
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Cling to

On the outskirts of the Snow Worship Sect, the battle on the battlefield quickly entered a fierce stage.

There are no unnecessary bells and whistles. There is only one way for the zombies to attack, and that is to rely on numbers to pile them up!

An army of more than 200,000 zombies surrounded the entire Snow Worship Cult camp, launching fierce attacks from all directions!

The human camp relies on all the means they have to stop it.

Artillery fire, traps, supernatural powers, melee combat!

All methods have been used.

They knew they couldn't retreat. The entire formation was hollow. They were surrounded and there was no way out.

The only option is to fight to the death until Bian Junwu and others complete the beheading operation!

The battlefield is filled with flying flesh and blood!

The zombies were blown to pieces, but even with only half of their bodies left, they still roared and crawled forward.

Human soldiers rely on sophisticated weapons, and one person can replace hundreds of zombies.

But they will be overwhelmed by a large number of zombies if they are not careful.

Even if the zombies couldn't chew through his protective clothing, they could crush him to death just by sheer numbers.

Not to mention the giant rat that can break defenses.

Zhang Yi finished killing almost all the bronze-armored corpses on the high-rise building.

This kind of powerful sniper ability makes people feel more terrifying the more it is on the battlefield.

It can even be said that he alone shared at least 20% of the pressure of the coalition forces!

Otherwise, once those copper-armored corpses with astonishing defensive power join the battlefield, the human defense line will quickly collapse!

Twenty minutes passed in a flash.

The coalition forces retreated while fighting.

With each wave of retreat, a large number of traps will be prepared behind them, containing incendiary materials and explosives, which can eliminate a large wave of zombies.

The defensive circle is getting smaller and smaller, and the attrition rate has reached 30%!

Xiao Honglian gritted his teeth and contacted Bian Junwu.

"We can hardly hold on here! How are you doing over there?"

Bian Junwu said coldly: "We are about to find the Corpse King. If you persist for a while, the result will be there soon!"

After receiving this news, the coalition forces held on to a glimmer of hope and continued to hold on.

But Bian Junwu, who ended the conversation, was still outside and did not go deep underground at all.

He was still waiting for the large number of zombies lurking inside to appear.

In such a large-scale battle between zombies, the border army decided that the Corpse King was not willing to fail in this battle.

Therefore, as long as Zhang Yi and others persist long enough, the Corpse King will definitely send more zombies to support them.

They need to compete to see who can endure it better.

Moreover, it is impossible for the Corpse King to conclude that this is a trap.

As long as they give them a chance, the beheading of the seven Bian Junwu men can be carried out.


The battlefield ahead has become fierce!

Liang Yue, Uncle You, and Fatty Xu acted as a special operations team and provided support everywhere.

Fortunately, the dragon cry in Liang Yue's hand was made of Adamant metal, otherwise the zombies would have been killed long ago!

She was like a human-shaped storm, slashing through the zombies. Her raging swords danced wildly, and she could tear dozens of zombies into pieces with one slash!

Uncle You's defense is strong, but when facing a large number of zombies, he mainly relies on two huge Gatling cannons to kill them.

The only good news is that Zhang Yi and the others have plenty of ammunition.

But at this time, Fatty Xu played a huge role.

His [Fubuki] has a very strong overall ability, especially strong field control ability.

Although it is not as powerful as Wei Dinghai's [Ice and Snow Lord] in terms of stealth attack capabilities.

But in terms of field control, Wei Dinghai can't even compare to him.

This means that a ruler is short and an inch is long.

With his own strength, Fatty Xu was able to cover the corpses within a few kilometers with ice and snow, greatly slowing down their movement.

This also creates a good opportunity for others to kill zombies.

Although Zhang Yi's team is small in number, it is very active on the battlefield, and its role is not inferior to any other team, or even better!

In the blink of an eye, half an hour passed.

Every minute and every second is a huge torment, which once made people feel desperate.

But they had no way to retreat, so they turned into Death Apostles one by one and fought to the death with the zombie tide!

In such a crazy battle, the attack of the corpse group was slowly delayed.

Although their forward momentum remains unchanged, the smaller the circle the coalition shrinks, the more difficult it becomes for them to invade.

But at this time, ordinary believers in the church area began to suffer casualties.

No matter how tight the defensive circle is, some zombies will always slip through the net.

Moreover, no one still cares about the life and death of ordinary believers.

Although the Snow Worship Cult made preparations in advance and moved them to high-rise buildings and deep into the subway.

But these zombies and giant rats are extremely sensitive to the breath of living people.

A small number of zombies that passed through the defense line entered the hiding place of the Snow Worshipers.

There are no armed personnel with strong combat effectiveness here.

Three or four zombies can quickly kill an entire floor of believers!

Screams came one after another, and they struggled to run to the window and asked for help from the armed forces outside.

Xiao Honglian and others turned a deaf ear to their calls for help.

Because they have no ability to separate themselves for rescue, they can barely protect themselves.

Even people like Zheng Yixian could only lament, "Return to the Kingdom of God!"

Then he ignored them.

At this moment, it was already very difficult for them to block the group of corpses in front of them.

If we divide our troops to control the sporadic zombies at the back, the entire defense line will fall.

Zhang Yi saw the dozen zombies that slipped in.

He frowned slightly and hesitated, then turned his gun and sniped them to death one by one.

He is not very concerned about the life and death of the Snow Worshipers.

But now, large-scale unrest in the rear is absolutely not allowed.

If ordinary believers run around because of fear, it may affect the frontline fighting teams.

However, the number of zombies breaking through the defense line is increasing.

Because when we hit the back, we have entered the stage of hand-to-hand combat.

"It's been forty minutes, what's going on over there?"

Xiao Honglian and Xingtian were a little anxious.

We agreed to hold on for half an hour, but why are the zombies still attacking so fiercely now?

"There are also a lot of corpses underground. If you hold on for ten more minutes, we will finish them off in no time!"

The cold voice of Border Army Wu made Xiao Honglian and others a little annoyed.

But now, they can only choose to believe.

As the battle circle continues to shrink, the areas where ordinary believers hide can only be abandoned.

But this way, there is also an advantage.

Zombies are all targeting living people, and they are particularly sensitive to the scent of living people.

The place where a large number of believers gathered attracted most of the zombies to rush over.

In this way, the pressure on the combat troops will be greatly reduced.

It can even be said that from the beginning, these people were the bait in Bian Junwu's plan.

In order to complete the task of eliminating the zombies, everything can be sacrificed.

Screams resounded throughout the Snow Worship Cult.

Ordinary believers who have lost the protection of combat troops have no resistance at all in the face of the raging tide of corpses and rats.

Soon they became food for the corpses and rats.

Just when Zhang Yi breathed a sigh of relief and thought he could delay it for a while longer, Huahua next to him suddenly raised his ears alertly, whining and revealing his sharp fangs!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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