
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Decoy plan

Zheng Yixian pacify a Li Jian, see his mood is normal and left.

He knew that Li Jian could not let go of his son's matter so quickly.

However, as long as Li Jian's family is still worshiping snow and teaching life, they have to choose to put it down.

Cheng Yixian as a high priest, can condescend to personally come to appease their family has given a great face.

And for Li Jian, Cheng Yixian that bullshit explanation, he is not a word to listen to.

"What kind of stupid logic, you have to castrate people for the sake of the stability of the sect, what's the point of the sect's existence? In the future, human beings will not be able to reproduce, so will they not perish?"

Li Jian whispered at Cheng Yixian's absurdity.

But the situation is stronger than people, and he has to take care of his family of three and other companions he brought from Yuelu district.

Therefore, even if he is angry inside, he must learn to be patient.

By now, he had realized that this church of snow was not the ideal country he had imagined.

As a former top executive of a listed group, his IQ is high enough.

So high that he always thought there was something wrong with snow worship.

Especially when he slowly came into contact with some of the core secrets of snow worship, this feeling became more obvious.

Li Jian's heart was heavy.

For the first time, he began to wonder whether it was the right choice to take his neighbors in Yuelu district to worship snow.

But there is no such thing as regret.

If they still stay in Yuelu small area, if they are attacked by a wave of corpses, they must all become food for the zombies.

Walking with heavy steps to the door of his home, Li Jian heard his wife's crying and Li Kaille's cries of pain.

Li Jian's eyes grew more sorrowful.

Not being able to reproduce now seems like a trivial matter.

But as a father, he could not bear to see his son endure such pain in the future.

Thousands of words can not be said in my heart, and finally can only turn into a helpless sigh.

What happened in Li Jian's home is just a trivial matter for the snow worship religion.

This can be said to be a miniature of the worship of snow, seemingly harmonious surface, in fact, has long contained a lot of dissatisfaction.

However, because the congregation is desperate for shelter, they can only choose to pretend that they are ostrich and bury their heads in the sand, even when confronted with something unbearable.


This side of the investigation team, after they successfully killed one of the dead Kings, they also established a battle plan.

That is to draw the whole city of Tenhai dead swarm into one place, and then destroy the corpse king!

Even if it cannot be eradicated at once, it can also replicate the results of this battle and kill a large number of the intelligent white-haired monkeys.

Border Jun Wu believes that the swarm's mode of action is similar to that of the Zerg.

The Corpse King has the ability to create new zombies, which infect at a much higher rate than normal zombies.

And the corpse King is intelligent and can constantly evolve through battle.

But as a brain, it doesn't have much combat power.

So, here's the solution to the wave of corpses.

First use the large crowd in the front to attract the main zombie.

Then he sent some of his best men underground to decapitate the dead king.

This is the current plan of the border army.

Now that the plan is clear, the next step is implementation.

The first thing to do is to choose a suitable location to use as bait.

The border army is holding a communicator in his hand, which is marked with the location of the five major forces in Tianhai City, as well as the direction of the active activities of the body cluster.

His hand clicked on snowworship territory.

"Just make sure it's here!"

There are two reasons for setting the battle site on snow worship.

First, snow worship is the largest congregation, so it is the easiest to attract zombies to go.

Second, the location of snow worship itself is in the Tianfeng District, which was once the most prosperous area of Tianhai City.

So that's the place with the most dead people and the most zombies.

Tianhai City's underground body tide is most easily gathered in this place.

Border military immediately let people send messages to five forces in the past.

The content of the message is very simple.

Demand that they secure their non-combatants immediately.

Then gather with all your fighting forces at the Cathedral of St. John the Snowworshiper!

After the five forces received orders from the investigation team, they behaved differently.

Xiao Hong Lian is now the biggest beneficiary.

The investigation team helped them clean up a large number of zombies around, especially after killing the corpse king, the disorderly zombies around the Yangsheng base were easily solved.

Xiao Honglian, of course, knows that the investigation team must have done something, and a high probability of killing the corpse king who controls the corpse group.

Without hesitation, she replied, "Roger, we'll be right there."

Although it is not clear what the point of gathering at St. John's Cathedral is, both out of trust in the strength of the investigation team and from the background level, they have to follow each other's orders.

The same reaction was seen in the Cho-woo base and the Cho-woo base.

They moved non-combatants into underground shelters.

The kind of building that is buried more than 100 meters underground, made of steel and concrete, even if it is hit by a large number of missiles, it is difficult to destroy.

If we don't open the door, the zombies and the rats won't be able to break in.

Punishment day and Wei Dinghai with most of the combat effectiveness, according to the command of the border army to worship the snow camp.

However, some people are not so happy about this.

That's the snow worshipper.

Cheng Yixian received the news, the face changed and changed, especially strange.

He hurried to find the original empty night, report the news.

"The investigation team had everyone gather at our place, and it looks like they're going to fight a big battle here against the tide of corpses!" That's not good news for us."

If this becomes the main battlefield, then the snow worshippers do not know how much to die.

Bian Jun Wu is a person who puts the big picture first.

His eyes are on the task, not on the lives of a few.

There's nothing wrong with that. If we don't solve the zombie problem, sooner or later everyone in Tenkai will die.

It could spread to the surrounding area, maybe even the whole country.

However, as the victim of the snow worship, naturally do not want to see things develop in this way.

The original empty night heard, frowning.

"Many more people are going to die."

"And their presence here is a threat to us as well."

Relations between the five powers are not harmonious.

Especially the Yangsheng base and the rain base, was the back thorn of the worship of the snow, all wish to kill all the high-level worship of the snow teaching clean!

Maybe they'll do something secretly, something against snow worship.

Cheng Yixian asked the original empty night: "or quickly transfer it!" It would be awful if they found out."

The original empty night was silent for a moment, and then he nodded slowly.

"Just do as you say!"

"But we shouldn't worry too much."

"God bless the believers of snow worship!"

She clasped her hands together and prayed devoutly.

It seems that's all they can do now.

After all, they are never consulted on the arrangements of the border forces.

This order, and they can only obediently obey.

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