
The world is frozen: I built a doomsday fortress

The world has entered an ice age, the Ice Apocalypse has come, and 95% of the human population on the planet has died! In the last life, Zhang Yi was killed by the people he helped because of his kindness. Reborn one month before the Ice Apocalypse, Zhang Yi awakened his space powers and started hoarding supplies crazily! Lack of supplies? He directly emptied a super shopping mall's warehouse worth tens of billions! Are you feeling uncomfortable? He built a super safe house worthy of a doomsday fortress!

MrQiannian · Fantasy
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620 Chs

Attack shelter

Shen Hong and more waves and others searched the scene, the heart has a very bad hunch.

Because there was no blood left on the scene, it was too cleaned up.

There are only two possibilities.

Or Xie Huanhuan and Liu Ziyang were captured alive.

Either that, or both men were killed, and the other did not leave the battlefield until he had skillfully cleaned it.

Either way, it's not good news for them.

At this time, a soldier found the track left by the snowmobile during the search and ran over to report the matter to the two people.

"Head, I found the mark of the snowmobile!"

Shen Hong and Yu Lang looked at each other, "Go, go and look!"

Two people followed the past to see, sure enough, found on the snow was not completely covered by the snow snowmobile track prints.

Two people in the heart of a sudden joy.

"Just follow this and you'll find the house of the man who did it!"

"Without delay, let's hurry over before the trail is completely covered with snow!"

Immediately, the two men gathered all the soldiers and followed the track of the snowmobile by sleigh.

The trail is as clear as a signpost in the snow, where human sightings are rare.

It was not long before they were outside Yunque Manor.


Shen Hong ordered everyone to stop outside the farm, then tied up the sled dogs.

"The man must live on the estate. Everyone spread out in small groups of three and follow the footprints on the ground."

Without words, the tacit understanding formed over the years let them immediately form a battle formation, carefully holding firearms slowly forward.

The road by which they came happened to be the one leading to the west door of the farm, not the one to the south.

Therefore, the traps on the road are relatively complete and have not been used.

When Zhang Yi came back, he could not leave deep and shallow footprints on the ground, directly pointing to Villa 101.

The soldiers at the West Hill base cautiously followed their steps.

Suddenly, one of the soldiers stepped on something.

He quickly lifted his feet to see what was underneath but couldn't help laughing.


The others looked over.

I saw him pull a pegboard from the bottom of his thick army boots.

"In what age do we still have traps like this?"

The soldier held the pegboard and smiled playfully.

His colleagues around him could not help smiling.

The soldier laughed and said, "It seems that the enemy we are facing this time is not very good at fighting."

Shen Hong saw that some clumsy trap, the expression is also eased a lot.

But he said: "Be careful, after all, the other side defeated two of our soldiers!"

However, Shen Hong himself also knows that Xie Huanhuan is not a fighting inhuman.

If there were many hidden in the manor, it would indeed be possible to subdue them by superior numbers and weapons.

But this time, they came with thirty armed warriors, and two leaders of the inhuman transformation!

It can't fail!

The soldiers continued to advance, and someone stepped on a nail, but the nail was buried for a long time, and the snow gradually hardened, and the damage became much weaker.

They're wearing special forces boots, which are so puncture proof they can't hurt the soles of their feet.

Everyone talked and laughed, but took this as a joke to look at it, and could not help but relax their vigilance.

Just then, as one of the soldiers advanced, there was a slight resistance to his leg.

Steel wires buried in the snow were touched, and the pull of a grenade was torn off.

He looked down with a slight sense.


A grenade exploded under his feet!

The soldier was immediately thrown out.

The members of the rescue team were shocked!

Shen Hong and Yu Lang came together to see that the soldier's face was as red as pig's liver, and the blood in his mouth had spilled out.

"Xu Wei!!"

Shen Hong cried out his name in grief.

Although Xu Wei was fully armed, the grenade exploded in front of him, and the powerful impact made him suffer serious internal injuries.

Someone came and tried to resuscitate him.

But trauma is easy to treat, internal injury is the most difficult!

They don't have a medic with them, and it's too late to even go back with a man.

Someone took out his own adrenaline to give him life, but it was in vain, after a while, Xu Wei spit blood, and then died at the scene.

Everyone's eyes were red.

After the last days, the relationship between these old comrade-in-arms has become closer and closer, and they are all brothers of life!

How could they not hate seeing their brother die before their eyes?

'Damned scum!

"Someone swore through gritched teeth, while glaring at Villa 101 ahead with a rifle.

The footsteps did not disappear until here, and there was no doubt that the murderer lived in this house!

