
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Is that a surprise?

In the afternoon, after the rest, Zhang Yi began to arrange tasks.

The first order of business now is to set up a defensive line.

He called everyone over, and this kind of thing must involve everyone, no one can be lazy.

The drawings of the land combustible have been designed, and the idea of the defense line is to create a circular defense line with a radius of 500 meters, a height of 20 meters and a thickness of 10 meters around the shelter and other residents' villas!

The main building materials are steel and ice, which are the easiest to obtain and the best defensive materials.

The ice is self-healing and thickens in such cold weather.

10 meters thick ice, resist the powerful fire attack also has a good effect.

Zhang Yi arranged the task for everyone.

Lu can be a genius in the field of mechanical engineering, although he has not refined architecture, but in mechanics is still much stronger than others.

She'll be in charge of setting up the perimeter.

Fat Xu is responsible for collecting materials.

The most used material for the defense line is giant ice cubes, which can be directly intercepted from the Lujiang River.

Zhang Yi then uses her spatial power to carry them back.

And then by Liang Yue processing, cut the whole ice blocks into ice bricks suitable for building barriers.

Uncle You is responsible for helping to build steel bars and giant ice bricks.

As long as time passes, the ice will fuse together, and the steel bar as the skeleton will blend into it, becoming an indestructible barrier of ice and snow!

This successfully established the first line of defense around the shelter.

Although it's much weaker than the shelter's defenses.

But its existence is meant to prevent the enemy from launching a surprise attack and gain time for everyone to hide in the shelter.

As Zhang Yi and his team acquired a large number of weapons and ammunition at the Xishan base, including many heavy artillery and tanks, the defensive line was temporarily modified.

Holes were carved into the line thousands of meters long, and then muzzles were mounted to connect these weapons to the console of the shelter.

Thirty heavy machine guns, five large-caliber machine guns, plus six artillery pieces, and even two tanks and four fighting vehicles were put on it.

Zhang Yi did not put all the heavy firepower into the defense line, and a part of the different space was retained for future needs.

As soon as such a design was proposed, everyone at the scene felt excited.

Once such a strong fire line is completed, they have enough confidence to deal with even the attack of thousands of troops.

"Well, let's get to work now! This is the line of defense that keeps us safe, so keep your spirits up and work hard, no slack!"

Zhang Yi clapped his hands and smiled to let everyone start to act.

As for Zhou Ke, Yang Mi and Zhou Haimei three people, because there is no power can help, they are responsible for preparing hot drinks for everyone, and give Lu Combustible a hand in the side.

After the division of labor, they went to Lujiang together to start busy.

Although this is a seemingly huge project, but all of you are inhumans, who is not possessed of extraordinary skills?

By working on the project, their ability was brought into play.

What used to take an engineering team to do, a few people split up.

Fat Xu came to the surface of the river, his hands pressed on the ice, and in an instant, the ice began to crack, and there were huge cracks.

Soon, a huge cuboid of ice rose from the ground and slowly suspended in the air.

Zhang Yi quickly opened the dimensional door and put it into the different space.

Fatty Xu made continuous efforts to dig out ten huge pieces of ice.

But with this kind of high-intensity work, he was soon out of breath.

"Eat and rest first! We'll do it later."

Zhang Yi is not in a hurry, let Xu fat recover physical strength, he is with the collected ice back to the shelter outside.

Large, irregular chunks of ice, each about the size of a house, were lowered to the ground.

Lu Combustible beside the command, she looked at the drawings, while letting Liang Yue cut the ice into the needed shape.

Liang Yue without saying a word, took out Tang Dao, only to see the bright knife light in the air quickly flashed.

A huge block of ice is cut into regular hexahedrons.

Next comes Uncle You's work.

He lifted a cuboid ice cube and plunged it into the ground!

A giant ice block, tens of meters long, was driven deep into the ground like a wooden wedge.

At this time, the ground near the Yunque Manor was much softer due to multiple explosions, so the work was not troublesome.

Uncle You's first job is to lay the foundation, and then build the steel bars into a skeleton, which is placed on the inside of the ice.

Once the skeleton is built, it will be tested with a circle of ice for a double layer of defense.

In this way, even if it is attacked by heavy artillery, it will not cause the whole ice to break.

After that, it's a matter of tamping down the surrounding soil to stabilize the foundation.

Big guys work together, and they enjoy it.

