
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Moved warehouse materials worth tens of billions

Zhang Yi asked the courier boy to deliver 100 giant buckets to their home.

Then he started to open all the faucets in the house and started filling the buckets with water.

At this rate, all 100 buckets can be filled in a week at most.

The days passed.

Zhang Yi was never idle all day.

He spent every penny he had without scruple.

Go to the best restaurant every day to eat.

Then buy a large amount of meals from top restaurants and store them in your own space.

And during this period, he went to the shooting range in Tianhai City every day to practice crossbows and firearms shooting, trying to improve his skills.

It's not realistic to train yourself into a fighting master in a month.

But with a crossbow and a gun, plus a super safe house with a full metal shell, he won't be afraid of any danger that may come.

Such a move would naturally not escape everyone's eyes.

But everyone around him treated Zhang Yi as a joke.

They thought he had a mental problem and laughed at him privately.

Even Fang Yuqing deliberately distanced herself from Zhang Yi and was unwilling to communicate with him.

In this way, time passes day by day.

More than twenty days have passed quickly, and the end is not far away.

Zhang Yi has collected a large amount of supplies, including food, weapons and heating equipment.

However, these did not provide him with enough security.

He decided to target Wal-Mart's giant warehouse.

As long as he takes this warehouse, he can obtain a massive amount of supplies that he will never be able to use in ten lifetimes!

So, Zhang Yi returned to the warehouse and started working as usual.

The Walmart warehouse is staffed 24 hours a day, but at night, there are only 10 people on duty.

Zhang Yi decided to use the simplest and crudest method, which was to add sleeping pills to the tea they drank.

Anyway, there is less than a week until the end of the world, and he is not afraid of being found out that he did it.

Since these people were all Zhang Yi's old acquaintances, Zhang Yi succeeded easily.

After the medicine took effect, they fell asleep, and Zhang Yi came to the monitoring room and turned off the cameras in the entire warehouse!

After doing all this, he quickly came to the warehouse.

Looking at the huge warehouse in front of him, Zhang Yi took a deep breath and then began to collect the supplies.

As long as he glances at the shelf with his right eye, with just a thought, the entire shelf will appear in his alien space.

Zhang Yi came to the beverage area first.

Hundreds of thousands of tons of mineral water, beverages and alcohol are stored here, including many high-end red wines and foreign wines.

Zhang Yi didn't distinguish between them and put them all into his warehouse.

Soon, the thousands of cubic meters of alcoholic beverages in front of him disappeared.

The next one is the fuel area for living supplies.

There are a lot of anthracite coal and barrels of gasoline and alcohol.

They are all household type, used for family storage or travel picnics.

There are tens of thousands of boxes of anthracite coal alone, not to mention those solid alcohol and barreled gasoline.

The amount here can't be used up by Zhang Yi alone for a hundred years!

Zhang Yi collected them all without hesitation, and then used his years of warehousing expertise to allocate areas to them in different spaces.

This will make it easier for you to use.

In the third step, he came to the food area.

The amount here is even larger, tens of thousands of tons!

Canned food, packaged roast chicken, roast duck; puffed food, convenience food, high-end snacks...

Zhang Yi is not picky about food at all and takes whatever is available.

After getting the food, Zhang Yi came to the sports equipment again.

His safe house and sports equipment are also essential.

Although the space in the safe house is limited, he won't be polite about the things that can be taken. Anyway, the area of ​​the different space is unlimited. If you don't take it, you won't get it.

Among them, there are some things that are specially used.

For example, baseball bats and fencing are particularly useful weapons.

During the collection process, Zhang Yi found some particularly useful things.

For example, skiing and mountaineering equipment include professional cold-proof clothing at the national athlete level.

These things can withstand freezing temperatures down to minus one hundred degrees!

Zhang Yi's eyes lit up. These are the top cold protection equipment after the ice apocalypse!

He was not polite and immediately collected all the dozens of top-grade cold-proof clothes and sleeping bags in the warehouse.

After two full hours, Zhang Yi emptied out the entire Wal-Mart warehouse covering an area of millions of square meters!

After doing this, looking at the huge and empty warehouse, Zhang Yi felt indescribably satisfied.

Now, even in the face of the coldest ice age, he is confident that he can live comfortably!

Zhang Yi returned to his post, took a sip of tea with sleeping pills, and then lay on the table and fell asleep.

He didn't know how much time passed before he was woken up by someone shaking him hurriedly.

"Supervisor, supervisor, something big happened, wake up!"

Zhang Yi slowly opened his eyes and looked at the colleagues in front of him with a confused expression.

"What's wrong?"

A trembling warehouse employee pointed at the warehouse and said, "Damn it! Our warehouse has been emptied!"


Zhang Yi slapped the table and stood up with a surprised look on his face.

He pretended to come to the warehouse, and of course he saw an empty scene.

Zhang Yi naturally knew what happened better than anyone else.

However, his legs still weakened and he said in a trembling voice: "What happened? Why are so many supplies in the warehouse missing?"

The surrounding employees also looked nervous.

"Yes, there are at least tens of billions of supplies in this warehouse! Even if you use a big truck to pull it, it will take several days to pull it all. How come it was all gone in the blink of an eye?"

They kept silent about what happened when they went to bed just now.

After all, everyone works the night shift, so it's common for them to take a lazy nap at night.

Zhang Yi had a sullen face and took two steps back and forth, pretending to be anxious.

Then he said to everyone: "This matter is too bizarre and we can't solve it. We'd better call the people above to inform them!"

Although everyone was very nervous, they were not too scared.

Because the matter was so big, they didn't have much responsibility.

The entire warehouse worth tens of billions of materials disappeared in just two hours. This is obviously not what they can do.

They only earn a few thousand yuan a month, so there is no need for them to work hard for the company.

So when Zhang Yi said this, everyone nodded in agreement.

Let the people above take care of this mess!

Zhang Yi immediately called the warehouse manager to inform him of the incident.

After the manager heard the news, he was shocked and even thought Zhang Yi was joking with him.