
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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Everyone listened to Zhang Yi's words, although the heart did not believe, it did not affect them to continue to listen.

Anyway, Zhang Yi hurt Zheng Yixian, not them.

And Zhang Yi said this information, it is too burst, they all want to hear what happened.

Hundred Li Changqing and others also stared at Zhang Yi with solemn eyes.

The cause of the tidal wave of corpses in Tianhai City has not been understood until now.

Even the captain of the frontier Army was killed.

They don't want to have regrets.

If you can investigate the cause of the body tide and then go back to return, you can live up to the sacrifice of the border army, and there is a way to explain to the top of the Jiangnan region.

Zhang Yilang said, "Everybody! From the beginning, this was all a snow cult plot!"

"It all starts with Ice!"

"Ice soul can awaken people's powers and enhance their potential. But its real function is to return his powers to the original empty night body after the death of the person who used the Ice Spirit!"

"That's why the snow worshippers gave us ice so generously!"

"And they spared no effort to start a war in Tianhai City in order to let more people die!"

"It doesn't matter if their own flock is sacrificed."

"The ordinary congregation will only be a burden, worthless in the first place. They take in a lot of people just to pick out people who have the potential for power and then awaken power to them."

"Then let them die and return their powers to the original empty night!"

"So even if all the snow worshippers were dead, it wouldn't matter to the original empty night!"

"Because she didn't need that many people in the first place."

Zhang Yi's eyes darkened.

"She has better things to use! That's the army of the dead she built!"

"Compared with ordinary humans, this army of the Undead, who obey orders completely, are powerful and not easy to die, is her real card!"

Zhang Yi's words made the air quiet down.

The information was too explosive to be easily believed.

Xiao Honglian, hundred Li Changqing and others could not help looking at Zheng Yixian's face, want to get some answers from his face.

Cheng Yixian gritted her teeth and said angrily, "You're talking nonsense!"

"Slander, he slander us!"

"Snow taught you how to have that kind of thing. If we really have the ability to control the body swarm, how come we have been suppressed everywhere by all your forces?"

"You attacked me on the basis of your own speculation, without any real evidence."

"Oh, Zhang Yi, I suspect you are the one behind the curtain!"

Zheng Yixian pointed to Zhang Yi, said coldly.

The scene of the people looked at Zheng Yixian, and looked to Zhang Yi, the heart suddenly doubts.

Ms. Cheng's argument is clearly more in line with their understanding.

At the beginning, the worship of snow was excluded by their four bases, and they could only survive in the cracks, using the ice soul to exchange for breathing room!

How can you suddenly control an army of hundreds of thousands of zombies in just a few months?

If Zhang Yi or Cheng Yixian is more suspicious, then there is no doubt that Zhang Yi is right.

After all, Zhang Yi's power is still intact.

Zhang Yi said, "Next to St. John's Cathedral, there is an abandoned building with a huge blood-colored vine. Its role is to absorb the nutrients of the dead body and the earth, and then grow the corpse king."

"The Corpse King has the ability to spread viruses and create zombies."

"The previous snow worshipers didn't use this card, either on purpose or because the blood vine hadn't fully matured."

Zhang Yi reached out to Zheng Yixian, faintly said: "Since you say I have no evidence, that dare not take us to a trip to worship snow?"

"Dig up that bloody vine, and we'll see the result!"

Hundred Li Changqing and Xiao Honglian, Wei Dinghai, torture day have some meaning.

That's right. What you see is what you hear.

In fact, they had all been thinking about the abandoned building when they were defending the snowworship camp.

I've had people look into it on the sly.

However, the results of the initial investigation were not satisfactory, and it was found that it was just a mutant plant that could make food.

But Zhang Yi said so, immediately aroused their suspicion.

Xiao Honglian hugged his arms and said to Zheng Yixian: "Zheng Yixian, if you have a clear conscience, according to Zhang Yi said, take us to have a look!"

Wei Dinghai also said faintly: "Yes, it is true or false, we will know at a glance." And then you will be cleared!"

Torture Day nodded: "I also agree with this practice."

Although they did not make a statement, it was not difficult to see from the expressions on their faces that they clearly planned to go and see.

After all, they suspected something was wrong there.

But the time is limited, did not have time to carefully observe.

Zheng Yixian heart sank, he tried to bear the pain in his chest, said to Zhang Yi:

"If there's nothing there, how do you justify what you've done?"

"You can't just stab me for nothing, can you?"

Zhang Yi's mouth drew a sneer.

"If it turns out you're innocent, I'm wrong."

"Then," Zhang Yi lowered her eyelids, "you can come and find me desperately!"


Cheng was furious.

Zhang Yi's approach is too rogue, but he has no other way.

Even other forces around Zhang Yi did not think there was anything wrong.

These are the last days, and murder and plunder are commonplace.

Several major forces were at war with each other, and there were many grudges.

Zhang Yi and worship snow teaching things they are too lazy to care.

All they care about is whether what Zhang Yi said is true.

Is the outbreak of dead bodies related to snow worship?

Han Chang said angrily next to Zheng Yixian: "Well, we worship the snow teaching line is going straight, but also afraid you can't!"

"However," he pointed his claws at Zhang Yi, "if I find that it is not what you said, I will definitely pull out your intestines!"

Ms. Cheng suddenly shouted in a low voice, "No!"

"They must not be allowed near the bloodvine!"

A group of priests looked at Ms. Cheng, not quite understanding what he was saying.

Zheng Yixian stared at Zhang Yi and said, "Blood rattan is the basis for us to worship snow education!" They must be thinking of blood vine."

"What if they go with them and try to snatch the blood vine?"

"Zhang Yi, you are so mean! If you want to fight, we'll fight you!"

Zheng Yixian looked at Han Chang et al., "Up! Let them know that we worship snow is not so easy!"

The priests believed Cheng's words.

Heard Zheng Yixian say so, long hold to find Zhang Yi fight they immediately scream and rushed up!

'Good to come!

Zhang Yi's mouth drew a sneer.

These stinky fish and shrimp taught by Bai Snow are really not in his eyes!

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