Although it is necessary to withstand the ultra-low temperature of 50 or 60 degrees below zero, everyone is wearing a cold suit and then exercising, but the body is a little hot.

This is a great luxury in the last days.

That kind of professional winter clothing in the past only professional grade special staff can wear, ordinary people want to buy a set, simply can not afford its high price.

Zhang Yi several people clear division of labor, work efficiency is very high.

In a few hours, a prototype of a 100-meter barrier had been erected.

But in Zhang Yi they busy time, inadvertently, Zhang Yi saw across the river there is a figure flashing.

He fixed his eyes and noticed a vaguely familiar figure sneaking past.

It seemed to be a student she had met before. Zhang Yi didn't know him, but he had a slight impression on his face.

It may be that Zhang Yi and their large-scale digging on the ice attracted the attention of some people in Xujia Town.

Zhang Yi held his arms and smiled with disdain, because he didn't bother to care what those people thought.

Those little parties, he could kill them all if he wanted to.

But think of the man sneaky look, Zhang Yi and some curious, do not know what he is doing.

Next to fat Xu gasped, still struggling to dig the ice.

Such a huge block of ice takes a heavy toll on his powers.

Zhang Yi could not help now, so he simply took out a high-power telescope and stood on the bank and looked across the river.

From this Angle, the situation inside Xujia Town can be seen at a glance.

In the cold, Xujia town is dead, because a large number of young and middle-aged people died in the west mountain base, there are not many indigenous people left.

Mostly women, old people and children.

But Zhang Yi so look, suddenly found an interesting scene.

That sneaky student wasn't alone. There was a young woman behind him.

The two men came to a snow house and went in, one after the other.

Zhang Yi mouth slowly hook up a full of playful arc.

These guys, even at this point are still a piece of shit.

Fat Xu busy for a long time, and got a piece of ice.

Squatting on the ice, he saw Zhang Yi's move and shouted curiously: "Boss, what are you looking at?"

Zhang Yi put down the telescope in his hand, faintly said: "Nothing! Get some rest first."

He took the ice back, and after Liang Yue processed it, Zhang Yi took out today's food from the different space.

"It's getting late, you go and bring food to the students!"

Liang Yue took Zhang Yi handed to the bag, nodded.

Zhang Yi suddenly said: "By the way, there is something I want to apologize to you."

Liang Yue heard this, a face of confusion looked at Zhang Yi.

"Apologize for what?"

Zhang Yi looked at her sincerely and said, "I always thought your students were selfish, but just now, I saw your students helping a poor girl." So I feel I owe you an apology."

Liang Yue heart feel very strange.

Zhang Yi seems to have words in her words, but she does not know what Zhang Yi wants to express.

Zhang Yi mouth with a meaningful smile, thumb pointed back to Xujia town, "in the village east of the house, your students are willing to help!"

Liang Yue's face suddenly changed, she realized that her students may be doing bad things to the old and weak women and children in Xujia Town!

As a teacher, she couldn't possibly watch her students do such immoral things!

'I'll go and see!

She threw her long ponytail and ran across the river.

At this time in the snow room, Wu Chengyu pulled the board and blocked the door.

The semi-underground snow house was very resistant to the cold, but the air temperature was too low for his body to react.

Looking at the woman with pale skin and haggard expression in front of him, Wu Chengyu sighed deeply in his heart.

Back in the day, he was looking for the best girls in Tianhai.

Why would you want a woman like that if it wasn't for you?

But now I've put up with it for so long.

Wu Chengyu took out half a box lunch from his arms and threw it on the table.

When the woman saw her half of the box lunch, a light finally appeared in her eyes.

"Hurry up, I have no time to delay here."

Wu Chengyu said coldly.

The woman swallowed saliva, reluctant to part with the eyes from the box to move away, and then slowly climbed to Wu Chengyu.

Wait until Liang Yue arrived, Wu Chengyu has done dirty things in the house.

Outside the snow house, Liang Yue heard the sound that made people blush and heartbeat.

Her face was stunned. She didn't even want to believe it was her students in the room.

Now it is the last days, the women of Xujia Town have lost the pillars of their families, and even survival is a problem.

So the woman in the room could not have done this because of love and Wu Chengyu.

Then she had to be coerced or traded her body for something.

No matter what the reason, Wu Chengyu behavior let Liang Yue gas trembling.

As a woman, she could not allow the students she had worked so hard to protect to bully another woman!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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