
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Key point

Zhang Yi was lying on the bed, feeling confused.

At this time, he could conclude that Yuan Kongye was the source of the turmoil in Tianhai City!

But, what does the zombie crisis have to do with her?

Even if you have superpowers, it's impossible to control the countless zombies in various areas of Tianhai City at the same time, right?

And judging from how the bronze-armored flying zombies attacked the church that night, she didn't have the ability to control zombies either.

Otherwise, she shouldn't easily reveal the secret of having multiple powers.

In other words, the zombies are not controlled by her.

Is it someone else who cooperates with Yuan Kongye?

Zhang Yi rubbed his eyebrows, feeling too confused.

He once believed that the tide of corpses was related to the blood vine.

From what Li Jian said, he vaguely thought of something.

But he did confirm that there is no zombie virus in the blood vine.

If the zombies were created by it, there would be no traces left.

With all kinds of doubts and worries, Zhang Yi gradually closed his eyes.

After fighting with tense nerves for such a long time, he was actually very tired.

It is easy to fall asleep when lying on your own bed.

However, in his sleep, Zhang Yi appeared in the abandoned building for some unknown reason.

The huge blood vine in front of me is taller than in memory, stretching for thousands of meters!

This is very strange. Zhang Yi remembers that its highest height is only more than a hundred meters.

But after the hazy bloody mist in front of him dissipated, he suddenly saw an extremely shocking scene!

He saw the roots under the ground of the blood vine, messy and tangled, piercing deeply into the ground!

And on top of the roots, there are zombies one after another.

They are like peanuts, in the soil, with the roots of blood vines inserted into their bodies, and then a steady stream of bright red nutrients enter their bodies.

"So that's it!"

Zhang Yi's eyes widened. Only then did he realize that he had missed something.

That is the root of the blood vine!

Zombies have always lived underground, and they are obviously more adapted to the damp and dark underground environment.

In a daze, Zhang Yi saw a figure appearing above his head.

The line of sight gradually narrowed, and Zhang Yi could clearly see his appearance.

Surprisingly, it was Li Jian who had the ability of [Sacrifice].

Li Jian came to the blood vine and cut his wrist. The blood poured into the roots of the blood vine like a stream and was greedily absorbed by it.

Then, the roots of the blood vine grew more vigorously, and the zombies hanging on them also became plump.

"Li Jian, it turns out...he is the key!"

Zhang Yi suddenly understood the cause and effect of the matter.

At this moment, hundreds of zombies suddenly opened their scarlet eyes on the roots in front of him and stared at him.

Zhang Yi suddenly woke up from his sleep.

He panted rapidly and stretched out his hand to wipe it. His forehead felt cold, and he actually shed a lot of sweat.

However, the intricate clues in my mind suddenly became clear because of a dream.

"I understand, everything is understood!"

Zhang Yi's eyes became deep and bright.

He found the thread among the chaotic yarn, and just based on this sorting, he could sort out the complete sequence of events.

Zhang Yi got down from the bed, took out a notebook from the bedside table, and then wrote down things while his mind was clear.

"The zombie crisis broke out 21 days ago, when the five major forces in Tianhai City were attacked by zombies at the same time."

"Li Jian was brought to the Snow Sect a month ago."

"In other words, the reason why there were no zombies in Tianhai City before was because the power of the blood vine to create zombies was too weak."

"And with the enhanced power of Li Jian's [Devotion], the blood vine can produce a large number of mature mothers in a short period of time."

"This should be the origin of the Corpse King."

"After the zombie king is produced, the virus can be injected into suitable corpses to create a large number of zombies."

"But among the group, the Zombie King and the Bronze Armored Zombie are obviously different from other zombies. Because they truly have life and even intelligence."

"The Corpse King is the core of the corpse group and represents the mind. The bronze armored corpse represents strength."

"Yuan Kongye can control the blood vines and give orders to the Corpse King. But she cannot directly command the corpses."

"The corpse king is not very intelligent and can only accept simple orders. This can be seen from the fact that it needs to slowly learn human behavior patterns."

"This can also explain why the bronze-armored flying corpse attacked Yuan Kongye."

"As for why I didn't get any information from the Blood Vine, it must be because they hid the most critical things before we went to the Snow Worship Cult."

"They even deliberately left a loophole and asked us to investigate the blood vine to dispel our suspicions."

After Zhang Yi finished writing, he threw the pen on the table and let out a long breath.

"Finally, everything is straightened out! This should be the truth."

Zhang Yi's eyes became brighter, and the worry in his eyes disappeared.

"As long as you understand the root cause of everything, you can find ways to deal with it."

Zhang Yi touched his chin.

"Since the zombie tide can be controlled by Yuan Kongye, it is impossible for her to allow her killer weapon to be destroyed so easily."

"So, everything is just a show for us, no, to be precise, it is a show for the investigation team of Jiangnan Region!"

"They are afraid of the Jiangnan Region. They must make the investigation team think that the zombie crisis in Tianhai City has been resolved before the investigation team will leave."

"However, once the seven Bian Junwu people really leave, Yuan Kongye will be able to attack us unscrupulously."

"Even if she has absorbed the power of many strangers and is terrifyingly powerful, it is impossible for her to eliminate every one of our forces by herself."

"Then, she must have retained a considerable group of corpses. Even more than those outside the Snow Worship Sect before!"

The more clearly Zhang Yi thought, the more terrifying he felt about Yuan Kongye.

He had seen that woman before. She was about twenty years old, with a cold and immature appearance.

But it's really creepy that such a girl has such a thoughtful mind.

But after thinking about it carefully, Zhang Yi felt that everything was very reasonable.

If he had the ability like Yuan Kongye, he would definitely choose the same approach as her.

"The current situation is very dangerous. The first thing to do is to stabilize Bian Junwu and the others and not let them leave Tianhai City."

"However, she has absorbed so many abilities and powers from strangers. Even if her identity is revealed, who can kill her?"

Zhang Yi pondered for a long time, but still couldn't get an answer to this question.

If it really happened, he didn't think he would be able to deal with Yuan Kongye.

Perhaps, Bian Junwu has the ability to fight her.

But with his physical condition, if there was another battle between top aliens, his death would definitely be accelerated.

Will he agree?

When Zhang Yi was lost in thought, there was a knock on his door.

Yang Xinxin's voice came from outside the door.

"Brother Zhang Yi, can I come in?"

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