
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

In the shelter

When the empty night was silent, she lowered her head and thought.

"Now, the remaining forces of Tianhai City are not enough to compete with me!"

"But I am afraid of the power of those people in the Jiangnan area."

Especially the power of the border forces.

The terrible power to extinguish everything as far as the eye can see, even the empty night of today is deeply feared.

But also coveted.

That's probably why she gave ice to the border army.

She had absorbed thirty-six powers, none of which could be more than a tenth of Silence.

"If we don't get there, they'll be suspicious, right?"

The original empty night light opening said.

Cheng Yixian thought for a moment and nodded in agreement.

"You're right. We should go over there."

"But I just need to go there alone, you stay here, even if there is an accident, you are fine!"

He looked at the cold face of the original empty night, his eyes revealed a warmth that could not be covered.

It is a love that cannot be expressed directly, but it is deep in the heart.

The original empty night did not refuse Cheng Yixian's proposal.

Even though she knew it might be a trap, there was no one who could not be sacrificed for her great desire.

The original empty night walked past, gently hugged Zheng Yixian's body.

"You're the only one who's best for me."

A few minutes later, Ms. Cheng left the church.

He gathered the few remaining priests and priests of the Church of Snow Worship.

After a brief explanation of the situation, he began to talk.

"Han Chang, Wu Huan, Li Qian, Dai Mei... You will come with me to Yangsheng Base to help."

"Tong Zhan, Gong Yi, Lei Mingze, you three lead the others to stay behind."

Basically, all the fighting forces that can be deployed are brought by Cheng Yixian.

Because in today's snow worship, there is nothing worth guarding.

As for the person he cared about the most, there was no need for anyone to protect her.

The worship of snow gathered eight inhumans, without taking ordinary soldiers, taking a snowmobile given by Xiao Hong training at the beginning, towards the Yangsheng base.


Yangsheng Base.

Border army military seven people riding snowmobiles, quickly arrived here.

Xiao Honglian has quickly arranged everyone to hide in the shelter.

And she's waiting outside with some soldiers for the investigation team.

In the distance, they could see the raging snow storm on the snow field, coming from the end of the horizon.

They had never seen anything like it.

Even if they have fought the tide of corpses before, but the tide of corpses they encountered has never been as violent as today!

"What the hell are they messing with?"

Xiao Honglian's face also showed a look of fear.

With what they have left now, there is no way they can cope with such a huge wave of dead bodies!

The black snowmobile entered the Yangsheng base, and Xiao Honglian immediately took people to run over, Shouting: "Quick, come here!"

The car immediately drove in the direction directed by Xiao Honglian.

The car didn't stop, the door was already open.

Border Jun Wu and hundred Changqing, Kong Sheng three people jumped down, holding weapons in their hands.

"Get into the shelter, the mass of dead bodies behind you is too big!"

They do not need to explain, Xiao Hong training they have seen.

A wave of dead bodies followed, covering all the space around the refinery.

Xiao Honglian's heart is as painful as a knife cut, her refinery is completely finished!

Once the battlefield is established here, the entire refinery will be destroyed.

But now is not the time to say it.

"Go, we must hide now!"

Xiao Hong practice can not afford a hint of resistance to the mind, this scale of the body tide, the past is to die!

The crowd shot some of the first zombies, and then quickly retreated.

At the entrance to the shelter, several soldiers were guarding the gate, Shouting loudly.

'Quick, come in!

Meng Siyu drove the snowmobile into the shelter, and then several people cleared a part of the zombie followed by the border army, and quickly jumped into the gate.

Xiao Honglian ordered, closed the shelter thick and incomparable door.

It was made up of seven thick alloy doors, once closed, no matter how large the body tide can not be broken.

Soon after the crowd took refuge, the land was completely taken over by the tide of corpses.

They smell the breath of the living, so in the sky constantly roaring, and desperate to attack the gate.

All of this can be seen from inside the shelter through surveillance cameras.

The crowd breathed a sigh of relief.

Border army Wu noticed Xiao Honglian face is very ugly.

After all, how could she be happy that the base she had worked so hard for so long had been destroyed?

Bian Jun Wu said to her, "I have informed Zhang Yi, Xing Tian, Wei Dinghai and the people of snow worship, and they will bring help soon."

"When the time comes, we will work together inside and outside to solve the body tide outside!"

Xiao Honglian turned and walked toward the center console.

"But judging from the scale of the wave of dead bodies outside, it was no less than what we faced that day at snow Worship."

"But now, our fighting power is less than half that. How?"

"Can't you ask for help from Gangnam?"

Xiao Honglian stared at the border military, serious expression asked.

Border Jun Wu replied: "It is not so easy to transfer people from Jiangnan, basically every investigation team has tasks."

In fact, the border army and their investigation team are already one of the best fighting forces in the Jiangnan region.

If they can't solve a problem, it's not something that another team can fix.

Unless it's a big troop move to wipe out the dead. Omega omega w.. net

But to do that, you must get instructions from the top of the Jiangnan region, which can be much more troublesome.

"What about that?"

Xiao Honglian closed his eyes, tone some helpless.

Does she blame the investigation team?

There seems to be no reason to complain.

The zombie crisis itself is the problem they need to face in Tianhai City.

Even if the investigation team doesn't show up, sooner or later, they'll have to solve these problems.

So when someone comes to help, she can't complain.

She's just... Just a little sad.

Meng Siyu opened the computer, three times five to two through the satellite system to obtain the shelter outside the picture.

"This is the situation out there."

Border Jun Wu and Xiao Honglian and others gathered in front of the computer to see the scene of the outside world.

From above, the entire refinery has been taken over by a dense swarm of dead bodies.

It's like a farm full of locusts.

People with trypophobia can just look at it and have an attack.

"Well, now none of us can get out!"

Xiao Honglian held his arms and sighed helplessly.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

MrQianniancreators' thoughts