
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs


Zhang Yi moved the neighbors and asked them to go back to work wiping away tears.

Only Uncle You stayed. He walked up to Zhang Yi and looked at Zhang Yi suspiciously for a long time, as if he had never known Zhang Yi.

"When you look at me like this, do you think I have a young woman on my face?"

Zhang Yi asked with a smile.

Uncle You looked a little embarrassed and shook his head.

"No. I just think you are a little strange today, and you don't look like you in the past."

Zhang Yi knew what Uncle You was thinking.

There was a smile on his lips and his eyes slightly lowered.

"Don't you understand why I reached such a cooperation agreement with them?"

Uncle You nodded, "Indeed, I always feel that compromise is not like your past style."

That's enough food for 300 people every day!

It was very laborious just to transport Zhang Yi on a snowmobile.

And with so many people and so many mouths, how many supermarkets would have to be dug out of the snow to feed them?

Uncle You is very confused.

In his opinion, Zhang Yi is not a bad person, but he is definitely not a weak person who can be bullied, nor is he a kind lady who pities others.

Zhang Yi did not rush to explain, but glanced outside the door, pointed over there and said, "Is there anyone outside?"

Upon hearing this, Uncle You immediately went over to observe and made sure that no one was around before going back.

"There's no one here."

Zhang Yi nodded.

Some words must be kept secret and cannot be heard by outsiders.

Otherwise, all his hard work in using his acting skills to fool his neighbors would have been in vain.

Zhang Yi said to Uncle You: "Cooperating with them is just a temporary measure."

"I originally planned to call all the building captains over today and kill them all! By then, each unit building will be leaderless and will fall into chaos again."

"That way, I'll have a chance to defeat them one by one!"

"But today, they only sent five people over. Although they are the five most powerful building captains, killing them will not help. After all, the others have formed an alliance."

"Then I have to endure the murderous intention and show weakness to the enemy first, so that they think I dare not go against the people in 29 units at the same time, so I compromise with them."

Uncle You's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He gave Zhang Yi a thumbs up, "So that's what it looks like, that's right! I'm just saying, what you did before was not like your character!"

Zhang Yi nodded happily.

"Do you understand?"

Uncle You shook his head.

"Although I don't understand it, it seems to make sense."

Zhang Yi: "..."

He took a deep breath and rolled his eyes in his heart.

"Well, to put it simply, let them be paralyzed first. Then wait for them to reveal their flaws, and then deal with them!"

"And I also dug two big holes for them!"

When Zhang Yi said this, a devilish smile appeared on his lips.

Uncle You felt a little addicted and said hurriedly: "Tell me carefully!"

Zhang Yi glanced outside the door, pointed over there and said, "Go and see if there is anyone."

Uncle You thought Zhang Yi had seen the figure and rushed over.

After searching for a long time, I still didn't see anyone.

He came back a little confused and said to Zhang Yi: "I didn't see anyone!"

Zhang Yi said: "Oh, I didn't see it either. Just to confirm again! What if someone comes running over while we are talking?"

Uncle You: "..."

Zhang Yi cleared his throat, "Ahem, okay, let's continue."

"The first pit I dug for them was that the quantity of supplies was limited. There were only ten copies for each building!"

"In this way, the supplies in the future will definitely not be enough to eat. As the saying goes, if there is no change, there will be inequality. When I distribute food to them, everyone can see it."

"But after the building leaders of each building took the food back, they did not distribute it to everyone. What do you think will happen to each unit building at this time?"

Uncle You was smarter this time, "They will have civil strife!"

"Yes! It's civil strife!"

Zhang Yi nodded.

"Residents who can't get food will first gain hope and then fall into deeper despair! That kind of pain is worse than death!"

"Although they had no food before, everyone was starving at that time and no one had food. At least it was fair to everyone."

"Even if they die first, others will not be able to avoid the fate of freezing to death or starving to death."

The smile on Zhang Yi's lips became even thicker.

"But once they know that ten people in each building can get long-term and stable food and survive, do you think their mentality will remain the same?"

After Uncle You thought about it for a while, he suddenly felt creepy.

This method of playing with people's hearts is simply too cruel!

Give you hope first, then take it away completely.

Everyone must face death fairly, but some people use your sacrifice to gain hope of life!

This feeling of being trampled on, discriminated against, and treated differently can make people completely crazy!

Zhang Yi looked out the window. As the five building captains left, the people in other unit buildings also slowly dispersed.

Soon, brutal fighting and fighting will take place inside each unit building!

"People who are extremely desperate will forget the fear of death. You should also put a pillow on your back before you die!"

"That way, things will get interesting later."

Zhang Yi said with a smile.

Uncle You looked at Zhang Yi's calm and composed look, feeling both admiration and fear in his heart.

He was glad that he was not on the opposite side of Zhang Yi.

"Zhang Yi, you are so smart and scary!"

Uncle You said with emotion.

But Zhang Yi shook his head, his eyes still as calm as the ice and snow outside the window.

"No, although I have some wisdom, I don't think of myself as someone who is extremely smart and can play tricks on others with his mind."

"The reason why we are in this situation is just because I am more calm than them."

"I am well fed and clothed, and I can sleep soundly every day without worrying about food and temperature."

"I have powerful firepower in my hands and the confidence to fight them head-on. I have a solid fortress and I am not afraid of their threats."

"When these conditions come together, I won't be afraid or confused. On the contrary, they will be hesitant and have difficulty keeping their IQ online."

Speaking of this, Zhang Yi joked with Uncle You humorously.

"Even a world-class boxing champion would lose to me in the ring after being hungry for thirty days. Wouldn't he?"

Uncle You was stunned for a moment, "Have you been hungry for thirty days? Isn't that a dead person?"

Zhang Yi said confidently: "That's right! How can a dead man defeat me?"

When Uncle You first heard this, he thought it was a quibble, but after thinking about it carefully, he felt that it was really a wise saying.

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