
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Multi-party talks

Soon after, Zheng Yixian came out of the church and invited the border army to meet with the original empty night.

Border Jun Wu walked into the church alone.

He saw the girl in the white robe, only about twenty years old.

The two men talked for a long time inside the church.

After ten minutes, the border army came out of the church.

His face was always cold as ice, and no one could see his emotions.

Hundred Li Changqing and others can not wait to ask: "Captain, how?" Was that empty night ipsilon or not?"

The border army said coldly: "For the judgment of inhumans, only my eyes can not give the answer."

"But --"

"There's definitely something wrong with this girl."

They are very surprised, Meng Siyu gossip asked: "Where is the problem?"

The border soldier pointed to his temple.


"Out of your mind?"

"Said the crowd with a look of surprise.

So big a worship of snow, its leader unexpectedly spiritual problems?

"Well, that makes sense."

Baili Changqing laughed and said, "After all, religious people are either liars who collect money or pious maniacs!"

The border army was impressed.

Baili Changqing was right, when he talked to Hara empty night, he could sense her religious fanaticism.

She really believes that there are gods in the world.

This made the border army very surprised.

No wonder the rest of the church's affairs were entrusted to Cheng.

After all, a pure believer in God whose style of action is either too idealistic or too crazy is difficult to maintain the stability of a large sect.

"Anyway, take time to evaluate her abilities later!"

"We'll have plenty of time to do that once we've solved the zombie problem."

Border military faintly said.

Anyway, the original night man is here, and he can't run away.

And to determine whether she was Ipsilon, it took a lot of time and evidence to consider.

Soon after, several other forces arrived.

In accordance with the orders of the border army, they all brought their most powerful forces.

Including, but not limited to, tanks, artillery, and almost all combat personnel in full gear.

Thousands of soldiers at three major bases, large convoys, terrifying monster dogs.

All gathered in snowworship territory in great numbers.

The congregation of the snow Worship church also felt very stressful.

Zhang Yi and they also arrived here.

Zhang Yi got out of the car, and then took Zhou Keer's hand and pulled her down.

"You stay with me and don't go anywhere! Then I'll arrange a safe place for you to stay."

In the face of Zhang Yi's gentleness, Zhou Keer nodded happily.

The group walked toward St. John's Cathedral, an obvious landmark of Snowworship.

On the way, Zhang Yi saw his old classmate punishment day.

Punishment Tianchao Zhang Yi waved and said hello.

"How did you get here slower than we did?"

Zhang Yi asked the way of punishment.

From the point of view of distance, the Cyan base is obviously closer than them.

Torture Day disapprovingly said with a smile: "There are many things to deal with in the factory, we are not as handsome as you."

"Fewer people is really the convenience of fewer people."

Zhang Yi raised her eyebrows.

The two people briefly exchanged pleasantries, and there was not much communication.

Now everyone has no idea why the border forces called them here, and they have no idea what to talk about.

From the personal relationship level, it is not much closer, naturally there is nothing to talk about.

As soon as they got here, someone from the Church of Snow came to show them the way.

Zhang Yi left Zhou Ke and others outside, he is with the day into the church.

St. John's Cathedral was once one of the most famous attractions in Tianhai City.

Zhang Yi has also been here to visit.

But he's not religious himself, so he's just here to see the medieval architecture.

They entered the church and found that everyone else had already arrived.

Bian Junwu, Zheng Yixian, Xiao Honglian and Wei Dinghai all took their seats in the church.

But in the church, there was a face Zhang Yi had never seen before.

It was a woman in a white robe, all wrapped up.

Her reverent and solemn expression contrasted sharply with her childish face.

Zhang Yi immediately guessed the identity of the girl.

The only people who can still appear here at this moment are the original empty night of the master of snow worship.

Zhang Yi could not help but look at her twice.

After all, according to legend, she has a special ability to help people awaken their powers.

Torture day is also the first time to see the original empty night, could not help but Zhang Yi said:

"She's so small! He looks like a teenager."

Zhang Yi glanced at him.

"Neon friend, please watch your words and restrain your animalness."

The corner of the torture day drew: "I wipe, what are you talking nonsense! You know me, growing up, I only liked older women!"

Zhang Yi said faintly: "I did hear that when you were working in the factory, you had an eight-year love affair with a massage shop owner who was twelve years older than you."

We had lived in a community for many years, this gossip naturally can not escape Zhang Yi's ears.

The black face of torture Day suddenly turned red, like black iron thrown into the furnace.

"You... What do you know?! I was young, she was beautiful, and we consented."

Zhang Yi glanced at him: "I didn't say you were wrong! After all, a lack of maternal love is not such a big mistake."

"Damn me!

Punishment weather wish to fight with Zhang Yi.

But given who he is now, he can only hold back his anger.

"Zhang Yi, you don't understand love! You really are a cold and heartless fellow!"

Zhang Yi smell speech, eyes flash a touch of memory.

Then he sneered.

"Feelings? Ha ha ha, feelings are the cruelest thing in the world!"

The two people said that they had reached the other people, and everyone looked at them coldly, and it was not good for the two people to continue to quarrel.

So they each found a place to sit down.

The border army did not play with them, and directly said what happened last night.

"We killed a dead king last night."

"It turns out that when the zombie king is killed, the whole zombie swarm gets out of control. And the rats that accompany the zombie swarm will become headless flies."

"Therefore, the root of solving the zombie problem in Tianhai City is to kill all the zombie Kings who control the zombie swarm!"

Hearing the investigation team kill a corpse king so quickly, everyone's eyes reveal a touch of shock.

Zhang Yixin said: Sure enough, they have found a way to deal with the body swarm.

Even if expected, the other side's action efficiency is so high, or let Zhang Yi feel surprised.

After all, they had gone underground and tried to kill the dead King.

But in the end they failed.

Only Xiao Honglian showed a "should be so" appearance.

She even knows that the corpse king who was killed yesterday must be operating near their Yangsheng base.

Torture day asked curiously: "What is the corpse king?" Can you tell us more about it?"

"Of course."

The border army also needs their help to eliminate the body swarm, naturally will not hide this information.

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