
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Beheading operation

"According to the information provided by each of them, the number of zombies dispatched each time is limited. At the highest point, there were only tens of thousands of zombies."

"Obviously, the number of zombies that the Corpse King can control at the same time is also capped. Or it may not be able to transform corpses into zombies as fast as expected."

"And we can take advantage of the zombie tide to attack the Yangsheng base and attack the zombie base camp. As long as we can kill the zombie king, the zombies' actions will become disordered."

"The threat of disordered zombies will also be greatly reduced."

In the car, Ye Jikang looked at the computer and analyzed the current information for everyone.

It was dark at night, so they didn't turn on the lights and stayed far away from the corpses to avoid being discovered by them.

The battle was raging in the distance, and the battle between the Yangsheng base and the zombies became more intense. The screams, roars of corpses, and the screams of the rats were endless.

But the seven people didn't care.

Having experienced the battlefield, they have long since tempered their hearts to become as cold as iron.

They will not forget their core mission because of sympathy.

Or maybe, they don't have much sympathy for those people.

Bian Junwu said to everyone: "Be prepared for battle. According to Zhang Yi, there must be a large number of bronze-armored corpses underground. There are also corpse kings with unknown abilities."

Wu Di clenched his fists loudly.

He said with a smile: "Boss, what threat can this kind of dead thing pose to us? Not to mention that the underground is empty now."

"You don't need to take action then, I can take care of them all by myself!"

Baili Changqing sighed.

He looked helplessly at the young and energetic Wu Di and raised his eyebrows.

"Wu Di, we are not here to fight this time!"

"No matter how many zombies you kill, it's meaningless if you let the Corpse King run away. Remember this, don't indulge in entanglements with things other than the Corpse King."

Wu Di's expression froze, and he stretched out his hand to scratch the back of his head.

"Sorry, sorry, I forgot about this!"

Ten minutes later, they arrived at the subway entrance where zombies were pouring out.

There are no traces of zombies around, they have already gone to Yangsheng base.

Seven people got out of the car, and Bian Junwu already held a black pistol in his hand.

Its shape is a bit strange, the barrel is larger and longer, and it is dark without any reflection.

The other people's weapons are similar. They are all strange-looking firearms.

Only Evergreen, he did not use a gun, but opened the huge box he carried with him and took out two weapons from it.

He skillfully assembled the weapon and turned it into a weird spear over two meters long!

The head of the gun is very long, like a huge cone.

This is a very rare knight's spear, which was eliminated from the battlefield hundreds of years ago.

Its size is extremely large and its weight is terrifying. It can only be used in conjunction with cavalry charges.

It is difficult for infantry to use this kind of weapon flexibly.

But this huge weapon is very comprehensive whether it is used as a blunt weapon to smash, sweep, and chop, or as a sharp weapon to stab.

It can be said that it is most suitable for the strengthening system, especially for extremely powerful aliens.

Among the seven people, only Wu Di had his hands in his pockets and did not hold any weapons at all.

The seven people came to the entrance of the tunnel and went down in no hurry.

Meng Siyu walked to the entrance of the tunnel and slowly squatted down.

Her right hand was placed vacantly above the entrance.

"Empty photo!"

An invisible spiritual force explores down along the entrance of the tunnel.

This force travels along the wall. When it encounters a fork, it splits into two and continues to explore.

After dozens of seconds, Meng Siyu put away her right hand and said to everyone:

"There are still some zombies in the tunnel, but no special individuals have been found."

Meng Siyu's ability can only cover a range of two kilometers.

In other words, the Corpse King is still hiding deep in the tunnel.

Bian Junwu said decisively: "Go down!"

With that said, he held the gun in his right hand and jumped into the tunnel first.

The others jumped after him without hesitation.

The seven people moved quickly along the tunnel. With Meng Siyu's ability, they could clearly judge the terrain and the number of zombies and giant rats in the dark.

Baili Changqing walked at the front of the team.

The sporadic zombies he encountered along the way were smashed to pieces by him with his knight's spear.

After walking for 5 kilometers, Meng Siyu suddenly said:

"Found it! There are a large number of corpses ahead, this should be their lair!"

In her consciousness, she saw densely packed zombies, the number of which was even greater than those outside!

Among this group of zombies, she also saw the kind of bronze-armored zombies whose fighting power was comparable to that of aliens.

Bian Junwu's expression condensed, "Have you found the Corpse King?"

Meng Siyu frowned, mentally searching among the corpses.

"The Corpse King..."

There are so many zombies underground that it is difficult to identify them one by one.

Meng Siyu subconsciously looked for bigger and stronger beings, but except for the bronze armored corpse, there were no zombies with other obvious characteristics.

But suddenly, she saw an unusual color.

"I only found one white-haired monkey."

Bian Junwu: "White-haired monkey?"

He said without hesitation: "Let's get rid of them first! It's best to catch them alive."

No one has seen the Corpse King, and the existence itself is just a guess.

So it could look like anything, even an ordinary zombie with an ordinary appearance.

The only thing Bian Junwu could judge was that since the Corpse King wanted to command the battle, he couldn't be too far away from the corpse group.

This point is proved by Zhang Yi's underground trip.

Although Zhang Yi did not see the Corpse King.

But that time, they were lured into an open area by the zombie group's trick, and then they were surrounded by a large number of zombies and bronze-armored corpses.

If Zhang Yi didn't have the ability to travel through space, it would be dangerous even underground.

But Zhang Yi could conclude that that time, the Corpse King must have been nearby, commanding the corpses to attack.

Then, there is no doubt that the Zombie King is among that group of zombies.

As for whether it's the white-haired monkey, we'll find out later if we catch it!

The seven people ran quickly towards the group of zombies at extremely fast speeds!

As they move forward, they formulate a battle plan while arming themselves.

"Baili, Wu Di, clean up the corpses!"

"Xiao Meng, please monitor the corpse group to see if there are any abnormal individuals. Notify me in time!"

"Others are responsible for capturing the Corpse King together with me!"

Everyone said in unison: "Yes!"

Soon, following Meng Siyu's guidance, they arrived at the place where zombies gathered.

The group of corpses discovered them and immediately let out a menacing roar.

Baili Changqing laughed loudly: "You all have to die again!"

He waved the knight's spear in his hand and rushed directly towards the group of corpses like a humanoid tank!


In an instant, hundreds of zombies were swept away, stinky blood sprayed out like rain, broken limbs and zombie heads were thrown high!

All of a sudden, Baili Changqing cleared the crowded corpses into a passage dozens of meters long!

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