came to the living room.

As he passed by the sofa, he noticed a pool of blood on the sofa.

I couldn't help but think of her expression with a hint of pain last night, and I was a little surprised.

A 26-year-old female doctor is still a baby?

Zhang Yi took out some food from the different space and placed it on the coffee table.

Then he came to Zhou Keer's door and opened the door lock.

Zhang Yi knocked on the door: "Come out and have something to eat!"

It was funny to say that Zhang Yi could clearly see everything in the room, but he still knocked on the door out of politeness.

After all, if the two of them want to get along for a long time in the future, they still need to have basic respect.

Zhou Keer's voice came softly, with a hint of exhaustion: "Okay, I'll be over right away."

Zhang Yi came to the dining table, picked up a beef cheeseburger, and walked to the window while eating.

After a night, the big ice pimple next door became even bigger. The falling snow on it was all white, and you could vaguely see the twisted appearance of the ten corpses inside.

Zhou Keer walked out of the room and saw Zhang Yi, her face turned slightly red.

As a doctor of medicine who graduated from a prestigious university, she has always been arrogant and unpretentious towards men.

That's why I have been guarding my body like jade until now.

After all, people in the upper class take this kind of thing very seriously.

But she didn't expect that she didn't give the most precious thing to her husband, or even to her lover.

Instead, in the apocalypse, he gave this to a man he was not familiar with in exchange for survival.

But looking at Zhang Yi's tall figure and cold yet rational handsome face, she felt particularly at ease.

Women always have some special feelings in their hearts about their first man.

Zhang Yi likes Zhou Keer very much because she is beautiful. What man wouldn't love a beautiful woman with a great figure and a pretty face?

But love is definitely out of the question now.

Perhaps when he completely trusts her in the future, he will slowly pour his feelings into her.

After all, a person is too tired to live in the apocalypse, and he always needs some feelings for sustenance.

Zhang Yi signaled to Zhou Keer that there was food on the table.

Zhou Keer looked over and saw steaming burgers, fried chicken, and French fries.

These were ordered in large quantities by Zhang Yi from fast food restaurants such as KFC and McDonald's before the end of the world.

Due to the freshness preservation ability of different spaces, they are still warm when taken out.

Zhou Keer swallowed, couldn't help but walked over, picked up a hamburger, and ate it.

The fast food she used to disdain to eat is now so delicious that it makes her want to cry.

In less than ten minutes, she had finished all the food.

Zhou Keer lay on the chair and burped comfortably.

When she saw Zhang Yi's half-smiling expression, she covered her mouth shyly, looking embarrassed.

Zhang Yi doesn't care about this.

He asked: "Have you finished eating?"

Zhou Keer tilted his head and said seriously: "I'm not full yet. But you can't eat too much at one time, otherwise it will easily cause gastroenteritis."

"You're done eating then? Come and work."

Zhang Yi pointed his chin outside.

Zhou Keer walked over obediently.

Zhang Yi took out two sets of cold-proof clothes from the different space. Zhou Keer's eyes widened. Although it was not the first time he saw them, he still found them very magical.

In her heart, she became more determined to follow Zhang Yi.

In the apocalypse, very few people will survive. Only by following powerful people can you increase your chances of survival.

Zhang Yi threw a set of cold-proof clothing to Zhou Keer for her to put on, and also put on one herself.

"What are we going to do?"

Zhou Keer asked curiously.

Zhang Yi pointed to the lump of ice on the balcony next door, "Go and smash that lump of ice!"

Zhou Keer's body trembled.

Those people's bodies have become one with the ice. If the ice is smashed, their bodies will fall apart.

"They must be dead, why do they do this?"

Zhang Yi shrugged.

"Maybe it's because I simply hate them!"

Seeing Zhou Keer's surprised look, Zhang Yi smiled and said, "Almost everyone in this building wants to kill me and then take away my room and supplies."

"I have to do something to let them know I'm not someone to be trifled with."

He curled his lips, "In the past, they thought I was a coward who only knew how to stay at home. Of course, I don't mind what they think of me."

"But after a long time, it's always a bit annoying. It's good to let them remember it for a long time."

There was another reason why Zhang Yi didn't say it, and he didn't bother to tell Zhou Keer.

He, Zhang Yi, is a person who must avenge himself.

Chen Zhenghao tried to kill him again and again, which made Zhang Yi very angry.

Just freezing them to death, Zhang Yi thought it was too cheap for them.

Zhou Keer seemed to realize something, pointed at his nose and said, "You... aren't going to let me do it again, are you?"

She was speechless.

It seemed that from beginning to end, she was the one responsible for tricking Chen Zhenghao and others to death.

Now that Chen Zhenghao and the others are dead, Zhang Yi is still so cowardly?

Zhang Yi said seriously: "This is called stability!"

Nonsense, what if I pass by and you close the window?

Although Zhang Yi's supplies are all in the space, he doesn't worry about starving to death.

But if you are used to living a comfortable life, who wants to find fault?

Zhou Keer rolled her eyes, she couldn't laugh or cry.

I secretly complained, how could there be such a stable person!

She is not a fool, how could she do such a thing that harms others and does not benefit herself?

Zhang Yi ignored that and made a "please" gesture to her, then handed her a baseball bat.

Zhou Keer noticed that when Zhang Yi handed her the baseball bat, his body was obviously in a defensive state.

She was so angry that she was speechless at Zhang Yi's excessive stability.

But she didn't like it, but she took the baseball bat honestly and climbed over the fence to the balcony next door.

Zhang Yi took out his mobile phone and started recording.

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