
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Repulse an attack

Yu Lang's proposal was accepted by all.

I'm sure we can't fight them anymore.

The strength gap between the enemy and me is not at all an order of magnitude, and it is also a vain death to fight again, only to escape and wait for support.

Shen Hong immediately decided to blow up the hole in the wall of the house on the retreat road, and then escape from the hole in the wall.

Zhang Yi lie on the window, in fact, probably also guess how they want to escape.

But he had no intention of leaving the shelter.

The only people who came this time were two artificial inhumans similar to Liu Ziyang.

The strength is only so-so, far short of true inhumans.

As long as Zhang Yi does not go out, they can not pose a threat to Zhang Yi.

But once out, this group of soldiers with high combat literacy may kill Zhang Yi.

His dimensional door can only be opened on one side, which is also a flaw.

"Go and call stronger men! Maybe you fuckers won't stop until you're all scared!"

Zhang Yi said faintly.

If you want to end the conflict, only war to end the war, he will have no illusions about the enemy.

Explosions followed one another, and soon after, Shen Hong and Yu Lang, with the remnants, struggled to escape from the Yunque Manor.

After confirming that they had left, Zhang Yi came out of the shelter.

Now, he needs to clean up the battlefield.

Since these soldiers are temporary rescue, so their weapons are portable light weapons, no heavy firepower.

However, Zhang Yi also did not mind, and the weapons and equipment on their bodies were stripped down.

There was one weapon he liked, the one he had his eye on.

This kind of anti-materiel equipment can tear the armor of small tanks by the force of the gun itself.

If it is used with Zhang Yi's powers, the power can even break through heavy armor!

After cleaning the battlefield, Zhang Yi did not clean up their bodies.

In the past, he might have buried the bodies.

But right now, leaving these bodies behind might serve as bait.

Zhang Yi knew that the people of the Xishan base could not be so satisfied.

Two operations, one inhuman taken out by himself, and plenty of ordinary warriors who will surely seek revenge.

And the bodies of these fighters are still on the road, one is a deterrent, affecting the mentality of the other soldiers.

Second, if the other party wants to collect the body, it will become a living target of Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi finished cleaning the battlefield and returned to the shelter.

The women at home are waiting for Zhang Yi to come back.

The way they look at Zhang Yi is like looking at their patron saint.

Several women know in their hearts that without Zhang Yi's protection, they can hardly survive in the last days.

Especially after this kind of invasion crisis.

"Zhang Yi, it's great to have you here!"

Yangmi excited to come over a hug him, the surging body mercilessly squeezed Zhang Yi's chest.

She was so scared when the gun went off.

After all, this time it was the regular army, not the peasants of Xu Dong Village.

She's hiding in the basement, really afraid of the shelter being breached.

Zhang Yi gently patted her buttocks, "Look at you, scared! I told you it would be all right."

Zhou Ke Er a little sour pull her away, "Well, well, look at you this timid look!"

"But based on the strength of the troops that came this time, it doesn't look like they're ready to attack here," said Yang Xinxin, a gifted young woman in a wheelchair.

"The weapons are also light weapons, the most powerful of which are heavy sniper rifles and some grenades and small bombs."

"If the other side really only has this level of firepower, it is fine. I'm afraid these people are just the vanguard, coming to spy."

She frowned slightly and said with some concern: "This shelter is strong, if it really has a full set of weapons and equipment for professional soldiers, I am afraid it is difficult to deal with it!"

Yang Xinxin's mind is very clever, and the key to the problem is analyzed at once.

Zhang Yi nodded: "You are right, the strength of this team is really not enough to see." I think they're just here to scout. After all, I killed two of their men."

"And they couldn't have imagined such a strong shelter in a villa in a residential area."

"The next time they attack, the firepower level will be raised several levels!"

Zhou Ke 'er said with concern, "Can we stop it then? There are professional explosives in the army. We can only play passive defense, and we don't really have a lot of active offensive means."

Follow Zhang Yi for a long time, everyone learned to be prepared for danger.

Zhang Yi is very satisfied with this.

"It is only a matter of time before they break through this sanctuary if they continue to pour in a lot of fighters and firepower."

"But the process is bound to be very long."

Zhang Yi wore a nonchalant smile on her face, as if she didn't care about this.

The shelter is indeed very strong, even if the city is attacked by h, as long as it is not in the center of the explosion will not be completely destroyed.

It is important to note that it is a multi-layered structure.

Zhang Yi took a look at the shelter.

Two stories above ground, three below ground.

In fact, those three levels below ground are the real form of the shelter!

The two floors above ground have largely given up their defenses in order to consider the comfort of life.

But once the ground is breached, Zhang Yi can go directly underground.

The strength of the three underground layers is at least 1 times higher than the two above ground layers!

With the exception of that particular alloy, the whole thing is poured with a lot of reinforced concrete.

Let alone large yield explosives, according to the instructions above, even if it is the direct navigation of the air guide bomb can not penetrate!

"There is no fortress in this world that cannot be destroyed. But even if they were to break into a two-story building, it would cost them a lot of time and lives."

"Once the surface is breached, we abandon the surface completely and go underground."

Zhang Yi spread his hands and smiled: "Although I can not see the sky in the future, but the underground living facilities are also very complete." No need to worry about quality of life!"

After Zhang Yi's explanation, everyone's mood finally relaxed a lot.

"So it is! I told you, a billion dollar shelter, the most expensive in the world, can't be that simple."

Lu Can run a hearty smile, showing sixteen white teeth.

Zhang Yi came over and hit her gently on the head.

"Don't be so happy, you."

"Abandoning the two-story building on the ground is only a possibility," says Zhang, squinting. "We won't do it until we have to."

"They want to attack my house? I'll have to peel them off!"

"Make me a good dynamite, I'll give them a pot to drink!"

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