
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

No medicine but death

Fang Yuqing, Wang Min, Sun Zhichao and others fled back as dogs.

Back in the house, after closing the door, a group of people are covered in cold sweat, gasping for breath.

In particular, several of the wounded, gnashing their teeth in pain, collapsed on the sofa.

Zhang Yi's arrow hit Sun Zhichao, Zhou Peng and Ge Jialiang.

After all, they were the main attacker, close to the door of Zhang Yi's home recently.

And Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining have seen Zhang Yi's means before, deliberately stand back, there is no arrow.

And as a result, the last seven people, four men, are either dead or with tetanus arrows.

Because it was so cold, they didn't feel any particular pain at first.

But when they got home, several endured extreme cold and had to bite their teeth to undo their clothes.

Their faces all changed when they saw the wound!

If it's a normal arrow and they say, pull it out, disinfect it with alcohol, and take some anti-inflammator.

But this arrow is covered with rust!

There is no antibiotic drugs, once infected, in the current environment can only wait for death, or the death of the very miserable kind!

"No, no! How could this happen!!"

Sun Zhichao's pupils constricted, he understood what this meant, and the fear of death enveloped him instantly.


A crisp sound came, Wang Min resentment gave Fang Yuqing slap.

Those were her friends and family.

And all of this is because Fang Yuqing egged them to rob Zhang Yi's house and caused.

Can she not be angry?

"Bitch, it's all your fault!"

"Didn't you say he had only a strong door? Why are there arrows? Did you already know? That's why you ran so far! Why are you okay?"

Wang Min's figure is not petite, much taller than Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining.

This slap, immediately put Fang Yuqing scared shiver.

Fang Yuqing covering his face, grievance shed tears.

"I don't know! He didn't hit us with his crossbow the last two times we went over."

Zhou Peng's arm was hit by an arrow, saw his beloved woman was beaten by his cousin, he quickly struggled to come over, in front of Fang Yuqing.

"Cousin, don't do that. I can testify that Yuqing really doesn't know!"

Wang Min saw his cousin so stupid, the heart is also hate it.

She pointed to Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining, "Then why did they have nothing?" Well, I saw them just now, they are far away!"

Lin Caining is not happy, whispered: "You are not hurt?" How dare you talk about us!"

Wang Min shouted angrily: "I was lucky that I was not shot." Now all of us are at your fault, so get out of here!"

Sun Zhichao reached out and stopped Wang Min, and then gave her a wink.

"We're all hurt now, and someone has to take care of us."

"He whispered.

He didn't want to die. Now he had to pull the arrow out and pray it didn't get infected so he could live.

Wang Min chest sharp ups and downs, hate hate to look at Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining.

"Don't come and help!"

Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining head down, eyes flashing a touch of poison color.

But I went to help the wounded with their wounds.

When they unbuttoned their clothes and saw the power of the arrows, their faces turned pale.

Zhang Yi's bolts are professional-grade and can be used to hunt wild boars and coyotes.

It hit the body, and it went right in.

They have no professional medical staff here, let alone professional equipment, there is no way to deal with it.

If one of them doesn't work out, they'll bleed out.

Wang Min thought for a moment and said: "Can only ask Doctor Zhou to come and help!"

When she says Dr. Zhou, she means Zhou Ke 'er.

Before Lin Xiaohu was kicked liver rupture, is she helped hang a life.

Wang Min stepped aside and called Zhou Ke.

A short time later, Zhou Ke 'er came over.

Wang Min walked over and excitedly held Zhou Keer's hand.

"Dr. Zhou, our lives depend on you!"

Zhou Ke 'er wore a black, over-the-knee down jacket, wrapped himself tightly, but it was still difficult to hide her tall and slender figure.

She carried an iron medicine chest on her shoulder.

When he came to the house, he took a look at the injuries of several people and suddenly frowned.

"Another arrow wound?"

Wang Min blinked his eyes curiously, "Again? Who else has been hit by an arrow?"

An unnatural look crossed Zhou Ke's face.

"No, a patient from the old hospital."

Wang Min felt a little strange, but had no time to think about it now.

"Dr. Zhou, please show them as soon as possible!"

Zhou Ke 'er also did not talk nonsense, went over to check a few people's injuries.

By now, their faces have been pale and scary.

Since the arrow can't be pulled out, there's no way to stop the bleeding, which in itself, at minus 60 or 70 degrees, is extremely deadly.

Zhou Ke 'er took one look and frowned, "Their injuries are too deep!" I'm not completely sure I can operate unless I have professional equipment."

Wang Min quickly said: "Doctor Zhou, it is already this time, you start to do it!" We believe in you."

Zhou Ke 'er shook her head.

"The arrows are covered in rust, which can cause infection."

"The best I can do is pull the arrow out, but it can get infected without antibiotic treatment. I'm afraid then..."

She did not say the next words, but everyone there knew what they meant.

Under these conditions, if you get infected, you die!

Wang Min tears suddenly flow down, Sun Zhichao several people are her best friends, Zhou Peng is her cousin.

In the last days, people are particularly insecure.

Losing so many friends and family in one day would be devastating!

"That Zhang Yi so ruthless heart ah! He must have done it on purpose. How could he be so cruel?"

"Even if we took his house, we wouldn't kill him!"

Wang Min cursed bitterly.

"Zhang Yi?"

Zhou Ke 'er heard the name and remembered it.

She and Zhang Yi have had a few encounters, vaguely remember that it is a sunny handsome man.

However, due to Zhou Keer's quiet personality, I didn't communicate with him much.

"In short, if there is no medicine, just pulling out the arrow is still a great risk to life." I hope you understand that."

Zhou Ke said faintly.

Today, she is no longer shy of anything, in the last days, everyone should have the consciousness of dying at any time.

Suddenly, Fang Yuqing seemed to think of something.

"Medicine?" she said excitedly. I remember Zhang Yi's home!"