
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Li Jian's different powers

Li Jian did not deny, he just knelt down slowly in front of Zhang Yi.

'I'm sorry! We failed to protect the child you left behind."

"I know you're angry, but we did the best we could under these conditions. If you're gonna kill me, kill me! But please don't hurt the others, they are innocent."

After saying this, Li Jian calmly prepared to die.

He did not intend to die, but as the head of the 18# building, he knew that if he did not die, it would be difficult to calm Zhang Yi's anger.

But just then, an old man's voice suddenly came from inside the building.

"Li Jian, you can't die! If you die, there is no hope for any of us to live!"

Zhang Yi looked up at the room on the sixth floor.

A group of people appeared there, standing in the front of some familiar people, it seems to be the old man who had taken the grain together with Li Jian.

The old man's name was Ge Chenghua, a highly respected professor of agriculture.

He led a group of neighbors, all with determined looks on their faces.

"Zhang Yi, it's our fault that we didn't feed the child you sent us. But Li Jian is our hope, please let him go, let me die for him!"

Ge Chenghua looked at Zhang Yi without fear, and said firmly in tone.

"If you want revenge, take my life! I can make ends meet anyway."

"Said an old gray-haired woman.

"Let me, kill me!"

"I am single and not afraid to die!"


Neighbors rushed forward to take the place of Li Jian to die.

Li Jian excited tears filled his eyes, "You..."

The scene of this group of people competing to die let Zhang Yi see a little touched, but also some speechless.

With a sneer, he asked, "Who said I wanted you dead?"

Li Jian looked at Zhang Yi with astonishment, bowed his head and said with guilt: "We did not feed the child you sent over." You can't forgive us, can you?"

Zhang Yi took a deep breath, looking at Li Jian this group of people's eyes some like to see retarded.

The child who turned out to be Xie Limei died.

Sure enough, there are not so many miracles in this world.

An infant child is too vulnerable to disease even in a time of peace, let alone in the freezing temperatures of the Ice Age.

Li Jian and others are afraid because they think that the child is very important to Zhang Yi.

But do not know, Zhang Yi threw the child to them, because he felt that the child is a burden.

If he were not afraid that he had demons, he would have sent the child away with his own hands.

Now that she's dead, she's dead. Zhang Yi doesn't care.

Then Zhang Yi said, "I know you can't do anything about this kind of thing. Li Jian, get up!"

Zhang Yi let Li Jian stand up, do not kneel.

Hearing Zhang Yi's words, Li Jian froze for a moment and then exulted in his heart.

You don't have to die?

Li Jian moved unceasingly, feel Zhang Yi is really a good person with a human touch.

18's neighbors also breathed a sigh of relief.

"I want to know how you've survived this long. What the hell is it? Tell me all about it! I'm curious."

Zhang Yi directly said his purpose to come.

Li Jian naturally dare not have anything to hide, he asked Zhang Yi to enter the unit building inside.

"Come and see all this for yourself, and I will explain it to you slowly."

Zhang Yi looked at the dark corridor, reached out and touched Hua Hua's head, smiled and nodded.

"Yes, go and have a look."

With this super bodyguard, he's not afraid of anything dangerous.

Li Jian led the way in front, and Zhang Yi went upstairs with him.

On the road, Li Jian told him what had happened during this period.

"Since we got the seeds from you, we've tried everything to get them to take root and grow."

"But after trying, the effect is not very good, and the seeds are dying in large numbers." If there are survivors, they are very weak."

"At one point we were so desperate we even considered organizing a death squad to go out and find food."

"But at this time, a group of believers called themselves snow worshippers came."

Zhang Yi's eyes twinkle, "Worship snow? Do you mean to say that you are alive now because they helped you?"

Li Jian and dare not hide something from Zhang Yi.

"Their people came and found me," he said. It says it will help us survive, and it will give me extraordinary powers."

"At that time, there was no other way for us to go, so I agreed to their conditions."

"We're all going to die anyway, and we'll accept any offer now."

Zhang Yi is also very curious, the other side in the end put forward what kind of conditions, can be worth what they pay.

"But they said that as long as we believe in the snow God, we don't need anything else," Li said.

Zhang Yi's mouth showed a sneer.

He never believed in a free lunch.

One penguin, using himself as an example, has taught countless young people across the country that free things are the most expensive!

