
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Dig a tunnel

Under the command of Ling Feng, the entire ace special team and Xujia town people have been mobilized.

Ling Feng and Liang Yue, history of Dayong responsible for the shelter launched an attack.

They saw that the different space had no active effect on the human body, so they wanted to open a gap by brute force.

Of course, they just show a desperate attitude, in fact, this is just to confuse Zhang Yi.

They even mobilized a large number of special forces to attack in various ways from a distance.

Except for the lack of use of high-yield explosives, other aspects of the offensive were very adequate.

If not Zhang Yi in advance to get inside information, may think they are stupid crazy.

On the other side, about 1,500 miles from the shelter on the river bank, the special forces with guns began to supervise the excavation operations of the people of Xujia Town.

Everyone in Xujia town came with tools.

But no one knew what he was going to do.

This is the order of Ling Feng, can not let them know from the beginning that they are going to dig a 1500 meters long tunnel.

Otherwise, the villagers will surely rise up in unrest.

Ling Feng does not want to kill a group of people first, he cherishes every labor force.

After all, in the future, most of these people will be sent to the West Mountain base to work in the fourth life warehouse.

The villagers, not knowing what to do, and seeing the whole town divided into many groups, all coming to work, did not feel much sorrow and anger.

There are professional engineers inside the special teams, who guide them and tell them how to dig.

Three basement levels of the shelter.

Zhang Yi sat on the sofa, wearing loose sportswear, next to four women dressed in more casual, all-colored pajamas.

Zhang Yi had told them the plan of these people, so when they learned that there would be no large-scale attack for the time being, they also had a rare leisure.

Zhang Yi through the camera embedded in the wall, can clearly see Ling Feng and others roaring impact the back wall.

It is a shooting dead Angle, Zhang Yi can not use the sniper gun to attack.

But Ling Feng a punch down, but also in the solid thick wall left a shallow imprint.

Shi Dayong attack traces more shallow, although he looks very scary after the transformation, but the strength is still much worse than Ling Feng.

Liang Yue, on the other hand, wields a newly acquired Tang sword and struggles to cut it, leaving a slightly deep but very delicate scratch.

Liang Yue swung a knife after no longer stay, she made a tired look, quickly back.

Among the four captain level figures, Zheng Xuerong is not a powerful inhuman, so he is only responsible for raiding the array and does not really shoot.

At their pace, even if they don't stop for 24 hours, it will take a year and a half to make a difference.

Zhang Yi sat on the couch of calfskin, cross-legged, staring intently at the screen, as if enjoying a good play.

Next to Zhou Ke Er and Yang Mi in sexy pajamas, the two people each side, the delicate hand to peel the melon seeds and pecan fruit into his mouth.


Zhang Yi spit out a word, Yangmi eye disease hand express to a cup of warm water.

And slow half a step of Zhou Ke 'er is a little angry to look at her.

The appearance of two women competing for favour, look next to Yang Xinxin and Lu Keran heart strange.

Lu Keran scratched his head to break the awkward atmosphere.

"How powerful these inhumans are! Their attack power has surpassed that of many thermal weapons. Are inhumans always this tough?"

Zhang Yi, while eating nuts, said: "These people are the best of the best in the Xishan base, and it is not surprising that they have this strength."

Then he said to the women around him, "So you see, the outside world is so dangerous, and there are such sick inhumans." We must not go out at will; isn't it nice to have something to eat and drink here?"

Several women smell words, have agreed to nod their heads.

These days they are really afraid to listen to the gunshots and explosions outside.

Yang Mi asked curiously: "Zhang Yi, although we know their battle plan. But we can't get out, so how do we know how far they've gone?"

Zhang Yi smiled and looked to the side of Yang Xinxin, who was sitting there very lady.

"Xin Xin, you explain!"

Yang Xinxin glanced at her cousin, lifted her chin proudly and replied, "Sound travels faster in solid objects than in air." Now that they're digging from the ground, the vibrations are much more noticeable."

"All I need is a receiving device, and I can use the computer to analyze their construction distance."

She took a graceful sip of her coffee. "It's just a little trick."

Yang Mi suddenly saw the light.

"So we don't have to do anything right now? The only task is to wait."

Zhang Yi nodded.

"Yes, basically, nothing needs to be done. Because all they do is a waste of time."

"Let's gather our strength and watch them waste their time -- and their lives."

