
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Besides, the original empty night

June 2046.

The temperature in Tianhai City becomes hot and dry in early summer.

The monsoon from the east coast does not dissipate the subtropical heat, but it brings moist air.

Summer always comes earlier in the south than in the north.

Even the autumn cicadas on the banyan tree are more diligent than those in the north, climbing up the treetops early and making people upset with the "cicada ~ cicada ~" cry.

The voice lingered outside the courtyard of the Theocratic church, impatient and slightly impatient.

It's like a group of people arguing in a hurry.

In a Japanese-style courtyard, a girl dressed in witch dress sits under the eaves, hands quietly at her sides, curiously looking at a green cicada on the treetop outside the courtyard.

As a saint of the Tenhai Branch of the Shinji Religion, Hara Kongnight was cultivated as a successor of the church from childhood to childhood.

Her parents claimed that she had some extraordinary ability.

So every member who joins the church is baptized and blessed by her.

When she was very young, she only thought the ritual was very funny.

Although she did not understand why the believers looked at her with such devotion, she did not hate the feeling of being respected and loved.

However, as she grew older, she began to realize that she did not have any special abilities.

The so-called blessing ceremony is only a way to comfort the believers, and even a tool for her parents to collect money.

Gradually, the original empty night became and no longer like this kind of thing.

She couldn't bear the way the church was looking at her.

It's like a drowning swimmer, grasping at a straw.

The growth of age has created a rebellious mood in her heart.

However, she could not resist her parents' demands.

Perhaps from the heart, she also enjoys this feeling of being respected and loved.

But if it becomes known that she is just an ordinary girl and not a saint with extraordinary abilities, she will lose all the identity and status that she has now, and the privileged life.

Therefore, the original empty night of adolescence has been confused in this comfort and remorse.

She kicked the clogs on her feet, and the white socks wrapped her feet tightly.

The Shinto religion originated in neon, so she always wore neon hexenbiest clothes.

Red and white clothing, with a conspicuous and eccentric flavor.

At least in Tianhai City, she rarely wears this dress to go out.

It was very noisy in the church behind us.

She didn't know what they were arguing about, because these people were always doing strange things.

So she went to the courtyard to breathe some fresh air.

But when I looked up, layers of white clouds in the air were moving slowly, like mountains, toward the head.

The air was dull.

The original empty night chest discomfort.

As if something were about to happen, she put her right hand to her chest and could feel her heart beating faster.

"Isn't it... Something bad happened?"

The original empty night soliloquy.

At that moment, the wooden door behind him "crashed" and was pushed open.

The original empty night suddenly turned back, and saw the elder of the religion of God, the Qin uncle who has been caring for her since childhood looked at her with a serious face.

"Saint, I have something to tell you. Just two hours ago, a plane flying the patriarch and his wife to Kyoto crashed over the East China Sea."


The original empty night in the mind as if something exploded in general, let her brain a blank.

She could not make out what the elder said afterwards.

Only the face of the Great Elder was more serious and cold than usual, and even his funny bald head looked like a cold stone.

In the summer of 2046, the life trajectory of the original empty night takes a huge turn.

From heaven to hell.



The funeral of Suizumo Hara and my wife Kamiko was held a month later.

None of their bodies were ever found.

However, with their death, Shinriism also ushered in a great crisis.

In the past, the original Suiyun couple, as the head and high priest, claimed to the congregation that as long as they believed in the doctrine of God, they could obtain happiness and avoid disaster.

Countless congregants indulge in the fantasies they weave.

There are despondents in life, patients with incurable diseases, families with wives and children seeking medical treatment...

In order to make an illusory promise, they donated all their property to the Shinto religion, and even cheated money from their relatives and friends to dedicate to them.

When the original Suiyun couple died, their dreams broke in an instant, and many people woke up and realized that they had been cheated.

At their funeral, the original empty night dressed all in black, kneeling in front of the spirit.

No one came to offer condolences, but angry members of the congregation ran over and hurled angry insults at the family.

What was once a friendly and gentle face has become a twisted and horrible one.

Only her childhood sweetheart Cheng Yixian, dressed in a black suit, stood firmly in front of her.

However, Cheng's strength alone is too weak.

Hundreds of angry parishioners at first insulted the family.

But soon enough, that sentiment turned violent!

They hit angrily in the original empty night home, and robbed everything they could.

Even some people have no place to vent their anger, rushed to kick over the original with the cloud couple's spiritual position.

The original empty night looked at all this in horror, and she cried and begged them not to do it.

"Please, take whatever you want. But leave the picture of my parents, please!"

See the original empty night begging appearance, those who felt the pleasure of revenge.

Someone slapped her in the face.

"You damned liar, your whole family, death a hundred times will not atone for your SINS!"

The original empty face in the middle of the night, but to protect the parents of the photo, it is dead in his arms.

Zheng Yixian stood in front of her and pleaded in a humble tone: "A night is innocent, if you have grievances, then vent to me." Leave her alone! She's a child."

Naturally, no one would refuse such a request.

Besides, the anger inside them was already burning, and there had to be somewhere to vent it.

As a result, Cheng was quickly knocked to the ground by a group of people, raining fists and feet on her body.

The original empty night holding a photo of her parents, a face of horror looking at this scene in front of her, she trembled, the body like chaff.

In the crowd, I don't know who suddenly reached for her hand.

"The debt of the father is paid by the son, and since you are still alive, you little liar must atone for all that your parents have done!"

Her mind went blank in the empty night, and she could only feel that her body quickly became cooler.

"Crackle -- crackle --"

She was thrown violently to the floor.

A thousand hands reached toward her body.