"And what powers do you have now?"

Zhang Yi stared at Li Jian asked.

Li Jian answered truthfully, "He planted a white seed between my eyes, right here."

Li Jian reached out and touched the spot between his eyebrows.

"I felt like I'd been thrown into an ice cellar, and then there was another burst of heat."

"Then a strange power came into my body. Look!"

Li Jian in the face of Zhang Yi, the clothes on his right arm wanked up.

Zhang Yi saw a very strange scene, he believes that any trypophobia patients who see this scene will be numb.

Beneath the skin of Li Jian's thin arms were protrusions, and dense webs of roots dug deep into the flesh.

The whole arm no longer looked like a human arm, but rather like a petri dish, with these little bumps everywhere the eye could see.

"What is it?

Zhang Yi swallowed saliva, some resistance to this strange feeling in the heart, but still open to ask.

"These are the seeds of grain," said Li Jian.

He looked at Zhang Yi with a weak smile: "My ability is to cultivate plants with my own flesh." The grain cultivated by my body is not only more vigorous, but also grows faster."

Zhang Yi kept silent.

He just took a deep look at the skinny Li Jian, and finally understood why he would become such a person today.

"Just growing food from your own flesh and blood doesn't give you enough nutrients to grow it, does it?"

Zhang Yi said faintly.

"Ah! That's an easy problem to solve. We have Professor Ge here. He's an expert in agronomy!"

Li Jian took Zhang Yi to the door of a room, reaching out to twist the door handle, he looked at Zhang Yi slightly apologetically.

"Please forgive me if this next scene makes you uncomfortable."

Zhang Yi smiled disapprovingly and said, "What else do you think I haven't seen?"

"Ah, that's right."

Li Jian then reached out and opened the door.

A touch of green came into Zhang Yi's eyes.

He felt the warm, moist air, the crisp green in his eyes, and everything in the room was indeed eerie.

This is a growing room, which is full of all kinds of cultivated food, lush, growing very strong.

But where they take root is not in the soil -- it's in a body.

The plants take root on the dead body, absorb nutrients, and then thrive.

Li Jian told Zhang Yi: "Because of the lack of nutrients, so we can only kill the dead residents of the community."

Zhang Yi skimmed her mouth and smiled, "Isn't this good?" At least you know how to use waste. There is no moral guilt associated with cannibalism and no waste of resources."

He suddenly thought of something and asked Li Jian, "So those graves outside were also built by you to store corpses?"

Li Jian nodded sheepishly: "It is true."

Zhang Yi looked in the room, the food growth is very good.

And those bodies have long since been drained of nutrients and turned to white bones.

There is still a lot of soil on the body, and the remaining nutrients and microorganisms will be absorbed by the soil.

It really doesn't go to waste at all.

"How many incubators like this do you have in your building?"

Zhang Yi reached out to pinch a wheat leaf, while casually asked.

"There are three of them."

"Well, yes, it's good to be on your own."

Zhang Yi took a look at Li Jian, "But if you go on like this, you will die!"

Three breeding rooms, each seed is absorbed by Li Jian's flesh and blood to grow.

For him, the overdraft is vitality, which is equivalent to using his life in exchange for the hope of food growth.

Li Jian scratched his head and laughed: "At this time anyway, even if you do nothing, you still have to die!"

"You might as well try to do something about it and then... So that my wife and children can live."

Li Jian's eyes glow with warmth when he speaks of his wife and son.

It's a thing called love.

Zhang Yi could not help but have a trace of admiration for Li Jian.

Maybe one day he'll do the same when he has kids.

But that day, at least, will have to wait until the end of the world.

"Li Jian, let me see your ability!"

Zhang Yi put away his sympathy, staring at Li Jian seriously.

So far, he's seen a lot of artificial inhumans, let's just call them altered humans.

And the ability to transform people is far worse than that of naturally awakened inhumans.

Li Jian's abilities are practical, but they don't show a strong enough side.

Zhang Yi wanted to confirm that the so-called means of teaching the great law of snow can stimulate people's potential to what extent.

Li Jian Wen speech silent for a moment, and then eyes firmly agreed to down.

Although this kind of thing is very harmful to his body, he cannot refuse Zhang Yi, or he is not qualified to talk about conditions.

"I see, now I'll show you what I can do!"

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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