It's not that Zhang Yi doesn't want to do something.

But as a defensive side, let the other side first to show the flaw, he then move, this is the most sensible choice.

All he needs to do is to keep an eye on each other's movements and not miss a trace of suspicious movement.

After all, he could not rule out the possibility that Liang Yue was a double spy.

The first day passed so peacefully.

Zhang Yi in order to cooperate with their acting, but also showed the head, with a sniper gun shot a few bullets.

But soon he was back in the basement, bored playing cards with the women of the family.

Several women in the family under his teachings, now at least can take out the card game.

Especially Yang Xinxin, her mind is so smart, almost to the point of photographic memory.

So pretty soon, she was the best poker player in the shelter.

When playing cards, because there is no sense in gambling money, we will add some other prizes.

For example, the loser has to put on a show, or tell some embarrassing story from the past.

Zhang Yi their life is plain and interesting, but the people outside are not so comfortable with them.

Ling Feng and other west mountain base soldiers are not iron.

Even if you wear a special combat uniform, which has a strong anti-low temperature effect, you can not completely ignore the extreme cold temperature.

After two hours of duty, ordinary soldiers also need to go on shifts and return to the house to recover their body temperature.

As for Ling Feng and other inhumans, they found a corner and built an igloo.

The igloo was built by Zheng Xuerong.

Her ability is different from that of Fat Xu, she can condense water molecules in the air or ice and snow condensation out of thin air to create solid objects.

The two have the same abilities, but the essence is not quite the same.

Xu Fatty's ability to eat terrain is more than that, and can only be used in areas with snow and ice.

However, his abilities cover a larger area, and because of the local resources, the power cost less.

Zheng Xuerong can create a frozen environment without snow and ice.

As a result, the igloo she built was stronger than Fat Xu's, and could even defend against small shells if she wanted to.

On the surface of the igloo, several people caught fire to warm themselves, and waited until their body temperature recovered to harass Zhang Yi.

At the end of the day, they only left a shallow mark on the outer wall, and did not cause a substantial breakthrough.

But Ling Feng is very patient.

When he was baking the fire, he took out the bacon from Xujia village and roasted it to replenish everyone's strength.

In the middle of the barbecue, with the crackling flames and the rich smell of meat, he began to tell a few people about his time as a soldier in the West River.

When not fighting, Ling Feng seems to be a very humble person.

He was not tall, and he did not look like a special forces leader who would kill decisively.

But underneath this ugly appearance, there is a very pure soldier's heart.

"When I first joined the army, the company commander gave us a lesson. He said a good soldier doesn't need to have a mind of his own."

"Of course, this does not mean a combative mindset, but a strategic mindset."

"The most taboo thing in war is the supremacy of the individual's will over the collective's."

"Even if you know that something is wrong, everyone has to move in the same direction to win."

"If everyone acted according to their own ideas, it would be over."

When Ling Feng said these words, his eyes looked at Liang Yue with a smile.

"The rupture of any organization from within is always the most deadly."

Liang Yue took a look at him and threw a piece of wood into the fire.

"But if you know that it is wrong, you still want to continue to do it, isn't it worse?" You should understand the opposite principle!"

She alluded to Ling Feng regardless of Xujia town villagers dead or alive, forced them to dig the tunnel.

Ling Feng humorously drew a circle with his hand: "But don't forget, this planet is round." If we go in one direction, even if the direction is wrong, we can come back sooner or later."

After sophistry, he said in a deep tone: "But the hearts of the team are scattered, and everyone's strength does not go to one place, even if it is difficult to find the right direction."

"We've tried so many things, we can't afford to lose any more."

Ling Feng had no need to say these to Liang Yue.

No matter what he does, there is no need to explain to Zheng Xuelong and Shi Dayong.

However, he still showed enough patience with Liang Yue.

Because she's not a professional, and she's very capable.

He wanted to convince this subordinate to him, so as to facilitate future management.

Liang Yuemo said nothing.

After a long time, she looked at Ling Feng and asked in a playful tone: "So this time our action, you are sure you can succeed?"

"If we fail, and so many people die of overwork and frostbite, who will be responsible?"

The atmosphere in the igloo was somewhat subdued.

Ling Feng bowed his head and thought for a moment, then slowly said, "I'm in charge!"

The next moment he looked up with a big smile on his face.

"I will remember those who died and live well with their share!"

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