She had never felt this way before. The excessive stimulation made her mentally numb and her body even lost sensation.

All she knew was that every part of her body was like a million ants crawling.

She couldn't even open her mouth and shout for help.

At this moment, she is like a doll, being played by countless people.

The bald head that she used to love to touch, also climbed onto her body.


The original empty night once thought she was dead, but she survived after all.

But what about surviving?

She lost everything she owned.

During the two years she spent in a nursing home, she considered ending her life numerous times.

It was Cheng who stayed by her side and told her that everything was not her fault and that she was the best girl in the world.

But for the original empty night, this warmth is not enough to make up for the huge hole in the heart.

"Oh, Cheng Yixian, don't you think the world is too dirty?"

Original empty night sitting in a wheelchair looking out of the window of the snow, light to Zheng Yixian said.

"If there are gods, why not cleanse the world?"

Zheng Yixian came over and knelt slowly in front of her, his eyes full of pity and sincerity.

But cannot answer the question of the original empty night.

The original empty night weak smile.

"Yes, there are no gods in this world. It's just a matter of human self - making."

"My parents are liars who play with the hearts of men, the followers of Theocracy are greedy and ignorant believers, and even I... And a cowardly, manipulative doll."

Her face was suddenly bright.

"There's no such thing as human beings in this world."

Ms. Cheng took her cold hand and silently comforted her.

But the snow was getting bigger and bigger and never stopped.


The snow disaster came without warning.

As the snow continued to fall, it seemed as if it would never end, the world finally became chaotic and full of cries of despair.

Can the original empty night does not feel fear, she even some joy.

Because, the gods finally heard her voice, to purify this world full of ugly!

In the last days, the ugly side of human nature is exposed vividly.

She has seen children abandon their parents for food; A husband and wife who live under the same roof must keep a knife under their pillow every day.

Original empty night happy smile.

She thought she was going to die in this cleansed world.

The last days came, chaos everywhere, weak she and Cheng Yixian also separated.

She should have died.

But just as she was about to die of hunger and cold, a special voice suddenly sounded in her heart.

She awakens a power called Death Return.

It's like having an extra arm and automatically understanding what it does.

A light finally appeared in the hollow eyes of the original empty night.

This, is not the God to give her guidance?

This must be her mission as an apostle of God.

To bless others, to claim the power of the unfaithful, and finally to grow into God, to punish all filth in the world!

She thought about what had happened in the chapel that day.

If she had been strong enough, none of this would have happened.

Man, if he wants to change the world, he must be strong enough to overthrow everything!

The original empty night survived.

Her life is no longer confused.

She was willing to sacrifice everything in order to accomplish the goal God had given her.

The first person she killed was a nun named Chen Rou.

In the cold last days, Chen Rou adopted many orphans and victims in St. John's Cathedral.

Provide them with food and medicine, and comfort them with hope to survive in the last days.

Chen Rou is like a lighthouse in the apocalypse, bringing warmth to many people, including the original empty night that once nearly died.

Because she has a power, a gift from the Lord.

Anyone she touched with her hands, any physical pain would be healed, any mental discomfort would be soothed.

The original empty night at her side, feel the long lost warmth.

Chen Rou is a true believer, with a devout heart and a motherly goodness.

The original empty night needs her power.

It is the best power to call upon the fools in the last days.

So she took advantage of Chen Rou's unpreparedness, tricked her into using ice, and then killed her with a sharp kitchen knife.

Everything is for the will of the gods, everything is expendable.

"Sister Chen Rou, you will forgive me, right?"

She covered her cheeks with her blood-stained hands, and two lines of muddy tears ran through her fingers.

Chen Rou's death made many people feel sad and upset.

But soon the original empty night appeared, showing himself and Chen Rou general no two ability.

As a result, Chen Rou was soon forgotten.

They were so cold and hungry that only their minds could see right in front of them.

So they quickly knelt at the feet of the empty night.

The rudiments of snow worship began to appear from this moment.

At first, Hara was reluctant to accept male believers.

Because of that, it made her reject any man from the bottom of her heart.

She thinks men are dirty, dirty pigs who only act on their desires.

Let her not touch it, not even look at it.

The way any man looked at her made her think of that night of pain that seemed to last forever.

However, when Cheng found her, everything had subtly changed.

When Zheng Yixian found the original empty night, he looked like a wild dog that lost his home. Omega omega w.. net

But when he saw the empty night, the joy in his eyes was like the brightest stars.

"Night, it's good to see you're okay!"

Can the original empty night back to him, only cold eyes.

"You go!"

She turned him down coldly.

As if to carry out the faith in her heart, she would not allow any loosening of her heart.

She would instinctively reject anyone and anything that might change her.

"Why?" she asked in horror. Did I do something wrong that made you hate me? I know, after the snow came, it was my fault to lose you."

"But forgive me! My life would have no meaning without you."

The original empty night frowns, in order to let the man who will let his heart shake leave, she said: "I hate all men in this world!" So, you better stay away from me, as far away as possible!"

Ms. Cheng was on the verge of breaking down.

He smiled bitterly: "In the past you in neon, I in the sea, thousands of kilometers away, I send you a message every day, at that time I think you are beside me."

"But now you are in front of me, and I feel as if you are on the horizon."

So, how far is too far?

Once two hearts are separated, it is the ends of the earth.

The original empty night did not answer him, just cold left.

But the next day, Ms. Cheng found him again.

His body was covered with blood, and he looked weak and dying.

But he looked at the empty night with a smile on his lips.

"You hate men, but I don't anymore. So I would never hurt you."

"Now, can I stay with you?"

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