
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs


Zhang Yi said calmly: "It's really hard to find supplies outside. As soon as I went out, I visited all the supermarkets and shopping malls nearby."

"As a result, the surrounding shopping malls have long been robbed, and there is nothing left!"

"But I didn't give up. I knew everyone was waiting for me. In order to keep everyone fed, even if I search the entire Tianhai City, I must find food and bring it back to everyone!"

"I had no choice but to wander around the city and finally found this thing in a shopping mall."

Zhang Yi handed the two bags to Uncle You, went back to open the door for Zhou Keer, and walked down with Zhou Keer.

Then he sent a message to the group, calling neighbors to come get food.

Soon, those neighbors arrived in droves.

The stairs were full of people standing on each floor. These skinny, hungry neighbors stared at the luggage bag in front of Zhang Yi with expectant and greedy eyes.

Some people are ready to make a move and even plan to rob them.

But when they saw clearly the dark iron bump on Zhang Yi's right hand, they became afraid again.

Zhang Yi squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "I have spent a lot of effort to get these supplies for you!"

He motioned to Zhou Keer to open the duffel bag.

Zhou Keer obeyed the order, opened the zipper, and dumped the contents of the duffel bag on the ground.


A lot of food appeared in front of everyone.

There are vegetables, meat, bread and biscuits!

Although the quality seems to be a bit worrying, most of them were things that dogs would not eat in the past.

But now, when these long-hungry neighbors saw them, their eyes glowed green with excitement!

Uncle You raised his fist and shouted: "Long live Zhang Yi! Long live Zhang Yi!"

The neighbors immediately understood and shouted along, raising their fists and shouting at the top of their lungs.

"Long live Zhang Yi! Long live Zhang Yi!"

"Zhang Yi, you are our great hero!"

"Brother, from now on you are my real brother, please accept me as my younger brother!"

Now even if Zhang Yi lets them crawl over like dogs, they will be obedient.

The temptation of food is just too great.

Among the crowd, Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining struggled to squeeze out.

The two of them looked very embarrassed at this time, with their hair greasy and messy, like two female lunatics.

Seeing Zhang Yi bringing back so much food, Fang Yuqing waved her hands excitedly and shouted: "Brother Zhang Yi, I am Qing'er!"

She looked at the heroic Zhang Yi and felt happy in her heart.

Now she still feels that Zhang Yi loves her very much, and even if Zhou Keer is around, he will still have lingering feelings for her.

So with so much food, I will definitely give her some more.

Lin Caining followed her and begged: "Yuqing, we are good friends! Help me ask Zhang Yi for more food then!"

Fang Yuqing glanced at Lin Caining with disgust and pushed her away.

"Get out of here! You bitch!"

The slapstick here made Zhang Yi frown.

Someone immediately shouted at them: "Don't make trouble, listen to Brother Zhang Yi!"

The people around them stared at Fang Yuqing and Lin Caining, and the two of them suddenly became more honest.

Fang Yuqing murmured in a low voice: "Why are you so mean? Do you know the relationship between me and brother Zhang Yi?"

Zhang Yi saw that everyone was honest, and then he said: "This time I went out and spent a lot of effort to find these supplies. The original intention was to share them with everyone."

His tone suddenly turned cold, "But this is a critical moment, and I will never feed idle people! If you eat these things, you have to take up arms to fight against the enemy."

"If anyone dares to eat and refuse to work, I guarantee that he will vomit as much as he eats!"

Looking at the gun in Zhang Yi's hand and the food on the ground, everyone nodded and surrendered to Zhang Yi's carrot and stick methods.

"Okay, let's divide the food!"

After Zhang Yi finished speaking, he was ready to roll his name.

At this moment, two arms appeared outside the window on the fourth floor.

Several workers from the Tianhe Gang broke in.

When they saw so much food on the ground, their excited eyes were so bright!

"Brother Zhao, there's a lot of food, let's give it away!"

A worker said excitedly.

"What else is there to say, grab it!"

The four workers took out their weapons and slashed at Zhang Yi.

This group of people is really ruthless, even if there are dozens of people in front of them, they don't care.

Because they also see that everyone else is just a sheep, and there are very few people who can really fight.

Zhang Yi's pupils shrank, and he instinctively pulled it out and pointed it at them.

But suddenly, he changed his attention.

He did not fire, but retreated back, shouting as he retreated: "These foods are for you, don't let them take it away!"

"Whoever kills one person, I will reward him with food for five people!"

As soon as these words came out, the originally fearful neighbors who just wanted to run away stopped.

Yes, these foods were brought to them by Zhang Yi.

What would they eat if they were robbed?

Food is life. Without food, wouldn't we still be dead?

What's more, Zhang Yi said that if he kills one person, he will provide food for five people!

The neighbors looked around, there were dozens of them, they were afraid of birds!

At first, a few young men gritted their teeth, took out steel pipes and kitchen knives from their bodies, and rushed forward.

Now everyone keeps their weapons with them when they go out, which is very convenient.

Zhang Yi, on the other hand, retreated to the rear with his pistol pointed in front to prevent some people from taking advantage of the chaos to grab food.

The four members of the Tianhe Gang were caught off guard. They originally thought that these weaklings would be scared and run away, but for some reason, they suddenly rushed forward as if they had been beaten to death!

In the blink of an eye, everyone fell into a chaotic fight.

There is not much space on the fourth floor. Dozens of people are crowded together, and shovels, steel pipes and kitchen knives are making "ping ping ping ping" sounds.

Everyone was desperate for food. Coupled with the extremely cold temperature conditions, everyone would not feel much pain even if they were injured.



Soon someone was injured and blood splattered.

But before they fell, they were still waving the weapons in their hands desperately.

Uncle You was the main force in the battle. He waved an iron rod in his hand, roaring and smashing it down.

Although the four members of the Trina Gang are not afraid of death, they cannot hold up so many people.

Just ten seconds later, they were knocked to the ground.

Everyone was afraid that they would not die, so they continued to fight for a long time.

The air was filled with the roar of people.

This is an emotional outlet.

After all, they have been living in fear of death for this period of time, and they are attacked by people from the Trina Gang every day.

So now, they felt much happier after killing four members of the Tianhe Gang cleanly.

The fear of the Trina Gang has also been reduced a lot.

After the battle, six bodies were left on the ground.

In addition to the four people from the Tianhe Gang, there were also two neighbors in the building.

Their heads and necks were hit with a shovel, and they bled profusely on the spot. They fell to the ground due to excessive blood loss.

Zhou Keer frowned slightly when he saw this scene.

As a professional surgeon, she knew that the two men might still be saved.

But it requires professional surgical conditions, as well as a lot of drugs and blood transfusions.

But soon, Zhou Keer's expression became dull.

You can save them, but it's not necessary. It is impossible for Zhang Yi to spend a lot of materials for them.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

MrQianniancreators' thoughts