Someone grabbed a gun and started shooting at the shelter!

But the bullet hit the wall, the glass, like a toy gun bullet, did not leave a trace!

There wasn't even a white spot on the glass.

But a series of noises outside had alarmed the men in the house.

Zhang Yi just came up from the basement, heard the sound of grenades and the sound of rifles, he suddenly realized that the people of the Xishan organization came over!

Inside the living room, Zhou Ke and Yang Mi nervously looked out of the window.

In the distance, they saw a group of men in white combat uniforms firing guns.

Zhang Yi shouted at the shelter's artificial intelligence, "Turn on the optical protection!"

"Copy that! It has been opened."

As soon as the sound stopped, the glass of the entire shelter became one-way, only the inside could see out, and the outside looked in and was completely dark.

This function has not been used by Zhang Yi before, because it will slightly affect the lighting in the room.

But now he was facing a real army, and there was no room for carelessness.

Zhang Yi walked to the window, looked at the dozens of people outside, and muttered: "Finally there is a decent opponent."

"This is also good, if I do not have to face such professional soldiers, I need such a high-end shelter is not wasted?"

He glanced back at the nervous Zhou Ke and Yang Mi, smiled and said, "If you are afraid, you can go to the basement and stay there."

Zhou Ke smell speech, micro frown frown suddenly stretch.

She walked to Zhang Yi and said with a smile: "We all came together in the wind and waves, what do I have to be afraid of?"

With Zhang Yi around, she is not afraid of anything.

Because she knew this man wouldn't fight a war for which he wasn't prepared.

Yangmi also summon up the courage to go to the side of Zhang Yi, looking outside the intensive gun fire.

"We are one now, and we must face any danger together!"

"She said with a firm look.

Zhang Yi smiled faintly: "Dangerous? You're exaggerating too much."

He squinted out the window and folded his arms confidently.

"These people alone are not qualified!"

He could see that none of these men were carrying heavy firepower.

Just some rifles or grenades.

There was no need for Zhang Yi to go down.

They won't be able to break through this shelter for a year alone!

"Bring me a chair."

Zhang Yi let the outside world bullets whistling, but calmly commanded Yangmi to give him a chair, and then sat at the window, crossed legs, leisurely looking at their attack.

This calm, let Yang Mi and Zhou Ke heart worship unceasingly.

Even if they know that the Windows are specially made and can withstand even a large blast, facing a dense barrage of fire will still give them a fright.

At this time, the rescue team outside also found something wrong.

"This is... What kind of house is this? It feels like a fortress!"

"We've been shooting for so long, not to mention breaking doors and Windows, not even a piece of glass has been broken!"

A group of soldiers are facing an enemy, and they know that they are in for a hard time!

Shen Hong and Yu wave looked at each other.

Shen Hong said: "This time the opponent is not simple! I now have full confidence that these people are capable of capturing and even killing both Xie Huanhuan and Liu Ziyang."

Yu Lang gave a sneer and looked at the one-way glass with cold eyes.

"Isn't that right? What are we doing here? I just came to save people!"

"The task assigned to us by the organization must be fulfilled! And, for killing our brothers, let them die!"

If Zhang Yi heard this sentence, he would yell innocent.

I don't give a damn if your people set off the mines themselves!

Shen Hong ordered everyone to stop the pointless shooting.

"Watch out for other traps around! Get rid of the trap first!"

He doesn't want another one of his own.

A group of soldiers immediately put on tactical eyepieces and began clearing mines.

If they hadn't been careless in the first place, they wouldn't have been killed by grenades.

The modern army has a complete Arsenal of means for handling explosives.

Soon, hidden in the snow grenades were found by them.

Not only the grenade, but also the detonating anti-tank mine that Zhang Yi buried deeply was found!

But the pity is - can be found, but not necessarily can be eliminated.

When they found the mine, Zhang Yi rang the remote control in her hand.

This mine is not as powerful as a hand grenade.

The two closest soldiers were blown straight away, even if they were wearing the most advanced military technology combat uniforms, their limbs were blown apart!

Not only them, but three other people nearby were also thrown by the shock wave.

By the time the others tried to come to the rescue, several people had severe internal injuries, and their internal organs were even shattered!

Shen Hong's eyes were almost bleeding.

"Who the hell is he, and why does he have something we only have in our army?"

He hates!

These soldiers are the best of the best, if the information is sufficient, no one will die so miserable!

Unfortunately, now in the Ice Age, many high-tech weapons and equipment can not be used, so that they have an empty ability, but can only return to the way of fighting a century ago.

This feeling of oppression, let Shen Hong gas want to vomit blood!

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