
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Network intruder

The first day Huahua came home, she started to make trouble everywhere.

The whole shelter is so large that it is full of curiosity and wants to see every corner.

Zhang Yi is very tolerant of it, allowing it to leave footprints everywhere, and even breaking beautiful antique vases.

With cats, the most important thing is to build trust from the beginning.

Once this process fails, it is extremely difficult to make up for it later.

After raging in the room for a long time, Hua Hua finally seemed to be tired of playing, jumped in front of the fireplace, and stretched out on the floor.

Zhang Yi long sigh of relief, he knows flower flower this way, is completely satisfied with this new environment.

He approached cautiously and tried to touch its head from behind.

"Meow -"

Flower looked back at him for a look, Zhang Yi's action also stopped.

The cat and the man looked at each other, and after a few seconds, he put his head on the floor again.

Zhang Yi breathed a sigh of relief, heart said: I deal with women have never been so trouble!

But he was content to put his hand on Huahua's head.

"Purr -- purr --"

Hua Hua made a comfortable purring sound, which is the recognition of Zhang Yi this shovel shit official.

"Whew -- it's done!"

Zhang Yi's heart completely let down.

There was a genuine smile on his face.

The joy of successfully adopting a cat was indescribable.

Huahua joins the family and brings a whole new joy to the shelter.

The girls fight to feed the cat every day, and they also fight to handle the cat.

But I don't know why, it still likes to stay in Zhang Yi's side.

Even at night, he often sleeps at Zhang Yi's bedside.

Even Yang Xinxin who once fed it, the status in the heart of the flower was also surpassed by Zhang Yi.

Probably cats always prefer to be with boys!

And these days, the new two partners Yang Xinxin and Lu Can run are not idle.

Yang Xinxin is in charge of Internet security for the entire shelter.

With her there, and the supercomputers in the sanctuary, there's no telling how anyone in the world can break through.

However, as a top hacker, Yang Xinxin is obviously not satisfied with defense.

Using her powerful hacking skills, she began to follow the network information that came from the invasion, to counter the invasion.

It only took her a few minutes to identify the source of the information.

Zhang Yi received the news, immediately rushed to the console.

"Xin Xin, so hurry to call me here, is there anything new?"

Zhang Yi asked.

Yang Xinxin's lips cast a strange smile.

"The person who tried to hack the shelter network has been found!"

She showed Zhang Yi the notebook on her lap.

Above is a map of Tianhai City.

Zhang Yi saw a five-pointed star in one place, and a flashing red dot in another.

When Zhang Yi looked carefully, he found that the five-pointed star marked the location of the Yunque manor.

And the flashing red dot is the unmistakable location of the intruder.

"This place is... The southwest part of Xishan District and the northwest part of Lujiang District. It's only about 30 kilometers from here."

"So close?"

Zhang Yi's eyes stiffened.

I had no idea there was a powerful organization hidden so close.

Yang Xinxin said faintly: "The other party's technical means are extremely simple, should only be a good thing done by a low-grade engineer."

"And the equipment is not advanced, I easily hacked into it."

"The data on the computer is encrypted and it will take some time to crack it."

"But according to the information that has been obtained so far, there is indeed such a large organization in the western Mountains."

Yang Xinxin raised her head, her light blue eyes looking at him calmly.

"It may not be long before we run into them."

Zhang Yi held his arm, faintly said: "The coming can not hide!" I don't make trouble and I'm not afraid of it. I will kill anyone who tries to disturb my peace!"

Zhang Yi is a very different person today.

With an impenetrable fortress and an army of elite.

There are three inhumans alone, including him.

Even when confronted by powerful armed groups, he believes he can handle them.

"Shin Shin, you keep tracking their signals, and then you crack the data. I want to get more Intel on that group."

Zhang Yi patted Yang Xinxin on the shoulder, let her continue to be busy.

Then he left the console and turned to find Lu Combustible.

With his help, Lu's combustible mechanical studio has been set up.

As a genius who can be specially recruited by Azure College, Lu can be very professional in the field of machinery.

Although she's too sophisticated to handle on her own.

But weapons and ammunition, it's not a very technical thing.

Today, in 2050, industrialization has also been greatly advanced.

Even for some people, as long as they have a 3d printer, they can print their own guns.

The manufacture of bullets and explosives is not that difficult.

Now, Lu Can burn in accordance with Zhang Yi's instructions, began to make a large number of bullets for him.

Mostly sniper and handgun bullets.

Because at present, he is most short of bullets for these two firearms, which are also the most used by him in actual combat.

Zhang Yi came to the studio and knocked on the door.

"Combustible, it's me."

The door of the studio was opened, and there was an immediate "ding-dong" sound inside.

Zhang Yi walked in and felt the high temperature in the house, even though he was wearing a single suit and began to sweat.

Over at the workbench, Lu was wearing shorts, a green halter shirt and a black leather skirt tied around his chest.

She was covered in sweat, her back and chest were completely wet, and her hair was stuck together.

Seeing Zhang Yi, she greeted with a bright smile: "Big brother, how did you come here?"

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "Come and see how your work is going!"

Lu can run only 18 years old, coupled with the natural character, like a big child.

When Zhang Yi is in front of her, he can't help but take her as a little sister.

Lu Can run a "hey hey" smile, showing fourteen white teeth.

Then she took an object from a nearby shelf like a treasure.

"Brother, I want to show you something good!"

Zhang Yi took a look and found that it was a sniper rifle silencer.

His eyes lit up. "Good stuff!"

It means so much to him.

Zhang Yi's ability to shoot accurately can increase the power of the gun to twice.

If he uses a sniper rifle, he can kill enemies at a range of 3000 meters!

The only problem is that the sound of guns might attract enemies.

With it, the problem can be solved well.

And then you leave in the shadows, and you don't have to worry about exposing your location.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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