
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Code saloon

The waitress had no idea who she was looking at.

Otherwise, she absolutely did not have the courage to come and stop Zhang Yi.

Some people are like this, with a little power in their hands, they like to embarrass others to the maximum extent.

After Zhang Yi walked out of the apartment building, there was a light snow outside, and the road was clean, without a few snowflakes.

Every day, people clean the road to make sure it is clear, so that traffic can be easy and the huge chariots can pass through.

Zhang Yi saw many fresh footprints on the road ahead, and knew that people like him had already gone out.

After all, among the forces of the twelve cities in the Jiangnan region, there are many people with special relationships such as Chen Jingguan.

Zhang Yi opened the satellite phone, there is a hundred miles Changqing to give him A map and orientation tips.

He followed the instructions above and headed towards Section a.



Office of the Commander in Chief, Blizzard City District.

Zhu was sitting on a chair in his office, and in front of him stood Tu Yunlie, the head of the war Department.

Tu Yunlie stood as straight as a javelin, his face buried deep under his high collar.

Zhu Zheng just listened to the report of Tu Yunlie, his face could not help but appear a touch of dignified meaning.

"What did you say? Out of the 13 cities we notified, only 12 of them have inhumans arrived? What about people in Linhai City? Why didn't they come?"

Tu Yunlie's muffled voice came out of his coat.

"According to the conductor's records, when the special train stopped at the Linhai station, no one appeared on the platform."

Zhu Zheng's face had a mixed look.

He unconsciously rubbed the fingers of his left hand with his right hand.

Instead of getting angry, he was keenly aware that something was wrong.

Linhai City, in the northeast of Tianhai City, is also a coastal city.

However, compared with Tianhai City, its prosperity and urban scale are much less.

According to the information of the Jiangnan region, the strength of the inhumans in Linhai City is not particularly strong.

They have six organizations of decent size, and neither individually nor collectively have the power to defy the will of the Gangnam region.

And in the face of the convening order of the Jiangnan region, they did not come to a person, this thing is very strange.

Are they crazy, dare to compete with the Jiangnan region?

This is obviously a remote possibility.

Zhu Zheng looked at Tu Yunlie and said earnestly, "Send someone to investigate this matter carefully!" Try to contact them and see if you can still get in touch."

Tu Yunlie immediately said: "We have communicated with them, but we have not received any response." But it is certain that they have received our message."

Smell words Zhu is more solemn face.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

Tu Yunlie said, "Let me send someone over to investigate." If they really dare to disobey the order, then simply destroy them!"

Zhu Zheng looked at Tu Yunlie, slowly nodded.

"Do as you say!"



Zhang Yi came to Area a according to the directions of the map.

All areas of Blizzard City are classified by level.

The living areas of each level were separated by thick walls, creating a natural hierarchy.

But here, the hierarchy depends more on what you can do for Blizzard City.

Although the walls are high, Zhang Yi can clearly feel that life behind the walls is much superior to that in Zone b.

This can be judged by the lighting.

After the end of the world, energy is very precious, and the light in Zone b, although bright, is only a light source for life.

Zone a is much richer, and the colorful light is like a rainbow, spreading out along the high wall.

Zhang Yi can guess that the life behind it is probably like the downtown area before the advent of the end times.

Not only can you enjoy the quality of life, but also many spiritual entertainment facilities.

However, there are more armed guards at the gate of Section a.

After they saw Zhang Yi, they immediately stopped him with a stiff face.

"Id, please!"

Zhang Yi open the communication equipment, the hundred miles Changqing issued his temporary pass to the other party verification.

After the gatekeeper's defense forces verified and confirmed, they immediately changed their attitude and asked Zhang Yi to go in very respectfully.

As members of the Defense Force, they are not qualified to live in Zone a.

Therefore, everyone who can enter the a zone is naturally envied by them.

Zhang Yi walked into the gate of Section a.

When I got to Zone a, the scene opened up.

The buildings are tall and colorful neon lights fill the streets.

Suddenly, he seemed to return to the bustling city of the past from the end times.

Although there are fewer pedestrians on the streets because of the cold weather, there are still some.

The roadside is a brightly lit shop in operation.

Zhang Yi thought of border Jun Wu once said, in the Blizzard city, there is indeed a bustling such as the streets before the end, this time, he really believed.

It's just that this kind of beauty only belongs to a few people.

Zhang Yi according to the map that hundred miles Changqing gave him, all the way to the door of the bar called password.

When he came here, he realized that the code Bar was different.

Around here are a number of modified snowmobiles, similar to the ones the border soldiers drive.

And the people who come in and out of here are mostly characters with a fierce air.

"You have to be a member of the investigation team if you're not a senior member of the Defense Force. Looks like this is some kind of veteran's club!"

But it's only natural that Baili Evergreen would like to visit places like this.

He was originally in the army.

Zhang Yi came to the door of the bar and was immediately blocked by two guards wearing black combat uniforms.

"Are you a member here?"

The Code bar is members-only, and most of the people who come here are familiar faces.

And they looked at Zhang Yi's face, so they stopped him for questioning.

Zhang Yi smiled and said, "Wait a minute!"

He then dialed the number of hundred Evergreen.

Baili Changqing just said: "You give them the phone."

Zhang Yi handed the phone to two guards, who took it and quickly turned respectful.

For them, being the leader of the investigation team is almost the pinnacle of their careers.

"Sorry Sir, I didn't know you were a friend of the guest of honor, please come in!"

Two guards respectfully gave way to Zhang Yi.

This also let Zhang Yi see that the status of 100 Li Changqing in the Blizzard city is not low.

No wonder he wanted to be captain so badly.

Sure enough, there are a lot of benefits, and the status has been promoted several levels.

Zhang Yi walked into the bar.

Immediately a waitress in a Burgundy uniform came to meet her.

"Excuse me, are you Mr. Zhang Yi? Captain Hundred asked me to show you the way."

Zhang Yi said faintly: "It is me."

The waitress smiled and turned. "Come with me, please!"

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